Dr. Baowei Fei was granted another U.S. patent for detecting cardiovascular diseases

A method is provided that comprises receiving a first digital radiography (DR) image of at least a portion of a body of a patient, receiving a second DR image of the at least a portion of a body of a patient, the first DR image being captured at a different energy level than the second DR image, and determining common control point locations for both the first and second DR images. The method further comprises generating an optimized DR image by moving portions of a selected one of the first and second DR images with its associated control points to locations that correspond to similar portions of the other of the first and second DR images, applying deformable transformation to one of the first and second DR images and performing a log subtraction on the first and second DR image to generate a dual-energy digital radiography (DEDR) image. – April 2013

Fei B, Gilkeson R, “Systems and methods for generating images for identifying diseases”, United States Patent , No. 8,422,757 Full Text