Dr. Zhiqiang Tian at QBIL won the Second Place for the MICCAI PROMISE12 Challenge
The MICCAI ‘Prostate MR Image Segmentation Challenge (PROMISE12) is to compare interactive and (semi)-automatic segmentation algorithms for MRI of the prostate. The results of the challenge were presented in conjunction with a live challenge, evaluating the algorithms on unseen data. Eighteen teams (research groups, companies, etc.) who are developing a segmentation algorithm registered and downloaded multi-center, multi-vendor training data from the PROMISE12 website to train their algorithms. Test data were also be supplied. The segmentation results of the algorithms on the test data were submitted through the website, including a short paper explaining the algorithm. The segmentations were automatically evaluated against the reference standard. The results of the algorithms were then ranked and shown in the results section of the website. Among the 18 research teams from the international community, the QBIL team from Emory University won the second place for this MICCAI PROMISE12 Challenge.– July 2015
For more information about the MICCAI PROMISE12 Challenge, please visit: http://promise12.grand-challenge.org/details