Research paper was recognized as the Editor’s Choice Article from the MDPI Sensors

The research on hyperspectral imaging and image guided surgery was recoconized by the editor of MDPI Sensors as the Editor’s Choice Article. The full citation of the paper is listed as: Fabelo, H.; Halicek, M.; Ortega, S.; Shahedi, M.; Szolna, A.; Piñeiro, J.F.; Sosa, C.; O’Shanahan, A.J.; Bisshopp, S.; Espino, C.; Márquez, M.; Hernández, M.; Carrera, D.; Morera, J.; Callico, G.M.; Sarmiento, R.; Fei, B. Deep Learning-Based Framework for In Vivo Identification of Glioblastoma Tumor using Hyperspectral Images of Human Brain. Sensors 201919, 920.