Key: PMID- 38581979, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- Publisher, Value:
Key: LR - 20240406, Value:
Key: IS - 1879-0003 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0141-8130 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 266, Value:
Key: IP - Pt 2, Value:
Key: DP - 2024 Apr 5, Value:
Key: TI - Corrigendum to "In-situ visualizing selective lignin dissolution of tracheids, Value:
Key: wall in reaction wood" [Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 222 (Part A) (1 December 2022), Value:
Key: 691-700]., Value:
Key: PG - 131353, Value:
Key: LID - S0141-8130(24)02158-5 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.131353 [doi], Value:
Key: FAU - Dai, Linxin, Value:
Key: AU - Dai L, Value:
Key: AD - Key Lab of Bamboo and Rattan Science & Technology, International Center for, Value:
Key: Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Jiajun, Value:
Key: AU - Wang J, Value:
Key: AD - Key Lab of Bamboo and Rattan Science & Technology, International Center for, Value:
Key: Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Xing-E, Value:
Key: AU - Liu XE, Value:
Key: AD - Key Lab of Bamboo and Rattan Science & Technology, International Center for, Value:
Key: Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Qianli, Value:
Key: AU - Ma Q, Value:
Key: AD - Key Lab of Bamboo and Rattan Science & Technology, International Center for, Value:
Key: Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Benhua, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Key Lab of Bamboo and Rattan Science & Technology, International Center for, Value:
Key: Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Jianfeng, Value:
Key: AU - Ma J, Value:
Key: AD - Key Lab of Bamboo and Rattan Science & Technology, International Center for, Value:
Key: Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing 100102, China. Electronic address:, Value:
Key: FAU - Jin, Zhi, Value:
Key: AU - Jin Z, Value:
Key: AD - Research Institute of Wood Industry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091,, Value:
Key: China. Electronic address:, Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Published Erratum, Value:
Key: DEP - 20240405, Value:
Key: PL - Netherlands, Value:
Key: TA - Int J Biol Macromol, Value:
Key: JT - International journal of biological macromolecules, Value:
Key: JID - 7909578, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: EFR - Int J Biol Macromol. 2022 Dec 1;222(Pt A):691-700. PMID: 36174859, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2024/04/07 03:43, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2024/04/07 03:43, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2024/04/06 18:13, Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/04/07 03:43 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/04/07 03:43 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/04/06 18:13 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - S0141-8130(24)02158-5 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.131353 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - aheadofprint, Value:
Key: SO - Int J Biol Macromol. 2024 Apr 5;266(Pt 2):131353. doi:, Value:
Key: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.131353., Value:
Key: PMID- 38569895, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- Publisher, Value:
Key: LR - 20240403, Value:
Key: IS - 2059-8696 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2059-8688 (Linking), Value:
Key: DP - 2024 Apr 3, Value:
Key: TI - Intelligent cholinergic white matter pathways algorithm based on U-net reflects, Value:
Key: cognitive impairment in patients with silent cerebrovascular disease., Value:
Key: LID - svn-2023-002976 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1136/svn-2023-002976 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The injury of the cholinergic white matter pathway, Value:
Key: underlies cognition decline in patients with silent cerebrovascular disease (SCD), Value:
Key: with white matter hyperintensities (WMH) of vascular origin. However, the, Value:
Key: evaluation of the cholinergic white matter pathway is complex with poor, Value:
Key: consistency. We established an intelligent algorithm to evaluate WMH in the, Value:
Key: cholinergic pathway. METHODS: Patients with SCD with WMH of vascular origin were, Value:
Key: enrolled. The Cholinergic Pathways Hyperintensities Scale (CHIPS) was used to, Value:
Key: measure cholinergic white matter pathway impairment. The intelligent algorithm, Value:
Key: used a deep learning model based on convolutional neural networks to achieve WMH, Value:
Key: segmentation and CHIPS scoring. The diagnostic value of the intelligent algorithm, Value:
Key: for moderate-to-severe cholinergic pathway injury was calculated. The correlation, Value:
Key: between the WMH in the cholinergic pathway and cognitive function was analysed., Value:
Key: RESULTS: A number of 464 patients with SCD were enrolled in internal training and, Value:
Key: test set. The algorithm was validated using data from an external cohort, Value:
Key: comprising 100 patients with SCD. The sensitivity, specificity and area under the, Value:
Key: curve of the intelligent algorithm to assess moderate and severe cholinergic, Value:
Key: white matter pathway injury were 91.7%, 87.3%, 0.903 (95% CI 0.861 to 0.952) and, Value:
Key: 86.5%, 81.3%, 0.868 (95% CI 0.819 to 0.921) for the internal test set and, Value:
Key: external validation set. for the. The general cognitive function, execution, Value:
Key: function and attention showed significant differences among the three groups of, Value:
Key: different CHIPS score (all p<0.05). DISCUSSION: We have established the first, Value:
Key: intelligent algorithm to evaluate the cholinergic white matter pathway with good, Value:
Key: accuracy compared with the gold standard. It helps more easily assess the, Value:
Key: cognitive function in patients with SCD., Value:
Key: CI - © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2024. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No, Value:
Key: commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Beini, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology, Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University, Shanghai, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cheng, Yu, Value:
Key: AU - Cheng Y, Value:
Key: AD - Fudan University Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-inspired, Value:
Key: Intelligence, Shanghai, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Ying, Value:
Key: AU - Liu Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology, Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University, Shanghai, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Guangzheng, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang G, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology, Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University, Shanghai, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ge, Anyan, Value:
Key: AU - Ge A, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology, Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University, Shanghai, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Luo, Junyi, Value:
Key: AU - Luo J, Value:
Key: AD - Fudan University Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-inspired, Value:
Key: Intelligence, Shanghai, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wu, Shan, Value:
Key: AU - Wu S, Value:
Key: AD - The Affiliated Hospital of Guizhou Medical University, Guiyang, Guizhou, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, He, Value:
Key: AU - Wang H, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-2053-9439, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology, Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University, Shanghai, China, Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: AD - Fudan University Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-inspired, Value:
Key: Intelligence, Shanghai, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ding, Jing, Value:
Key: AU - Ding J, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-5135-4210, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology, Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University, Shanghai, China, Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Xin, Value:
Key: AU - Wang X, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology, Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University, Shanghai, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20240403, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - Stroke Vasc Neurol, Value:
Key: JT - Stroke and vascular neurology, Value:
Key: JID - 101689996, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Cerebrovascular Disorders, Value:
Key: OT - Cognitive Dysfunction, Value:
Key: OT - Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Value:
Key: COIS- Competing interests: None declared., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2024/04/04 00:42, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2024/04/04 00:42, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2024/04/03 21:23, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/11/10 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/06 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/04/04 00:42 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/04/04 00:42 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/04/03 21:23 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - svn-2023-002976 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1136/svn-2023-002976 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - aheadofprint, Value:
Key: SO - Stroke Vasc Neurol. 2024 Apr 3:svn-2023-002976. doi: 10.1136/svn-2023-002976., Value:
Key: PMID- 38538804, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20240329, Value:
Key: LR - 20240329, Value:
Key: IS - 1559-131X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1357-0560 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 41, Value:
Key: IP - 5, Value:
Key: DP - 2024 Mar 27, Value:
Key: TI - YWHAG promotes colorectal cancer progression by regulating the CTTN-Wnt/β-catenin, Value:
Key: signaling axis., Value:
Key: PG - 100, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1007/s12032-024-02349-x [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Colorectal cancer (CRC) ranks as the third most prevalent cancer type globally., Value:
Key: Nevertheless, the fundamental mechanisms driving CRC progression remain, Value:
Key: ambiguous, and the prognosis for the majority of patients diagnosed at an, Value:
Key: advanced stage is dismal. YWHA/14-3-3 proteins serve as central nodes in several, Value:
Key: signaling pathways and are closely related to tumorigenesis and progression., Value:
Key: However, their exact roles in CRC are still poorly elucidated. In this study, we, Value:
Key: revealed that YWHAG was the most significantly upregulated member of the, Value:
Key: YWHA/14-3-3 family in CRC tissues and was associated with a poor prognosis., Value:
Key: Subsequent phenotypic experiments showed that YWHAG promoted the proliferation,, Value:
Key: migration, and invasion of CRC cells. Mechanistically, RNA-seq data showed that, Value:
Key: multiple signaling pathways, including Wnt and epithelial-mesenchymal transition,, Value:
Key: were potentially regulated by YWHAG. CTTN was identified as a YWHAG-associated, Value:
Key: protein, and mediated its tumor-promoting functions by activating the, Value:
Key: Wnt/β-catenin signaling in CRC cells. In summary, our data indicate that YWHAG, Value:
Key: facilitates the proliferation, migration, and invasion of CRC cells by modulating, Value:
Key: the CTTN-Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway, which offers a novel perspective for, Value:
Key: the treatment of CRC., Value:
Key: CI - © 2024. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business, Value:
Key: Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Yuanben, Value:
Key: AU - Wang Y, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cao, Yulin, Value:
Key: AU - Cao Y, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Ying, Value:
Key: AU - Chen Y, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cheng, Han, Value:
Key: AU - Cheng H, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Zhiang, Value:
Key: AU - Liu Z, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Mengna, Value:
Key: AU - Wang M, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Feng, Yuyang, Value:
Key: AU - Feng Y, Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bojian, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of, Value:
Key: Jiangnan University, 1000 He Feng Road, Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cui, Kaisa, Value:
Key: AU - Cui K, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Zhaohui, Value:
Key: AU - Huang Z, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - 82173063/National Natural Science Foundation of China/, Value:
Key: GR - ZDXK2021002/Wuxi Medical Key Discipline/, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20240327, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Med Oncol, Value:
Key: JT - Medical oncology (Northwood, London, England), Value:
Key: JID - 9435512, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (beta Catenin), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (CTTN protein, human), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Cortactin), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (YWHAG protein, human), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (14-3-3 Proteins), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - *beta Catenin/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Wnt Signaling Pathway, Value:
Key: MH - *Colorectal Neoplasms/genetics/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Prognosis, Value:
Key: MH - Carcinogenesis, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Line, Tumor, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Proliferation, Value:
Key: MH - Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Movement, Value:
Key: MH - Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition, Value:
Key: MH - Cortactin/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - 14-3-3 Proteins/metabolism, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - 14-3-3, Value:
Key: OT - CTTN, Value:
Key: OT - Colorectal cancer, Value:
Key: OT - Wnt/β-catenin, Value:
Key: OT - YWHAG, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2024/03/28 06:44, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2024/03/29 06:45, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2024/03/28 00:28, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/12/07 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/02/27 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/29 06:45 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/28 06:44 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/28 00:28 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1007/s12032-024-02349-x [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1007/s12032-024-02349-x [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Med Oncol. 2024 Mar 27;41(5):100. doi: 10.1007/s12032-024-02349-x., Value:
Key: PMID- 38517349, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20240402, Value:
Key: IS - 1936-086X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1936-0851 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 18, Value:
Key: IP - 13, Value:
Key: DP - 2024 Apr 2, Value:
Key: TI - Perovskite Nanocrystals Induced Core-Shell Inorganic-Organic Nanofibers for, Value:
Key: Efficient Energy Harvesting and Self-Powered Monitoring., Value:
Key: PG - 9365-9377, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1021/acsnano.3c09935 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - The emerging field of wearable electronics requires power sources that are, Value:
Key: flexible, lightweight, high-capacity, durable, and comfortable for daily use,, Value:
Key: which enables extensive use in electronic skins, self-powered sensing, and, Value:
Key: physiological health monitoring. In this work, we developed the core-shell and, Value:
Key: biocompatible Cs(2)InCl(5)(H(2)O)@PVDF-HFP nanofibers (CIC@HFP NFs) by one-step, Value:
Key: electrospinning assisted self-assembly method for triboelectric nanogenerators, Value:
Key: (TENGs). By adopting lead-free Cs(2)InCl(5)(H(2)O) as an inducer, CIC@HFP NFs, Value:
Key: exhibited β-phase-enhanced and self-aligned nanocrystals within the uniaxial, Value:
Key: direction. The interface interaction was further investigated by experimental, Value:
Key: measurements and molecular dynamics, which revealed that the hydrogen bonds, Value:
Key: between Cs(2)InCl(5)(H(2)O) and PVDF-HFP induced automatically well-aligned, Value:
Key: dipoles and stabilized the β-phase in the CIC@HFP NFs. The TENG fabricated using, Value:
Key: CIC@HFP NFs and nylon-6,6 NFs exhibited significant improvement in output voltage, Value:
Key: (681 V), output current (53.1 μA) and peak power density (6.94 W m(-2)), with the, Value:
Key: highest reported output performance among TENGs based on halide-perovskites. The, Value:
Key: energy harvesting and self-powered monitoring performance were further, Value:
Key: substantiated by human motions, showcasing its ability to charge capacitors and, Value:
Key: effectively operate electronics such as commercial LEDs, stopwatches, and, Value:
Key: calculators, demonstrating its promising application in biomechanical energy, Value:
Key: harvesting and self-powered sensing., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhi, Chuanwei, Value:
Key: AU - Zhi C, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, 999077, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong S.A.R, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Shuai, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang S, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-0883-4582, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, 999077, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong S.A.R, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wu, Hanbai, Value:
Key: AU - Wu H, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, 999077, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong S.A.R, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ming, Yang, Value:
Key: AU - Ming Y, Value:
Key: AD - School of Fashion and Textiles, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 999077,, Value:
Key: Hong Kong S.A.R, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Shi, Shuo, Value:
Key: AU - Shi S, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, 999077, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong S.A.R, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Io, Weng-Fu, Value:
Key: AU - Io WF, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Applied Physics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 999077, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong S.A.R, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Meng, Shuo, Value:
Key: AU - Meng S, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, 999077, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong S.A.R, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Si, Yifan, Value:
Key: AU - Si Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, 999077, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong S.A.R, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bin, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-4274-1873, Value:
Key: AD - School of Fashion and Textiles, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 999077,, Value:
Key: Hong Kong S.A.R, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Hao, Jianhua, Value:
Key: AU - Hao J, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-6186-5169, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Applied Physics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 999077, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong S.A.R, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Hu, Jinlian, Value:
Key: AU - Hu J, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-8914-5473, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, 999077, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong S.A.R, China., Value:
Key: AD - City University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen Research Institute, 518057, Shenzhen, P., Value:
Key: R. China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20240322, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - ACS Nano, Value:
Key: JT - ACS nano, Value:
Key: JID - 101313589, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - TENGs, Value:
Key: OT - core−shell, Value:
Key: OT - electrospinning, Value:
Key: OT - hydrogen bond, Value:
Key: OT - perovskite, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2024/03/22 12:44, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2024/03/22 12:45, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2024/03/22 10:53, Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/22 12:45 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/22 12:44 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/22 10:53 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1021/acsnano.3c09935 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - ACS Nano. 2024 Apr 2;18(13):9365-9377. doi: 10.1021/acsnano.3c09935. Epub 2024, Value:
Key: Mar 22., Value:
Key: PMID- 38365762, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20240219, Value:
Key: IS - 1757-6512 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1757-6512 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 15, Value:
Key: IP - 1, Value:
Key: DP - 2024 Feb 16, Value:
Key: TI - Correction: Mesenchymal stem cells transplantation for perianal fistulas: a, Value:
Key: systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials., Value:
Key: PG - 45, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1186/s13287-024-03664-w [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 45, Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, H, Value:
Key: AU - Wang H, Value:
Key: AD - Scientific Research Center, China-Japan Union Hospital of Jilin University,, Value:
Key: Changchun, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Jiang, H Y, Value:
Key: AU - Jiang HY, Value:
Key: AD - Life Spring AKY Pharmaceuticals, Changchun, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Y X, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang YX, Value:
Key: AD - Changchun University of Chinese Medicine, Changchun, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Jin, H Y, Value:
Key: AU - Jin HY, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Colorectal Surgery, China-Japan Union Hospital of, Value:
Key: Jilin University, Changchun, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, B Y, Value:
Key: AU - Fei BY, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Colorectal Surgery, China-Japan Union Hospital of, Value:
Key: Jilin University, Changchun, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Jiang, J L, Value:
Key: AU - Jiang JL, Value:
Key: AD - Scientific Research Center, China-Japan Union Hospital of Jilin University,, Value:
Key: Changchun, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Published Erratum, Value:
Key: DEP - 20240216, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - Stem Cell Res Ther, Value:
Key: JT - Stem cell research & therapy, Value:
Key: JID - 101527581, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: EFR - Stem Cell Res Ther. 2023 Apr 26;14(1):103. PMID: 37101285, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10874079, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2024/02/17 10:43, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2024/02/17 10:44, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2024/02/16, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2024/02/16 23:41, Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/02/17 10:44 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/02/17 10:43 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/02/16 23:41 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/02/16 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1186/s13287-024-03664-w [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 3664 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1186/s13287-024-03664-w [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Stem Cell Res Ther. 2024 Feb 16;15(1):45. doi: 10.1186/s13287-024-03664-w., Value:
Key: PMID- 38333817, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20240210, Value:
Key: IS - 2405-8440 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 2405-8440 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2405-8440 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 10, Value:
Key: IP - 3, Value:
Key: DP - 2024 Feb 15, Value:
Key: TI - Properties of mixture of hemp bast and softwood pulp for filter paper, Value:
Key: manufacture., Value:
Key: PG - e25353, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e25353 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - e25353, Value:
Key: AB - The objective of this study was to investigate the morphological and chemical, Value:
Key: properties of hemp bast RPF1 variety fiber to be used as a potential raw material, Value:
Key: for filter paper production. Experimental handsheet samples with basis weight of, Value:
Key: 20 g/m(2) were manufactured using mixture of hemp and softwood pulp at various, Value:
Key: beating levels. The average fiber length and width of hemp bast fiber were, Value:
Key: determined as 5.76 mm and 32.53 μm, respectively. It was also found that the hemp, Value:
Key: bast fiber had rigid thick cell wall with small size of lumen. The overall, Value:
Key: chemical properties of hemp bast were similar to those fibers from other bast, Value:
Key: sources as well as softwood fibers. It seems that hemp bast was easily pulped, Value:
Key: under various soda process conditions yielding pulp ranging from 51.36 % to, Value:
Key: 52.56 % and Kappa numbers ranging from 2.89 to 8.18. Based on the findings in, Value:
Key: this study hemp bast fiber could be considered as a potential to manufacture, Value:
Key: filter paper with accepted characteristics., Value:
Key: CI - © 2024 The Authors., Value:
Key: FAU - Yimlamai, Piyawan, Value:
Key: AU - Yimlamai P, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Forest Products, Faculty of Forestry, Kasetsart University,, Value:
Key: Bangkok, 10900, Thailand., Value:
Key: FAU - Chitbanyong, Korawit, Value:
Key: AU - Chitbanyong K, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Forest Products, Faculty of Forestry, Kasetsart University,, Value:
Key: Bangkok, 10900, Thailand., Value:
Key: FAU - Wanitpinyo, Kapphapaphim, Value:
Key: AU - Wanitpinyo K, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Forest Products, Faculty of Forestry, Kasetsart University,, Value:
Key: Bangkok, 10900, Thailand., Value:
Key: FAU - Puangsin, Buapan, Value:
Key: AU - Puangsin B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Forest Products, Faculty of Forestry, Kasetsart University,, Value:
Key: Bangkok, 10900, Thailand., Value:
Key: FAU - Nanta, Kawinthida, Value:
Key: AU - Nanta K, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Forest Products, Faculty of Forestry, Kasetsart University,, Value:
Key: Bangkok, 10900, Thailand., Value:
Key: FAU - Khantayanuwong, Somwang, Value:
Key: AU - Khantayanuwong S, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Forest Products, Faculty of Forestry, Kasetsart University,, Value:
Key: Bangkok, 10900, Thailand., Value:
Key: FAU - Pisutpiched, Sawitree, Value:
Key: AU - Pisutpiched S, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Forest Products, Faculty of Forestry, Kasetsart University,, Value:
Key: Bangkok, 10900, Thailand., Value:
Key: FAU - Chaisan, Tanapon, Value:
Key: AU - Chaisan T, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, Bangkok,, Value:
Key: 10900, Thailand., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Binqi, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory for Forest Resources Conservation and Utilization in the Southwest, Value:
Key: Mountains of China, Ministry of Education, Southwest Forestry University,, Value:
Key: Kunming, 650224, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Hiziroglu, Salim, Value:
Key: AU - Hiziroglu S, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Oklahoma State University,, Value:
Key: Stillwater, OK, 74088, USA., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20240201, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - Heliyon, Value:
Key: JT - Heliyon, Value:
Key: JID - 101672560, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10850592, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Cannabis sativa L., Value:
Key: OT - Chemical composition, Value:
Key: OT - Hemp bast fiber, Value:
Key: OT - Papermaking, Value:
Key: OT - Soda pulping, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships, Value:
Key: which may be considered as potential competing interests:Buapan Puangsin reports, Value:
Key: financial support was provided by 10.13039/501100005621Kasetsart University, Value:
Key: Research and Development Institute (KURDI) (FF(KU)10.64)., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2024/02/09 06:43, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2024/02/09 06:44, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2024/02/01, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2024/02/09 04:11, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/08/17 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/10 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/25 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/02/09 06:44 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/02/09 06:43 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/02/09 04:11 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/02/01 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - S2405-8440(24)01384-7 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - e25353 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e25353 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Heliyon. 2024 Feb 1;10(3):e25353. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e25353. eCollection, Value:
Key: 2024 Feb 15., Value:
Key: PMID- 38304558, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20240203, Value:
Key: IS - 2046-2069 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2046-2069 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 14, Value:
Key: IP - 7, Value:
Key: DP - 2024 Jan 31, Value:
Key: TI - Fluorine-free nanoparticle coatings on cotton fabric: comparing the UV-protective, Value:
Key: and hydrophobic capabilities of silica vs. silica-ZnO nanostructures., Value:
Key: PG - 4301-4314, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1039/d3ra08835a [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Robust, hydrophobic woven cotton fabrics were obtained through the sol-gel dip, Value:
Key: coating of two different nanoparticle (NP) architectures; silica and silica-ZnO., Value:
Key: Water repellency values as high as 148° and relatively low tilt angles for, Value:
Key: fibrous fabrics (12°) were observed, without the need for fluorinated components., Value:
Key: In all cases, this enhanced functionality was achieved with the broad retention, Value:
Key: of water vapor permeability characteristics, i.e., less than 10% decrease. NP, Value:
Key: formation routes indicated direct bonding interactions in both the silica and, Value:
Key: silica-ZnO structures. The physico-chemical effects of NP-compatibilizer (i.e.,, Value:
Key: polydimethoxysilane (PDMS) and n-octyltriethoxysilane (OTES) at different ratios), Value:
Key: coatings on cotton fibres indicate that compatibilizer-NP interactions are, Value:
Key: predominantly physical. Whenever photoactive ZnO-containing additives were used,, Value:
Key: there was a minor decrease in hydrophobic character, but order of magnitude, Value:
Key: increases in UV-protective capability (i.e., UPF > 384); properties which were, Value:
Key: absent in non-ZnO-containing samples. Such water repellency and UPF capabilities, Value:
Key: were stable to both laundering and UV-exposure, resisting the commonly, Value:
Key: encountered UV-induced wettability transitions associated with photoactive ZnO., Value:
Key: These results suggest that ZnO-containing silica NP coatings on cotton can confer, Value:
Key: both excellent and persistent surface hydrophobicity as well as UV-protective, Value:
Key: capability, with potential uses in wearables and functional textiles, Value:
Key: applications., Value:
Key: CI - This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Irene ChaoYun, Value:
Key: AU - Liu IC, Value:
Key: AD - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, School of Fashion and Textiles, Materials, Value:
Key: Synthesis and Processing Lab Hung Hom Kowloon Hong Kong SAR, Value:
Key: FAU - Hu, Xin, Value:
Key: AU - Hu X, Value:
Key: AD - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, School of Fashion and Textiles, Materials, Value:
Key: Synthesis and Processing Lab Hung Hom Kowloon Hong Kong SAR, Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bin, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, School of Fashion and Textiles, Materials, Value:
Key: Synthesis and Processing Lab Hung Hom Kowloon Hong Kong SAR, Value:
Key: FAU - Lee, Chenghao, Value:
Key: AU - Lee C, Value:
Key: AD - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, School of Fashion and Textiles, Materials, Value:
Key: Synthesis and Processing Lab Hung Hom Kowloon Hong Kong SAR, Value:
Key: FAU - Fan, Suju, Value:
Key: AU - Fan S, Value:
Key: AD - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, School of Fashion and Textiles, Materials, Value:
Key: Synthesis and Processing Lab Hung Hom Kowloon Hong Kong SAR, Value:
Key: FAU - Xin, John H, Value:
Key: AU - Xin JH, Value:
Key: AD - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, School of Fashion and Textiles, Materials, Value:
Key: Synthesis and Processing Lab Hung Hom Kowloon Hong Kong SAR, Value:
Key: FAU - Noor, Nuruzzaman, Value:
Key: AU - Noor N, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-1897-1529, Value:
Key: AD - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, School of Fashion and Textiles, Materials, Value:
Key: Synthesis and Processing Lab Hung Hom Kowloon Hong Kong SAR, Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20240131, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - RSC Adv, Value:
Key: JT - RSC advances, Value:
Key: JID - 101581657, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10828638, Value:
Key: COIS- There are no known conflicts to declare., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2024/02/02 06:43, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2024/02/02 06:44, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2024/01/31, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2024/02/02 04:09, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/12/25 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/22 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/02/02 06:44 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/02/02 06:43 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/02/02 04:09 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/31 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - d3ra08835a [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1039/d3ra08835a [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - RSC Adv. 2024 Jan 31;14(7):4301-4314. doi: 10.1039/d3ra08835a. eCollection 2024, Value:
Key: Jan 31., Value:
Key: PMID- 38299490, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- Publisher, Value:
Key: LR - 20240201, Value:
Key: IS - 1613-6829 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1613-6810 (Linking), Value:
Key: DP - 2024 Feb 1, Value:
Key: TI - Nanoarchitectonics toward Full Coverage of CdZnS Nanospheres by Layered Double, Value:
Key: Hydroxides for Enhanced Visible-Light-Driven H(2) Evolution., Value:
Key: PG - e2309750, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1002/smll.202309750 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Nanoarchitectonics of semiconductors shed light on efficient photocatalytic, Value:
Key: hydrogen evolution by precisely controlling the surface microenvironment of, Value:
Key: cocatalysts. Taking cadmium zinc sulfide (CZS) nanoparticles as a target, the, Value:
Key: spontaneous modifications are conducted by interactions between surface Cd(2+), Value:
Key: /Zn(2+) atoms and thiol groups in thioglycolic acid. The capping ligand impacts, Value:
Key: the semiconductor surface with a negative electronic environment, contributing to, Value:
Key: the full coverage of CZS by nickel-cobalt hydroxides (NiCo-LDHs) cocatalysts. The, Value:
Key: obtained core-shell CZS@NiCo-LDHs, possessing a shell thickness of ≈20 nm,, Value:
Key: exhibits a distinguished topology (S(BET) = 87.65m(2) g(-1) ), long surface, Value:
Key: carrier lifetime, and efficient charge-hole separation. Further photocatalytic, Value:
Key: hydrogen evaluation demonstrates an enhanced H(2) evolution rate of, Value:
Key: 18.75 mmol g(-1) h(-1) with an apparent quantum efficiency of 16.3% at 420 nm., Value:
Key: The recorded catalytic performance of the core-shell sample is 44.6 times higher, Value:
Key: than that of pure CZS nanospheres under visible light irradiation. Further, Value:
Key: density functional theory simulations indicate that sulfur atoms play the role of, Value:
Key: charge acceptor and surface Ni/Co atoms are electron donors, as well as a, Value:
Key: built-in electric field effect can be established. Altogether, this work takes, Value:
Key: advantage of strong S affinity from surface metal atoms, revealing the, Value:
Key: interfacial engineering toward improved visible-light-driven photocatalytic, Value:
Key: hydrogen evolution (PHE) activity., Value:
Key: CI - © 2024 Wiley-VCH GmbH., Value:
Key: FAU - Ming, Yang, Value:
Key: AU - Ming Y, Value:
Key: AD - School of Fashion & Textiles, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong,, Value:
Key: 999077, P. R. China., Value:
Key: AD - Research Centre for Resources Engineering towards Carbon Neutrality, The Hong, Value:
Key: Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 999077, P. R. China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cheng, Zhixing, Value:
Key: AU - Cheng Z, Value:
Key: AD - School of Fashion & Textiles, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong,, Value:
Key: 999077, P. R. China., Value:
Key: FAU - Shi, Shuo, Value:
Key: AU - Shi S, Value:
Key: AD - School of Fashion & Textiles, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong,, Value:
Key: 999077, P. R. China., Value:
Key: FAU - Su, Jing, Value:
Key: AU - Su J, Value:
Key: AD - College of Textile Science and Engineering, Jiangnan University, Jiangsu, 214122,, Value:
Key: P. R. China., Value:
Key: FAU - Io, Weng-Fu, Value:
Key: AU - Io WF, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Applied Physics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong,, Value:
Key: 999077, P. R. China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wu, Hanbai, Value:
Key: AU - Wu H, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,, Value:
Key: 999077, P. R. China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Jiashen, Value:
Key: AU - Li J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Materials, University of Manchester, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bin, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-4274-1873, Value:
Key: AD - School of Fashion & Textiles, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong,, Value:
Key: 999077, P. R. China., Value:
Key: AD - Research Centre for Resources Engineering towards Carbon Neutrality, The Hong, Value:
Key: Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 999077, P. R. China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - RI-IWEAR (1-CD8E)/Hong Kong Polytechnic University/, Value:
Key: GR - RCRE(1-BBCB)/Hong Kong Polytechnic University/, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20240201, Value:
Key: PL - Germany, Value:
Key: TA - Small, Value:
Key: JT - Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany), Value:
Key: JID - 101235338, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - CZS@NiCo-LDHs, Value:
Key: OT - Photocatalytic hydrogen evolution, Value:
Key: OT - built-in electric field, Value:
Key: OT - core-shell structure, Value:
Key: OT - direct Z-scheme, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2024/02/01 06:42, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2024/02/01 06:42, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2024/02/01 05:56, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/12/31 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/10/26 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/02/01 06:42 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/02/01 06:42 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/02/01 05:56 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1002/smll.202309750 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - aheadofprint, Value:
Key: SO - Small. 2024 Feb 1:e2309750. doi: 10.1002/smll.202309750., Value:
Key: PMID- 38263157, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20240125, Value:
Key: LR - 20240228, Value:
Key: IS - 1476-4598 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1476-4598 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 23, Value:
Key: IP - 1, Value:
Key: DP - 2024 Jan 24, Value:
Key: TI - LINC01852 inhibits the tumorigenesis and chemoresistance in colorectal cancer by, Value:
Key: suppressing SRSF5-mediated alternative splicing of PKM., Value:
Key: PG - 23, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1186/s12943-024-01939-7 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 23, Value:
Key: AB - BACKGROUND: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a major cause of cancer-related deaths, Value:
Key: worldwide, and chemoresistance is a major obstacle in its treatment. Despite, Value:
Key: advances in therapy, the molecular mechanism underlying chemoresistance in CRC is, Value:
Key: not fully understood. Recent studies have implicated the key roles of long, Value:
Key: noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) in the regulation of CRC chemoresistance. METHODS: In, Value:
Key: this study, we investigated the role of the lncRNA LINC01852 in CRC, Value:
Key: chemoresistance. LINC01852 expression was evaluated in multiple CRC cohorts using, Value:
Key: quantitative reverse transcription PCR. We conducted in vitro and in vivo, Value:
Key: functional experiments using cell culture and mouse models. RNA pull-down, RNA, Value:
Key: immunoprecipitation, chromatin immunoprecipitation, and dual luciferase assays, Value:
Key: were used to investigate the molecular mechanism of LINC01852 in CRC. RESULTS:, Value:
Key: Our findings revealed that a lncRNA with tumor-inhibiting properties, LINC01852,, Value:
Key: was downregulated in CRC and inhibited cell proliferation and chemoresistance, Value:
Key: both in vitro and in vivo. Further mechanistic investigations revealed that, Value:
Key: LINC01852 increases TRIM72-mediated ubiquitination and degradation of SRSF5,, Value:
Key: inhibiting SRSF5-mediated alternative splicing of PKM and thereby decreasing the, Value:
Key: production of PKM2. Overexpression of LINC01852 induces a metabolic switch from, Value:
Key: aerobic glycolysis to oxidative phosphorylation, which attenuates the, Value:
Key: chemoresistance of CRC cells by inhibiting PKM2-mediated glycolysis. CONCLUSIONS:, Value:
Key: Our results demonstrate that LINC01852 plays an important role in repressing CRC, Value:
Key: malignancy and chemoresistance by regulating SRSF5-mediated alternative splicing, Value:
Key: of PKM, and that targeting the LINC01852/TRIM72/SRSF5/PKM2 signaling axis may, Value:
Key: represent a potential therapeutic strategy for CRC., Value:
Key: CI - © 2024. The Author(s)., Value:
Key: FAU - Bian, Zehua, Value:
Key: AU - Bian Z, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Hui He, Value:
Key: Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214062, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214122, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yang, Fan, Value:
Key: AU - Yang F, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Hui He, Value:
Key: Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214062, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214122, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Xu, Peiwen, Value:
Key: AU - Xu P, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Hui He, Value:
Key: Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214062, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214122, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Gao, Ge, Value:
Key: AU - Gao G, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Hui He, Value:
Key: Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214062, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214122, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yang, Chunyu, Value:
Key: AU - Yang C, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Hui He, Value:
Key: Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214062, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214122, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cao, Yulin, Value:
Key: AU - Cao Y, Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214122, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yao, Surui, Value:
Key: AU - Yao S, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Hui He, Value:
Key: Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214062, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214122, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Xue, Value:
Key: AU - Wang X, Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214122, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yin, Yuan, Value:
Key: AU - Yin Y, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Hui He, Value:
Key: Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214062, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214122, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bojian, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Hui He, Value:
Key: Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214062, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214122, China., Value:
Key: AD - Department of General Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, 214062, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Zhaohui, Value:
Key: AU - Huang Z, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Hui He, Value:
Key: Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214062, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214122, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - 81802469/National Natural Science Foundation of China/, Value:
Key: GR - 82173063/National Natural Science Foundation of China/, Value:
Key: GR - BK20231144/Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province/, Value:
Key: GR - BJ2023057/Top Talent Support Program for Young and Middle-aged People of Wuxi, Value:
Key: Health Committee/, Value:
Key: GR - ZDXK2021002/Wuxi Medical Key Discipline/, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, Value:
Key: DEP - 20240124, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - Mol Cancer, Value:
Key: JT - Molecular cancer, Value:
Key: JID - 101147698, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (RNA, Long Noncoding), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Animals, Value:
Key: MH - Mice, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - Alternative Splicing, Value:
Key: MH - Drug Resistance, Neoplasm, Value:
Key: MH - *RNA, Long Noncoding, Value:
Key: MH - Carcinogenesis, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Transformation, Neoplastic, Value:
Key: MH - Chromatin Immunoprecipitation, Value:
Key: MH - *Colorectal Neoplasms, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10807094, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Aerobic glycolysis, Value:
Key: OT - Alternative splicing, Value:
Key: OT - Chemoresistance, Value:
Key: OT - Colorectal cancer, Value:
Key: OT - lncRNA, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare no competing interests., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2024/01/24 00:42, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2024/01/25 06:43, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2024/01/24, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2024/01/23 23:44, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/08/20 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/12 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/25 06:43 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/24 00:42 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/23 23:44 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/24 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1186/s12943-024-01939-7 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 1939 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1186/s12943-024-01939-7 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Mol Cancer. 2024 Jan 24;23(1):23. doi: 10.1186/s12943-024-01939-7., Value:
Key: PMID- 38239646, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20240121, Value:
Key: IS - 2234-943X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 2234-943X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2234-943X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 13, Value:
Key: DP - 2023, Value:
Key: TI - Nomogram for predicting occurrence and prognosis of liver metastasis in elderly, Value:
Key: colorectal cancer patients: a population-based study., Value:
Key: PG - 1295650, Value:
Key: LID - 10.3389/fonc.2023.1295650 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 1295650, Value:
Key: AB - INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to explore independent risk and prognostic factors, Value:
Key: in elderly patients with colorectal cancer liver metastasis (ECRLM) and generate, Value:
Key: nomograms for predicting the occurrence and overall survival (OS) rates of such, Value:
Key: patients. METHOD: Elderly colorectal cancer patients (ECRC) from 2010 to 2015 in, Value:
Key: the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database were included in, Value:
Key: this study. External validation relied on Chinese patients from the China-Japan, Value:
Key: Union Hospital of Jilin University. Univariate and multivariate logistic, Value:
Key: regression analyses were employed to identify liver metastasis (LM) risk, Value:
Key: variables, which were used to create a nomogram to estimate LM probabilities in, Value:
Key: patients with ECRC. Univariate and multivariable Cox analyses were performed to, Value:
Key: identify prognostic variables and further derive nomograms that could predict the, Value:
Key: OS of patients with ERCLM. Differences in lifespan were assessed using the, Value:
Key: Kaplan-Meier analysis. Finally, the quality of the nomograms was verified using, Value:
Key: decision curve analysis (DCA), calibration curves, and receiver operating, Value:
Key: characteristic curves (ROC). RESULT: In the SEER cohort, 32,330 patients were, Value:
Key: selected, of those, 3,012 (9.32%) were diagnosed with LM. A total of 188 ECRLM, Value:
Key: cases from a Chinese medical center were assigned for external validation. LM, Value:
Key: occurrence can be affected by 13 factors, including age at diagnosis, marital, Value:
Key: status, race, bone metastases, lung metastases, CEA level, tumor size, Grade,, Value:
Key: histology, primary site, T stage, N stage and sex. Furthermore, in ECRLM, Value:
Key: patients, 10 variables, including age at diagnosis, CEA level, tumor size, lung, Value:
Key: metastasis, bone metastasis, chemotherapy, surgery, N stage, grade, and race,, Value:
Key: have been shown to be independent prognostic predictors. The results from both, Value:
Key: internal and external validation revealed a high level of accuracy in predicting, Value:
Key: outcomes, as well as significant clinical utility, for the two nomograms., Value:
Key: CONCLUSION: We created two nomograms to predict the occurrence and prognosis of, Value:
Key: LM in patients with ECRC, which would contribute significantly to the improvement, Value:
Key: in disease detection accuracy and the formulation of personalized cures for that, Value:
Key: particular demographic., Value:
Key: CI - Copyright © 2024 Wang, Shen, Fei, Wei and Xie., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Qi, Value:
Key: AU - Wang Q, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Colorectal and Anal Surgery, China-Japan Union, Value:
Key: Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Shen, Kexin, Value:
Key: AU - Shen K, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Colorectal and Anal Surgery, China-Japan Union, Value:
Key: Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bingyuan, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Colorectal and Anal Surgery, China-Japan Union, Value:
Key: Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wei, Mengqiang, Value:
Key: AU - Wei M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Colorectal and Anal Surgery, China-Japan Union, Value:
Key: Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Xie, Zhongshi, Value:
Key: AU - Xie Z, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Colorectal and Anal Surgery, China-Japan Union, Value:
Key: Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20240104, Value:
Key: PL - Switzerland, Value:
Key: TA - Front Oncol, Value:
Key: JT - Frontiers in oncology, Value:
Key: JID - 101568867, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10794770, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - SEER database, Value:
Key: OT - colorectal cancer, Value:
Key: OT - elderly patients, Value:
Key: OT - liver metastasis, Value:
Key: OT - nomogram, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any, Value:
Key: commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential, Value:
Key: conflict of interest., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2024/01/19 06:42, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2024/01/19 06:43, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/01/01, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2024/01/19 03:43, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/09/26 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/12/05 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/19 06:43 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/19 06:42 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/19 03:43 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/01/01 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 10.3389/fonc.2023.1295650 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Front Oncol. 2024 Jan 4;13:1295650. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2023.1295650. eCollection, Value:
Key: 2023., Value:
Key: PMID- 38239390, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20240122, Value:
Key: LR - 20240210, Value:
Key: IS - 1560-2281 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1083-3668 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1083-3668 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 29, Value:
Key: IP - 1, Value:
Key: DP - 2024 Jan, Value:
Key: TI - Polarized hyperspectral microscopic imaging system for enhancing the, Value:
Key: visualization of collagen fibers and head and neck squamous cell carcinoma., Value:
Key: PG - 016005, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/1.JBO.29.1.016005 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 016005, Value:
Key: AB - SIGNIFICANCE: Polarized hyperspectral microscopes with the capability of full, Value:
Key: Stokes vector imaging have potential for many biological and medical, Value:
Key: applications. AIM: The aim of this study is to investigate polarized, Value:
Key: hyperspectral imaging (PHSI) for improving the visualization of collagen fibers,, Value:
Key: which is an important biomarker related to tumor development, and improving the, Value:
Key: differentiation of normal and tumor cells on pathologic slides. APPROACH: We, Value:
Key: customized a polarized hyperspectral microscopic imaging system comprising an, Value:
Key: upright microscope with a motorized stage, two linear polarizers, two liquid, Value:
Key: crystal variable retarders (LCVRs), and a compact SnapScan hyperspectral camera., Value:
Key: The polarizers and LCVRs worked in tandem with the hyperspectral camera to, Value:
Key: acquire polarized hyperspectral images, which were further used to calculate four, Value:
Key: Stokes vectors: S0, S1, S2, and S3. Synthetic RGB images of the Stokes vectors, Value:
Key: were generated for the visualization of cellular components in PHSI images., Value:
Key: Regions of interest of collagen, normal cells, and tumor cells in the synthetic, Value:
Key: RGB images were selected, and spectral signatures of the selected components were, Value:
Key: extracted for comparison. Specifically, we qualitatively and quantitatively, Value:
Key: investigated the enhanced visualization and spectral characteristics of dense, Value:
Key: fibers and sparse fibers in normal stroma tissue, fibers accumulated within, Value:
Key: tumors, and fibers accumulated around tumors. RESULTS: By employing our, Value:
Key: customized polarized hyperspectral microscope, we extract the spectral signatures, Value:
Key: of Stokes vector parameters of collagen as well as of tumor and normal cells. The, Value:
Key: measurement of Stokes vector parameters increased the image contrast of collagen, Value:
Key: fibers and cells in the slides. CONCLUSIONS: With the spatial and spectral, Value:
Key: information from the Stokes vector data cubes (S0, S1, S2, and S3), our PHSI, Value:
Key: microscope system enhances the visualization of tumor cells and tumor, Value:
Key: microenvironment components, thus being beneficial for pathology and oncology., Value:
Key: CI - © 2024 The Authors., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhou, Ximing, Value:
Key: AU - Zhou X, Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson,, Value:
Key: Texas, United States., Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas at Dallas, Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation,, Value:
Key: Richardson, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Ling, Value:
Key: AU - Ma L, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-4352-5697, Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson,, Value:
Key: Texas, United States., Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas at Dallas, Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation,, Value:
Key: Richardson, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Mubarak, Hasan K, Value:
Key: AU - Mubarak HK, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-1141-3471, Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson,, Value:
Key: Texas, United States., Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas at Dallas, Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation,, Value:
Key: Richardson, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Palsgrove, Doreen, Value:
Key: AU - Palsgrove D, Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Pathology,, Value:
Key: Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Sumer, Baran D, Value:
Key: AU - Sumer BD, Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of, Value:
Key: Otolaryngology, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Amy Y, Value:
Key: AU - Chen AY, Value:
Key: AD - Emory University, Department of Otolaryngology, Atlanta, Georgia, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-9123-9484, Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson,, Value:
Key: Texas, United States., Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas at Dallas, Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation,, Value:
Key: Richardson, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Radiology,, Value:
Key: Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20240118, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - J Biomed Opt, Value:
Key: JT - Journal of biomedical optics, Value:
Key: JID - 9605853, Value:
Key: RN - 9007-34-5 (Collagen), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Head and Neck, Value:
Key: MH - *Microscopy/methods, Value:
Key: MH - Collagen, Value:
Key: MH - *Head and Neck Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging, Value:
Key: MH - Tumor Microenvironment, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10795499, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Stokes vector, Value:
Key: OT - collagen, Value:
Key: OT - head and neck cancer, Value:
Key: OT - polarized hyperspectral imaging, Value:
Key: OT - squamous cell carcinoma, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2024/01/19 06:42, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2024/01/22 06:43, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2024/01/18, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2024/01/19 03:39, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/05/01 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/12/04 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/12/20 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/22 06:43 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/19 06:42 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/19 03:39 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/18 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 230128GR [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/1.JBO.29.1.016005 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - J Biomed Opt. 2024 Jan;29(1):016005. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.29.1.016005. Epub 2024, Value:
Key: Jan 18., Value:
Key: PMID- 38223048, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20240116, Value:
Key: IS - 2223-4292 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 2223-4306 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2223-4306 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 14, Value:
Key: IP - 1, Value:
Key: DP - 2024 Jan 3, Value:
Key: TI - U-fiber analysis: a toolbox for automated quantification of U-fibers and white, Value:
Key: matter hyperintensities., Value:
Key: PG - 662-683, Value:
Key: LID - 10.21037/qims-23-847 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - BACKGROUND: Whether white matter hyperintensities (WMHs) involve U-fibers is of, Value:
Key: great value in understanding the different etiologies of cerebral white matter, Value:
Key: (WM) lesions. However, clinical practice currently relies only on the naked eye, Value:
Key: to determine whether WMHs are in the vicinity of U-fibers, and there is a lack of, Value:
Key: good neuroimaging tools to quantify WMHs and U-fibers. METHODS: Here, we, Value:
Key: developed a multimodal neuroimaging toolbox named U-fiber analysis (UFA) that can, Value:
Key: automatically extract WMHs and quantitatively characterize the volume and number, Value:
Key: of WMHs in different brain regions. In addition, we proposed an anatomically, Value:
Key: constrained U-fiber tracking scheme and quantitatively characterized the, Value:
Key: microstructure diffusion properties, fiber length, and number of U-fibers in, Value:
Key: different brain regions to help clinicians to quantitatively determine whether, Value:
Key: WMHs in the proximal cortex disrupt the microstructure of U-fibers. To validate, Value:
Key: the utility of the UFA toolbox, we analyzed the neuroimaging data from 246, Value:
Key: patients with cerebral small vessel disease (cSVD) enrolled at Zhongshan Hospital, Value:
Key: between March 2018 and November 2019 in a cross-sectional study. RESULTS:, Value:
Key: According to the manual judgment of the clinician, the patients with cSVD were, Value:
Key: divided into a WMHs involved U-fiber group (U-fiber-involved group, 51 cases) and, Value:
Key: WMHs not involved U-fiber group (U-fiber-spared group, 163 cases). There were no, Value:
Key: significant differences between the U-fiber-spared group and the U-fiber-involved, Value:
Key: group in terms of age (P=0.143), gender (P=0.462), education (P=0.151),, Value:
Key: Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) scores (P=0.151), and Montreal Cognitive, Value:
Key: Assessment (MoCA) scores (P=0.411). However, patients in the U-fiber-involved, Value:
Key: group had higher Fazekas scores (P<0.001) and significantly higher whole brain, Value:
Key: WMHs (P=0.046) and deep WMH volumes (P<0.001) compared to patients in the, Value:
Key: U-fiber-spared group. Moreover, the U-fiber-involved group had higher WMH volumes, Value:
Key: in the bilateral frontal [P(left) <0.001, P(right) <0.001] and parietal lobes, Value:
Key: [P(left) <0.001, P(right) <0.001]. On the other hand, patients in the, Value:
Key: U-fiber-involved group had higher mean diffusivity (MD) and axial diffusivity, Value:
Key: (AD) in the bilateral parietal [P(left, MD) =0.048, P(right, MD) =0.045, P(left,, Value:
Key: AD) =0.015, P(right, AD) =0.015] and right frontal-parietal regions [P(MD), Value:
Key: =0.048, P(AD) =0.027], and had significantly reduced mean fiber length and number, Value:
Key: in the right parietal [P(length) =0.013, P(number) =0.028] and right, Value:
Key: frontal-parietal regions [P(length) =0.048] compared to patients in the, Value:
Key: U-fiber-spared group. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that WMHs in the proximal, Value:
Key: cortex may disrupt the microstructure of U-fibers. Our tool may provide new, Value:
Key: insights into the understanding of WM lesions of different etiologies in the, Value:
Key: brain., Value:
Key: CI - 2024 Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery. All rights reserved., Value:
Key: FAU - Zheng, Gaoxing, Value:
Key: AU - Zheng G, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Beini, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ge, Anyan, Value:
Key: AU - Ge A, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Yuchen, Value:
Key: AU - Liu Y, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-inspired Intelligence, Fudan, Value:
Key: University, Shanghai, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Ying, Value:
Key: AU - Liu Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yang, Zidong, Value:
Key: AU - Yang Z, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-inspired Intelligence, Fudan, Value:
Key: University, Shanghai, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Zhensen, Value:
Key: AU - Chen Z, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-inspired Intelligence, Fudan, Value:
Key: University, Shanghai, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Xin, Value:
Key: AU - Wang X, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, He, Value:
Key: AU - Wang H, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, China., Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-inspired Intelligence, Fudan, Value:
Key: University, Shanghai, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ding, Jing, Value:
Key: AU - Ding J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20240102, Value:
Key: PL - China, Value:
Key: TA - Quant Imaging Med Surg, Value:
Key: JT - Quantitative imaging in medicine and surgery, Value:
Key: JID - 101577942, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10784071, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - MATLAB toolbox, Value:
Key: OT - U-fiber tractography, Value:
Key: OT - cerebral small vessel disease (cSVD), Value:
Key: OT - diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI), Value:
Key: OT - white matter hyperintensities (WMHs), Value:
Key: COIS- Conflicts of Interest: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure, Value:
Key: form (available at, Value:
Key: The authors, Value:
Key: have no conflicts of interest to declare., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2024/01/15 06:42, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2024/01/15 06:43, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2024/01/03, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2024/01/15 04:42, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/06/13 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/11/13 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/15 06:43 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/15 06:42 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/15 04:42 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/03 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - qims-14-01-662 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.21037/qims-23-847 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Quant Imaging Med Surg. 2024 Jan 3;14(1):662-683. doi: 10.21037/qims-23-847. Epub, Value:
Key: 2024 Jan 2., Value:
Key: PMID- 38216054, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20240320, Value:
Key: LR - 20240320, Value:
Key: IS - 2589-9333 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2589-9333 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 6, Value:
Key: IP - 3, Value:
Key: DP - 2024 Mar, Value:
Key: TI - Magnetic resonance imaging improves diagnosis of placenta accreta spectrum, Value:
Key: requiring hysterectomy compared to ultrasound., Value:
Key: PG - 101280, Value:
Key: LID - S2589-9333(24)00007-7 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1016/j.ajogmf.2024.101280 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - BACKGROUND: Magnetic resonance imaging has been used increasingly as an adjunct, Value:
Key: for ultrasound imaging for placenta accreta spectrum assessment and preoperative, Value:
Key: surgical planning, but its value has not been established yet. The, Value:
Key: ultrasound-based placenta accreta index is a well-validated standardized approach, Value:
Key: for placenta accreta spectrum evaluation. Placenta accreta spectrum-magnetic, Value:
Key: resonance imaging markers have been outlined in a joint guideline from the, Value:
Key: Society of Abdominal Radiology and the European Society of Urogenital Radiology., Value:
Key: OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to compare placenta accreta spectrum-magnetic, Value:
Key: resonance imaging parameters with the ultrasound-based placenta accreta index in, Value:
Key: pregnancies at high risk for placenta accreta spectrum and to assess the, Value:
Key: additional diagnostic value of magnetic resonance imaging for placenta accreta, Value:
Key: spectrum that requires a cesarean hysterectomy. STUDY DESIGN: This was a, Value:
Key: single-center, retrospective study of pregnant patients who underwent magnetic, Value:
Key: resonance imaging, in addition to ultrasonography, because of suspected placenta, Value:
Key: accreta spectrum. The ultrasound-based placenta accreta index and placenta, Value:
Key: accreta spectrum-magnetic resonance imaging parameters were obtained. Student's t, Value:
Key: test and Fisher's exact test were used to compare the groups in terms of the, Value:
Key: primary outcome (hysterectomy vs no hysterectomy). The diagnostic performance of, Value:
Key: magnetic resonance imaging and the ultrasound-based placenta accreta index was, Value:
Key: assessed using multivariable logistic regressions, receiver operating, Value:
Key: characteristics curves, the DeLong test, McNemar test, and the relative, Value:
Key: predictive value test. RESULTS: A total of 82 patients were included in the, Value:
Key: study, 41 of whom required a hysterectomy. All patients who underwent a, Value:
Key: hysterectomy met the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Value:
Key: clinical evidence of placenta accreta spectrum at the time of delivery. Multiple, Value:
Key: parameters of the ultrasound-based placenta accreta index and placenta accreta, Value:
Key: spectrum-magnetic resonance imaging were able to predict hysterectomy, and the, Value:
Key: parameter of greatest dimension of invasion by magnetic resonance imaging was the, Value:
Key: best quantitative predictor. At 96% sensitivity for hysterectomy, the cutoff, Value:
Key: values were 3.5 for the ultrasound-based placenta accreta index and 2.5 cm for, Value:
Key: the greatest dimension of invasion by magnetic resonance imaging. Using this, Value:
Key: sensitivity, the parameter of greatest dimension of invasion measured by magnetic, Value:
Key: resonance imaging had higher specificity (P=.0016) and a higher positive, Value:
Key: predictive value (P=.0018) than the ultrasound-based placenta accreta index,, Value:
Key: indicating an improved diagnostic threshold. CONCLUSION: In a suspected high-risk, Value:
Key: group for placenta accreta spectrum, magnetic resonance imaging identified more, Value:
Key: patients who will not need a hysterectomy than when using the ultrasound-based, Value:
Key: placenta accrete index only. Magnetic resonance imaging has the potential to aid, Value:
Key: patient counseling, surgical planning, and delivery timing, including preterm, Value:
Key: delivery decisions for patients with placenta accreta spectrum requiring, Value:
Key: hysterectomy., Value:
Key: CI - Copyright © 2024 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., Value:
Key: FAU - Do, Quyen N, Value:
Key: AU - Do QN, Value:
Key: AD - Research Division, Department of Radiology, University of Texas (UT) Southwestern, Value:
Key: Medical Center, Dallas, TX (Drs Do, Xi, Lewis, Fei, and Twickler)., Value:
Key: FAU - Herrera, Christina L, Value:
Key: AU - Herrera CL, Value:
Key: AD - Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, UT, Value:
Key: Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX (Drs Herrera, Rosenthal, Spong, and, Value:
Key: Twickler); Parkland Health and Hospital System, Dallas, TX (Drs Herrera,, Value:
Key: Rosenthal, Spong, and Twickler)., Value:
Key: FAU - Rosenthal, Elise A, Value:
Key: AU - Rosenthal EA, Value:
Key: AD - Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, UT, Value:
Key: Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX (Drs Herrera, Rosenthal, Spong, and, Value:
Key: Twickler); Parkland Health and Hospital System, Dallas, TX (Drs Herrera,, Value:
Key: Rosenthal, Spong, and Twickler)., Value:
Key: FAU - Xi, Yin, Value:
Key: AU - Xi Y, Value:
Key: AD - Research Division, Department of Radiology, University of Texas (UT) Southwestern, Value:
Key: Medical Center, Dallas, TX (Drs Do, Xi, Lewis, Fei, and Twickler)., Value:
Key: FAU - Uddin, Naseem, Value:
Key: AU - Uddin N, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Pathology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX (Dr Uddin)., Value:
Key: FAU - Lewis, Matthew A, Value:
Key: AU - Lewis MA, Value:
Key: AD - Research Division, Department of Radiology, University of Texas (UT) Southwestern, Value:
Key: Medical Center, Dallas, TX (Drs Do, Xi, Lewis, Fei, and Twickler)., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Research Division, Department of Radiology, University of Texas (UT) Southwestern, Value:
Key: Medical Center, Dallas, TX (Drs Do, Xi, Lewis, Fei, and Twickler); Department of, Value:
Key: Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX (Dr Fei);, Value:
Key: Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, The University of Texas at Dallas, TX, Value:
Key: (Dr Fei)., Value:
Key: FAU - Spong, Catherine Y, Value:
Key: AU - Spong CY, Value:
Key: AD - Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, UT, Value:
Key: Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX (Drs Herrera, Rosenthal, Spong, and, Value:
Key: Twickler); Parkland Health and Hospital System, Dallas, TX (Drs Herrera,, Value:
Key: Rosenthal, Spong, and Twickler)., Value:
Key: FAU - Twickler, Diane M, Value:
Key: AU - Twickler DM, Value:
Key: AD - Research Division, Department of Radiology, University of Texas (UT) Southwestern, Value:
Key: Medical Center, Dallas, TX (Drs Do, Xi, Lewis, Fei, and Twickler); Parkland, Value:
Key: Health and Hospital System, Dallas, TX (Drs Herrera, Rosenthal, Spong, and, Value:
Key: Twickler). Electronic address:, Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - K23 HD103876/HD/NICHD NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - K25 HD104004/HD/NICHD NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - L30 HD109864/HD/NICHD NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20240110, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Am J Obstet Gynecol MFM, Value:
Key: JT - American journal of obstetrics & gynecology MFM, Value:
Key: JID - 101746609, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Pregnancy, Value:
Key: MH - Infant, Newborn, Value:
Key: MH - Female, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - Retrospective Studies, Value:
Key: MH - *Placenta Accreta/diagnostic imaging/surgery, Value:
Key: MH - Ultrasonography, Prenatal/methods, Value:
Key: MH - Hysterectomy/methods, Value:
Key: MH - Ultrasonography, Value:
Key: MH - Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - MRI, Value:
Key: OT - hysterectomy, Value:
Key: OT - placenta accreta index, Value:
Key: OT - placenta accreta spectrum, Value:
Key: OT - ultrasound, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2024/01/13 00:42, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2024/03/20 06:45, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2024/01/12 19:32, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/10/27 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/12/22 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/03 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/20 06:45 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/13 00:42 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/12 19:32 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - S2589-9333(24)00007-7 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1016/j.ajogmf.2024.101280 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Am J Obstet Gynecol MFM. 2024 Mar;6(3):101280. doi: 10.1016/j.ajogmf.2024.101280., Value:
Key: Epub 2024 Jan 10., Value:
Key: PMID- 38180824, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20240117, Value:
Key: IS - 1530-6992 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1530-6984 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 24, Value:
Key: IP - 2, Value:
Key: DP - 2024 Jan 17, Value:
Key: TI - Facile and Widely Applicable Route to Self-Adaptive Emissivity Modulation:, Value:
Key: Energy-Saving Demonstration with Transparent Wood., Value:
Key: PG - 657-666, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c03711 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - The cooling power provided by radiative cooling is unwanted during cold hours., Value:
Key: Therefore, self-adaptive regulation is desired for radiative cooling, especially, Value:
Key: in all-weather applications. However, current routes for radiative cooling, Value:
Key: regulation are constrained by substrates and complicated processing. Here,, Value:
Key: self-adaptive radiative cooling regulation on various potential substrates, Value:
Key: (transparent wood, PET, normal glass, and cement) was achieved by a Fabry-Perot, Value:
Key: structure consisting of a silver nanowires (AgNWs) bottom layer, PMMA spacer, and, Value:
Key: W-VO(2) top layer. The emissivity-modulated transparent wood (EMTW) exhibits an, Value:
Key: emissivity contrast of 0.44 (ε(8-13-L) = ∼0.19 and ε(8-13-H) = ∼0.63), which, Value:
Key: thereby yields considerable energy savings across different climate zones. The, Value:
Key: emissivity contrast can be adjusted by varying the spinning parameters during the, Value:
Key: deposition process. Positive emissivity contrast was also achieved on three other, Value:
Key: industrially relevant substrates via this facile and widely applicable route., Value:
Key: This proves the great significance of the approach to the promotion and wide, Value:
Key: adoption of radiative cooling regulation concept in the built environment., Value:
Key: FAU - Hu, Xin, Value:
Key: AU - Hu X, Value:
Key: AD - Materials Synthesis and Processing Lab, School of Fashion and Textiles, The Hong, Value:
Key: Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR 999077, China., Value:
Key: AD - Research Centre for Resources Engineering towards Carbon Neutrality, The Hong, Value:
Key: Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cai, Wei, Value:
Key: AU - Cai W, Value:
Key: AD - Materials Synthesis and Processing Lab, School of Fashion and Textiles, The Hong, Value:
Key: Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR 999077, China., Value:
Key: AD - Research Centre for Resources Engineering towards Carbon Neutrality, The Hong, Value:
Key: Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Yingbo, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering, The Hong Kong, Value:
Key: Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Shi, Shuo, Value:
Key: AU - Shi S, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong SAR 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ming, Yang, Value:
Key: AU - Ming Y, Value:
Key: AD - Materials Synthesis and Processing Lab, School of Fashion and Textiles, The Hong, Value:
Key: Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yu, Rujun, Value:
Key: AU - Yu R, Value:
Key: AD - Materials Synthesis and Processing Lab, School of Fashion and Textiles, The Hong, Value:
Key: Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR 999077, China., Value:
Key: AD - Research Centre for Resources Engineering towards Carbon Neutrality, The Hong, Value:
Key: Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Daming, Value:
Key: AU - Chen D, Value:
Key: AD - Materials Synthesis and Processing Lab, School of Fashion and Textiles, The Hong, Value:
Key: Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yang, Mengyan, Value:
Key: AU - Yang M, Value:
Key: AD - Materials Synthesis and Processing Lab, School of Fashion and Textiles, The Hong, Value:
Key: Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR 999077, China., Value:
Key: AD - Research Centre for Resources Engineering towards Carbon Neutrality, The Hong, Value:
Key: Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Faming, Value:
Key: AU - Wang F, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biosystems Engineering, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, KU, Value:
Key: Leuven, Leuven 3001, Belgium., Value:
Key: FAU - Yang, Hongyu, Value:
Key: AU - Yang H, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-8738-3259, Value:
Key: AD - College of Materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing University, Shazhengjie, Value:
Key: 174, Shapingba, Chongqing 400030, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Kan, Chi-Wai, Value:
Key: AU - Kan CW, Value:
Key: AD - Materials Synthesis and Processing Lab, School of Fashion and Textiles, The Hong, Value:
Key: Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Noor, Nuruzzaman, Value:
Key: AU - Noor N, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-1897-1529, Value:
Key: AD - Materials Synthesis and Processing Lab, School of Fashion and Textiles, The Hong, Value:
Key: Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR 999077, China., Value:
Key: AD - Research Centre for Resources Engineering towards Carbon Neutrality, The Hong, Value:
Key: Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bin, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-4274-1873, Value:
Key: AD - Materials Synthesis and Processing Lab, School of Fashion and Textiles, The Hong, Value:
Key: Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR 999077, China., Value:
Key: AD - Research Centre for Resources Engineering towards Carbon Neutrality, The Hong, Value:
Key: Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR 999077, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20240105, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Nano Lett, Value:
Key: JT - Nano letters, Value:
Key: JID - 101088070, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Emissivity modulation, Value:
Key: OT - Energy saving, Value:
Key: OT - Fabry−Perot resonator, Value:
Key: OT - Radiative cooling, Value:
Key: OT - Transparent wood, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2024/01/05 18:41, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2024/01/05 18:42, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2024/01/05 12:23, Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/05 18:42 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/05 18:41 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/05 12:23 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c03711 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Nano Lett. 2024 Jan 17;24(2):657-666. doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c03711. Epub, Value:
Key: 2024 Jan 5., Value:
Key: PMID- 38180553, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20240108, Value:
Key: LR - 20240117, Value:
Key: IS - 1432-0614 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0175-7598 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 0175-7598 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 108, Value:
Key: IP - 1, Value:
Key: DP - 2024 Dec, Value:
Key: TI - Quercetin: a promising virulence inhibitor of Pseudomonas aeruginosa LasB in, Value:
Key: vitro., Value:
Key: PG - 57, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1007/s00253-023-12890-w [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 57, Value:
Key: AB - With the inappropriate use of antibiotics, antibiotic resistance has emerged as a, Value:
Key: major dilemma for patients infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Elastase B, Value:
Key: (LasB), a crucial extracellular virulence factor secreted by P. aeruginosa, has, Value:
Key: been identified as a key target for antivirulence therapy. Quercetin, a natural, Value:
Key: flavonoid, exhibits promising potential as an antivirulence agent. We aim to, Value:
Key: evaluate the impact of quercetin on P. aeruginosa LasB and elucidate the, Value:
Key: underlying mechanism. Molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation, Value:
Key: revealed a rather favorable intermolecular interaction between quercetin and, Value:
Key: LasB. At the sub-MICs of ≤256 μg/ml, quercetin was found to effectively inhibit, Value:
Key: the production and activity of LasB elastase, as well as downregulate the, Value:
Key: transcription level of the lasB gene in both PAO1 and clinical strains of P., Value:
Key: aeruginosa. Through correlation analysis, significant positive correlations were, Value:
Key: shown between the virulence gene lasB and the QS system regulatory genes lasI,, Value:
Key: lasR, rhlI, and rhlR in clinical strains of P. aeruginosa. Then, we found the, Value:
Key: lasB gene expression and LasB activity were significantly deficient in PAO1 ΔlasI, Value:
Key: and ΔlasIΔrhlI mutants. In addition, quercetin significantly downregulated the, Value:
Key: expression levels of regulated genes lasI, lasR, rhlI, rhlR, pqsA, and pqsR as, Value:
Key: well as effectively attenuated the synthesis of signaling molecules 3-oxo-C12-HSL, Value:
Key: and C4-HSL in the QS system of PAO1. Quercetin was also able to compete with the, Value:
Key: natural ligands OdDHL, BHL, and PQS for binding to the receptor proteins LasR,, Value:
Key: RhlR, and PqsR, respectively, resulting in the formation of more stabilized, Value:
Key: complexes. Taken together, quercetin exhibits enormous potential in combating, Value:
Key: LasB production and activity by disrupting the QS system of P. aeruginosa in, Value:
Key: vitro, thereby offering an alternative approach for the antivirulence therapy of, Value:
Key: P. aeruginosa infections. KEY POINTS: • Quercetin diminished the content and, Value:
Key: activity of LasB elastase of P. aeruginosa. • Quercetin inhibited the QS system, Value:
Key: activity of P. aeruginosa. • Quercetin acted on LasB based on the QS system., Value:
Key: CI - © 2024. The Author(s)., Value:
Key: FAU - Ren, Yanying, Value:
Key: AU - Ren Y, Value:
Key: AD - Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou, 450046, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhu, Rui, Value:
Key: AU - Zhu R, Value:
Key: AD - Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou, 450046, China., Value:
Key: AD - Henan Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, The Second Affiliated, Value:
Key: Hospital of Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou, 450002, China., Value:
Key: FAU - You, Xiaojuan, Value:
Key: AU - You X, Value:
Key: AD - Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou, 450046, China., Value:
Key: AD - Henan Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, The Second Affiliated, Value:
Key: Hospital of Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou, 450002, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Dengzhou, Value:
Key: AU - Li D, Value:
Key: AD - Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou, 450046, China., Value:
Key: AD - Henan Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, The Second Affiliated, Value:
Key: Hospital of Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou, 450002, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Guo, Mengyu, Value:
Key: AU - Guo M, Value:
Key: AD - Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou, 450046, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bing, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou, 450046, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Ying, Value:
Key: AU - Liu Y, Value:
Key: AD - Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou, 450046, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yang, Ximing, Value:
Key: AU - Yang X, Value:
Key: AD - Dongzhimen Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Peking, 100700,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Xinwei, Value:
Key: AU - Liu X, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-5358-886X, Value:
Key: AD - Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou, 450046, China., Value:
Key: AD - Henan Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, The Second Affiliated, Value:
Key: Hospital of Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou, 450002, China., Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Yongwei, Value:
Key: AU - Li Y, Value:
Key: AD - Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou, 450046, China., Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: AD - Henan Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, The Second Affiliated, Value:
Key: Hospital of Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou, 450002, China., Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: AD - The Key Laboratory of Pathogenic Microbes & Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance, Value:
Key: of Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou, 450002, China., Value:
Key: AD - Henan Engineering Research Center for Identification of Pathogenic Microbes,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China., Value:
Key: AD - Henan Provincial Key Laboratory of Antibiotics-Resistant Bacterial Infection, Value:
Key: Prevention & Therapy with Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou, 450002, China., Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - 2022ZY1078/Health Commission of Henan Province/, Value:
Key: GR - 2023XY1011/Health Commission of Henan Province/, Value:
Key: GR - 22A360008/Foundation of Henan Educational Committee/, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20240105, Value:
Key: PL - Germany, Value:
Key: TA - Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, Value:
Key: JT - Applied microbiology and biotechnology, Value:
Key: JID - 8406612, Value:
Key: RN - 9IKM0I5T1E (Quercetin), Value:
Key: RN - EC (Pancreatic Elastase), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - *Quercetin/pharmacology, Value:
Key: MH - Virulence, Value:
Key: MH - *Pseudomonas aeruginosa/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - Molecular Docking Simulation, Value:
Key: MH - Pancreatic Elastase, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10770215, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Antivirulence therapy, Value:
Key: OT - LasB elastase, Value:
Key: OT - Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Value:
Key: OT - Quercetin, Value:
Key: OT - Quorum sensing, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare no competing interests., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2024/01/05 12:43, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2024/01/08 06:42, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2024/01/05, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2024/01/05 11:07, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/06/29 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/11/19 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/11/15 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/08 06:42 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/05 12:43 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/05 11:07 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/05 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1007/s00253-023-12890-w [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 12890 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1007/s00253-023-12890-w [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2024 Dec;108(1):57. doi: 10.1007/s00253-023-12890-w., Value:
Key: Epub 2024 Jan 5., Value:
Key: PMID- 38173840, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20240105, Value:
Key: IS - 2234-943X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 2234-943X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2234-943X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 13, Value:
Key: DP - 2023, Value:
Key: TI - A predictive model for early death in elderly colorectal cancer patients: a, Value:
Key: population-based study., Value:
Key: PG - 1278137, Value:
Key: LID - 10.3389/fonc.2023.1278137 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 1278137, Value:
Key: AB - PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to determine what variables contribute to, Value:
Key: the early death of elderly colorectal cancer patients (ECRC) and to generate, Value:
Key: predictive nomograms for this population. METHODS: This retrospective cohort, Value:
Key: analysis included elderly individuals (≥75 years old) diagnosed with colorectal, Value:
Key: cancer (CRC) from 2010-2015 in the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Result, Value:
Key: databases (SEER) databases. The external validation was conducted using a sample, Value:
Key: of the Chinese population obtained from the China-Japan Union Hospital of Jilin, Value:
Key: University. Logistic regression analyses were used to ascertain variables, Value:
Key: associated with early death and to develop nomograms. The nomograms were, Value:
Key: internally and externally validated with the help of the receiver operating, Value:
Key: characteristic curve (ROC), calibration curve, and decision curve analysis (DCA)., Value:
Key: RESULTS: The SEER cohort consisted of 28,111 individuals, while the Chinese, Value:
Key: cohort contained 315 cases. Logistic regression analyses shown that race, marital, Value:
Key: status, tumor size, Grade, T stage, N stage, M stage, brain metastasis, liver, Value:
Key: metastasis, bone metastasis, surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy were, Value:
Key: independent prognostic factors for all-cause and cancer-specific early death in, Value:
Key: ECRC patients; The variable of sex was only related to an increased risk of, Value:
Key: all-cause early death, whereas the factor of insurance status was solely, Value:
Key: associated with an increased risk of cancer-specific early death. Subsequently,, Value:
Key: two nomograms were devised to estimate the likelihood of all-cause and, Value:
Key: cancer-specific early death among individuals with ECRC. The nomograms exhibited, Value:
Key: robust predictive accuracy for predicting early death of ECRC patients, as, Value:
Key: evidenced by both internal and external validation. CONCLUSION: We developed two, Value:
Key: easy-to-use nomograms to predicting the likelihood of early death in ECRC, Value:
Key: patients, which would contribute significantly to the improvement of clinical, Value:
Key: decision-making and the formulation of personalized treatment approaches for this, Value:
Key: particular population., Value:
Key: CI - Copyright © 2023 Wang, Shen, Fei, Luo, Li, Wang, Wei and Xie., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Qi, Value:
Key: AU - Wang Q, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Colorectal and Anal Surgery, China-Japan Union, Value:
Key: Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Shen, Kexin, Value:
Key: AU - Shen K, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Colorectal and Anal Surgery, China-Japan Union, Value:
Key: Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bingyuan, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Colorectal and Anal Surgery, China-Japan Union, Value:
Key: Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Luo, Hai, Value:
Key: AU - Luo H, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Colorectal and Anal Surgery, China-Japan Union, Value:
Key: Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Ruiqi, Value:
Key: AU - Li R, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Colorectal and Anal Surgery, China-Japan Union, Value:
Key: Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Zeming, Value:
Key: AU - Wang Z, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Colorectal and Anal Surgery, China-Japan Union, Value:
Key: Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wei, Mengqiang, Value:
Key: AU - Wei M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Colorectal and Anal Surgery, China-Japan Union, Value:
Key: Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Xie, Zhongshi, Value:
Key: AU - Xie Z, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Colorectal and Anal Surgery, China-Japan Union, Value:
Key: Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20231218, Value:
Key: PL - Switzerland, Value:
Key: TA - Front Oncol, Value:
Key: JT - Frontiers in oncology, Value:
Key: JID - 101568867, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10764026, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - SEER (surveillance epidemiology and end results) database, Value:
Key: OT - colorectal cancer, Value:
Key: OT - early death, Value:
Key: OT - elderly patients, Value:
Key: OT - nomogram, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any, Value:
Key: commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential, Value:
Key: conflict of interest., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2024/01/04 11:44, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2024/01/04 11:45, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/01/01, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2024/01/04 04:08, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/08/15 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/12/01 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/04 11:45 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/04 11:44 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/04 04:08 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/01/01 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 10.3389/fonc.2023.1278137 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Front Oncol. 2023 Dec 18;13:1278137. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2023.1278137. eCollection, Value:
Key: 2023., Value:
Key: PMID- 38007551, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20240112, Value:
Key: LR - 20240320, Value:
Key: IS - 1476-5403 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1350-9047 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1350-9047 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 31, Value:
Key: IP - 1, Value:
Key: DP - 2024 Jan, Value:
Key: TI - SIRT5-mediated ME2 desuccinylation promotes cancer growth by enhancing, Value:
Key: mitochondrial respiration., Value:
Key: PG - 65-77, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1038/s41418-023-01240-y [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Mitochondrial malic enzyme 2 (ME2), which catalyzes the conversion of malate to, Value:
Key: pyruvate, is frequently upregulated during tumorigenesis and is a potential, Value:
Key: target for cancer therapy. However, the regulatory mechanism underlying ME2, Value:
Key: activity is largely unknown. In this study, we demonstrate that ME2 is highly, Value:
Key: expressed in human colorectal cancer (CRC) tissues, and that ME2 knockdown, Value:
Key: inhibits the proliferation of CRC cells. Furthermore, we reveal that ME2 is, Value:
Key: succinylated and identify Sirtuins 5 (SIRT5) as an ME2 desuccinylase. Glutamine, Value:
Key: deprivation directly enhances the interaction of SIRT5 with ME2 and thus promotes, Value:
Key: SIRT5-mediated desuccinylation of ME2 at lysine 346, activating ME2 enzymatic, Value:
Key: activity. Activated ME2 significantly enhances mitochondrial respiration, thereby, Value:
Key: counteracting the effects of glutamine deprivation and supporting cell, Value:
Key: proliferation and tumorigenesis. Additionally, the levels of succinylated ME2 at, Value:
Key: K346 and SIRT5 in CRC tissues, which are negatively correlated, are associated, Value:
Key: with patient prognosis. These observations suggest that SIRT5-catalyzed ME2, Value:
Key: desuccinylation is a key signaling event through which cancer cells maintain, Value:
Key: mitochondrial respiration and promote CRC progression under glutamine deficiency, Value:
Key: conditions, offering the possibility of targeting SIRT5-mediated ME2, Value:
Key: desuccinylation for CRC treatment., Value:
Key: CI - © 2023. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to ADMC Associazione, Value:
Key: Differenziamento e Morte Cellulare., Value:
Key: FAU - Teng, Peng, Value:
Key: AU - Teng P, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214062, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cui, Kaisa, Value:
Key: AU - Cui K, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-7255-2689, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214062, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yao, Surui, Value:
Key: AU - Yao S, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214062, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bojian, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214062, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Department of General Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: 214062, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ling, Feng, Value:
Key: AU - Ling F, Value:
Key: AD - Chemical Genetics Laboratory, RIKEN Advanced Science Institute, Hirosawa 2-1,, Value:
Key: Wako-shi, Saitama, 351-0198, Japan., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Chaoqun, Value:
Key: AU - Li C, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214062, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Zhaohui, Value:
Key: AU - Huang Z, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-0117-9976, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214062, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - 82173063/National Natural Science Foundation of China (National Science, Value:
Key: Foundation of China)/, Value:
Key: GR - 82002964/National Natural Science Foundation of China (National Science, Value:
Key: Foundation of China)/, Value:
Key: GR - 2022M711370/China Postdoctoral Science Foundation/, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, Value:
Key: DEP - 20231125, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - Cell Death Differ, Value:
Key: JT - Cell death and differentiation, Value:
Key: JID - 9437445, Value:
Key: RN - 0RH81L854J (Glutamine), Value:
Key: RN - EC 3.5.1.- (Sirtuins), Value:
Key: RN - EC 3.5.1.- (SIRT5 protein, human), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - *Glutamine, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Proliferation, Value:
Key: MH - Mitochondria, Value:
Key: MH - Carcinogenesis, Value:
Key: MH - Respiration, Value:
Key: MH - *Sirtuins/genetics, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10781994, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare no competing interests., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/11/26 07:44, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2024/01/12 06:42, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2025/01/01, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/11/25 23:30, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/08/07 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/11/07 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/10/31 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2025/01/01 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/01/12 06:42 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/11/26 07:44 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/11/25 23:30 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1038/s41418-023-01240-y [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 1240 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1038/s41418-023-01240-y [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Cell Death Differ. 2024 Jan;31(1):65-77. doi: 10.1038/s41418-023-01240-y. Epub, Value:
Key: 2023 Nov 25., Value:
Key: PMID- 37954460, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20231114, Value:
Key: LR - 20231114, Value:
Key: IS - 1178-2013 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1176-9114 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1176-9114 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 18, Value:
Key: DP - 2023, Value:
Key: TI - Nanodrugs Reprogram Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts and Normalize Tumor, Value:
Key: Vasculatures for Sequentially Enhancing Photodynamic Therapy of Hepatocellular, Value:
Key: Carcinoma., Value:
Key: PG - 6379-6391, Value:
Key: LID - 10.2147/IJN.S429884 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - BACKGROUND: The failure of cancer photodynamic therapy (PDT) is largely ascribed, Value:
Key: to excessive stroma and defective vasculatures that restrain the photosensitizer, Value:
Key: permeation and the oxygen perfusion in tumors. METHOD AND RESULTS: In this study,, Value:
Key: a nanodrug that integrated the cancer-associated fibroblast (CAF) regulation with, Value:
Key: tumor vessel normalization was tailored to sequentially sensitize PDT. The, Value:
Key: nanodrug exhibited high targeting towards CAFs and efficiently reversed the, Value:
Key: activated CAFs into quiescence, thus decreasing collagen deposition in the tumor, Value:
Key: microenvironment (TME), which overcame the protective physical barrier., Value:
Key: Furthermore, the nanodrug regulated vascular endothelial cells and restored the, Value:
Key: tumor vasculatures, thereby improving vascular permeability. Based on the, Value:
Key: combined effects of reprogramming the TME, the nanodrug improved tumor, Value:
Key: accumulation of photosensitizers and alleviated hypoxia in the TME, which, Value:
Key: facilitated the subsequent PDT. Importantly, the nanodrug regulated the, Value:
Key: immunosuppressive TME by favoring the infiltration of immunostimulatory cells, Value:
Key: over immunosuppressive cells, which potentiated the PDT-induced immune response., Value:
Key: CONCLUSION: Our work demonstrates a sequential treatment strategy in which the, Value:
Key: combination of the CAF regulation and tumor vasculature normalization, followed, Value:
Key: by PDT, could be a promising modality for sensitizing tumor to PDT., Value:
Key: CI - © 2023 Fei et al., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bingyuan, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Colorectal Surgery, China-Japan Union Hospital of, Value:
Key: Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key: FAU - Mo, Zhanhao, Value:
Key: AU - Mo Z, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, China-Japan Union Hospital of Jilin University,, Value:
Key: Changchun, Jilin, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yang, Jinghui, Value:
Key: AU - Yang J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, China-Japan Union Hospital of, Value:
Key: Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Zheng, Value:
Key: AU - Wang Z, Value:
Key: AD - CAS Key Laboratory of Nano-Bio Interface Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and, Value:
Key: Nano-Bionics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Suzhou, Jiangsu, People's Republic of, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Shuo, Value:
Key: AU - Li S, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, China-Japan Union Hospital of, Value:
Key: Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20231107, Value:
Key: PL - New Zealand, Value:
Key: TA - Int J Nanomedicine, Value:
Key: JT - International journal of nanomedicine, Value:
Key: JID - 101263847, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Photosensitizing Agents), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - *Carcinoma, Hepatocellular/drug therapy, Value:
Key: MH - *Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts, Value:
Key: MH - Endothelial Cells, Value:
Key: MH - *Liver Neoplasms/drug therapy, Value:
Key: MH - Photosensitizing Agents/pharmacology/therapeutic use, Value:
Key: MH - *Photochemotherapy/methods, Value:
Key: MH - *Nanoparticles/therapeutic use, Value:
Key: MH - Tumor Microenvironment, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Line, Tumor, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10638926, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - cancer-associated fibroblast, Value:
Key: OT - photodynamic therapy, Value:
Key: OT - sequential treatments, Value:
Key: OT - tumor microenvironment, Value:
Key: OT - tumor vessel, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/11/13 06:43, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/11/14 06:43, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/11/07, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/11/13 04:30, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/07/10 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/10/22 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/11/14 06:43 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/11/13 06:43 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/11/13 04:30 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/11/07 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 429884 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.2147/IJN.S429884 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Int J Nanomedicine. 2023 Nov 7;18:6379-6391. doi: 10.2147/IJN.S429884., Value:
Key: eCollection 2023., Value:
Key: PMID- 37953520, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20231204, Value:
Key: LR - 20231216, Value:
Key: IS - 1535-3907 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1535-3893 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 22, Value:
Key: IP - 12, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Dec 1, Value:
Key: TI - Molecular Mechanism of Circ_0088300-BOLL Interaction Regulating Mitochondrial, Value:
Key: Metabolic Reprogramming and Involved in Gastric Cancer Growth and Metastasis., Value:
Key: PG - 3793-3810, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1021/acs.jproteome.3c00476 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - This study aims to investigate the effect and molecular mechanism of the, Value:
Key: interaction between circRNA circ_0088300 and the RNA binding protein (RBP) BOLL, Value:
Key: on the growth and metastasis of gastric cancer. A prognostic risk model was, Value:
Key: established by screening differentially expressed RBP genes from the TCGA, Value:
Key: database, and BOLL was identified as a critical RBP. Gene Set Enrichment analysis, Value:
Key: (GSEA) showed that BOLL was associated with mitochondrial function. The, Value:
Key: upregulation fold change of circ_0088300 was the highest in the GSE93541 data, Value:
Key: set, and the RPISeq database confirmed its binding relationship with BOLL. In, Value:
Key: vitro experiments showed that BOLL regulates mitochondrial metabolism and cancer, Value:
Key: cell function and circ_0088300 upregulates the expression level of BOLL. In vivo, Value:
Key: experiments demonstrated that knocking down circ_0088300 can inhibit tumor growth, Value:
Key: and metastasis, whereas overexpression of BOLL can reverse this effect. In, Value:
Key: conclusion, we have reached a preliminary conclusion that upregulation of BOLL by, Value:
Key: circ_0088300 promotes gastric cancer growth and metastasis by promoting, Value:
Key: mitochondrial metabolic reprogramming., Value:
Key: FAU - Chu, Songtao, Value:
Key: AU - Chu S, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Forensic Medicine of Basic Medical College, Beihua University,, Value:
Key: Jilin 132013, P.R. China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bingyuan, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Colorectal and Anal. Surgery, the Third Bethune, Value:
Key: Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun 130000, Jilin Province, P.R. China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yu, Miao, Value:
Key: AU - Yu M, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0009-0004-3452-0335, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Colorectal and Anal. Surgery, the Third Bethune, Value:
Key: Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun 130000, Jilin Province, P.R. China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20231112, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - J Proteome Res, Value:
Key: JT - Journal of proteome research, Value:
Key: JID - 101128775, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (MicroRNAs), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (RNA, Circular), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - *MicroRNAs/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - *Stomach Neoplasms/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Line, Tumor, Value:
Key: MH - RNA, Circular/genetics/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Up-Regulation, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Proliferation/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - BOLL, Value:
Key: OT - RNA-binding protein, Value:
Key: OT - circ_0088300, Value:
Key: OT - circular RNA, Value:
Key: OT - epithelial−mesenchymal transition (EMT), Value:
Key: OT - gastric cancer, Value:
Key: OT - mitochondrial metabolic reprogramming, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/11/13 06:42, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/12/04 12:43, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/11/13 01:03, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/12/04 12:43 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/11/13 06:42 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/11/13 01:03 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1021/acs.jproteome.3c00476 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - J Proteome Res. 2023 Dec 1;22(12):3793-3810. doi: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.3c00476., Value:
Key: Epub 2023 Nov 12., Value:
Key: PMID- 37953134, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20231202, Value:
Key: IS - 1095-7103 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0021-9797 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 655, Value:
Key: DP - 2024 Feb, Value:
Key: TI - Heterointerface manipulation in the architecture of Co-Mo(2)C@NC boosts water, Value:
Key: electrolysis., Value:
Key: PG - 963-975, Value:
Key: LID - S0021-9797(23)02079-9 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1016/j.jcis.2023.10.146 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Heterostructures with tunable electronic properties have shown great potential in, Value:
Key: water electrolysis for the replacement of current benchmark precious metals., Value:
Key: However, constructing heterostructures with sufficient interfaces to strengthen, Value:
Key: the synergistic effect of multiple species still remains a challenge due to phase, Value:
Key: separation. Herein, an efficient electrocatalyst composed of a nanosized, Value:
Key: cobalt/Mo(2)C heterostructure anchored on N-doped carbon (Co-Mo(2)C@NC) was, Value:
Key: achieved by in situ topotactic phase transformation. With the merits of high, Value:
Key: conductivity, hierarchical pores, and strong electronic interaction between Co, Value:
Key: and Mo(2)C, the Co-Mo(2)C@5NC-4 catalyst shows excellent activity with a low, Value:
Key: overpotential for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER, 89 mV@10 mA cm(-2) in, Value:
Key: alkaline medium; 143 mV@10 mA cm(-2) in acidic medium) and oxygen evolution, Value:
Key: reaction (OER, 356 mV@10 mA cm(-2) in alkaline medium), as well as high, Value:
Key: stability. Furthermore, this catalyst in an electrolyzer shows efficient activity, Value:
Key: for overall water splitting and long-term durability. Theoretical calculations, Value:
Key: reveal the optimized adsorption-desorption behaviour of hydrogen intermediates on, Value:
Key: the generated cobalt layered hydroxide (Co LDH)/Mo(2)C interfaces, resulting in, Value:
Key: boosting alkaline water electrolysis. This work proposes a new, Value:
Key: interface-engineering perspective for the construction of high-activity, Value:
Key: heterostructures for electrochemical conversion., Value:
Key: CI - Copyright © 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., Value:
Key: FAU - Huo, Juanjuan, Value:
Key: AU - Huo J, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Energy Materials Science, University of Shanghai for Science and, Value:
Key: Technology, Shanghai 200093, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ge, Riyue, Value:
Key: AU - Ge R, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Energy Materials Science, University of Shanghai for Science and, Value:
Key: Technology, Shanghai 200093, China; School of Fashion & Textiles, The Hong Kong, Value:
Key: Polytechnic University, Hong Kong S.A.R, 999077, China. Electronic address:, Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Yang, Value:
Key: AU - Liu Y, Value:
Key: AD - Institute for Sustainable Energy, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Ying, Value:
Key: AU - Li Y, Value:
Key: AD - Institute for Sustainable Energy, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China;, Value:
Key: School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai, Value:
Key: 200444, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liao, Ting, Value:
Key: AU - Liao T, Value:
Key: AD - School of Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,, Value:
Key: Queensland University of Technology, Australia., Value:
Key: FAU - Yang, Jack, Value:
Key: AU - Yang J, Value:
Key: AD - School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales,, Value:
Key: Sydney, New South Wales 2052, Australia., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Jiujun, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang J, Value:
Key: AD - Institute for Sustainable Energy, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Sean, Value:
Key: AU - Li S, Value:
Key: AD - School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales,, Value:
Key: Sydney, New South Wales 2052, Australia., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bin, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - School of Fashion & Textiles, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Value:
Key: S.A.R, 999077, China. Electronic address:, Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Wenxian, Value:
Key: AU - Li W, Value:
Key: AD - School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales,, Value:
Key: Sydney, New South Wales 2052, Australia. Electronic address:, Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20231030, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - J Colloid Interface Sci, Value:
Key: JT - Journal of colloid and interface science, Value:
Key: JID - 0043125, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Heterostructure, Value:
Key: OT - Interface manipulation, Value:
Key: OT - In−situ transformation, Value:
Key: OT - Water electrolysis, Value:
Key: COIS- Declaration of Competing Interest The authors declare that they have no known, Value:
Key: competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared, Value:
Key: to influence the work reported in this paper., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/11/13 00:42, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/11/13 00:43, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/11/12 21:55, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/09/02 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/10/27 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/10/27 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/11/13 00:43 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/11/13 00:42 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/11/12 21:55 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - S0021-9797(23)02079-9 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1016/j.jcis.2023.10.146 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - J Colloid Interface Sci. 2024 Feb;655:963-975. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2023.10.146., Value:
Key: Epub 2023 Oct 30., Value:
Key: PMID- 37942533, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20231110, Value:
Key: LR - 20240110, Value:
Key: IS - 1555-8576 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1538-4047 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1538-4047 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 24, Value:
Key: IP - 1, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Dec 31, Value:
Key: TI - MiR-597-5p inhibits carcinogenesis and macrophage recruitment in colitis-related, Value:
Key: colorectal cancer via reducing the expression of CXCL5., Value:
Key: PG - 2274122, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1080/15384047.2023.2274122 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 2274122, Value:
Key: AB - Despite being the subject of multiple cancer studies, nothing is known about, Value:
Key: miR-597-5p's role in colitis-associated colorectal cancer (CAC). We intend to, Value:
Key: explore how miR-597-5p influences the growth and development of CAC. In order to, Value:
Key: construct a CAC model, mice were stimulated with azoxymethane (AOM)/dextran, Value:
Key: sulfate sodium (DSS). The in situ hybridization (ISH) and quantitative real-time, Value:
Key: polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) was used for the detection of miR-597-5p, Value:
Key: expression. The protein expression of CXCL5 was determined by western blotting,, Value:
Key: immunohistochemistry and enzyme-linked immuno sorbent assay (ELISA). The, Value:
Key: histologic colitis score and hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining were used to, Value:
Key: evaluate degree of damage to colonic tissues. The proportion of macrophages, Value:
Key: detected in colon tumors was also measured using flow cytometry. The transwell, Value:
Key: test was employed to assess macrophage migration. It was found that the, Value:
Key: miR-597-5p and its target CXCL5 had a negative correlation. MiR-597-5p expression, Value:
Key: was decreased, while CXCL5 expression was raised in CAC tissues. In, Value:
Key: AOM/DSS-induced mice, miR-597-5p deficiency in intestinal epithelial cells, Value:
Key: resulted in decreasing colon length as well as increasing tumor numbers and, Value:
Key: histologic colitis score, which was reversed by CXCL5 inhibition. MiR-597-5p, Value:
Key: deficiency facilitated macrophage recruitment in AOM/DSS-induced mice and, Value:
Key: promoted macrophage migration in vitro, which were reversed by CXCL5 inhibition., Value:
Key: Deficiency of miR-597-5p aggravated macrophage recruitment and tumorigenesis in a, Value:
Key: mouse CAC model, suggesting that miR-597-5p agonists may have an, Value:
Key: anti-inflammatory therapeutic effect in inflammatory bowel diseases and reduce, Value:
Key: the risk of developing CAC., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Shuo, Value:
Key: AU - Li S, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, China-Japan Union Hospital of, Value:
Key: Jilin University, Changchun, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yu, Miao, Value:
Key: AU - Yu M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Colorectal Surgery, China-Japan Union Hospital of, Value:
Key: Jilin University, Changchun, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Xiuying, Value:
Key: AU - Wang X, Value:
Key: AD - Medical Department, China-Japan Union Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bingyuan, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-5336-0470, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Colorectal Surgery, China-Japan Union Hospital of, Value:
Key: Jilin University, Changchun, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20231109, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Cancer Biol Ther, Value:
Key: JT - Cancer biology & therapy, Value:
Key: JID - 101137842, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (MicroRNAs), Value:
Key: RN - 9042-14-2 (Dextran Sulfate), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Mice, Value:
Key: MH - Animals, Value:
Key: MH - *Colitis/chemically induced/complications/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - Carcinogenesis/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - *Colonic Neoplasms/pathology, Value:
Key: MH - Macrophages/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - *MicroRNAs/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - Dextran Sulfate/toxicity, Value:
Key: MH - Mice, Inbred C57BL, Value:
Key: MH - Disease Models, Animal, Value:
Key: MH - *Colorectal Neoplasms/genetics, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10773537, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - CXCL5, Value:
Key: OT - Colitis-associated colorectal cancer (CAC), Value:
Key: OT - Colorectal cancer (CRC), Value:
Key: OT - microRNA-597-5p, Value:
Key: COIS- No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s)., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/11/09 06:42, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/11/10 06:45, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/11/09, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/11/09 04:32, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/11/10 06:45 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/11/09 06:42 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/11/09 04:32 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/11/09 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 2274122 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1080/15384047.2023.2274122 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Cancer Biol Ther. 2023 Dec 31;24(1):2274122. doi: 10.1080/15384047.2023.2274122., Value:
Key: Epub 2023 Nov 9., Value:
Key: PMID- 37852553, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20231206, Value:
Key: LR - 20231216, Value:
Key: IS - 1096-1208 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0882-4010 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 185, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Dec, Value:
Key: TI - Effect of piperine on the inhibitory potential of MexAB-OprM efflux pump and, Value:
Key: imipenem resistance in carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa., Value:
Key: PG - 106397, Value:
Key: LID - S0882-4010(23)00430-8 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1016/j.micpath.2023.106397 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - The escalating prevalence of carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa (CRPA), Value:
Key: poses a significant threat to global public health through the spread of its, Value:
Key: 'high-risk' clones. Immediate and decisive research into antimicrobial agents, Value:
Key: against CRPA is crucial for the development of effective measures and, Value:
Key: interventions. Overexpression of the MexAB-OprM efflux pump is one of the major, Value:
Key: mechanisms of CRPA. Since the active efflux of antibacterial agents plays a, Value:
Key: significant role in mediating drug resistance in CRPA, the inhibition of efflux, Value:
Key: pumps has become a promising strategy to restore antibacterial potency. Piperine, Value:
Key: (PIP) has been proven to be a promising efflux pump inhibitor in some bacteria., Value:
Key: However, there are no studies on whether PIP can act as a potential efflux pump, Value:
Key: inhibitor in CRPA. The present study aimed to identify the antibacterial activity, Value:
Key: of PIP against CRPA and to evaluate the effect on the MexAB-OprM efflux pump., Value:
Key: Molecular docking was used to analyze the possible interaction of PIP with the, Value:
Key: proteins of the MexAB-OprM efflux pump in CRPA. The effect of PIP on the, Value:
Key: expression of the MexAB-OprM efflux pump was investigated by real-time, Value:
Key: quantitative PCR (qPCR) and ethidium bromide accumulation efflux assay. The, Value:
Key: effect of PIP on CRPA imipenem (IPM) resistance was investigated by the, Value:
Key: checkerboard dilution method. The results demonstrated that PIP exhibited the, Value:
Key: lowest binding affinity of -9.1 kcal towards efflux pump proteins. A synergistic, Value:
Key: effect between PIP and IPM on CRPA was observed. More importantly, PIP, Value:
Key: effectively hindered the efflux of ethidium bromide and IPM by up-regulating MexR, Value:
Key: gene expression while down-regulating MexA, MexB, and OprM gene expressions. In, Value:
Key: conclusion, PIP could enhance the antibacterial activity of IPM by inhibiting the, Value:
Key: MexAB-OprM efflux pump. Our work proved that PIP had the potential to be an, Value:
Key: efflux pump inhibitor of CRPA., Value:
Key: CI - Copyright © 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Ying, Value:
Key: AU - Liu Y, Value:
Key: AD - The Second Clinical Medical College of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China; Henan Engineering Research Center for Identification of, Value:
Key: Pathogenic Microbes, Zhengzhou, 450002, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhu, Rui, Value:
Key: AU - Zhu R, Value:
Key: AD - The Second Clinical Medical College of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China; The Key Laboratory of Pathogenic Microbes, Value:
Key: &Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance of Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou, 450002, China;, Value:
Key: Henan Engineering Research Center for Identification of Pathogenic Microbes,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Xinwei, Value:
Key: AU - Liu X, Value:
Key: AD - The Second Clinical Medical College of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China; Henan Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese, Value:
Key: Medicine, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China; The Key Laboratory of Pathogenic Microbes, Value:
Key: &Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance of Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou, 450002, China;, Value:
Key: Henan Engineering Research Center for Identification of Pathogenic Microbes,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China; Henan Provincial Key Laboratory of, Value:
Key: Antimicrobials-Resistant Bacterial Infection Prevention & Therapy with, Value:
Key: Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou, 450002, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Dengzhou, Value:
Key: AU - Li D, Value:
Key: AD - The Second Clinical Medical College of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China; The Key Laboratory of Pathogenic Microbes, Value:
Key: &Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance of Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou, 450002, China;, Value:
Key: Henan Engineering Research Center for Identification of Pathogenic Microbes,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Guo, Mengyu, Value:
Key: AU - Guo M, Value:
Key: AD - The Second Clinical Medical College of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China; Henan Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese, Value:
Key: Medicine, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bing, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - The Second Clinical Medical College of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China; Henan Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese, Value:
Key: Medicine, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ren, Yanying, Value:
Key: AU - Ren Y, Value:
Key: AD - The Second Clinical Medical College of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China; Henan Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese, Value:
Key: Medicine, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China., Value:
Key: FAU - You, Xiaojuan, Value:
Key: AU - You X, Value:
Key: AD - The Second Clinical Medical College of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China; Henan Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese, Value:
Key: Medicine, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China; The Key Laboratory of Pathogenic Microbes, Value:
Key: &Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance of Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou, 450002, China;, Value:
Key: Henan Engineering Research Center for Identification of Pathogenic Microbes,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China. Electronic address:, Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Yongwei, Value:
Key: AU - Li Y, Value:
Key: AD - The Second Clinical Medical College of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China; Henan Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese, Value:
Key: Medicine, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China; The Key Laboratory of Pathogenic Microbes, Value:
Key: &Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance of Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou, 450002, China;, Value:
Key: Henan Engineering Research Center for Identification of Pathogenic Microbes,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China; Henan Provincial Key Laboratory of, Value:
Key: Antimicrobials-Resistant Bacterial Infection Prevention & Therapy with, Value:
Key: Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou, 450002, China. Electronic address:, Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20231016, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - Microb Pathog, Value:
Key: JT - Microbial pathogenesis, Value:
Key: JID - 8606191, Value:
Key: RN - 71OTZ9ZE0A (Imipenem), Value:
Key: RN - U71XL721QK (piperine), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Bacterial Outer Membrane Proteins), Value:
Key: RN - EN464416SI (Ethidium), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Membrane Transport Proteins), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Anti-Bacterial Agents), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - *Imipenem/pharmacology, Value:
Key: MH - *Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Value:
Key: MH - Bacterial Outer Membrane Proteins/genetics/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Ethidium/pharmacology, Value:
Key: MH - Molecular Docking Simulation, Value:
Key: MH - Membrane Transport Proteins/genetics/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Microbial Sensitivity Tests, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Value:
Key: OT - Imipenem, Value:
Key: OT - MexAB-OprM efflux pump, Value:
Key: OT - Piperine, Value:
Key: COIS- Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known, Value:
Key: competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared, Value:
Key: to influence the work reported in this paper., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/10/19 00:45, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/12/06 06:42, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/10/18 19:28, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/08/02 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/09/25 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/10/14 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/12/06 06:42 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/10/19 00:45 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/10/18 19:28 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - S0882-4010(23)00430-8 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1016/j.micpath.2023.106397 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Microb Pathog. 2023 Dec;185:106397. doi: 10.1016/j.micpath.2023.106397. Epub 2023, Value:
Key: Oct 16., Value:
Key: PMID- 37848946, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20231031, Value:
Key: LR - 20231122, Value:
Key: IS - 1868-7083 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1868-7075 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1868-7075 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 15, Value:
Key: IP - 1, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Oct 17, Value:
Key: TI - KDM4C-mediated senescence defense is a targetable vulnerability in gastric cancer, Value:
Key: harboring TP53 mutations., Value:
Key: PG - 163, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1186/s13148-023-01579-6 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 163, Value:
Key: AB - BACKGROUND: Gastric cancer patients harboring a TP53 mutation exhibit a more, Value:
Key: aggressive and chemoresistant phenotype. Unfortunately, efforts to identify the, Value:
Key: vulnerabilities to overcome these aggressive malignancies have made minimal, Value:
Key: progress in recent years. Therefore, there is an urgent need to explore the novel, Value:
Key: therapeutic strategies for this subclass. Histone methylation modulators are, Value:
Key: critical epigenetic targets for cancer therapies that help maintain the, Value:
Key: malignancies of cancers harboring TP53 mutations and senescence evasion., Value:
Key: Triggering senescence is now considered to benefit multiple cancer therapies., Value:
Key: Furthermore, senescence-based "one-two punch" therapy was validated in clinical, Value:
Key: trials. Therefore, we hypothesized that screening epigenetic modulators might, Value:
Key: help identify a novel vulnerability to trigger senescence in gastric cancer, Value:
Key: harboring TP53 mutations. RESULTS: We developed a novel efficient approach to, Value:
Key: identify senescence inducers by sequentially treating cells with drug candidates, Value:
Key: and senolytic agents. Based on this, we demonstrated that QC6352 (a selective, Value:
Key: KDM4C inhibitor) efficiently triggered cellular senescence in gastric cancer, Value:
Key: harboring TP53 mutations. More importantly, the "one-two punch' therapy, Value:
Key: consisting of QC6352 and SSK1 eliminates tumor cells harboring TP53 mutations., Value:
Key: This finding highlights a potential therapeutic strategy for the aggressive, Value:
Key: subgroup of gastric cancer. Besides, the functions of QC6352 were totally, Value:
Key: unknown. We demonstrated that QC6352 might possess far more powerful anti-tumor, Value:
Key: capacities compared to the traditional genotoxic drugs, 5-Fu and Oxaliplatin., Value:
Key: CONCLUSIONS: This initial investigation to identify a senescence inducer revealed, Value:
Key: that QC6352 triggers senescence in gastric cancer cells harboring TP53 mutations, Value:
Key: by regulating the SP1/CDK2 axis through suppressing KDM4C. QC6352 and senolytic, Value:
Key: agent-SSK1 represent a novel 'one-two punch' therapeutic strategy for the more, Value:
Key: malignant gastric cancer subtypes., Value:
Key: CI - © 2023. BioMed Central Ltd., part of Springer Nature., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Kaiqing, Value:
Key: AU - Wang K, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, 214062, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Gong, Zhicheng, Value:
Key: AU - Gong Z, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Yanyan, Value:
Key: AU - Chen Y, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Meimei, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang M, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Shaanxi Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine for TCM, Value:
Key: Compatibility, Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Xi'an, 712046, Shaanxi,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Suzeng, Value:
Key: AU - Wang S, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, 214062, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yao, Surui, Value:
Key: AU - Yao S, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Zhihui, Value:
Key: AU - Liu Z, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Zhaohui, Value:
Key: AU - Huang Z, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bojian, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, 214062, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, Value:
Key: DEP - 20231017, Value:
Key: PL - Germany, Value:
Key: TA - Clin Epigenetics, Value:
Key: JT - Clinical epigenetics, Value:
Key: JID - 101516977, Value:
Key: RN - EC 1.14.11.- (Jumonji Domain-Containing Histone Demethylases), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (KDM4C protein, human), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (TP53 protein, human), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Tumor Suppressor Protein p53), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - *Cellular Senescence/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - DNA Damage, Value:
Key: MH - DNA Methylation, Value:
Key: MH - *Jumonji Domain-Containing Histone Demethylases/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - Mutation, Value:
Key: MH - *Stomach Neoplasms/drug therapy/genetics/pathology, Value:
Key: MH - *Tumor Suppressor Protein p53/genetics/metabolism, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10583429, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Epigenetic, Value:
Key: OT - Gastric cancer, Value:
Key: OT - Senescence, Value:
Key: OT - Senolytics, Value:
Key: OT - TP53 mutation, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare no competing interests., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/10/18 00:43, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/10/23 01:18, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/10/17, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/10/18 00:01, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/08/07 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/10/05 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/10/23 01:18 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/10/18 00:43 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/10/18 00:01 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/10/17 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1186/s13148-023-01579-6 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 1579 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1186/s13148-023-01579-6 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Clin Epigenetics. 2023 Oct 17;15(1):163. doi: 10.1186/s13148-023-01579-6., Value:
Key: PMID- 37760146, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20231003, Value:
Key: IS - 2306-5354 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 2306-5354 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2306-5354 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 10, Value:
Key: IP - 9, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Sep 5, Value:
Key: TI - MRI-Based Deep Learning Method for Classification of IDH Mutation Status., Value:
Key: LID - 10.3390/bioengineering10091045 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 1045, Value:
Key: AB - Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) mutation status has emerged as an important, Value:
Key: prognostic marker in gliomas. This study sought to develop deep learning networks, Value:
Key: for non-invasive IDH classification using T2w MR images while comparing their, Value:
Key: performance to a multi-contrast network. Methods: Multi-contrast brain tumor MRI, Value:
Key: and genomic data were obtained from The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA) and The, Value:
Key: Erasmus Glioma Database (EGD). Two separate 2D networks were developed using, Value:
Key: nnU-Net, a T2w-image-only network (T2-net) and a multi-contrast network (MC-net)., Value:
Key: Each network was separately trained using TCIA (227 subjects) or TCIA + EGD data, Value:
Key: (683 subjects combined). The networks were trained to classify IDH mutation, Value:
Key: status and implement single-label tumor segmentation simultaneously. The trained, Value:
Key: networks were tested on over 1100 held-out datasets including 360 cases from UT, Value:
Key: Southwestern Medical Center, 136 cases from New York University, 175 cases from, Value:
Key: the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 456 cases from EGD (for the TCIA-trained, Value:
Key: network), and 495 cases from the University of California, San Francisco public, Value:
Key: database. A receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) was drawn to calculate, Value:
Key: the AUC value to determine classifier performance. Results: T2-net trained on, Value:
Key: TCIA and TCIA + EGD datasets achieved an overall accuracy of 85.4% and 87.6% with, Value:
Key: AUCs of 0.86 and 0.89, respectively. MC-net trained on TCIA and TCIA + EGD, Value:
Key: datasets achieved an overall accuracy of 91.0% and 92.8% with AUCs of 0.94 and, Value:
Key: 0.96, respectively. We developed reliable, high-performing deep learning, Value:
Key: algorithms for IDH classification using both a T2-image-only and a multi-contrast, Value:
Key: approach. The networks were tested on more than 1100 subjects from diverse, Value:
Key: databases, making this the largest study on image-based IDH classification to, Value:
Key: date., Value:
Key: FAU - Bangalore Yogananda, Chandan Ganesh, Value:
Key: AU - Bangalore Yogananda CG, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX 75390, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Wagner, Benjamin C, Value:
Key: AU - Wagner BC, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-2835-986X, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX 75390, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Truong, Nghi C D, Value:
Key: AU - Truong NCD, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX 75390, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Holcomb, James M, Value:
Key: AU - Holcomb JM, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX 75390, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Reddy, Divya D, Value:
Key: AU - Reddy DD, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX 75390, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Saadat, Niloufar, Value:
Key: AU - Saadat N, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX 75390, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Hatanpaa, Kimmo J, Value:
Key: AU - Hatanpaa KJ, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Pathology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX 75390, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Patel, Toral R, Value:
Key: AU - Patel TR, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Texas Southwestern Medical, Value:
Key: Center, Dallas, TX 75390, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX 75390, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, Value:
Key: 75080, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Lee, Matthew D, Value:
Key: AU - Lee MD, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-8816-1076, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, NYU Grossman School of Medicine, New York, NY 10016,, Value:
Key: USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Jain, Rajan, Value:
Key: AU - Jain R, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, NYU Grossman School of Medicine, New York, NY 10016,, Value:
Key: USA., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurosurgery, NYU Grossman School of Medicine, New York, NY 10016,, Value:
Key: USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Bruce, Richard J, Value:
Key: AU - Bruce RJ, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public, Value:
Key: Health, Madison, WI 53726, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Pinho, Marco C, Value:
Key: AU - Pinho MC, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX 75390, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Madhuranthakam, Ananth J, Value:
Key: AU - Madhuranthakam AJ, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX 75390, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Maldjian, Joseph A, Value:
Key: AU - Maldjian JA, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX 75390, USA., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA260705/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - U01 CA207091/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230905, Value:
Key: PL - Switzerland, Value:
Key: TA - Bioengineering (Basel), Value:
Key: JT - Bioengineering (Basel, Switzerland), Value:
Key: JID - 101676056, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10525372, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - CNN, Value:
Key: OT - IDH, Value:
Key: OT - MRI, Value:
Key: OT - U-net, Value:
Key: OT - brain tumor, Value:
Key: OT - deep learning, Value:
Key: OT - gliomas, Value:
Key: OT - nnU-Net, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare no conflict of interest., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/09/28 06:42, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/09/28 06:43, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/09/05, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/09/28 01:05, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/08/01 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/08/28 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/08/30 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/09/28 06:43 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/09/28 06:42 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/09/28 01:05 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/09/05 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - bioengineering10091045 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - bioengineering-10-01045 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.3390/bioengineering10091045 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Bioengineering (Basel). 2023 Sep 5;10(9):1045. doi:, Value:
Key: 10.3390/bioengineering10091045., Value:
Key: PMID- 37694492, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- Publisher, Value:
Key: LR - 20231010, Value:
Key: IS - 2045-7634 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2045-7634 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12, Value:
Key: IP - 18, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Sep, Value:
Key: TI - ELOA promotes tumor growth and metastasis by activating RBP1 in gastric cancer., Value:
Key: PG - 18946-18959, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1002/cam4.6516 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - BACKGROUND: Elongin A (ELOA), our previous work revealed, serves as a novel tumor, Value:
Key: suppressor in colorectal cancer. However, the function and mechanism of ELOA in, Value:
Key: other cancer types, including gastric cancer (GC), remain to be elucidated., Value:
Key: METHODS: The expression of ELOA was measured by quantitative reverse, Value:
Key: transcription-polymerase chain reaction and western blot. The effects of ELOA on, Value:
Key: GC growth and metastasis were assessed through a series of in-vitro and in-vivo, Value:
Key: assays. Furthermore, the potential mechanism of ELOA was revealed by RNA, Value:
Key: sequencing, dual luciferase reporter assay, chromatin immunoprecipitation, and, Value:
Key: rescue experiments in GC. RESULTS: We uncovered increased expression of ELOA in, Value:
Key: GC tissues compared with paired normal tissues via bioinformatic analyses and our, Value:
Key: sample detection. Enhanced ELOA expression in GC tissues was obviously correlated, Value:
Key: with poor tumor differentiation, lymph node metastasis, advanced tumor stage, and, Value:
Key: a poor prognosis. A series of functional experiments showed that ELOA promoted, Value:
Key: the proliferation and metastasis of GC. Mechanistically, we revealed that the, Value:
Key: decreased levels of miR-490-3p caused the upregulation of ELOA in GC. Both, Value:
Key: RNA-seq and ChIP assays revealed that ELOA transcriptionally activated, Value:
Key: retinol-binding protein 1 (RBP1) by binding to its promotor. Furthermore,, Value:
Key: specific knockdown of RBP1 reduced the tumor-promoting ability of ELOA in GC, Value:
Key: cells. CONCLUSIONS: In summary, our findings demonstrate that ELOA exerts, Value:
Key: oncogenic properties by activating RBP1 expression, providing the basis for a, Value:
Key: promising therapeutic target in GC., Value:
Key: CI - © 2023 The Authors. Cancer Medicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Value:
Key: FAU - Tian, Lu, Value:
Key: AU - Tian L, Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Gong, Liang, Value:
Key: AU - Gong L, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-6069-7650, Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Carbohydrate Chemistry & Biotechnology, Ministry of Education,, Value:
Key: School of Biotechnology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Hao, Chu, Value:
Key: AU - Hao C, Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Feng, Yuyang, Value:
Key: AU - Feng Y, Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yao, Surui, Value:
Key: AU - Yao S, Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bojian, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Xue, Value:
Key: AU - Wang X, Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Zhaohui, Value:
Key: AU - Huang Z, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-0117-9976, Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - 81972220/National Natural Science Foundation of China/, Value:
Key: GR - 82173063/National Natural Science Foundation of China/, Value:
Key: GR - 81802462/National Natural Science Foundation of China/, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230911, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Cancer Med, Value:
Key: JT - Cancer medicine, Value:
Key: JID - 101595310, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10557880, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - RBP1, Value:
Key: OT - elongin A, Value:
Key: OT - gastric cancer, Value:
Key: OT - metastasis, Value:
Key: OT - miR-490-3p, Value:
Key: OT - transcription, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors have no conflict of interest., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/09/11 06:42, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/09/11 06:42, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/09/11, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/09/11 05:30, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/08/23 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/07/18 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/08/30 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/09/11 06:42 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/09/11 06:42 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/09/11 05:30 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/09/11 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - CAM46516 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1002/cam4.6516 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Cancer Med. 2023 Sep;12(18):18946-18959. doi: 10.1002/cam4.6516. Epub 2023 Sep, Value:
Key: 11., Value:
Key: PMID- 37634371, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20231023, Value:
Key: LR - 20231023, Value:
Key: IS - 1532-3102 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0143-4004 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 142, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Oct, Value:
Key: TI - The human placenta project: Funded studies, imaging technologies, and future, Value:
Key: directions., Value:
Key: PG - 27-35, Value:
Key: LID - S0143-4004(23)00522-2 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1016/j.placenta.2023.08.067 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - The placenta plays a critical role in fetal development. It serves as a, Value:
Key: multi-functional organ that protects and nurtures the fetus during pregnancy., Value:
Key: However, despite its importance, the intricacies of placental structure and, Value:
Key: function in normal and diseased states have remained largely unexplored. Thus, in, Value:
Key: 2014, the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development launched the, Value:
Key: Human Placenta Project (HPP). As of May 2023, the HPP has awarded over $101, Value:
Key: million in research funds, resulting in 41 funded studies and 459 publications., Value:
Key: We conducted a comprehensive review of these studies and publications to identify, Value:
Key: areas of funded research, advances in those areas, limitations of current, Value:
Key: research, and continued areas of need. This paper will specifically review the, Value:
Key: funded studies by the HPP, followed by an in-depth discussion on advances and, Value:
Key: gaps within placental-focused imaging. We highlight the progress within magnetic, Value:
Key: reasonance imaging and ultrasound, including development of tools for the, Value:
Key: assessment of placental function and structure., Value:
Key: CI - Copyright © 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved., Value:
Key: FAU - Herrera, Christina L, Value:
Key: AU - Herrera CL, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, and, Value:
Key: Parkland Health Dallas, Texas, USA; Green Center for Reproductive Biology, Value:
Key: Sciences, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA. Electronic address:, Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: FAU - Kim, Meredith J, Value:
Key: AU - Kim MJ, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, TX, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Do, Quyen N, Value:
Key: AU - Do QN, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Owen, David M, Value:
Key: AU - Owen DM, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, and, Value:
Key: Parkland Health Dallas, Texas, USA; Green Center for Reproductive Biology, Value:
Key: Sciences, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA;, Value:
Key: Advanced Imaging Research Center, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX,, Value:
Key: USA; Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Dallas, TX,, Value:
Key: USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Twickler, Diane M, Value:
Key: AU - Twickler DM, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, and, Value:
Key: Parkland Health Dallas, Texas, USA; Department of Radiology, UT Southwestern, Value:
Key: Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Spong, Catherine Y, Value:
Key: AU - Spong CY, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, and, Value:
Key: Parkland Health Dallas, Texas, USA., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Review, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230821, Value:
Key: PL - Netherlands, Value:
Key: TA - Placenta, Value:
Key: JT - Placenta, Value:
Key: JID - 8006349, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Child, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - Pregnancy, Value:
Key: MH - Female, Value:
Key: MH - Placenta/diagnostic imaging, Value:
Key: MH - *Placenta Diseases, Value:
Key: MH - Fetal Development, Value:
Key: MH - *Pregnancy Complications, Value:
Key: MH - Fetus, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Human placenta project, Value:
Key: OT - Imaging, Value:
Key: OT - Magnetic resonance imaging, Value:
Key: OT - Placental function, Value:
Key: OT - Placental structure, Value:
Key: OT - Pregnancy, Value:
Key: OT - Ultrasound, Value:
Key: COIS- Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known, Value:
Key: competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared, Value:
Key: to influence the work reported in this paper., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/08/28 00:41, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/10/23 00:41, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/08/27 18:05, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/03/13 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/08/16 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/08/19 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/10/23 00:41 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/08/28 00:41 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/08/27 18:05 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - S0143-4004(23)00522-2 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1016/j.placenta.2023.08.067 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Placenta. 2023 Oct;142:27-35. doi: 10.1016/j.placenta.2023.08.067. Epub 2023 Aug, Value:
Key: 21., Value:
Key: PMID- 37607262, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- Publisher, Value:
Key: LR - 20230921, Value:
Key: IS - 1521-4095 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0935-9648 (Linking), Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Aug 22, Value:
Key: TI - A Bionic Skin for Health Management: Excellent Breathability, In Situ Sensing,, Value:
Key: and Big Data Analysis., Value:
Key: PG - e2306435, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1002/adma.202306435 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Developing an intelligent wearable system is of great significance to human, Value:
Key: health management. An ideal health-monitoring patch should possess key, Value:
Key: characteristics such as high air permeability, moisture-wicking function, high, Value:
Key: sensitivity, and a comfortable user experience. However, such a patch that, Value:
Key: encompasses all these functions is rarely reported. Herein, an intelligent bionic, Value:
Key: skin patch for health management is developed by integrating bionic structures,, Value:
Key: nano-welding technology, flexible circuit design, multifunctional sensing, Value:
Key: functions, and big data analysis using advanced electrospinning technology. By, Value:
Key: controlling the preparation of nanofibers and constructing bionic secondary, Value:
Key: structures, the resulting nanofiber membrane closely resembles human skin,, Value:
Key: exhibiting excellent air/moisture permeability, and one-side sweat-wicking, Value:
Key: properties. Additionally, the bionic patch is endowed with a high-precision, Value:
Key: signal acquisition capabilities for sweat metabolites, including glucose, lactic, Value:
Key: acid, and pH; skin temperature, skin impedance, and electromyographic signals can, Value:
Key: be precisely measured through the in situ sensing electrodes and flexible circuit, Value:
Key: design. The achieved intelligent bionic skin patch holds great potential for, Value:
Key: applications in health management systems and rehabilitation engineering, Value:
Key: management. The design of the smart bionic patch not only provides high practical, Value:
Key: value for health management but also has great theoretical value for the, Value:
Key: development of the new generation of wearable electronic devices., Value:
Key: CI - © 2023 Wiley-VCH GmbH., Value:
Key: FAU - Shi, Shuo, Value:
Key: AU - Shi S, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Value:
Key: SAR, 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ming, Yang, Value:
Key: AU - Ming Y, Value:
Key: AD - School of Fashion and Textiles, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 999077,, Value:
Key: Hong Kong SAR, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wu, Hanbai, Value:
Key: AU - Wu H, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Value:
Key: SAR, 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhi, Chuanwei, Value:
Key: AU - Zhi C, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Value:
Key: SAR, 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yang, Liangtao, Value:
Key: AU - Yang L, Value:
Key: AD - Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1068, Value:
Key: Xueyuan Avenue, Shenzhen, 518055, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Meng, Shuo, Value:
Key: AU - Meng S, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Value:
Key: SAR, 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Si, Yifan, Value:
Key: AU - Si Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Value:
Key: SAR, 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Dong, Value:
Key: AU - Wang D, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Value:
Key: SAR, 999077, China., Value:
Key: AD - College of Textile Science and Engineering, Key Laboratory of Eco-Textile, Value:
Key: Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214122, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bin, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - School of Fashion and Textiles, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 999077,, Value:
Key: Hong Kong SAR, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Hu, Jinlian, Value:
Key: AU - Hu J, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-8914-5473, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Value:
Key: SAR, 999077, China., Value:
Key: AD - City University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Research Institute, Shenzhen, 518057, P. R., Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - National Natural Science Foundation of China/, Value:
Key: GR - 52073241/Study of High Performance Fiber to be Achieved by Mimicking the, Value:
Key: Hierarchical Structure of Spider-Silk/, Value:
Key: GR - 51673162/Study of Multi-Responsive Shape Memory Polyurethane Nanocomposites, Value:
Key: Inspired by Natural Fibers/, Value:
Key: GR - 15201719/Developing Spider-Silk-Model Artificial Fibers by a Chemical Synthetic, Value:
Key: Approach/, Value:
Key: GR - Collaborative Research Fund/, Value:
Key: GR - 8730080/Fundamental Study towards Real Spider Dragline Silk Performance through, Value:
Key: Artificial Innovative Approach/, Value:
Key: GR - 9380116/Laboratory of Wearable Materials for Healthcare/, Value:
Key: GR - 9231419/Development of breathable fabrics with nano-electrospun membrane/, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230822, Value:
Key: PL - Germany, Value:
Key: TA - Adv Mater, Value:
Key: JT - Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.), Value:
Key: JID - 9885358, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - breathability, Value:
Key: OT - electrospinning, Value:
Key: OT - health management, Value:
Key: OT - intelligent wearables, Value:
Key: OT - nanotechnology, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/08/22 18:42, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/08/22 18:42, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/08/22 15:13, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/08/11 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/07/03 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/08/22 18:42 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/08/22 18:42 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/08/22 15:13 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1002/adma.202306435 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - aheadofprint, Value:
Key: SO - Adv Mater. 2023 Aug 22:e2306435. doi: 10.1002/adma.202306435., Value:
Key: PMID- 37555084, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20230810, Value:
Key: IS - 2046-2069 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2046-2069 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 13, Value:
Key: IP - 34, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Aug 4, Value:
Key: TI - Noble metal-free ternary cobalt-nickel phosphides for enhanced photocatalytic, Value:
Key: dye-sensitized hydrogen evolution and catalytic mechanism investigation., Value:
Key: PG - 23638-23647, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1039/d3ra04235a [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Transition metal phosphides have emerged as compelling alternatives to noble, Value:
Key: metal catalysts for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution, owing to their high, Value:
Key: efficiency, stability, ease of preparation, and low-cost-effectiveness. This, Value:
Key: study investigates a series of binary and ternary phosphides predominantly, Value:
Key: composed of cobalt and nickel employed for photocatalytic dye-sensitized hydrogen, Value:
Key: evolution. Under the optimal dye-to-catalyst mass ratio, CoNiP exhibited the, Value:
Key: highest hydrogen evolution activity (12.96 mmol g(-1) h(-1)), demonstrating more, Value:
Key: significant and satisfactory performance than a variety of other reported, Value:
Key: materials. This can be attributed to the high conductivity and low hydrogen, Value:
Key: evolution overpotential of phosphides, which result from their metallic, Value:
Key: characteristics and the presence of free electrons, which promote efficient, Value:
Key: electron transfer between the catalyst and sensitizer. Density functional theory, Value:
Key: calculations revealed that the cobalt incorporation into the binary phosphides, Value:
Key: causes a negative shift in the average d-band center for CoNiP, weakening the, Value:
Key: adsorption affinity of the catalyst towards H(2) molecules, thus effectively, Value:
Key: improving the hydrogen evolution rate compared to the pure binary phosphides., Value:
Key: This work provides valuable insights for the development of low-cost and, Value:
Key: high-performance ternary phosphide photocatalysts., Value:
Key: CI - This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry., Value:
Key: FAU - Cheng, Zhixing, Value:
Key: AU - Cheng Z, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-3535-084X, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Semiconductors, Guangdong Academy of Sciences Guangzhou 510070 P. R., Value:
Key: China, Value:
Key: AD - School of Fashion & Textiles, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong, Value:
Key: 100872 P. R. China, Value:
Key: FAU - Xu, Yiqin, Value:
Key: AU - Xu Y, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Semiconductors, Guangdong Academy of Sciences Guangzhou 510070 P. R., Value:
Key: China, Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bin, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - School of Fashion & Textiles, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong, Value:
Key: 100872 P. R. China, Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230807, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - RSC Adv, Value:
Key: JT - RSC advances, Value:
Key: JID - 101581657, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10405047, Value:
Key: COIS- There are no conflicts to declare., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/08/09 06:43, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/08/09 06:44, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/08/07, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/08/09 04:10, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/06/24 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/07/19 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/08/09 06:44 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/08/09 06:43 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/08/09 04:10 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/08/07 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - d3ra04235a [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1039/d3ra04235a [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - RSC Adv. 2023 Aug 7;13(34):23638-23647. doi: 10.1039/d3ra04235a. eCollection 2023, Value:
Key: Aug 4., Value:
Key: PMID- 37532140, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20230829, Value:
Key: LR - 20230906, Value:
Key: IS - 1872-7492 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0168-1702 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 0168-1702 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 335, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Oct 2, Value:
Key: TI - Characterization and genomic analysis of a broad-spectrum lytic phage HZ2201 and, Value:
Key: its antibiofilm efficacy against Pseudomonas aeruginosa., Value:
Key: PG - 199184, Value:
Key: LID - S0168-1702(23)00146-6 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1016/j.virusres.2023.199184 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 199184, Value:
Key: AB - Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a clinically common conditionally pathogenic bacterium,, Value:
Key: and the abuse of antibiotics has exacerbated its drug resistance in recent years., Value:
Key: This has resulted in extensive reports about the usage of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Value:
Key: phage as a novel antibacterial drug. In this study, we isolated a novel phage, Value:
Key: HZ2201 with a broad lytic spectrum. The lytic rate of this phage against, Value:
Key: Pseudomonas aeruginosa reached 78.38% (29/37), including 25 multi-drug- and, Value:
Key: carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains. Transmission electron, Value:
Key: microscopy revealed that phage HZ2201 belongs to the class Caudoviricetes., Value:
Key: Biological characterization showed that phage HZ2201 had an latent period of, Value:
Key: 40 min, a lytic period of 20 min, and a burst size of 440 PFU/cell, with improved, Value:
Key: tolerance to temperature and pH. Considering genomic analysis, the HZ2201 genome, Value:
Key: was a circular double-stranded DNA with a size of 45,431 bp and a, Value:
Key: guanine-cytosine (G + C) content of 52.16%, and contained 3 tRNAs. 27 of the 74, Value:
Key: open reading frames (ORFs) annotated by the Rapid Annotation using Subsystem, Value:
Key: Technology (RAST) tool could be matched to the genomes of known functions, and no, Value:
Key: genes related to virulence and antibiotic resistance were found. The phylogenetic, Value:
Key: tree suggests that phage HZ2201 is highly related to the phage ZCPS1 and PaP3,, Value:
Key: and ORF57 and ORF17 are predicted to encode a holin and an endolysin,, Value:
Key: respectively. Cell lysis by HZ2201 proceeds through the holin-endolysin system,, Value:
Key: suggesting that it is a novel phage. Additionally, we demonstrated that phage, Value:
Key: HZ2201 has a high inhibitory capacity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms., Value:
Key: The results of our study suggest that phage HZ2201 is a novel potential, Value:
Key: antimicrobial agent for treating drug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection., Value:
Key: CI - Copyright © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bing, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - The Second Clinical Medical College of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Dengzhou, Value:
Key: AU - Li D, Value:
Key: AD - Henan Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, The Second Affiliated, Value:
Key: Hospital of Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou, 450002, China; The, Value:
Key: Key Laboratory of Pathogenic Microbes &Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance of, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou, 450002, China; Henan Engineering Research Center for, Value:
Key: Identification of Pathogenic Microbes, Zhengzhou, 450002, China; Henan Provincial, Value:
Key: Key Laboratory of Antibiotics-Resistant Bacterial Infection Prevention & Therapy, Value:
Key: with Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou, 450002, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Xinwei, Value:
Key: AU - Liu X, Value:
Key: AD - The Second Clinical Medical College of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China; Henan Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese, Value:
Key: Medicine, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China., Value:
Key: FAU - You, Xiaojuan, Value:
Key: AU - You X, Value:
Key: AD - The Second Clinical Medical College of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China; Henan Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese, Value:
Key: Medicine, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Guo, Mengyu, Value:
Key: AU - Guo M, Value:
Key: AD - The Second Clinical Medical College of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ren, Yanying, Value:
Key: AU - Ren Y, Value:
Key: AD - The Second Clinical Medical College of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Ying, Value:
Key: AU - Liu Y, Value:
Key: AD - The Second Clinical Medical College of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Chunxia, Value:
Key: AU - Wang C, Value:
Key: AD - The Second Clinical Medical College of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China; Henan Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese, Value:
Key: Medicine, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhu, Rui, Value:
Key: AU - Zhu R, Value:
Key: AD - Henan Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, The Second Affiliated, Value:
Key: Hospital of Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou, 450002, China; The, Value:
Key: Key Laboratory of Pathogenic Microbes &Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance of, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou, 450002, China; Henan Engineering Research Center for, Value:
Key: Identification of Pathogenic Microbes, Zhengzhou, 450002, China; Henan Provincial, Value:
Key: Key Laboratory of Antibiotics-Resistant Bacterial Infection Prevention & Therapy, Value:
Key: with Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou, 450002, China. Electronic address:, Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Yongwei, Value:
Key: AU - Li Y, Value:
Key: AD - The Second Clinical Medical College of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, 450002, China. Electronic address:, Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230802, Value:
Key: PL - Netherlands, Value:
Key: TA - Virus Res, Value:
Key: JT - Virus research, Value:
Key: JID - 8410979, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - *Bacteriophages/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - Pseudomonas aeruginosa/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - Phylogeny, Value:
Key: MH - *Pseudomonas Phages/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - Genomics/methods, Value:
Key: MH - Genome, Viral, Value:
Key: MH - Biofilms, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10407953, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Biofilm, Value:
Key: OT - Genomic analysis, Value:
Key: OT - Holin-endolysin system, Value:
Key: OT - Phage HZ2201, Value:
Key: OT - Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Value:
Key: COIS- Declaration of Competing Interest The authors declare that they have no known, Value:
Key: competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared, Value:
Key: to influence the work reported in this paper., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/08/03 01:06, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/08/29 12:44, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/08/02, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/08/02 19:16, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/25 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/07/11 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/07/26 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/08/29 12:44 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/08/03 01:06 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/08/02 19:16 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/08/02 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - S0168-1702(23)00146-6 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 199184 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1016/j.virusres.2023.199184 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Virus Res. 2023 Oct 2;335:199184. doi: 10.1016/j.virusres.2023.199184. Epub 2023, Value:
Key: Aug 2., Value:
Key: PMID- 37517757, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20230927, Value:
Key: LR - 20230927, Value:
Key: IS - 1879-0003 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0141-8130 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 249, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Sep 30, Value:
Key: TI - Bamboo fiber strengthened poly(lactic acid) composites with enhanced interfacial, Value:
Key: compatibility through a multi-layered coating of synergistic treatment strategy., Value:
Key: PG - 126018, Value:
Key: LID - S0141-8130(23)02913-6 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.126018 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - In this study, a mild and eco-friendly synergistic treatment strategy was, Value:
Key: investigated to improve the interfacial compatibility of bamboo fibers with, Value:
Key: poly(lactic acid). The characterization results in terms of the chemical, Value:
Key: structure, surface morphology, thermal properties, and water resistance, Value:
Key: properties demonstrated a homogeneous dispersion and excellent interfacial, Value:
Key: compatibility of the treated composites. The excellent interfacial compatibility, Value:
Key: is due to multi-layered coating of bamboo fibers using synergistic treatment, Value:
Key: involving dilute alkali pretreatment, polydopamine coating and silane coupling, Value:
Key: agent modification. The composites obtained using the proposed synergistic, Value:
Key: treatment strategy exhibited excellent mechanical properties. Optimal mechanical, Value:
Key: properties were observed for composites with synergistically treated bamboo fiber, Value:
Key: mass proportion of 20 %. The tensile strength, elongation at break and tensile, Value:
Key: modulus of the treated composites were increased by 63.06 %, 183.04 % and, Value:
Key: 259.04 %, respectively, compared to the untreated composites. This synergistic, Value:
Key: treatment strategy and the remarkable performance of the treated composites have, Value:
Key: a wide range of applicability in bio-composites (such as industrial packaging,, Value:
Key: automotive lightweight interiors, and consumer goods)., Value:
Key: CI - Copyright © 2023. Published by Elsevier B.V., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Binqi, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory for Forest Resources Conservation and Utilization in the Southwest, Value:
Key: Mountains of China, Ministry of Education, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming, Value:
Key: 650224, China; Key Laboratory of State Forestry and Grassland Administration on, Value:
Key: Highly-Efficient Utilization of Forestry Biomass Resources in Southwest China,, Value:
Key: Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Dawei, Value:
Key: AU - Wang D, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of State Forestry and Grassland Administration on Highly-Efficient, Value:
Key: Utilization of Forestry Biomass Resources in Southwest China, Southwest Forestry, Value:
Key: University, Kunming 650224, China., Value:
Key: FAU - AlMasoud, Najla, Value:
Key: AU - AlMasoud N, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Chemistry, College of Science, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman, Value:
Key: University, P.O. Box 84428, Riyadh 11671, Saudi Arabia., Value:
Key: FAU - Yang, Haiyan, Value:
Key: AU - Yang H, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of State Forestry and Grassland Administration on Highly-Efficient, Value:
Key: Utilization of Forestry Biomass Resources in Southwest China, Southwest Forestry, Value:
Key: University, Kunming 650224, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yang, Jing, Value:
Key: AU - Yang J, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of State Forestry and Grassland Administration on Highly-Efficient, Value:
Key: Utilization of Forestry Biomass Resources in Southwest China, Southwest Forestry, Value:
Key: University, Kunming 650224, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Alomar, Taghrid S, Value:
Key: AU - Alomar TS, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Chemistry, College of Science, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman, Value:
Key: University, P.O. Box 84428, Riyadh 11671, Saudi Arabia., Value:
Key: FAU - Puangsin, Buapan, Value:
Key: AU - Puangsin B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Forest Products, Faculty of Forestry, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Value:
Key: 10900, Thailand. Electronic address:, Value:
Key: FAU - Xu, Ben Bin, Value:
Key: AU - Xu BB, Value:
Key: AD - Integrated Composites Lab, Department of Mechanical and Construction Engineering,, Value:
Key: Northumbria University, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 8ST, UK., Value:
Key: FAU - Algadi, Hassan, Value:
Key: AU - Algadi H, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Najran University,, Value:
Key: Najran 11001, Saudi Arabia., Value:
Key: FAU - El-Bahy, Zeinhom M, Value:
Key: AU - El-Bahy ZM, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University, Nasr City, Value:
Key: 11884, Cairo, Egypt., Value:
Key: FAU - Guo, Zhanhu, Value:
Key: AU - Guo Z, Value:
Key: AD - Integrated Composites Lab, Department of Mechanical and Construction Engineering,, Value:
Key: Northumbria University, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 8ST, UK. Electronic address:, Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: FAU - Shi, Zhengjun, Value:
Key: AU - Shi Z, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory for Forest Resources Conservation and Utilization in the Southwest, Value:
Key: Mountains of China, Ministry of Education, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming, Value:
Key: 650224, China; Key Laboratory of State Forestry and Grassland Administration on, Value:
Key: Highly-Efficient Utilization of Forestry Biomass Resources in Southwest China,, Value:
Key: Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, China. Electronic address:, Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230728, Value:
Key: PL - Netherlands, Value:
Key: TA - Int J Biol Macromol, Value:
Key: JT - International journal of biological macromolecules, Value:
Key: JID - 7909578, Value:
Key: RN - 459TN2L5F5 (poly(lactide)), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Polyesters), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - *Polyesters/chemistry, Value:
Key: MH - Tensile Strength, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Bamboo fibers, Value:
Key: OT - Multi-layered coating, Value:
Key: OT - Poly(lactic acid), Value:
Key: COIS- Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known, Value:
Key: competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared, Value:
Key: to influence the work reported in this paper., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/07/31 00:41, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/09/27 06:43, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/07/30 19:19, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/21 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/07/06 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/07/25 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/09/27 06:43 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/07/31 00:41 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/07/30 19:19 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - S0141-8130(23)02913-6 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.126018 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Int J Biol Macromol. 2023 Sep 30;249:126018. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.126018., Value:
Key: Epub 2023 Jul 28., Value:
Key: PMID- 37507016, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20231101, Value:
Key: LR - 20231101, Value:
Key: IS - 1083-351X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0021-9258 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 0021-9258 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 299, Value:
Key: IP - 9, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Sep, Value:
Key: TI - Acetylation of aldehyde dehydrogenase ALDH1L2 regulates cellular redox balance, Value:
Key: and the chemosensitivity of colorectal cancer to 5-fluorouracil., Value:
Key: PG - 105090, Value:
Key: LID - S0021-9258(23)02118-X [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1016/j.jbc.2023.105090 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 105090, Value:
Key: AB - Folate-mediated one-carbon metabolism (FOCM) is crucial in sustaining rapid, Value:
Key: proliferation and survival of cancer cells. The folate cycle depends on a series, Value:
Key: of key cellular enzymes, including aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family member L2, Value:
Key: (ALDH1L2) that is usually overexpressed in cancer cells, but the regulatory, Value:
Key: mechanism of ALDH1L2 remains undefined. In this study, we observed the, Value:
Key: significant overexpression of ALDH1L2 in colorectal cancer (CRC) tissues, which, Value:
Key: is associated with poor prognosis. Mechanistically, we identified that the, Value:
Key: acetylation of ALDH1L2 at the K70 site is an important regulatory mechanism, Value:
Key: inhibiting the enzymatic activity of ALDH1L2 and disturbing cellular redox, Value:
Key: balance. Moreover, we revealed that sirtuins 3 (SIRT3) directly binds and, Value:
Key: deacetylates ALDH1L2 to increase its activity. Interestingly, the, Value:
Key: chemotherapeutic agent 5-fluorouracil (5-Fu) inhibits the expression of SIRT3 and, Value:
Key: increases the acetylation levels of ALDH1L2 in colorectal cancer cells., Value:
Key: 5-Fu-induced ALDH1L2 acetylation sufficiently inhibits its enzymatic activity and, Value:
Key: the production of NADPH and GSH, thereby leading to oxidative stress-induced, Value:
Key: apoptosis and suppressing tumor growth in mice. Furthermore, the K70Q mutant of, Value:
Key: ALDH1L2 sensitizes cancer cells to 5-Fu both in vitro and in vivo through, Value:
Key: perturbing cellular redox and serine metabolism. Our findings reveal an unknown, Value:
Key: 5-Fu-SIRT3-ALDH1L2 axis regulating redox homeostasis, and suggest that targeting, Value:
Key: ALDH1L2 is a promising therapeutic strategy to sensitize tumor cells to, Value:
Key: chemotherapeutic agents., Value:
Key: CI - Copyright © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Chaoqun, Value:
Key: AU - Li C, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: China; Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Teng, Peng, Value:
Key: AU - Teng P, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: China; Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Sun, Shengbai, Value:
Key: AU - Sun S, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: China; Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cui, Kaisa, Value:
Key: AU - Cui K, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: China; Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yao, Surui, Value:
Key: AU - Yao S, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: China; Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bojian, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, Jiangsu, China; Department of General Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of, Value:
Key: Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ling, Feng, Value:
Key: AU - Ling F, Value:
Key: AD - Chemical Genetics Laboratory, RIKEN Advanced Science Institute, Wako, Saitama,, Value:
Key: Japan., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Zhaohui, Value:
Key: AU - Huang Z, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: China; Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China. Electronic address:, Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230726, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - J Biol Chem, Value:
Key: JT - The Journal of biological chemistry, Value:
Key: JID - 2985121R, Value:
Key: RN - U3P01618RT (Fluorouracil), Value:
Key: RN - 935E97BOY8 (Folic Acid), Value:
Key: RN - EC 3.5.1.- (Sirtuin 3), Value:
Key: RN - EC (formyltetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase), Value:
Key: RN - EC 1.5.- (Oxidoreductases Acting on CH-NH Group Donors), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Animals, Value:
Key: MH - Mice, Value:
Key: MH - Acetylation, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Line, Tumor, Value:
Key: MH - *Colorectal Neoplasms/drug therapy/genetics/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - *Drug Resistance, Neoplasm/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - *Fluorouracil/pharmacology/therapeutic use, Value:
Key: MH - Folic Acid/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Oxidation-Reduction, Value:
Key: MH - Sirtuin 3/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - *Oxidoreductases Acting on CH-NH Group Donors/genetics/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic/drug effects, Value:
Key: MH - Up-Regulation, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Proliferation/drug effects, Value:
Key: MH - Apoptosis/drug effects, Value:
Key: MH - Mutation, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10470206, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - ALDH1L2, Value:
Key: OT - SIRT3, Value:
Key: OT - acetylation, Value:
Key: OT - drug resistance, Value:
Key: OT - one carbon metabolism, Value:
Key: OT - posttranslational modification, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/07/29 06:42, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/10/23 12:41, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/07/26, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/07/28 19:17, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/01/20 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/07/18 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/07/19 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/10/23 12:41 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/07/29 06:42 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/07/28 19:17 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/07/26 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - S0021-9258(23)02118-X [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 105090 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1016/j.jbc.2023.105090 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - J Biol Chem. 2023 Sep;299(9):105090. doi: 10.1016/j.jbc.2023.105090. Epub 2023, Value:
Key: Jul 26., Value:
Key: PMID- 37470650, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20231108, Value:
Key: LR - 20231108, Value:
Key: IS - 1119-3077 (Print), Value:
Key: VI - 26, Value:
Key: IP - 6, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Jun, Value:
Key: TI - Effects of Oral Steroids Combined with Postauricular Steroid Injection on, Value:
Key: Patients with Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss with Delaying Intervention: A, Value:
Key: Retrospective Analysis., Value:
Key: PG - 760-764, Value:
Key: LID - 10.4103/njcp.njcp_661_22 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - BACKGROUND: In the otology clinic, we often receive some sudden sensorineural, Value:
Key: hearing loss (SSNHL) patients accompanied by annoying tinnitus, who usually, Value:
Key: visited over three weeks after the onset. Nevertheless, due to the high treatment, Value:
Key: cost and relatively low cure rate, there are still great disputes about, Value:
Key: hospitalization or not for these patients. Aim: This study aimed to perform a, Value:
Key: retrospective analysis for analyzing the efficacy of treatment with oral steroids, Value:
Key: combined with postauricular steroid injection in patients with delaying effective, Value:
Key: treatment. MATERIAL/METHODS: A total of 157 eligible SSNHL patients with delaying, Value:
Key: effective treatment over three weeks were enrolled in this study. According to, Value:
Key: different treatment methods of oral steroids with or without postauricular, Value:
Key: steroid injection, these patients were divided into three groups: PO (prednisone, Value:
Key: oral) group, PSI (prednisone oral and postauricular steroid injection) group, and, Value:
Key: PII (prednisone oral and postauricular lidocaine injection) group. The changes in, Value:
Key: level of hearing, mean subjective tinnitus loudness, and side effects were, Value:
Key: analyzed in the three groups. RESULTS: Hearing improvement and tinnitus remission, Value:
Key: were all observed in three groups after treatment. Compared with PO and PII, Value:
Key: groups, those patients in PSI groups had more improvement in level of hearing and, Value:
Key: mean subjective tinnitus. The level of tinnitus loudness was statistically, Value:
Key: significantly correlated with the level of PTA both before treatment and after, Value:
Key: treatment. CONCLUSION: Oral steroids combined with postauricular steroid, Value:
Key: injection should be employed for treatment of SSNHL patients with delaying, Value:
Key: effective treatment over three weeks., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Z B, Value:
Key: AU - Liu ZB, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, The Affiliated Huaian, Value:
Key: No. 1 People's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Huaian City, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhu, W Y, Value:
Key: AU - Zhu WY, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, The Affiliated Huaian, Value:
Key: No. 1 People's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Huaian City, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, B, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Affiliated Huai'an, Value:
Key: Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University, Huai'an City, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Lv, L Y, Value:
Key: AU - Lv LY, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, The Affiliated Huaian, Value:
Key: No. 1 People's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Huaian City, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PL - India, Value:
Key: TA - Niger J Clin Pract, Value:
Key: JT - Nigerian journal of clinical practice, Value:
Key: JID - 101150032, Value:
Key: RN - VB0R961HZT (Prednisone), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Glucocorticoids), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - *Hearing Loss, Sudden/complications/drug therapy, Value:
Key: MH - *Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/complications/drug therapy, Value:
Key: MH - *Tinnitus/drug therapy/etiology, Value:
Key: MH - *Time-to-Treatment, Value:
Key: MH - Retrospective Studies, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - Male, Value:
Key: MH - Female, Value:
Key: MH - Adult, Value:
Key: MH - Middle Aged, Value:
Key: MH - *Prednisone/administration & dosage, Value:
Key: MH - *Glucocorticoids/administration & dosage, Value:
Key: MH - Administration, Oral, Value:
Key: MH - Injections, Value:
Key: MH - Ear Auricle, Value:
Key: MH - Combined Modality Therapy, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Injection, Value:
Key: OT - prednisone, Value:
Key: OT - steroids, Value:
Key: OT - sudden sensorineural hearing loss, Value:
Key: COIS- None, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/07/20 13:06, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/07/21 06:43, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/07/20 09:29, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/07/21 06:43 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/07/20 13:06 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/07/20 09:29 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - NigerJClinPract_2023_26_6_760_381609 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.4103/njcp.njcp_661_22 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Niger J Clin Pract. 2023 Jun;26(6):760-764. doi: 10.4103/njcp.njcp_661_22., Value:
Key: PMID- 37466705, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20231127, Value:
Key: LR - 20240218, Value:
Key: IS - 1432-1084 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0938-7994 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 0938-7994 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 33, Value:
Key: IP - 12, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Dec, Value:
Key: TI - Longitudinal assessment of placental perfusion in normal and hypertensive, Value:
Key: pregnancies using pseudo-continuous arterial spin-labeled MRI: preliminary, Value:
Key: experience., Value:
Key: PG - 9223-9232, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1007/s00330-023-09945-x [doi], Value:
Key: AB - OBJECTIVES: To evaluate longitudinal placental perfusion using pseudo-continuous, Value:
Key: arterial spin-labeled (pCASL) MRI in normal pregnancies and in pregnancies, Value:
Key: affected by chronic hypertension (cHTN), who are at the greatest risk for, Value:
Key: placental-mediated disease conditions. METHODS: Eighteen normal and 23 pregnant, Value:
Key: subjects with cHTN requiring antihypertensive therapy were scanned at 3 T using, Value:
Key: free-breathing pCASL-MRI at 16-20 and 24-28 weeks of gestational age. RESULTS:, Value:
Key: Mean placental perfusion was 103.1 ± 48.0 and 71.4 ± 18.3 mL/100 g/min at 16-20, Value:
Key: and 24-28 weeks respectively in normal pregnancies and 79.4 ± 27.4 and 74.9 ±, Value:
Key: 26.6 mL/100 g/min in cHTN pregnancies. There was a significant decrease in, Value:
Key: perfusion between the first and second scans in normal pregnancies (p = 0.004),, Value:
Key: which was not observed in cHTN pregnancies (p = 0.36). The mean perfusion was not, Value:
Key: statistically different between normal and cHTN pregnancies at both scans, but, Value:
Key: the absolute change in perfusion per week was statistically different between, Value:
Key: these groups (p = 0.044). Furthermore, placental perfusion was significantly, Value:
Key: lower at both time points (p = 0.027 and 0.044 respectively) in the four pregnant, Value:
Key: subjects with cHTN who went on to have infants that were small for gestational, Value:
Key: age (52.7 ± 20.4 and 50.4 ± 20.9 mL/100 g/min) versus those who did not (85 ±, Value:
Key: 25.6 and 80.0 ± 25.1 mL/100 g/min). CONCLUSION: pCASL-MRI enables longitudinal, Value:
Key: assessment of placental perfusion in pregnant subjects. Placental perfusion in, Value:
Key: the second trimester declined in normal pregnancies whereas it remained unchanged, Value:
Key: in cHTN pregnancies, consistent with alterations due to vascular disease, Value:
Key: pathology. Perfusion was significantly lower in those with small for gestational, Value:
Key: age infants, indicating that pCASL-MRI-measured perfusion may be an effective, Value:
Key: imaging biomarker for placental insufficiency. CLINICAL RELEVANCE STATEMENT:, Value:
Key: pCASL-MRI enables longitudinal assessment of placental perfusion without, Value:
Key: administering exogenous contrast agent and can identify placental insufficiency, Value:
Key: in pregnant subjects with chronic hypertension that can lead to earlier, Value:
Key: interventions. KEY POINTS: • Arterial spin-labeled (ASL) magnetic resonance, Value:
Key: imaging (MRI) enables longitudinal assessment of placental perfusion without, Value:
Key: administering exogenous contrast agent. • ASL-MRI-measured placental perfusion, Value:
Key: decreased significantly between 16-20 week and 24-28 week gestational age in, Value:
Key: normal pregnancies, while it remained relatively constant in hypertensive, Value:
Key: pregnancies, attributed to vascular disease pathology. • ASL-MRI-measured, Value:
Key: placental perfusion was significantly lower in subjects with hypertension who had, Value:
Key: a small for gestational age infant at 16-20-week gestation, indicating perfusion, Value:
Key: as an effective biomarker of placental insufficiency., Value:
Key: CI - © 2023. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to European Society of Radiology., Value:
Key: FAU - Herrera, Christina L, Value:
Key: AU - Herrera CL, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Parkland Health and Hospital System, Dallas, TX, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Yiming, Value:
Key: AU - Wang Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd.,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX, 75390-9061, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Udayakumar, Durga, Value:
Key: AU - Udayakumar D, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd.,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX, 75390-9061, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Advanced Imaging Research Center, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX,, Value:
Key: USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Xi, Yin, Value:
Key: AU - Xi Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd.,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX, 75390-9061, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Clinical Science, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Do, Quyen N, Value:
Key: AU - Do QN, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd.,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX, 75390-9061, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Lewis, Matthew A, Value:
Key: AU - Lewis MA, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd.,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX, 75390-9061, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Owen, David M, Value:
Key: AU - Owen DM, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Parkland Health and Hospital System, Dallas, TX, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd.,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX, 75390-9061, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Advanced Imaging Research Center, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX,, Value:
Key: USA., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Spong, Catherine Y, Value:
Key: AU - Spong CY, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Parkland Health and Hospital System, Dallas, TX, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Twickler, Diane M, Value:
Key: AU - Twickler DM, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Parkland Health and Hospital System, Dallas, TX, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd.,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX, 75390-9061, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Madhuranthakam, Ananth J, Value:
Key: AU - Madhuranthakam AJ, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd.,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX, 75390-9061, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Advanced Imaging Research Center, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX,, Value:
Key: USA., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - K23 HD103876/HD/NICHD NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - L30 HD109864/HD/NICHD NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230719, Value:
Key: PL - Germany, Value:
Key: TA - Eur Radiol, Value:
Key: JT - European radiology, Value:
Key: JID - 9114774, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Spin Labels), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Contrast Media), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Biomarkers), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Pregnancy, Value:
Key: MH - Female, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - Infant, Value:
Key: MH - Placenta/diagnostic imaging, Value:
Key: MH - *Placental Insufficiency, Value:
Key: MH - Spin Labels, Value:
Key: MH - Contrast Media, Value:
Key: MH - Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods, Value:
Key: MH - *Hypertension, Value:
Key: MH - Perfusion, Value:
Key: MH - Biomarkers, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10796849, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1921850, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Hypertension, Value:
Key: OT - Perfusion, Value:
Key: OT - Perfusion-weighted MRI, Value:
Key: OT - Placenta, Value:
Key: OT - Preeclampsia, Value:
Key: COIS- Conflict of interest The authors of this manuscript declare no relationships with, Value:
Key: any companies, whose products or services may be related to the subject matter of, Value:
Key: the article., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/07/19 13:07, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/11/27 12:44, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2024/12/01, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/07/19 11:06, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/08/07 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/05/17 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/05/05 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/12/01 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/11/27 12:44 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/07/19 13:07 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/07/19 11:06 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1007/s00330-023-09945-x [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1007/s00330-023-09945-x [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Eur Radiol. 2023 Dec;33(12):9223-9232. doi: 10.1007/s00330-023-09945-x. Epub 2023, Value:
Key: Jul 19., Value:
Key: PMID- 37357215, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20230627, Value:
Key: LR - 20230627, Value:
Key: IS - 0253-9624 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 0253-9624 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 57, Value:
Key: IP - 6, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Jun 6, Value:
Key: TI - [Constructions and advances of animal models of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Value:
Key: infection]., Value:
Key: PG - 929-934, Value:
Key: LID - 10.3760/cma.j.cn112150-20220826-00843 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) is an opportunistic pathogenic bacterium, Value:
Key: with complex pathogenesis and drug resistance mechanisms. It has high morbidity, Value:
Key: and mortality and can cause acute and chronic infections in immunocompromised, Value:
Key: individuals, with lung infections, wound infections, and bloodstream infections, Value:
Key: being the most common. The animal infection model of P. aeruginosa is of great, Value:
Key: value for in-depth research on the pathogenicity, drug resistance, and, Value:
Key: therapeutic measures of P. aeruginosa by simulating the pathways of human, Value:
Key: bacterial infections. This article firstly summarizes the selection, anesthesia,, Value:
Key: and disposal of experimental animals in the construction of animal models of P., Value:
Key: aeruginosa infection, and then reviews the methods of construction, model, Value:
Key: evaluation, and applications of animal models of P. aeruginosa pulmonary, Value:
Key: infection, wound infection, and bloodstream infection, in order to provide a, Value:
Key: reference for scientific research related to P. aeruginosa infectious diseases., Value:
Key: FAU - Ren, Y Y, Value:
Key: AU - Ren YY, Value:
Key: AD - The Second Clinical Medical College of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou 450001, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Y, Value:
Key: AU - Liu Y, Value:
Key: AD - The Second Clinical Medical College of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou 450001, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, B, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - The Second Clinical Medical College of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou 450001, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Guo, M Y, Value:
Key: AU - Guo MY, Value:
Key: AD - The Second Clinical Medical College of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou 450001, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, X W, Value:
Key: AU - Liu XW, Value:
Key: AD - Medicine Laboratory Center of Henan Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese, Value:
Key: Medicine, Henan Provincial Key Laboratory of Antibiotics-Resistant Bacterial, Value:
Key: Infection Prevention & Therapy with Traditional Chinese Medicine, The Key, Value:
Key: Laboratory of Pathogenic Microbes & Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance of, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou 450002, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, D M, Value:
Key: AU - Liu DM, Value:
Key: AD - Medicine Laboratory Center of Henan Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese, Value:
Key: Medicine, Henan Provincial Key Laboratory of Antibiotics-Resistant Bacterial, Value:
Key: Infection Prevention & Therapy with Traditional Chinese Medicine, The Key, Value:
Key: Laboratory of Pathogenic Microbes & Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance of, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou 450002, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Y W, Value:
Key: AU - Li YW, Value:
Key: AD - The Second Clinical Medical College of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,, Value:
Key: Zhengzhou 450001, China., Value:
Key: LA - chi, Value:
Key: GR - 202300410263/General Project of Natural Science Foundation of Henan Province/, Value:
Key: GR - 2022ZY1078/Special Research Project on Traditional Chinese Medicine in Henan, Value:
Key: Province/, Value:
Key: GR - 22A360008/Key Research Project of Henan Higher Education Institutions/, Value:
Key: PT - English Abstract, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PL - China, Value:
Key: TA - Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi, Value:
Key: JT - Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine], Value:
Key: JID - 7904962, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - Animals, Value:
Key: MH - *Pseudomonas Infections/drug therapy/microbiology, Value:
Key: MH - Models, Animal, Value:
Key: MH - Virulence, Value:
Key: MH - Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Value:
Key: MH - Disease Models, Animal, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/06/26 00:41, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/06/27 06:42, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/06/25 22:46, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/06/27 06:42 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/06/26 00:41 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/06/25 22:46 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - 10.3760/cma.j.cn112150-20220826-00843 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2023 Jun 6;57(6):929-934. doi:, Value:
Key: 10.3760/cma.j.cn112150-20220826-00843., Value:
Key: PMID- 37336382, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20230717, Value:
Key: LR - 20230718, Value:
Key: IS - 1879-0003 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0141-8130 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 244, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Jul 31, Value:
Key: TI - Guanidine-containing double-network silks with enhanced tensile and antibacterial, Value:
Key: property., Value:
Key: PG - 125470, Value:
Key: LID - S0141-8130(23)02364-4 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.125470 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - The bacterial infection of surgical wounds results in prolonged hospitalization, Value:
Key: and even death of patients, calling for antibacterial function in modern suture, Value:
Key: products. To tackle this challenge, cationic guanidine-containing copolymer was, Value:
Key: synthesized, exhibiting antibacterial potency over 5 log reduction against both, Value:
Key: Gram-positive S. aureus and Gram-negative E. coli. Furthermore, we developed a, Value:
Key: double-network silk suture by integrating a guanidine-containing copolymer, Value:
Key: network into the silk fibroin network. This suture exhibited biocidal activity, Value:
Key: against S. aureus and E. coli, and superior strength compared to the commercial, Value:
Key: product in both dry and wet conditions. These results may bring general benefits, Value:
Key: to public health and medical equipment sustainability., Value:
Key: CI - Copyright © 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Chang, Value:
Key: AU - Liu C, Value:
Key: AD - School of Fashion and Textiles, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong., Value:
Key: FAU - Hu, Xin, Value:
Key: AU - Hu X, Value:
Key: AD - School of Fashion and Textiles, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhou, Xiang, Value:
Key: AU - Zhou X, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Science, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing 211198, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Yan, Value:
Key: AU - Ma Y, Value:
Key: AD - Jinzhou Central Hospital, Jinzhou, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Leung, Polly H M, Value:
Key: AU - Leung PHM, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Health Technology and Informatics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic, Value:
Key: University, Hong Kong., Value:
Key: FAU - Xin, John H, Value:
Key: AU - Xin JH, Value:
Key: AD - School of Fashion and Textiles, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bin, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - School of Fashion and Textiles, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong., Value:
Key: Electronic address:, Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230617, Value:
Key: PL - Netherlands, Value:
Key: TA - Int J Biol Macromol, Value:
Key: JT - International journal of biological macromolecules, Value:
Key: JID - 7909578, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Silk), Value:
Key: RN - JU58VJ6Y3B (Guanidine), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Anti-Bacterial Agents), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Guanidines), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - *Silk, Value:
Key: MH - *Staphylococcus aureus, Value:
Key: MH - Guanidine/pharmacology, Value:
Key: MH - Escherichia coli, Value:
Key: MH - Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology, Value:
Key: MH - Guanidines, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Antibacterial property, Value:
Key: OT - Double networks, Value:
Key: OT - Silk suture, Value:
Key: COIS- Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known, Value:
Key: competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared, Value:
Key: to influence the work reported in this paper., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/06/20 01:09, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/07/17 06:42, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/06/19 19:14, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/03/14 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/06/02 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/06/16 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/07/17 06:42 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/06/20 01:09 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/06/19 19:14 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - S0141-8130(23)02364-4 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.125470 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Int J Biol Macromol. 2023 Jul 31;244:125470. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.125470., Value:
Key: Epub 2023 Jun 17., Value:
Key: PMID- 37331534, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20230816, Value:
Key: LR - 20230816, Value:
Key: IS - 1879-0003 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0141-8130 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 246, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Aug 15, Value:
Key: TI - Ultra-light-weight, anti-flammable and water-proof cellulosic aerogels for, Value:
Key: thermal insulation applications., Value:
Key: PG - 125343, Value:
Key: LID - S0141-8130(23)02237-7 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.125343 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Cellulosic aerogels (CNF) are considered naturally available thermal insulating, Value:
Key: materials as substitutes for conventional polymeric aerogels owing to their, Value:
Key: extensive sources, low density, low thermal conductivity, sustainability and, Value:
Key: biodegradability. However, cellulosic aerogels suffer from high flammability and, Value:
Key: hygroscopicity. In this work, a novel P/N-containing flame retardant (TPMPAT) was, Value:
Key: synthesized to modify cellulosic aerogels to improve their anti-flammability., Value:
Key: TPMPAT/CNF aerogels were further modified by polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) to, Value:
Key: enhance the water-proof characteristics. Although the addition of TPMPAT and/or, Value:
Key: PDMS slightly increased the density and thermal conductivity of the composite, Value:
Key: aerogels, those values were still comparable to the commercial polymeric, Value:
Key: aerogels. Compared with pure CNF aerogel, the cellulose aerogel modified by, Value:
Key: TPMPAT and/or PDMS had higher T(-10%), T(-50%) and T(max), which indicated that, Value:
Key: the modified cellulose aerogels have better thermal stability. TPMPAT, Value:
Key: modification made CNF aerogels highly hydrophilic, while TPMPAT/CNF aerogel, Value:
Key: modified by PDMS became a highly hydrophobic material with a water contact angle, Value:
Key: (WCA) of 142°. Pure CNF aerogel burned rapidly after ignition, showing a low, Value:
Key: limiting oxygen index (LOI) of 23.0% and no UL-94 grade. In contrast, both, Value:
Key: TPMPAT/CNF-30% and PDMS-TPMPAT/CNF-30% showed self-extinction behaviors with a, Value:
Key: UL-94 V-0 grade, implying high fire resistance. Combined with high, Value:
Key: anti-flammability and hydrophobicity, the ultra-light-weight cellulosic aerogels, Value:
Key: show great potential for thermal insulation applications., Value:
Key: CI - Copyright © 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., Value:
Key: FAU - Guo, Wenwen, Value:
Key: AU - Guo W, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Eco-textiles, Ministry of Education, College of Textile Science, Value:
Key: and Engineering, Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Avenue, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122,, Value:
Key: China; State Key Laboratory of Environment-friendly Energy Materials, Southwest, Value:
Key: University of Science and Technology, Mianyang 621010, China; Institute of, Value:
Key: Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Hong Kong,, Value:
Key: China; State Key Laboratory of Fire Science, University of Science and Technology, Value:
Key: of China, 96 Jinzhai Road, Hefei, Anhui 230026, China. Electronic address:, Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Shun, Value:
Key: AU - Chen S, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Eco-textiles, Ministry of Education, College of Textile Science, Value:
Key: and Engineering, Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Avenue, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liang, Fuwei, Value:
Key: AU - Liang F, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Eco-textiles, Ministry of Education, College of Textile Science, Value:
Key: and Engineering, Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Avenue, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Jin, Liping, Value:
Key: AU - Jin L, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Eco-textiles, Ministry of Education, College of Textile Science, Value:
Key: and Engineering, Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Avenue, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ji, Chenpeng, Value:
Key: AU - Ji C, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Eco-textiles, Ministry of Education, College of Textile Science, Value:
Key: and Engineering, Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Avenue, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Ping, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang P, Value:
Key: AD - State Key Laboratory of Environment-friendly Energy Materials, Southwest, Value:
Key: University of Science and Technology, Mianyang 621010, China. Electronic address:, Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bin, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung, Value:
Key: Hom, Hong Kong, China. Electronic address:, Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230616, Value:
Key: PL - Netherlands, Value:
Key: TA - Int J Biol Macromol, Value:
Key: JT - International journal of biological macromolecules, Value:
Key: JID - 7909578, Value:
Key: RN - 63148-62-9 (baysilon), Value:
Key: RN - 9004-34-6 (Cellulose), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Dimethylpolysiloxanes), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Polymers), Value:
Key: RN - 059QF0KO0R (Water), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - *Cellulose, Value:
Key: MH - Dimethylpolysiloxanes, Value:
Key: MH - *Fires, Value:
Key: MH - Polymers, Value:
Key: MH - Water, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Cellulosic aerogel, Value:
Key: OT - Hydrophobicity, Value:
Key: OT - P/N-containing flame retardant, Value:
Key: OT - Thermal conductivity, Value:
Key: COIS- Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known, Value:
Key: competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared, Value:
Key: to influence the work reported in this paper., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/06/19 00:42, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/08/16 06:43, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/06/18 19:15, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/03/08 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/06/07 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/06/10 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/08/16 06:43 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/06/19 00:42 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/06/18 19:15 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - S0141-8130(23)02237-7 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.125343 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Int J Biol Macromol. 2023 Aug 15;246:125343. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.125343., Value:
Key: Epub 2023 Jun 16., Value:
Key: PMID- 37324462, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20230619, Value:
Key: IS - 1663-9812 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1663-9812 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1663-9812 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 14, Value:
Key: DP - 2023, Value:
Key: TI - Yiwei decoction promotes apoptosis of gastric cancer cells through spleen-derived, Value:
Key: exosomes., Value:
Key: PG - 1144955, Value:
Key: LID - 10.3389/fphar.2023.1144955 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 1144955, Value:
Key: AB - Yiwei decoction (YWD) is a formula of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that is, Value:
Key: clinically effective for the prevention and treatment of gastric cancer, Value:
Key: recurrence and metastasis. According to the theory of TCM, YWD tonifies the body, Value:
Key: and strengthens the body's resistance to gastric cancer recurrence and metastasis, Value:
Key: potentially via the immune regulation of the spleen. The aims of the present, Value:
Key: study were to investigate whether YWD-treated spleen-derived exosomes in rats, Value:
Key: inhibit the proliferation of tumor cells, to elucidate the anticancer effects of, Value:
Key: YWD, and to provide evidence supporting the use of YWD as a new clinical, Value:
Key: treatment for gastric cancer. Spleen-derived exosomes were obtained by, Value:
Key: ultracentrifugation and identified by transmission electron microscopy,, Value:
Key: nanoparticle tracking analysis, and western blot analysis. The location of the, Value:
Key: exosomes in tumor cells was then determined by immunofluorescence staining. After, Value:
Key: tumor cells were treated with different concentrations of exosomes, the effect of, Value:
Key: exosomes on cell proliferation was determined by cell counting kit 8 (CCK8) and, Value:
Key: colony formation assays. Tumor cell apoptosis was detected by flow cytometry., Value:
Key: Particle analysis and western blot analysis identified the material extracted, Value:
Key: from spleen tissue supernatant as exosomes. Immunofluorescence staining showed, Value:
Key: that spleen-derived exosomes were taken up by HGC-27 cells, and the CCK8 assay, Value:
Key: confirmed that the relative tumor inhibition rate of YWD-treated spleen-derived, Value:
Key: exosomes in the 30 μg/mL reached 70.78% compared to control exosomes in the, Value:
Key: 30 μg/mL (p < 0.05). Compared to control exosomes in the 30 μg/mL, the colony, Value:
Key: formation assay indicated that YWD-treated spleen-derived exosomes in the, Value:
Key: 30 μg/mL colonies have decreased by 99.03% (p < 0.01). Moreover, flow cytometry, Value:
Key: analysis showed that treatment with YWD-treated exosomes in the 30 μg/mL, Value:
Key: increased the apoptosis rate to 43.27%, which was significantly higher than that, Value:
Key: of the control group in the 30 μg/mL (25.91%) (p < 0.05). In conclusion,, Value:
Key: spleen-derived exosomes from YWD-treated animals inhibit the proliferation of, Value:
Key: HGC-27 cells via inducing apoptosis, suggesting that spleen-derived exosomes are, Value:
Key: involved in mediating the antitumor effect of YWD. These results demonstrated a, Value:
Key: novel exosome-mediated anticancer effect of YWD as a TCM formula, thereby, Value:
Key: supporting the use of YWD-treated exosomes as a new approach for the clinical, Value:
Key: treatment of gastric cancer., Value:
Key: CI - Copyright © 2023 Chen, Li, Wu, Chen, Jin, Chen, Fei, Xue, Wu and Chai., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Yingzhi, Value:
Key: AU - Chen Y, Value:
Key: AD - School of Basic Medical Sciences, Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Zhejiang Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hangzhou, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Yu, Value:
Key: AU - Li Y, Value:
Key: AD - School of Basic Medical Sciences, Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Zhejiang Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hangzhou, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wu, Yue, Value:
Key: AU - Wu Y, Value:
Key: AD - Zhejiang Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hangzhou, China., Value:
Key: AD - The First School of Clinical Medicine, Zhejiang Chinese Medical University,, Value:
Key: Hangzhou, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Shiyong, Value:
Key: AU - Chen S, Value:
Key: AD - School of Basic Medical Sciences, Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Zhejiang Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hangzhou, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Jin, Xiaoming, Value:
Key: AU - Jin X, Value:
Key: AD - Stark Neuroscience Research Institute and Department of Anatomy, Cell Biology and, Value:
Key: Physiology, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, United, Value:
Key: States., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Xuan, Value:
Key: AU - Chen X, Value:
Key: AD - Zhejiang Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hangzhou, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baoying, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Zhejiang Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hangzhou, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Xue, Xiaomin, Value:
Key: AU - Xue X, Value:
Key: AD - Zhejiang Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hangzhou, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wu, Renzhao, Value:
Key: AU - Wu R, Value:
Key: AD - Zhejiang Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hangzhou, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Chai, Kequn, Value:
Key: AU - Chai K, Value:
Key: AD - Zhejiang Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hangzhou, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230601, Value:
Key: PL - Switzerland, Value:
Key: TA - Front Pharmacol, Value:
Key: JT - Frontiers in pharmacology, Value:
Key: JID - 101548923, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10267389, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - apoptosis, Value:
Key: OT - gastric cancer HGC-27 cells, Value:
Key: OT - spleen-derived exosomes, Value:
Key: OT - traditional chinese medicine (TCM), Value:
Key: OT - tumour, Value:
Key: OT - yiwei decoction (YWD), Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any, Value:
Key: commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential, Value:
Key: conflict of interest., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/06/16 06:42, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/06/16 06:43, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/06/01, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/06/16 04:11, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/01/15 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/05/22 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/06/16 06:43 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/06/16 06:42 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/06/16 04:11 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/06/01 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 1144955 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.3389/fphar.2023.1144955 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Front Pharmacol. 2023 Jun 1;14:1144955. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2023.1144955., Value:
Key: eCollection 2023., Value:
Key: PMID- 37195736, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20230519, Value:
Key: LR - 20230519, Value:
Key: IS - 1473-5644 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0022-2615 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 72, Value:
Key: IP - 5, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 May, Value:
Key: TI - Anti-tumour effect of Huangqin Decoction on colorectal cancer mice through, Value:
Key: microbial butyrate mediated PI3K/Akt pathway suppression., Value:
Key: LID - 10.1099/jmm.0.001692 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Introduction. Huangqin Decoction (HQD), a Chinese herbal formula, is widely used, Value:
Key: for various diseases, including colorectal cancer (CRC).Hypothesis/Gap Statement., Value:
Key: We proposed that microbial butyrate mediated PI3K/Akt pathway suppression might, Value:
Key: involve the anti-cancer effect of HQD.Aim. This study aimed to evaluate the, Value:
Key: potential mechanism of HQD against CRC.Methodology. An azoxymethane plus dextran, Value:
Key: sulphate sodium induced CRC mouse model was used, and the intestinal flora and, Value:
Key: faecal short-chain fatty acid changes were detected, respectively, after HQD, Value:
Key: administration with 16S rRNA sequencing and gas chromatography coupled with mass, Value:
Key: spectrometry. Disease activity index, colon length and levels of inflammatory, Value:
Key: cytokines were measured to evaluate the effect of HQD on intestinal inflammation., Value:
Key: Tumour size, number and histopathology were assessed to reflect the impact of HQD, Value:
Key: on tumour burden. Apoptosis and PI3K/Akt pathway activity were measured by TUNEL, Value:
Key: staining and Western-blotting. In vitro, the effects of sodium butyrate (NaB) on, Value:
Key: the viability of CRC cell lines were detected by the Cell-counting Kit-8. The, Value:
Key: apoptotic cells were determined by TUNEL staining. Cell migration and invasion, Value:
Key: were assessed by wound healing assay and Transwell assay, respectively., Value:
Key: Western-blotting and immunofluorescent staining were used to test the activity of, Value:
Key: PI3K/Akt pathway.Results. Animal study showed that HQD could improve the gut, Value:
Key: dysbiosis, increase the abundance of Clostridium and the level of faecal butyric, Value:
Key: acid. Then, we found that HQD could attenuate colitis, reduce tumour burden,, Value:
Key: promote cell apoptosis and suppress PI3K/Akt pathway activity in CRC mice. In, Value:
Key: vitro experiment revealed that NaB treatment could inhibit cell growth, migration, Value:
Key: and invasion in CRC cell lines. Additionally, NaB enhanced cellular apoptosis,, Value:
Key: and reduced phosphorylated PI3K and Akt expressions. Interestingly, addition of, Value:
Key: 740Y-P, an agonist of PI3K, reversed the NaB effects on CRC cells.Conclusion., Value:
Key: Overall, in this study, we revealed that HQD could induce apoptosis through, Value:
Key: microbial butyrate mediated PI3K/Akt inhibition and perform anti-CRC activity., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhu, Jia-Jie, Value:
Key: AU - Zhu JJ, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastroenterology, Tongde Hospital of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou,, Value:
Key: PR China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Hai-Yan, Value:
Key: AU - Liu HY, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastroenterology, Tongde Hospital of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou,, Value:
Key: PR China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yang, Liang-Jun, Value:
Key: AU - Yang LJ, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastroenterology, Tongde Hospital of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou,, Value:
Key: PR China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fang, Zheng, Value:
Key: AU - Fang Z, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastroenterology, Tongde Hospital of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou,, Value:
Key: PR China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fu, Rui, Value:
Key: AU - Fu R, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastroenterology, Tongde Hospital of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou,, Value:
Key: PR China., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Jia-Bin, Value:
Key: AU - Chen JB, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Oncology, Tongde Hospital of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou, PR China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Shan, Value:
Key: AU - Liu S, Value:
Key: AD - Basic Medical College, Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou, PR China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bao-Ying, Value:
Key: AU - Fei BY, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastroenterology, Tongde Hospital of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou,, Value:
Key: PR China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - J Med Microbiol, Value:
Key: JT - Journal of medical microbiology, Value:
Key: JID - 0224131, Value:
Key: RN - EC (Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-akt), Value:
Key: RN - EC 2.7.1.- (Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinases), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (RNA, Ribosomal, 16S), Value:
Key: RN - 107-92-6 (Butyric Acid), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Animals, Value:
Key: MH - Mice, Value:
Key: MH - *Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-akt/metabolism/pharmacology, Value:
Key: MH - Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinases/metabolism/pharmacology, Value:
Key: MH - Scutellaria baicalensis/chemistry, Value:
Key: MH - RNA, Ribosomal, 16S, Value:
Key: MH - *Colorectal Neoplasms/drug therapy, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Proliferation, Value:
Key: MH - Butyric Acid/pharmacology, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - apoptosis, Value:
Key: OT - butyrates, Value:
Key: OT - colorectal neoplasms, Value:
Key: OT - gastrointestinal microbiome, Value:
Key: OT - medicine, Chinese traditional, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/05/17 13:10, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/05/19 06:42, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/05/17 11:53, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/05/19 06:42 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/05/17 13:10 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/05/17 11:53 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1099/jmm.0.001692 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - J Med Microbiol. 2023 May;72(5). doi: 10.1099/jmm.0.001692., Value:
Key: PMID- 37111927, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20230501, Value:
Key: IS - 2223-7747 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 2223-7747 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2223-7747 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12, Value:
Key: IP - 8, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Apr 20, Value:
Key: TI - Structural Characteristics of Reaction Tissue in Plants., Value:
Key: LID - 10.3390/plants12081705 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 1705, Value:
Key: AB - To maintain or adjust posture under the challenges of gravity and increased, Value:
Key: self-weight, or the effects of light, snow, and slope, plants have the ability to, Value:
Key: develop a special type of tissue called reaction tissue. The formation of, Value:
Key: reaction tissue is a result of plant evolution and adaptation. The identification, Value:
Key: and study of plant reaction tissue are of great significance for understanding, Value:
Key: the systematics and evolution of plants, the processing and utilization of, Value:
Key: plant-based materials, and the exploration of new biomimetic materials and, Value:
Key: biological templates. Trees' reaction tissues have been studied for many years,, Value:
Key: and recently, many new findings regarding these tissues have been reported., Value:
Key: However, reaction tissue requires further detailed exploration, particularly due, Value:
Key: to their complex and diverse nature. Moreover, the reaction tissues in, Value:
Key: gymnosperms, vines, herbs, etc., which display unique biomechanical behavior,, Value:
Key: have also garnered the attention of research. After summarizing the existing, Value:
Key: literature, this paper provides an outline of the reaction tissues in woody, Value:
Key: plants and non-woody plants, and lays emphasis on alternations in the cell wall, Value:
Key: structure of the xylem in softwood and hardwood. The purpose of this paper is to, Value:
Key: provide a reference for the further exploration and study of reaction tissues, Value:
Key: with great diversity., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Litong, Value:
Key: AU - Liu L, Value:
Key: AD - College of Materials Science and Engineering, Central South University of, Value:
Key: Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China., Value:
Key: AD - International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Luan, Yu, Value:
Key: AU - Luan Y, Value:
Key: AD - International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fang, Changhua, Value:
Key: AU - Fang C, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-5047-0439, Value:
Key: AD - International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Hu, Jinbo, Value:
Key: AU - Hu J, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-3367-7398, Value:
Key: AD - College of Materials Science and Engineering, Central South University of, Value:
Key: Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Chang, Shanshan, Value:
Key: AU - Chang S, Value:
Key: AD - College of Materials Science and Engineering, Central South University of, Value:
Key: Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Benhua, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - 32071856/National Natural Science Foundation of China/, Value:
Key: GR - 1632019002/Foundation of International Center for Bamboo and Rattan/, Value:
Key: GR - 32171709/National Natural Science Foundation of China/, Value:
Key: GR - 32271791/National Natural Science Foundation of China/, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Review, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230420, Value:
Key: PL - Switzerland, Value:
Key: TA - Plants (Basel), Value:
Key: JT - Plants (Basel, Switzerland), Value:
Key: JID - 101596181, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10146549, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - compression wood, Value:
Key: OT - gelatinous fibers, Value:
Key: OT - growth stress, Value:
Key: OT - reaction tissue, Value:
Key: OT - tension wood, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare no conflict of interest., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/04/28 06:41, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/04/28 06:42, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/04/20, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/04/28 01:48, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/03/13 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/14 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/16 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/28 06:42 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/28 06:41 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/28 01:48 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/20 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - plants12081705 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - plants-12-01705 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.3390/plants12081705 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Plants (Basel). 2023 Apr 20;12(8):1705. doi: 10.3390/plants12081705., Value:
Key: PMID- 37101285, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20230428, Value:
Key: LR - 20240216, Value:
Key: IS - 1757-6512 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1757-6512 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 14, Value:
Key: IP - 1, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Apr 26, Value:
Key: TI - Mesenchymal stem cells transplantation for perianal fistulas: a systematic review, Value:
Key: and meta-analysis of clinical trials., Value:
Key: PG - 103, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1186/s13287-023-03331-6 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 103, Value:
Key: AB - BACKGROUND: Perianal fistulas, characterised as granulomatous inflammation of, Value:
Key: fistulas around the anal canal, are associated with significant morbidity, Value:
Key: resulting in a negative impact on quality of life and a tremendous burden to the, Value:
Key: healthcare system. Treatment of anal fistulas usually consists of anal surgery;, Value:
Key: however, results of closure rates are not satisfactory especially with complex, Value:
Key: perianal fistulas, after which many patients may suffer from anal incontinence., Value:
Key: Recently, the administration of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) has shown promising, Value:
Key: efficacy. Herein, we aim to explore whether MSCs are effective for complex, Value:
Key: perianal fistulas and if they have either short-term, medium-term, long-term or, Value:
Key: over-long-term efficacy. Additionally, we want to elucidate whether factors such, Value:
Key: as drug dosage, MSC source, cell type, and disease aetiology influence treatment, Value:
Key: efficacy. We searched four online databases and analysed data based on, Value:
Key: information within the clinical trials registry. The outcomes of eligible trials, Value:
Key: were analysed with Review Manager 5.4.1. Relative risk and related 95% confidence, Value:
Key: interval were calculated to compare the effect between the MSCs and control, Value:
Key: groups. In addition, the Cochrane risk of bias tool was applied to evaluate the, Value:
Key: bias risk of eligible studies. Meta-analyses showed that therapy with MSCs was, Value:
Key: superior to conventional treatment for complex perianal fistulas in short-, long-, Value:
Key: and over-long-term follow-up phases. However, there was no statistical difference, Value:
Key: in treatment efficacy in the medium term between the two methods. Subgroup, Value:
Key: meta-analyses showed factors including cell type, cell source and cell dosage, Value:
Key: were superior compared to the control, but there was no significant difference, Value:
Key: between different experimental groups of those factors. Besides, local MSCs, Value:
Key: therapy has shown more promising results for fistulas as a result of Crohn's, Value:
Key: Disease (CD). Although we tend to maintain that MSCs therapy is effective for, Value:
Key: cryptoglandular fistulas equally, more studies are needed to confirm this, Value:
Key: conclusion in the future. SHORT CONCLUSION: MSCs Transplantation could be a new, Value:
Key: therapeutic method for complex perianal fistulas of both cryptoglandular and CD, Value:
Key: origin showing high efficacy in the short-term to over-long-term phases, as well, Value:
Key: as high efficacy in sustained healing. The difference in cell types, cell sources, Value:
Key: and cell dosages did not influence MSCs' efficacy., Value:
Key: CI - © 2023. The Author(s)., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, H, Value:
Key: AU - Wang H, Value:
Key: AD - Scientific Research Center, China-Japan Union Hospital of Jilin University,, Value:
Key: Changchun, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Jiang, H Y, Value:
Key: AU - Jiang HY, Value:
Key: AD - Life Spring AKY Pharmaceuticals, Changchun, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Y X, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang YX, Value:
Key: AD - Changchun University of Chinese Medicine, Changchun, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Jin, H Y, Value:
Key: AU - Jin HY, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Colorectal Surgery, China-Japan Union Hospital of, Value:
Key: Jilin University, Changchun, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, B Y, Value:
Key: AU - Fei BY, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Colorectal Surgery, China-Japan Union Hospital of, Value:
Key: Jilin University, Changchun, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Jiang, J L, Value:
Key: AU - Jiang JL, Value:
Key: AD - Scientific Research Center, China-Japan Union Hospital of Jilin University,, Value:
Key: Changchun, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Meta-Analysis, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, Value:
Key: PT - Review, Value:
Key: PT - Systematic Review, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230426, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - Stem Cell Res Ther, Value:
Key: JT - Stem cell research & therapy, Value:
Key: JID - 101527581, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: CIN - Stem Cell Res Ther. 2023 Dec 18;14(1):375. PMID: 38110978, Value:
Key: EIN - Stem Cell Res Ther. 2024 Feb 16;15(1):45. PMID: 38365762, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - Quality of Life, Value:
Key: MH - *Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation/methods, Value:
Key: MH - Treatment Outcome, Value:
Key: MH - *Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Value:
Key: MH - *Rectal Fistula/therapy, Value:
Key: MH - *Crohn Disease/therapy, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10134595, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Clinical trials, Value:
Key: OT - Efficacy and safety, Value:
Key: OT - Healing rate, Value:
Key: OT - Mesenchymal stem cells transplantation, Value:
Key: OT - Perianal fistulas, Value:
Key: OT - Randomised controlled trial, Value:
Key: OT - Systematic review and meta-analysis, Value:
Key: COIS- The company—Life Spring AKY Pharmaceuticals—just provided researching funds and, Value:
Key: did not provide any other service or product to the study. HY Jiang is the staff, Value:
Key: of this company. The authors declare that they have no competing interests., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/04/27 00:42, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/04/28 06:41, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/04/26, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/04/26 23:44, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/11/24 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/06 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/28 06:41 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/27 00:42 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/26 23:44 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/26 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1186/s13287-023-03331-6 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 3331 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1186/s13287-023-03331-6 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Stem Cell Res Ther. 2023 Apr 26;14(1):103. doi: 10.1186/s13287-023-03331-6., Value:
Key: PMID- 37087763, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20230507, Value:
Key: LR - 20230507, Value:
Key: IS - 1523-7052 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1523-7052 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 25, Value:
Key: IP - 17, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 May 5, Value:
Key: TI - Condition-Controlled O-Acylation and N-O Bond Reduction of Hydroximic Acids with, Value:
Key: Thioacetic Acid., Value:
Key: PG - 2970-2974, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1021/acs.orglett.3c00735 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Condition-dependent transformations between hydroximic acids and thioacetic acid, Value:
Key: were achieved. Using NH(4)HCO(3) in the ethanol solvent, efficient N-O bond, Value:
Key: cleavage of hydroxamic acids occurred to afford primary amides with high, Value:
Key: functional group compatibility. The reaction was switched to O-acylation when, Value:
Key: NEt(3) and H(2)O were used as the base and solvent, respectively. These facile, Value:
Key: transformations could be scaled up to the gram level smoothly. Preliminary, Value:
Key: mechanistic studies suggested that the N-O bond cleavage involves a cascade, Value:
Key: process of acylation/reduction., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Risong, Value:
Key: AU - Wang R, Value:
Key: AD - College of Chemistry and Materials Engineering, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou,, Value:
Key: Zhejiang 325035, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Yifei, Value:
Key: AU - Chen Y, Value:
Key: AD - College of Chemistry and Materials Engineering, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou,, Value:
Key: Zhejiang 325035, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Binjie, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - College of Chemistry and Materials Engineering, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou,, Value:
Key: Zhejiang 325035, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Hu, Jiahao, Value:
Key: AU - Hu J, Value:
Key: AD - College of Chemistry and Materials Engineering, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou,, Value:
Key: Zhejiang 325035, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Jianhui, Value:
Key: AU - Chen J, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-5080-1880, Value:
Key: AD - College of Chemistry and Materials Engineering, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou,, Value:
Key: Zhejiang 325035, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Luo, Yanshu, Value:
Key: AU - Luo Y, Value:
Key: AD - College of Chemistry and Materials Engineering, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou,, Value:
Key: Zhejiang 325035, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Xia, Yuanzhi, Value:
Key: AU - Xia Y, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-2459-3296, Value:
Key: AD - College of Chemistry and Materials Engineering, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou,, Value:
Key: Zhejiang 325035, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230423, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Org Lett, Value:
Key: JT - Organic letters, Value:
Key: JID - 100890393, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/04/23 18:41, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/04/23 18:42, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/04/23 16:52, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/23 18:42 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/23 18:41 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/23 16:52 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1021/acs.orglett.3c00735 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Org Lett. 2023 May 5;25(17):2970-2974. doi: 10.1021/acs.orglett.3c00735. Epub, Value:
Key: 2023 Apr 23., Value:
Key: PMID- 37051227, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20230907, Value:
Key: IS - 2662-8449 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2662-8449 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 3, Value:
Key: DP - 2023, Value:
Key: TI - Extended reality for biomedicine., Value:
Key: LID - 15 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1038/s43586-023-00208-z [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Extended reality (XR) refers to an umbrella of methods that allows users to be, Value:
Key: immersed in a three-dimensional (3D) or a 4D (spatial + temporal) virtual, Value:
Key: environment to different extents, including virtual reality (VR), augmented, Value:
Key: reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR). While VR allows a user to be fully immersed, Value:
Key: in a virtual environment, AR and MR overlay virtual objects over the real, Value:
Key: physical world. The immersion and interaction of XR provide unparalleled, Value:
Key: opportunities to extend our world beyond conventional lifestyles. While XR has, Value:
Key: extensive applications in fields such as entertainment and education, its, Value:
Key: numerous applications in biomedicine create transformative opportunities in both, Value:
Key: fundamental research and healthcare. This Primer outlines XR technology from, Value:
Key: instrumentation to software computation methods, delineating the biomedical, Value:
Key: applications that have been advanced by state-of-the-art techniques. We further, Value:
Key: describe the technical advances overcoming current limitations in XR and its, Value:
Key: applications, providing an entry point for professionals and trainees to thrive, Value:
Key: in this emerging field., Value:
Key: FAU - Yuan, Jie, Value:
Key: AU - Yuan J, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-7789-6744, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer, Value:
Key: Science, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Hassan, Sohail S, Value:
Key: AU - Hassan SS, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-5340-2503, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer, Value:
Key: Science, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Wu, Jiaojiao, Value:
Key: AU - Wu J, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-2402-7825, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Research and Development, Shanghai United Imaging Intelligence Co.,, Value:
Key: Ltd., Shanghai, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Koger, Casey R, Value:
Key: AU - Koger CR, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-9226-151X, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer, Value:
Key: Science, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Packard, René R Sevag, Value:
Key: AU - Packard RRS, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-8520-5843, Value:
Key: AD - Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine,, Value:
Key: University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States., Value:
Key: AD - Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA United States., Value:
Key: AD - Veterans Affairs West Los Angeles Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Shi, Feng, Value:
Key: AU - Shi F, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-1522-9943, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Research and Development, Shanghai United Imaging Intelligence Co.,, Value:
Key: Ltd., Shanghai, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-9123-9484, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer, Value:
Key: Science, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, United States., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United, Value:
Key: States., Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, The University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Ding, Yichen, Value:
Key: AU - Ding Y, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-6242-3506, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer, Value:
Key: Science, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, United States., Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, The University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX, United States., Value:
Key: AD - Hamon Center for Regenerative Science and Medicine, UT Southwestern Medical, Value:
Key: Center, Dallas, TX, United States., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - I01 BX004558/BX/BLRD VA/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - UL1 TR001881/TR/NCATS NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R56 HL158569/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R00 HL148493/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230302, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - Nat Rev Methods Primers, Value:
Key: JT - Nature reviews. Methods primers, Value:
Key: JID - 101778010, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10088349, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1885018, Value:
Key: COIS- Competing interests J.W. and F.S. are employees of Shanghai United Imaging, Value:
Key: Intelligence Co., Ltd., and the company has no role in designing and performing, Value:
Key: the surveillance and analyzing and interpreting the results. The other authors, Value:
Key: declare no competing interests., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/04/14 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/04/14 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/04/11, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/04/13 01:58, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/14 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/13 01:58 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/14 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/11 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 15 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1038/s43586-023-00208-z [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Nat Rev Methods Primers. 2023;3:15. doi: 10.1038/s43586-023-00208-z. Epub 2023, Value:
Key: Mar 2., Value:
Key: PMID- 37046334, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20230414, Value:
Key: LR - 20230415, Value:
Key: IS - 1745-6215 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1745-6215 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 24, Value:
Key: IP - 1, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Apr 12, Value:
Key: TI - Effects of prebiotic supplement on gut microbiota, drug bioavailability, and, Value:
Key: adverse effects in patients with colorectal cancer at different primary tumor, Value:
Key: locations receiving chemotherapy: study protocol for a randomized clinical trial., Value:
Key: PG - 268, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1186/s13063-023-07137-y [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 268, Value:
Key: AB - BACKGROUND: The prevalence of colorectal cancer (CRC) worldwide is a huge, Value:
Key: challenge to human health. Primary tumor locations found to impact prognosis and, Value:
Key: response to therapy. The important role of gut microbiota in the progression and, Value:
Key: treatment of CRC has led to many attempts of alleviating chemotherapy-induced, Value:
Key: adverse effects using microecologics. However, the underlying mechanism of the, Value:
Key: difference in the prognosis of different primary tumor locations and the, Value:
Key: synergistic effect of prebiotics on chemotherapy need to be further elucidated., Value:
Key: This study aims to explore the differences in tumor microbiota and examine the, Value:
Key: effectiveness of xylooligosaccharides (XOS) on gut microbiota, adverse effects,, Value:
Key: and bioavailability of chemotherapy drugs in CRC patients at different primary, Value:
Key: tumor locations. METHODS: This is a double-blinded, randomized, parallel, Value:
Key: controlled clinical trial. Participants with left-sided CRC (LSCRC, n = 50) and, Value:
Key: right-sided CC (RSCC, n = 50) will randomly allocated to prebiotic group (n = 25), Value:
Key: or control group (n = 25) and will receive either a daily XOS (3 g/day) or, Value:
Key: placebo, respectively, for 12 weeks. The primary outcomes will be the differences, Value:
Key: in the mucosa microbiota composition at different tumor locations and differences, Value:
Key: in gut microbiota composition, adverse effects, and blood concentration of, Value:
Key: capecitabine posttreatment. The secondary outcomes will include other blood, Value:
Key: indicators, short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) concentration, quality of life, and, Value:
Key: mental health. DISCUSSION: This study will reveal the potential benefits of, Value:
Key: prebiotic for improving the gut microbiota composition, alleviating the adverse, Value:
Key: effects, and improving the efficacy of chemotherapy in patients with CRC. In, Value:
Key: addition, this study will provide data on the different distribution of tumor, Value:
Key: microbiota and the different changes of gut microbiota during treatment in LSCRC, Value:
Key: and RSCC, which may provide novel insights into personalized cancer treatment, Value:
Key: strategies based on primary tumor locations and gut microbiota in the future., Value:
Key: TRIAL REGISTRATION: Chinese Clinical Trial Registry ( ):, Value:
Key: ChiCTR2100046237. Registered on 12 May 2021., Value:
Key: CI - © 2023. The Author(s)., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Ya, Value:
Key: AU - Chen Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Endocrinology, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: 214122, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liao, Xiaowei, Value:
Key: AU - Liao X, Value:
Key: AD - State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, School of Food Science and, Value:
Key: Technology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214122, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Yanmin, Value:
Key: AU - Li Y, Value:
Key: AD - State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, School of Food Science and, Value:
Key: Technology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214122, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cao, Hong, Value:
Key: AU - Cao H, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Nutrition, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: 214122, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Feng, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang F, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Nutrition, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: 214122, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bojian, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, 214122, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Bao, Chuanqing, Value:
Key: AU - Bao C, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, 214122, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cao, Huaxiang, Value:
Key: AU - Cao H, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, 214122, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Mao, Yong, Value:
Key: AU - Mao Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Oncology, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214122,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Xiaoping, Value:
Key: AU - Chen X, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Oncology, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214122,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Gao, Xiang, Value:
Key: AU - Gao X, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Oncology, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214122,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhao, Wei, Value:
Key: AU - Zhao W, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-9495-8508, Value:
Key: AD - State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, School of Food Science and, Value:
Key: Technology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214122, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Xu, Jianmin, Value:
Key: AU - Xu J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, 214122, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - N20191001/Wuxi Project of Science and Technology Development/, Value:
Key: GR - N20192024)/Wuxi Project of Science and Technology Development/, Value:
Key: GR - ZZ003/Wuxi Translational Medicine Research Special Funding Project/, Value:
Key: PT - Clinical Trial Protocol, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230412, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - Trials, Value:
Key: JT - Trials, Value:
Key: JID - 101263253, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Prebiotics), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (xylooligosaccharide), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - Prebiotics, Value:
Key: MH - *Gastrointestinal Microbiome, Value:
Key: MH - Biological Availability, Value:
Key: MH - Quality of Life, Value:
Key: MH - *Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions, Value:
Key: MH - *Colorectal Neoplasms/drug therapy, Value:
Key: MH - Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10091326, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Adverse effects, Value:
Key: OT - Colorectal cancer, Value:
Key: OT - Drug bioavailability, Value:
Key: OT - Gut microbiota, Value:
Key: OT - Prebiotic, Value:
Key: OT - Primary tumor locations, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare no competing interests., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/04/13 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/04/14 06:41, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/04/12, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/04/12 23:50, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/09/14 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/05 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/14 06:41 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/12 23:50 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/13 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/12 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1186/s13063-023-07137-y [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 7137 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1186/s13063-023-07137-y [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Trials. 2023 Apr 12;24(1):268. doi: 10.1186/s13063-023-07137-y., Value:
Key: PMID- 37035031, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20230411, Value:
Key: LR - 20230517, Value:
Key: IS - 1560-2281 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1083-3668 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1083-3668 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 28, Value:
Key: IP - 4, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Apr, Value:
Key: TI - Compact and ultracompact spectral imagers: technology and applications in, Value:
Key: biomedical imaging., Value:
Key: PG - 040901, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/1.JBO.28.4.040901 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 040901, Value:
Key: AB - SIGNIFICANCE: Spectral imaging, which includes hyperspectral and multispectral, Value:
Key: imaging, can provide images in numerous wavelength bands within and beyond the, Value:
Key: visible light spectrum. Emerging technologies that enable compact, portable, Value:
Key: spectral imaging cameras can facilitate new applications in biomedical imaging., Value:
Key: AIM: With this review paper, researchers will (1) understand the technological, Value:
Key: trends of upcoming spectral cameras, (2) understand new specific applications, Value:
Key: that portable spectral imaging unlocked, and (3) evaluate proper spectral imaging, Value:
Key: systems for their specific applications. APPROACH: We performed a comprehensive, Value:
Key: literature review in three databases (Scopus, PubMed, and Web of Science). We, Value:
Key: included only fully realized systems with definable dimensions. To best, Value:
Key: accommodate many different definitions of "compact," we included a table of, Value:
Key: dimensions and weights for systems that met our definition. RESULTS: There is a, Value:
Key: wide variety of contributions from industry, academic, and hobbyist spaces. A, Value:
Key: variety of new engineering approaches, such as Fabry-Perot interferometers,, Value:
Key: spectrally resolved detector array (mosaic array), microelectro-mechanical, Value:
Key: systems, 3D printing, light-emitting diodes, and smartphones, were used in the, Value:
Key: construction of compact spectral imaging cameras. In bioimaging applications,, Value:
Key: these compact devices were used for in vivo and ex vivo diagnosis and surgical, Value:
Key: settings. CONCLUSIONS: Compact and ultracompact spectral imagers are the future, Value:
Key: of spectral imaging systems. Researchers in the bioimaging fields are building, Value:
Key: systems that are low-cost, fast in acquisition time, and mobile enough to be, Value:
Key: handheld., Value:
Key: CI - © 2023 The Authors., Value:
Key: FAU - Tran, Minh H, Value:
Key: AU - Tran MH, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-9936-9654, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, Texas,, Value:
Key: United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-9123-9484, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, Texas,, Value:
Key: United States., Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Dallas,, Value:
Key: Texas, United States., Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation,, Value:
Key: Richardson, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA154475/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, Value:
Key: PT - Review, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230405, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - J Biomed Opt, Value:
Key: JT - Journal of biomedical optics, Value:
Key: JID - 9605853, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - *Diagnostic Imaging, Value:
Key: MH - *Light, Value:
Key: MH - Technology, Value:
Key: MH - Printing, Three-Dimensional, Value:
Key: MH - Databases, Factual, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10075274, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - camera, Value:
Key: OT - compact, Value:
Key: OT - hyperspectral imaging, Value:
Key: OT - multispectral imaging, Value:
Key: OT - spectral imaging, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/04/11 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/04/11 06:42, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/04/05, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/04/10 04:15, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/10/17 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/27 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/11 06:42 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/10 04:15 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/11 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/05 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 220240VR [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/1.JBO.28.4.040901 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - J Biomed Opt. 2023 Apr;28(4):040901. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.28.4.040901. Epub 2023, Value:
Key: Apr 5., Value:
Key: PMID- 36998700, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20230412, Value:
Key: IS - 2766-905X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2766-905X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 2022, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Aug, Value:
Key: TI - QU-BraTS: MICCAI BraTS 2020 Challenge on Quantifying Uncertainty in Brain Tumor, Value:
Key: Segmentation - Analysis of Ranking Scores and Benchmarking Results., Value:
Key: LID - [pii], Value:
Key: AB - Deep learning (DL) models have provided state-of-the-art performance in various, Value:
Key: medical imaging benchmarking challenges, including the Brain Tumor Segmentation, Value:
Key: (BraTS) challenges. However, the task of focal pathology multi-compartment, Value:
Key: segmentation (e.g., tumor and lesion sub-regions) is particularly challenging,, Value:
Key: and potential errors hinder translating DL models into clinical workflows., Value:
Key: Quantifying the reliability of DL model predictions in the form of uncertainties, Value:
Key: could enable clinical review of the most uncertain regions, thereby building, Value:
Key: trust and paving the way toward clinical translation. Several uncertainty, Value:
Key: estimation methods have recently been introduced for DL medical image, Value:
Key: segmentation tasks. Developing scores to evaluate and compare the performance of, Value:
Key: uncertainty measures will assist the end-user in making more informed decisions., Value:
Key: In this study, we explore and evaluate a score developed during the BraTS 2019, Value:
Key: and BraTS 2020 task on uncertainty quantification (QU-BraTS) and designed to, Value:
Key: assess and rank uncertainty estimates for brain tumor multi-compartment, Value:
Key: segmentation. This score (1) rewards uncertainty estimates that produce high, Value:
Key: confidence in correct assertions and those that assign low confidence levels at, Value:
Key: incorrect assertions, and (2) penalizes uncertainty measures that lead to a, Value:
Key: higher percentage of under-confident correct assertions. We further benchmark the, Value:
Key: segmentation uncertainties generated by 14 independent participating teams of, Value:
Key: QU-BraTS 2020, all of which also participated in the main BraTS segmentation, Value:
Key: task. Overall, our findings confirm the importance and complementary value that, Value:
Key: uncertainty estimates provide to segmentation algorithms, highlighting the need, Value:
Key: for uncertainty quantification in medical image analyses. Finally, in favor of, Value:
Key: transparency and reproducibility, our evaluation code is made publicly available, Value:
Key: at, Value:
Key: FAU - Mehta, Raghav, Value:
Key: AU - Mehta R, Value:
Key: AD - Centre for Intelligent Machines (CIM), McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada., Value:
Key: FAU - Filos, Angelos, Value:
Key: AU - Filos A, Value:
Key: AD - Oxford Applied and Theoretical Machine Learning (OATML) Group, University of, Value:
Key: Oxford, Oxford, England., Value:
Key: FAU - Baid, Ujjwal, Value:
Key: AU - Baid U, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Biomedical Image Computing and Analytics (CBICA), University of, Value:
Key: Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of, Value:
Key: Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine,, Value:
Key: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Sako, Chiharu, Value:
Key: AU - Sako C, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Biomedical Image Computing and Analytics (CBICA), University of, Value:
Key: Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of, Value:
Key: Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - McKinley, Richard, Value:
Key: AU - McKinley R, Value:
Key: AD - Support Center for Advanced Neuroimaging (SCAN), University Institute of, Value:
Key: Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology, University of Bern, Inselspital,, Value:
Key: Bern University Hospital, Bern, Switzerland., Value:
Key: FAU - Rebsamen, Michael, Value:
Key: AU - Rebsamen M, Value:
Key: AD - Support Center for Advanced Neuroimaging (SCAN), University Institute of, Value:
Key: Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology, University of Bern, Inselspital,, Value:
Key: Bern University Hospital, Bern, Switzerland., Value:
Key: FAU - Dätwyler, Katrin, Value:
Key: AU - Dätwyler K, Value:
Key: AD - Support Center for Advanced Neuroimaging (SCAN), University Institute of, Value:
Key: Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology, University of Bern, Inselspital,, Value:
Key: Bern University Hospital, Bern, Switzerland., Value:
Key: AD - Human Performance Lab, Schulthess Clinic, Zurich, Switzerland., Value:
Key: FAU - Meier, Raphael, Value:
Key: AU - Meier R, Value:
Key: AD - armasuisse S+T, Thun, Switzerland., Value:
Key: FAU - Radojewski, Piotr, Value:
Key: AU - Radojewski P, Value:
Key: AD - Support Center for Advanced Neuroimaging (SCAN), University Institute of, Value:
Key: Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology, University of Bern, Inselspital,, Value:
Key: Bern University Hospital, Bern, Switzerland., Value:
Key: FAU - Murugesan, Gowtham Krishnan, Value:
Key: AU - Murugesan GK, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Nalawade, Sahil, Value:
Key: AU - Nalawade S, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Ganesh, Chandan, Value:
Key: AU - Ganesh C, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Wagner, Ben, Value:
Key: AU - Wagner B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Yu, Fang F, Value:
Key: AU - Yu FF, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Texas, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Madhuranthakam, Ananth J, Value:
Key: AU - Madhuranthakam AJ, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Advanced Imaging Research Center, University of Texas Southwestern Medical, Value:
Key: Center, Dallas, TX, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Maldjian, Joseph A, Value:
Key: AU - Maldjian JA, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Advanced Imaging Research Center, University of Texas Southwestern Medical, Value:
Key: Center, Dallas, TX, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Daza, Laura, Value:
Key: AU - Daza L, Value:
Key: AD - Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia., Value:
Key: FAU - Gómez, Catalina, Value:
Key: AU - Gómez C, Value:
Key: AD - Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia., Value:
Key: FAU - Arbeláez, Pablo, Value:
Key: AU - Arbeláez P, Value:
Key: AD - Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia., Value:
Key: FAU - Dai, Chengliang, Value:
Key: AU - Dai C, Value:
Key: AD - Data Science Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Shuo, Value:
Key: AU - Wang S, Value:
Key: AD - Data Science Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK., Value:
Key: FAU - Reynaud, Hadrien, Value:
Key: AU - Reynaud H, Value:
Key: AD - Data Science Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK., Value:
Key: FAU - Mo, Yuanhan, Value:
Key: AU - Mo Y, Value:
Key: AD - Data Science Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK., Value:
Key: FAU - Angelini, Elsa, Value:
Key: AU - Angelini E, Value:
Key: AD - NIHR Imperial BRC, ITMAT Data Science Group, Imperial College London, London, UK., Value:
Key: FAU - Guo, Yike, Value:
Key: AU - Guo Y, Value:
Key: AD - Data Science Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK., Value:
Key: FAU - Bai, Wenjia, Value:
Key: AU - Bai W, Value:
Key: AD - Data Science Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Brain Sciences, Imperial College London, London, UK., Value:
Key: FAU - Banerjee, Subhashis, Value:
Key: AU - Banerjee S, Value:
Key: AD - Machine Intelligence Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India., Value:
Key: AD - Department of CSE, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India., Value:
Key: AD - Division of Visual Information and Interaction (Vi2), Department of Information, Value:
Key: Technology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden., Value:
Key: FAU - Pei, Linmin, Value:
Key: AU - Pei L, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Diagnostic Radiology, The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Pittsburgh, PA, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Ak, Murat, Value:
Key: AU - Ak M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Diagnostic Radiology, The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Pittsburgh, PA, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Rosas-González, Sarahi, Value:
Key: AU - Rosas-González S, Value:
Key: AD - UMR U1253 iBrain, Université de Tours, Inserm, Tours, France., Value:
Key: FAU - Zemmoura, Ilyess, Value:
Key: AU - Zemmoura I, Value:
Key: AD - UMR U1253 iBrain, Université de Tours, Inserm, Tours, France., Value:
Key: AD - Neurosurgery department, CHRU de Tours, Tours, France., Value:
Key: FAU - Tauber, Clovis, Value:
Key: AU - Tauber C, Value:
Key: AD - UMR U1253 iBrain, Université de Tours, Inserm, Tours, France., Value:
Key: FAU - Vu, Minh H, Value:
Key: AU - Vu MH, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiation Sciences, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden., Value:
Key: FAU - Nyholm, Tufve, Value:
Key: AU - Nyholm T, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiation Sciences, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden., Value:
Key: FAU - Löfstedt, Tommy, Value:
Key: AU - Löfstedt T, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Computing Science, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden., Value:
Key: FAU - Ballestar, Laura Mora, Value:
Key: AU - Ballestar LM, Value:
Key: AD - Signal Theory and Communications Department, Universitat Politècnica de, Value:
Key: Catalunya, BarcelonaTech, Barcelona, Spain., Value:
Key: FAU - Vilaplana, Veronica, Value:
Key: AU - Vilaplana V, Value:
Key: AD - Signal Theory and Communications Department, Universitat Politècnica de, Value:
Key: Catalunya, BarcelonaTech, Barcelona, Spain., Value:
Key: FAU - McHugh, Hugh, Value:
Key: AU - McHugh H, Value:
Key: AD - Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Auckland, Auckland, New, Value:
Key: Zealand., Value:
Key: AD - Radiology Department, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand., Value:
Key: FAU - Maso Talou, Gonzalo, Value:
Key: AU - Maso Talou G, Value:
Key: AD - Auckland Bioengineering Institute, University of Auckland, New Zealand., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Alan, Value:
Key: AU - Wang A, Value:
Key: AD - Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Auckland, Auckland, New, Value:
Key: Zealand., Value:
Key: AD - Auckland Bioengineering Institute, University of Auckland, New Zealand., Value:
Key: FAU - Patel, Jay, Value:
Key: AU - Patel J, Value:
Key: AD - Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology,, Value:
Key: Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Chang, Ken, Value:
Key: AU - Chang K, Value:
Key: AD - Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology,, Value:
Key: Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Hoebel, Katharina, Value:
Key: AU - Hoebel K, Value:
Key: AD - Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology,, Value:
Key: Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Gidwani, Mishka, Value:
Key: AU - Gidwani M, Value:
Key: AD - Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology,, Value:
Key: Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Arun, Nishanth, Value:
Key: AU - Arun N, Value:
Key: AD - Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology,, Value:
Key: Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Gupta, Sharut, Value:
Key: AU - Gupta S, Value:
Key: AD - Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology,, Value:
Key: Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Aggarwal, Mehak, Value:
Key: AU - Aggarwal M, Value:
Key: AD - Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology,, Value:
Key: Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Singh, Praveer, Value:
Key: AU - Singh P, Value:
Key: AD - Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology,, Value:
Key: Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Gerstner, Elizabeth R, Value:
Key: AU - Gerstner ER, Value:
Key: AD - Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology,, Value:
Key: Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Kalpathy-Cramer, Jayashree, Value:
Key: AU - Kalpathy-Cramer J, Value:
Key: AD - Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology,, Value:
Key: Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Boutry, Nicolas, Value:
Key: AU - Boutry N, Value:
Key: AD - EPITA Research and Development Laboratory (LRDE), France., Value:
Key: FAU - Huard, Alexis, Value:
Key: AU - Huard A, Value:
Key: AD - EPITA Research and Development Laboratory (LRDE), France., Value:
Key: FAU - Vidyaratne, Lasitha, Value:
Key: AU - Vidyaratne L, Value:
Key: AD - Vision Lab, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Old Dominion University,, Value:
Key: Norfolk, VA 23529, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Rahman, Md Monibor, Value:
Key: AU - Rahman MM, Value:
Key: AD - Vision Lab, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Old Dominion University,, Value:
Key: Norfolk, VA 23529, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Iftekharuddin, Khan M, Value:
Key: AU - Iftekharuddin KM, Value:
Key: AD - Vision Lab, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Old Dominion University,, Value:
Key: Norfolk, VA 23529, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Chazalon, Joseph, Value:
Key: AU - Chazalon J, Value:
Key: AD - EPITA Research and Development Laboratory (LRDE), Le Kremlin-Biĉetre, France., Value:
Key: FAU - Puybareau, Elodie, Value:
Key: AU - Puybareau E, Value:
Key: AD - EPITA Research and Development Laboratory (LRDE), Le Kremlin-Biĉetre, France., Value:
Key: FAU - Tochon, Guillaume, Value:
Key: AU - Tochon G, Value:
Key: AD - EPITA Research and Development Laboratory (LRDE), Le Kremlin-Biĉetre, France., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Jun, Value:
Key: AU - Ma J, Value:
Key: AD - School of Science, Nanjing University of Science and Technology., Value:
Key: FAU - Cabezas, Mariano, Value:
Key: AU - Cabezas M, Value:
Key: AD - Research Institute of Computer Vision and Robotics, University of Girona, Spain., Value:
Key: FAU - Llado, Xavier, Value:
Key: AU - Llado X, Value:
Key: AD - Research Institute of Computer Vision and Robotics, University of Girona, Spain., Value:
Key: FAU - Oliver, Arnau, Value:
Key: AU - Oliver A, Value:
Key: AD - Research Institute of Computer Vision and Robotics, University of Girona, Spain., Value:
Key: FAU - Valencia, Liliana, Value:
Key: AU - Valencia L, Value:
Key: AD - Research Institute of Computer Vision and Robotics, University of Girona, Spain., Value:
Key: FAU - Valverde, Sergi, Value:
Key: AU - Valverde S, Value:
Key: AD - Research Institute of Computer Vision and Robotics, University of Girona, Spain., Value:
Key: FAU - Amian, Mehdi, Value:
Key: AU - Amian M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran., Value:
Key: FAU - Soltaninejad, Mohammadreza, Value:
Key: AU - Soltaninejad M, Value:
Key: AD - School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham, UK., Value:
Key: FAU - Myronenko, Andriy, Value:
Key: AU - Myronenko A, Value:
Key: AD - NVIDIA, Santa Clara, CA, US., Value:
Key: FAU - Hatamizadeh, Ali, Value:
Key: AU - Hatamizadeh A, Value:
Key: AD - NVIDIA, Santa Clara, CA, US., Value:
Key: FAU - Feng, Xue, Value:
Key: AU - Feng X, Value:
Key: AD - Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Dou, Quan, Value:
Key: AU - Dou Q, Value:
Key: AD - Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Tustison, Nicholas, Value:
Key: AU - Tustison N, Value:
Key: AD - Radiology and Medical Imaging, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Meyer, Craig, Value:
Key: AU - Meyer C, Value:
Key: AD - Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Radiology and Medical Imaging, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Shah, Nisarg A, Value:
Key: AU - Shah NA, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology - Jodhpur,, Value:
Key: Jodhpur, India., Value:
Key: FAU - Talbar, Sanjay, Value:
Key: AU - Talbar S, Value:
Key: AD - SGGS Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nanded, India., Value:
Key: FAU - Weber, Marc-André, Value:
Key: AU - Weber MA, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Pediatric Radiology and, Value:
Key: Neuroradiology, University Medical Center Rostock, Rostock, Germany., Value:
Key: FAU - Mahajan, Abhishek, Value:
Key: AU - Mahajan A, Value:
Key: AD - Tata Memorial Centre, Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai, India., Value:
Key: FAU - Jakab, Andras, Value:
Key: AU - Jakab A, Value:
Key: AD - Center for MR-Research, University Children's Hospital Zurich, Zurich,, Value:
Key: Switzerland., Value:
Key: FAU - Wiest, Roland, Value:
Key: AU - Wiest R, Value:
Key: AD - Support Center for Advanced Neuroimaging (SCAN), University Institute of, Value:
Key: Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology, University of Bern, Inselspital,, Value:
Key: Bern University Hospital, Bern, Switzerland., Value:
Key: AD - Institute for Surgical Technology and Biomechanics, University of Bern, Bern,, Value:
Key: Switzerland., Value:
Key: FAU - Fathallah-Shaykh, Hassan M, Value:
Key: AU - Fathallah-Shaykh HM, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology, The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL,, Value:
Key: USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Nazeri, Arash, Value:
Key: AU - Nazeri A, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Milchenko, Mikhail, Value:
Key: AU - Milchenko M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Neuroimaging Informatics and Analysis Center, Washington University, St. Louis,, Value:
Key: MO, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Marcus, Daniel, Value:
Key: AU - Marcus D, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Neuroimaging Informatics and Analysis Center, Washington University, St. Louis,, Value:
Key: MO, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Kotrotsou, Aikaterini, Value:
Key: AU - Kotrotsou A, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Diagnostic Radiology, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer, Value:
Key: Center, Houston, TX, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Colen, Rivka, Value:
Key: AU - Colen R, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Diagnostic Radiology, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer, Value:
Key: Center, Houston, TX, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Freymann, John, Value:
Key: AU - Freymann J, Value:
Key: AD - Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc, Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer, Value:
Key: Research, Frederick, MD, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Cancer Imaging Program, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health,, Value:
Key: Bethesda, MD, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Kirby, Justin, Value:
Key: AU - Kirby J, Value:
Key: AD - Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc, Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer, Value:
Key: Research, Frederick, MD, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Cancer Imaging Program, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health,, Value:
Key: Bethesda, MD, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Davatzikos, Christos, Value:
Key: AU - Davatzikos C, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Biomedical Image Computing and Analytics (CBICA), University of, Value:
Key: Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of, Value:
Key: Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Menze, Bjoern, Value:
Key: AU - Menze B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Quantitative Biomedicine, University of Zurich, Zurich,, Value:
Key: Switzerland., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Informatics, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany., Value:
Key: FAU - Bakas, Spyridon, Value:
Key: AU - Bakas S, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Biomedical Image Computing and Analytics (CBICA), University of, Value:
Key: Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of, Value:
Key: Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine,, Value:
Key: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Gal, Yarin, Value:
Key: AU - Gal Y, Value:
Key: AD - Oxford Applied and Theoretical Machine Learning (OATML) Group, University of, Value:
Key: Oxford, Oxford, England., Value:
Key: FAU - Arbel, Tal, Value:
Key: AU - Arbel T, Value:
Key: AD - Centre for Intelligent Machines (CIM), McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada., Value:
Key: AD - MILA - Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute, Montreal, QC, Canada., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - U01 CA242871/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - J Mach Learn Biomed Imaging, Value:
Key: JT - The journal of machine learning for biomedical imaging, Value:
Key: JID - 9918400085306676, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10060060, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1883463, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Brain Tumors, Value:
Key: OT - Deep Learning, Value:
Key: OT - Glioblastoma, Value:
Key: OT - Glioma, Value:
Key: OT - Neuro-Oncology, Value:
Key: OT - Segmentation, Value:
Key: OT - Trustworthiness, Value:
Key: OT - Uncertainty Quantification, Value:
Key: COIS- Conflicts of Interest The conflicts of interest have not been entered yet., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/04/01 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/04/01 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/03/29, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/03/31 02:09, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/01 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/03/31 02:09 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/01 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/03/29 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - [pii], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - J Mach Learn Biomed Imaging. 2022, Value:
Key: Aug;2022:, Value:
Key: PMID- 36994837, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20230412, Value:
Key: LR - 20230417, Value:
Key: IS - 1936-086X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1936-0851 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 17, Value:
Key: IP - 7, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Apr 11, Value:
Key: TI - An Intelligent Wearable Filtration System for Health Management., Value:
Key: PG - 7035-7046, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1021/acsnano.3c02099 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - To develop intelligent wearable protection systems is of great significance to, Value:
Key: human health engineering. An ideal intelligent air filtration system should, Value:
Key: possess reliable filtration efficiency, low pressure drop, healthcare monitoring, Value:
Key: function, and man-machine interactive capability. However, no existing, Value:
Key: intelligent protection system covers all these essential aspects. Herein, we, Value:
Key: developed an intelligent wearable filtration system (IWFS) via advanced, Value:
Key: nanotechnology and machine learning. Based on the triboelectric mechanism, the, Value:
Key: fabricated IWFS exhibits a long-lasting high particle filtration efficiency and, Value:
Key: bacteria protection efficiency of 99% and 100%, respectively, with a low-pressure, Value:
Key: drop of 5.8 mmH(2)O. Correspondingly, the charge accumulation of the optimized, Value:
Key: IWFS (87 nC) increased to 3.5 times that of the pristine nanomesh, providing a, Value:
Key: significant enhancement of the particle filtration efficiency. Theoretical, Value:
Key: principles, including the enhancement of the β-phase and the lower surface, Value:
Key: potential of the modified nanomesh, were quantitatively investigated by molecular, Value:
Key: dynamics simulation, band theory, and Kelvin probe force microscopy. Furthermore,, Value:
Key: we endowed the IWFS with a healthcare monitoring function and man-machine, Value:
Key: interactive capability through machine learning and wireless transmission, Value:
Key: technology. Crucial physiological signals of people, including breath, cough, and, Value:
Key: speaking signals, were detected and classified, with a high recognition rate of, Value:
Key: 92%; the fabricated IWFS can collect healthcare data and transmit voice commands, Value:
Key: in real time without hindrance by portable electronic devices. The achieved IWFS, Value:
Key: not only has practical significance for human health management but also has, Value:
Key: great theoretical value for advanced wearable systems., Value:
Key: FAU - Shi, Shuo, Value:
Key: AU - Shi S, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, 999077, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong S.A.R., China., Value:
Key: FAU - Si, Yifan, Value:
Key: AU - Si Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, 999077, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong S.A.R., China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Zihua, Value:
Key: AU - Li Z, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 999077,, Value:
Key: Hong Kong S.A.R., China., Value:
Key: FAU - Meng, Shuo, Value:
Key: AU - Meng S, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, 999077, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong S.A.R., China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Shuai, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang S, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-0883-4582, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, 999077, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong S.A.R., China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wu, Hanbai, Value:
Key: AU - Wu H, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, 999077, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong S.A.R., China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhi, Chuanwei, Value:
Key: AU - Zhi C, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, 999077, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong S.A.R., China., Value:
Key: FAU - Io, Weng-Fu, Value:
Key: AU - Io WF, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Applied Physics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 999077, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong S.A.R., China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ming, Yang, Value:
Key: AU - Ming Y, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 999077,, Value:
Key: Hong Kong S.A.R., China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Dong, Value:
Key: AU - Wang D, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-8210-0547, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, 999077, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong S.A.R., China., Value:
Key: AD - College of Textile Science and Engineering, Key Laboratory of Eco-Textile,, Value:
Key: Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bin, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-4274-1873, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 999077,, Value:
Key: Hong Kong S.A.R., China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Haitao, Value:
Key: AU - Huang H, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Applied Physics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 999077, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong S.A.R., China., Value:
Key: FAU - Hao, Jianhua, Value:
Key: AU - Hao J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Applied Physics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 999077, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong S.A.R., China., Value:
Key: FAU - Hu, Jinlian, Value:
Key: AU - Hu J, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-8914-5473, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, 999077, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong S.A.R., China., Value:
Key: AD - City University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Research Institute, Shenzhen 518057, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230330, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - ACS Nano, Value:
Key: JT - ACS nano, Value:
Key: JID - 101313589, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - *Wearable Electronic Devices, Value:
Key: MH - Nanotechnology, Value:
Key: MH - Machine Learning, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - electrostatic enhancement, Value:
Key: OT - intelligent wearables, Value:
Key: OT - machine learning, Value:
Key: OT - nanotechnology, Value:
Key: OT - smart mask, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/03/31 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/04/12 06:42, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/03/30 06:23, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/04/12 06:42 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/03/31 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/03/30 06:23 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1021/acsnano.3c02099 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - ACS Nano. 2023 Apr 11;17(7):7035-7046. doi: 10.1021/acsnano.3c02099. Epub 2023, Value:
Key: Mar 30., Value:
Key: PMID- 36959882, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20230325, Value:
Key: IS - 2046-2069 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2046-2069 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 13, Value:
Key: IP - 14, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Mar 20, Value:
Key: TI - A facile approach to obtain super-hydrophobicity for cotton fiber fabrics., Value:
Key: PG - 9237-9241, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1039/d2ra08189j [doi], Value:
Key: AB - It is a challenging task to directly apply emulsified silicone oil to the surface, Value:
Key: of cotton fabric to obtain superhydrophobic properties. In this work, a, Value:
Key: temperature-responsive microgel was first synthesized and the particle size and, Value:
Key: distribution of the microgel, thermo-responsiveness, and hydrophobicity of the, Value:
Key: microgel membrane were investigated. Then, through an emulsifying PMHS/water, Value:
Key: system with microgels as a Pickering emulsifier, a series of Pickering emulsions, Value:
Key: were obtained. The results showed that the emulsion had the best stability when, Value:
Key: the microgel content was 2.14 wt% and the mass ratio of PMHS/water was 3/7. The, Value:
Key: optical microscopy showed that the oil phase could be uniformly dispersed in, Value:
Key: aqueous solution, and the liquid phase particle size was about 10-22 μm. And, Value:
Key: stratification of the Pickering emulsion did not occur when placed at room, Value:
Key: temperature for over one month. Finally, when the addition of Pickering emulsion, Value:
Key: is 50 g L(-1) and the rolling rate is 80%, through a simple two-dip-two-padding, Value:
Key: treatment, a cotton fabric can obtain the superhydrophobic effect with a static, Value:
Key: contact angle of 149.6° at 25 °C and 156.4° at 45 °C. The development of this, Value:
Key: work provides a simple method to make cotton fabric obtain superhydrophobic, Value:
Key: effects., Value:
Key: CI - This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Zhengrong, Value:
Key: AU - Li Z, Value:
Key: AD - School of Textile Materials and Engineering, Wuyi University Jiangmen 529020, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wu, Junxin, Value:
Key: AU - Wu J, Value:
Key: AD - School of Textile Materials and Engineering, Wuyi University Jiangmen 529020, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Yidi, Value:
Key: AU - Wang Y, Value:
Key: AD - Nano Center, Institute of Textiles & Clothing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Value:
Key: Hong Kong China, Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Yuxin, Value:
Key: AU - Li Y, Value:
Key: AD - School of Textile Materials and Engineering, Wuyi University Jiangmen 529020, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Gang, Value:
Key: AU - Huang G, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-0012-4161, Value:
Key: AD - School of Textile Materials and Engineering, Wuyi University Jiangmen 529020, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bin, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Nano Center, Institute of Textiles & Clothing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Value:
Key: Hong Kong China, Value:
Key: FAU - Xu, Zhixiong, Value:
Key: AU - Xu Z, Value:
Key: AD - CCOBATO (Dongguan) Technology, Ltd Dongguan 523000 China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Yong, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang Y, Value:
Key: AD - CCOBATO (Dongguan) Technology, Ltd Dongguan 523000 China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Yangling, Value:
Key: AU - Li Y, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-4269-8008, Value:
Key: AD - School of Textile Materials and Engineering, Wuyi University Jiangmen 529020, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - CCOBATO (Dongguan) Technology, Ltd Dongguan 523000 China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230321, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - RSC Adv, Value:
Key: JT - RSC advances, Value:
Key: JID - 101581657, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10028497, Value:
Key: COIS- There are no conflicts to declare., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/03/25 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/03/25 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/03/21, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/03/24 02:16, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/12/23 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/03/05 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/03/24 02:16 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/03/25 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/03/25 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/03/21 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - d2ra08189j [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1039/d2ra08189j [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - RSC Adv. 2023 Mar 21;13(14):9237-9241. doi: 10.1039/d2ra08189j. eCollection 2023, Value:
Key: Mar 20., Value:
Key: PMID- 36914376, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- Publisher, Value:
Key: LR - 20230313, Value:
Key: IS - 1944-8252 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1944-8244 (Linking), Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Mar 13, Value:
Key: TI - Reducing the Surface Tension of Zn Anodes by an Abietic Acid Layer for High Redox, Value:
Key: Kinetics and Reversibility., Value:
Key: LID - 10.1021/acsami.3c00274 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Aqueous zinc batteries are appealing devices for cost-effective and, Value:
Key: environmentally sustainable energy storage. However, the critical issues of, Value:
Key: uncontrolled dendrite propagation and side reactions with Zn anodes have hindered, Value:
Key: their practical applications. Inspired by the functions of the rosin flux in, Value:
Key: soldering, an abietic acid (ABA) layer is fabricated on the surface of Zn anodes, Value:
Key: (ABA@Zn). The ABA layer protects the Zn anode from corrosion and the concomitant, Value:
Key: hydrogen evolution reaction. It also facilitates fast interfacial charge transfer, Value:
Key: and horizontal growth of the deposited Zn by reducing the surface tension of the, Value:
Key: Zn anode. Consequently, promoted redox kinetics and reversibility are, Value:
Key: simultaneously achieved by the ABA@Zn. It demonstrates stable Zn, Value:
Key: plating/stripping cycling over 5100 h and a high critical current of 8.0 mA, Value:
Key: cm(-2). Moreover, the assembled ABA@Zn, Value: (NH(4))(2)V(6)O(16) full cell delivers
Key: outstanding long-term cycling stability with an 89% capacity retention after 3000, Value:
Key: cycles. This work provides a straightforward yet effective solution to the key, Value:
Key: issues of aqueous zinc batteries., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Huige, Value:
Key: AU - Chen H, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-7237-0508, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Chemistry and, Value:
Key: Materials Science, Jinan University, Guangzhou 511443, P. R. China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Huashan, Value:
Key: AU - Wang H, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-1189-9536, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Chemistry and, Value:
Key: Materials Science, Jinan University, Guangzhou 511443, P. R. China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Jiashuai, Value:
Key: AU - Li J, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-0874-3146, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Chemistry and, Value:
Key: Materials Science, Jinan University, Guangzhou 511443, P. R. China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bin, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-4274-1873, Value:
Key: AD - Research Institute for Intelligent Wearable Systems, School of Fashion and, Value:
Key: Textiles, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong Kong 999077,, Value:
Key: P. R. China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Ziqi, Value:
Key: AU - Wang Z, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-5420-0145, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Chemistry and, Value:
Key: Materials Science, Jinan University, Guangzhou 511443, P. R. China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230313, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, Value:
Key: JT - ACS applied materials & interfaces, Value:
Key: JID - 101504991, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Zn anodes, Value:
Key: OT - Zn-ion batteries, Value:
Key: OT - abietic acids, Value:
Key: OT - dendrites, Value:
Key: OT - protective layers, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/03/14 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/03/14 06:00, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/03/13 22:12, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/03/13 22:12 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/03/14 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/03/14 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1021/acsami.3c00274 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - aheadofprint, Value:
Key: SO - ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2023 Mar 13. doi: 10.1021/acsami.3c00274., Value:
Key: PMID- 36864316, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20231116, Value:
Key: IS - 2150-5551 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2311-6706 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 2150-5551 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 15, Value:
Key: IP - 1, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Mar 2, Value:
Key: TI - Bioinspired All-Fibrous Directional Moisture-Wicking Electronic Skins for, Value:
Key: Biomechanical Energy Harvesting and All-Range Health Sensing., Value:
Key: PG - 60, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1007/s40820-023-01028-2 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 60, Value:
Key: AB - HIGHLIGHTS: Bioinspired directional moisture-wicking electronic skin (DMWES) was, Value:
Key: successfully realized by surface energy gradient and push–pull effect via the, Value:
Key: design of distinct hydrophobic-hydrophilic difference. The DMWES membrane showed, Value:
Key: excellent comprehensive pressure sensing performance with high sensitivity and, Value:
Key: good single-electrode triboelectric nanogenerator performance. The superior, Value:
Key: pressure sensing and triboelectric performance enabled the DMWES for all-range, Value:
Key: healthcare sensing, including accurate pulse monitoring, voice recognition, and, Value:
Key: gait recognition. ABSTRACT: Electronic skins can monitor minute physiological, Value:
Key: signal variations in the human skins and represent the body’s state, showing an, Value:
Key: emerging trend for alternative medical diagnostics and human–machine interfaces., Value:
Key: In this study, we designed a bioinspired directional moisture-wicking electronic, Value:
Key: skin (DMWES) based on the construction of heterogeneous fibrous membranes and the, Value:
Key: conductive MXene/CNTs electrospraying layer. Unidirectional moisture transfer was, Value:
Key: successfully realized by surface energy gradient and push–pull effect via the, Value:
Key: design of distinct hydrophobic-hydrophilic difference, which can spontaneously, Value:
Key: absorb sweat from the skin. The DMWES membrane showed excellent comprehensive, Value:
Key: pressure sensing performance, high sensitivity (maximum sensitivity of, Value:
Key: 548.09 kPa(−1)), wide linear range, rapid response and recovery time. In, Value:
Key: addition, the single-electrode triboelectric nanogenerator based on the DMWES can, Value:
Key: deliver a high areal power density of 21.6 µW m(−2) and good cycling stability in, Value:
Key: high pressure energy harvesting. Moreover, the superior pressure sensing and, Value:
Key: triboelectric performance enabled the DMWES for all-range healthcare sensing,, Value:
Key: including accurate pulse monitoring, voice recognition, and gait recognition., Value:
Key: This work will help to boost the development of the next-generation breathable, Value:
Key: electronic skins in the applications of AI, human–machine interaction, and soft, Value:
Key: robots. [Image: see text] SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains, Value:
Key: supplementary material available at 10.1007/s40820-023-01028-2., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhi, Chuanwei, Value:
Key: AU - Zhi C, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Value:
Key: S.A.R, 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Shi, Shuo, Value:
Key: AU - Shi S, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Value:
Key: S.A.R, 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Shuai, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang S, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Value:
Key: S.A.R, 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Si, Yifan, Value:
Key: AU - Si Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Value:
Key: S.A.R, 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yang, Jieqiong, Value:
Key: AU - Yang J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Value:
Key: S.A.R, 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Meng, Shuo, Value:
Key: AU - Meng S, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Value:
Key: S.A.R, 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bin, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong S.A.R, 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Hu, Jinlian, Value:
Key: AU - Hu J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Value:
Key: S.A.R, 999077, China., Value:
Key: AD - City University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Research Institute, Shenzhen, 518057,, Value:
Key: People's Republic of China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230302, Value:
Key: PL - Germany, Value:
Key: TA - Nanomicro Lett, Value:
Key: JT - Nano-micro letters, Value:
Key: JID - 101727940, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9981859, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Bioinspired, Value:
Key: OT - Directional moisture wicking, Value:
Key: OT - Electronic skin, Value:
Key: OT - Electrospinning, Value:
Key: OT - MXene, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/03/03 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/03/03 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/03/02, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/03/02 23:28, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/11/21 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/01/20 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/03/02 23:28 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/03/03 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/03/03 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/03/02 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1007/s40820-023-01028-2 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 1028 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1007/s40820-023-01028-2 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Nanomicro Lett. 2023 Mar 2;15(1):60. doi: 10.1007/s40820-023-01028-2., Value:
Key: PMID- 36845411, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20231031, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12036, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Feb-Mar, Value:
Key: TI - Deep Learning-Based Abdominal Muscle Segmentation on CT Images of Surgical, Value:
Key: Patient Populations., Value:
Key: LID - 120361N [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2611773 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Computed tomography (CT) is commonly used for the characterization and tracking, Value:
Key: of abdominal muscle mass in surgical patients for both pre-surgical outcome, Value:
Key: predictions and post-surgical monitoring of response to therapy. In order to, Value:
Key: accurately track changes of abdominal muscle mass, radiologists must manually, Value:
Key: segment CT slices of patients, a time-consuming task with potential for, Value:
Key: variability. In this work, we combined a fully convolutional neural network (CNN), Value:
Key: with high levels of preprocessing to improve segmentation quality. We utilized a, Value:
Key: CNN based approach to remove patients' arms and fat from each slice and then, Value:
Key: applied a series of registrations with a diverse set of abdominal muscle, Value:
Key: segmentations to identify a best fit mask. Using this best fit mask, we were able, Value:
Key: to remove many parts of the abdominal cavity, such as the liver, kidneys, and, Value:
Key: intestines. This preprocessing was able to achieve a mean Dice similarity, Value:
Key: coefficient (DSC) of 0.53 on our validation set and 0.50 on our test set by only, Value:
Key: using traditional computer vision techniques and no artificial intelligence. The, Value:
Key: preprocessed images were then fed into a similar CNN previously presented in a, Value:
Key: hybrid computer vision-artificial intelligence approach and was able to achieve a, Value:
Key: mean DSC of 0.94 on testing data. The preprocessing and deep learning-based, Value:
Key: method is able to accurately segment and quantify abdominal muscle mass on CT, Value:
Key: images., Value:
Key: FAU - Chaudhary, Usamah, Value:
Key: AU - Chaudhary U, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Leitch, Ka'Toria N, Value:
Key: AU - Leitch KN, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Chhabra, Avneesh, Value:
Key: AU - Chhabra A, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Orthopedic Surgery, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Kohli, Ajay, Value:
Key: AU - Kohli A, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220404, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9956918, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1872598, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Abdominal imaging, Value:
Key: OT - CT, Value:
Key: OT - convolutional neural network, Value:
Key: OT - machine learning, Value:
Key: OT - surgical patient outcomes, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/02/28 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/02/28 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/02/24, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/02/27 05:08, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/27 05:08 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/28 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/28 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/24 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 120361N [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2611773 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2022 Feb-Mar;12036:120361N. doi: 10.1117/12.2611773., Value:
Key: Epub 2022 Apr 4., Value:
Key: PMID- 36844110, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20231031, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12033, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Feb-Mar, Value:
Key: TI - Placenta Accreta Spectrum and Hysterectomy Prediction Using MRI Radiomic, Value:
Key: Features., Value:
Key: LID - 120331I [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2611587 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - In women with placenta accreta spectrum (PAS), patient management may involve, Value:
Key: cesarean hysterectomy at delivery. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been used, Value:
Key: for further evaluation of PAS and surgical planning. This work tackles two, Value:
Key: prediction problems: predicting presence of PAS and predicting hysterectomy using, Value:
Key: MR images of pregnant patients. First, we extracted approximately 2,500 radiomic, Value:
Key: features from MR images with two regions of interest: the placenta and the, Value:
Key: uterus. In addition to analyzing two regions of interest, we dilated the placenta, Value:
Key: and uterus masks by 5, 10, 15, and 20 mm to gain insights from the myometrium,, Value:
Key: where the uterus and placenta overlap in the case of PAS. This study cohort, Value:
Key: includes 241 pregnant women. Of these women, 89 underwent hysterectomy while 152, Value:
Key: did not; 141 with suspected PAS, and 100 without suspected PAS. We obtained an, Value:
Key: accuracy of 0.88 for predicting hysterectomy and an accuracy of 0.92 for, Value:
Key: classifying suspected PAS. The radiomic analysis tool is further validated, it, Value:
Key: can be useful for aiding clinicians in decision making on the care of pregnant, Value:
Key: women., Value:
Key: FAU - Leitch, Ka'Toria, Value:
Key: AU - Leitch K, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Shahedi, Maysam, Value:
Key: AU - Shahedi M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Dormer, James D, Value:
Key: AU - Dormer JD, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Do, Quyen N, Value:
Key: AU - Do QN, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Xi, Yin, Value:
Key: AU - Xi Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Clinical Science, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical, Value:
Key: Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Lewis, Matthew A, Value:
Key: AU - Lewis MA, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Herrera, Christina L, Value:
Key: AU - Herrera CL, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The University of Texas Southwestern, Value:
Key: Medical Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Spong, Catherine Y, Value:
Key: AU - Spong CY, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The University of Texas Southwestern, Value:
Key: Medical Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Madhuranthakam, Ananth J, Value:
Key: AU - Madhuranthakam AJ, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Twickler, Diane M, Value:
Key: AU - Twickler DM, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The University of Texas Southwestern, Value:
Key: Medical Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - K25 HD104004/HD/NICHD NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220404, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9956938, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1872595, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Placenta accreta spectrum (PAS), Value:
Key: OT - hysterectomy, Value:
Key: OT - machine learning, Value:
Key: OT - magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Value:
Key: OT - pregnant, Value:
Key: OT - radiomics, Value:
Key: OT - uterus, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/02/28 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/02/28 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/02/24, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/02/27 04:07, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/27 04:07 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/28 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/28 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/24 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 120331I [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2611587 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2022 Feb-Mar;12033:120331I. doi: 10.1117/12.2611587., Value:
Key: Epub 2022 Apr 4., Value:
Key: PMID- 36798940, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20231031, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12039, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Feb-Mar, Value:
Key: TI - Automatic detection of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma on pathologic slides, Value:
Key: using polarized hyperspectral imaging and deep learning., Value:
Key: LID - 120390G [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2614624 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - The study is to incorporate polarized hyperspectral imaging (PHSI) with deep, Value:
Key: learning for automatic detection of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), Value:
Key: on hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained tissue slides. A polarized hyperspectral, Value:
Key: imaging microscope had been developed in our group. In this paper, we firstly, Value:
Key: collected the Stokes vector data cubes (S0, S1, S2, and S3) of histologic slides, Value:
Key: from 17 patients with SCC by the PHSI microscope, under the wavelength range from, Value:
Key: 467 nm to 750 nm. Secondly, we generated the synthetic RGB images from the, Value:
Key: original Stokes vector data cubes. Thirdly, we cropped the synthetic RGB images, Value:
Key: into image patches at the image size of 96×96 pixels, and then set up a, Value:
Key: ResNet50-based convolutional neural network (CNN) to classify the image patches, Value:
Key: of the four Stokes vector parameters (S0, S1, S2, and S3) by application of, Value:
Key: transfer learning. To test the performances of the model, each time we trained, Value:
Key: the model based on the image patches (S0, S1, S2, and S3) of 16 patients out of, Value:
Key: 17 patients, and used the trained model to calculate the testing accuracy based, Value:
Key: on the image patches of the rest 1 patient (S0, S1, S2, and S3). We repeated the, Value:
Key: process for 6 times and obtained 24 testing accuracies (S0, S1, S2, and S3) from, Value:
Key: 6 different patients out of the 17 patients. The preliminary results showed that, Value:
Key: the average testing accuracy (84.2%) on S3 outperformed the average testing, Value:
Key: accuracy (83.5%) on S0. Furthermore, 4 of 6 testing accuracies of S3 (96.0%,, Value:
Key: 87.3%, 82.8%, and 86.7%) outperformed the testing accuracies of S0 (93.3%, 85.2%,, Value:
Key: 80.2%, and 79.0%). The study demonstrated the potential of using polarized, Value:
Key: hyperspectral imaging and deep learning for automatic detection of head and neck, Value:
Key: SCC on pathologic slides., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhou, Ximing, Value:
Key: AU - Zhou X, Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Ling, Value:
Key: AU - Ma L, Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Mubarak, Hasan K, Value:
Key: AU - Mubarak HK, Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Little, James V, Value:
Key: AU - Little JV, Value:
Key: AD - Emory University, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Atlanta, GA., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Amy Y, Value:
Key: AU - Chen AY, Value:
Key: AD - Emory University, Department of Otolaryngology, Atlanta, GA., Value:
Key: FAU - Myers, Larry L, Value:
Key: AU - Myers LL, Value:
Key: AD - Univ. of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dept. of Otolaryngology, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Sumer, Baran D, Value:
Key: AU - Sumer BD, Value:
Key: AD - Univ. of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dept. of Otolaryngology, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Univ. of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Advanced Imaging Research Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Univ. of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dept. of Radiology, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220404, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9930132, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1872591, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Polarized hyperspectral imaging, Value:
Key: OT - Stokes vector, Value:
Key: OT - deep learning, Value:
Key: OT - digital pathology, Value:
Key: OT - head and neck cancer, Value:
Key: OT - histologic slides, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/02/18 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/02/18 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/02/15, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/02/17 02:18, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/17 02:18 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/18 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/18 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/15 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 120390G [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2614624 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2022 Feb-Mar;12039:120390G. doi: 10.1117/12.2614624., Value:
Key: Epub 2022 Apr 4., Value:
Key: PMID- 36798939, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20231031, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12039, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Feb-Mar, Value:
Key: TI - Thyroid Carcinoma Detection on Whole Histologic Slides Using Hyperspectral, Value:
Key: Imaging and Deep Learning., Value:
Key: LID - 120390H [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2612963 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Hyperspectral imaging (HSI), a non-invasive imaging modality, has been, Value:
Key: successfully used in many different biological and medical applications. One such, Value:
Key: application is in the field of oncology, where hyperspectral imaging is being, Value:
Key: used on histologic samples. This study compares the performances of different, Value:
Key: image classifiers using different imaging modalities as training data. From a, Value:
Key: database of 33 fixed tissues from head and neck patients with follicular thyroid, Value:
Key: carcinoma, we produced three different datasets: an RGB image dataset that was, Value:
Key: acquired from a whole slide image scanner, a hyperspectral (HS) dataset that was, Value:
Key: acquired with a compact hyperspectral camera, and an HS-synthesized RGB image, Value:
Key: dataset. Three separate deep learning classifiers were trained using the three, Value:
Key: datasets. We show that the deep learning classifier trained on HSI data has an, Value:
Key: area under the receiver operator characteristic curve (AUC-ROC) of 0.966, higher, Value:
Key: than that of the classifiers trained on RGB and HSI-synthesized RGB data. This, Value:
Key: study demonstrates that hyperspectral images improve the performance of cancer, Value:
Key: classification on whole histologic slides. Hyperspectral imaging and deep, Value:
Key: learning provide an automatic tool for thyroid cancer detection on whole, Value:
Key: histologic slides., Value:
Key: FAU - Tran, Minh Ha, Value:
Key: AU - Tran MH, Value:
Key: AD - Univ. of Texas at Dallas, Dept. of Bioengineering, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Univ. of Texas at Dallas, Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, Richardson,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Ling, Value:
Key: AU - Ma L, Value:
Key: AD - Univ. of Texas at Dallas, Dept. of Bioengineering, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Univ. of Texas at Dallas, Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, Richardson,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Litter, James V, Value:
Key: AU - Litter JV, Value:
Key: AD - Emory Univ. School of Medicine, Dept. of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine,, Value:
Key: Atlanta, GA., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Amy Y, Value:
Key: AU - Chen AY, Value:
Key: AD - Emory Univ. School of Medicine, Dept. of Otolaryngology, Atlanta, GA., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Univ. of Texas at Dallas, Dept. of Bioengineering, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Univ. of Texas at Dallas, Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, Richardson,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: AD - Univ. of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220404, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9929647, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1872581, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Hyperspectral imaging, Value:
Key: OT - deep learning, Value:
Key: OT - digital pathology, Value:
Key: OT - thyroid cancer, Value:
Key: OT - whole-slide histologic imaging, Value:
Key: COIS- DISCLOSURES This work has not been submitted for presentation or publication, Value:
Key: elsewhere. The authors have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose., Value:
Key: Informed consent was obtained from all patients in accordance with Emory, Value:
Key: Institutional Review Board policies under the Head and Neck Satellite Tissue Bank, Value:
Key: (HNSB, IRB00003208) protocol., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/02/18 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/02/18 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/02/15, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/02/17 02:18, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/17 02:18 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/18 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/18 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/15 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 120390H [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2612963 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2022 Feb-Mar;12039:120390H. doi: 10.1117/12.2612963., Value:
Key: Epub 2022 Apr 4., Value:
Key: PMID- 36798853, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20231031, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12032, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Feb-Mar, Value:
Key: TI - CascadeNet for hysterectomy prediction in pregnant women due to placenta accreta, Value:
Key: spectrum., Value:
Key: LID - 120320N [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2611580 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - In severe cases, placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) requires emergency hysterectomy,, Value:
Key: endangering the life of both mother and fetus. Early prediction may reduce, Value:
Key: complications and aid in management decisions in these high-risk pregnancies. In, Value:
Key: this work, we developed a novel convolutional network architecture to combine MRI, Value:
Key: volumes, radiomic features, and custom feature maps to predict PAS severe enough, Value:
Key: to result in hysterectomy after fetal delivery in pregnant women. We trained,, Value:
Key: optimized, and evaluated the networks using data from 241 patients, in groups of, Value:
Key: 157, 24, and 60 for training, validation, and testing, respectively. We found the, Value:
Key: network using all three paths produced the best performance, with an AUC of 87.8,, Value:
Key: accuracy 83.3%, sensitivity of 85.0, and specificity of 82.5. This deep learning, Value:
Key: algorithm, deployed in clinical settings, may identify women at risk before, Value:
Key: birth, resulting in improved patient outcomes., Value:
Key: FAU - Dormer, James D, Value:
Key: AU - Dormer JD, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Villordon, Michael, Value:
Key: AU - Villordon M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Shahedi, Maysam, Value:
Key: AU - Shahedi M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Leitch, Ka'Toria, Value:
Key: AU - Leitch K, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Do, Quyen N, Value:
Key: AU - Do QN, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Xi, Yin, Value:
Key: AU - Xi Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Clinical Science, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical, Value:
Key: Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Lewis, Matthew A, Value:
Key: AU - Lewis MA, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Madhuranthakam, Ananth J, Value:
Key: AU - Madhuranthakam AJ, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Advanced Imaging Research Center, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical, Value:
Key: Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Herrera, Christina L, Value:
Key: AU - Herrera CL, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The University of Texas Southwestern, Value:
Key: Medical Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Spong, Catherine Y, Value:
Key: AU - Spong CY, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The University of Texas Southwestern, Value:
Key: Medical Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Twickler, Diane M, Value:
Key: AU - Twickler DM, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The University of Texas Southwestern, Value:
Key: Medical Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Advanced Imaging Research Center, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical, Value:
Key: Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - K25 HD104004/HD/NICHD NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220404, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9929645, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1872583, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Deep Learning, Value:
Key: OT - Image Processing, Value:
Key: OT - Placenta Accreta, Value:
Key: OT - Radiomics, Value:
Key: COIS- DISCLOSURE The authors have no relevant financial interests in this article and, Value:
Key: no potential conflicts of interest to disclose., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/02/18 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/02/18 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/02/15, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/02/17 02:16, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/17 02:16 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/18 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/18 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/15 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 120320N [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2611580 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2022 Feb-Mar;12032:120320N. doi: 10.1117/12.2611580., Value:
Key: Epub 2022 Apr 4., Value:
Key: PMID- 36798628, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20231031, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12033, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Feb-Mar, Value:
Key: TI - Detecting Aggressive Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Using Hyperspectral Imaging and, Value:
Key: Radiomic Features., Value:
Key: LID - 1203322 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2611842 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) and radiomics have the potential to improve the, Value:
Key: accuracy of tumor malignancy prediction and assessment. In this work, we, Value:
Key: extracted radiomic features of fresh surgical papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC), Value:
Key: specimen that were imaged with HSI. A total of 107 unique radiomic features were, Value:
Key: extracted. This study includes 72 ex-vivo tissue specimens from 44 patients with, Value:
Key: pathology-confirmed PTC. With the dilated hyperspectral images, the shape feature, Value:
Key: of least axis length was able to predict the tumor aggressiveness with a high, Value:
Key: accuracy. The HSI-based radiomic method may provide a useful tool to aid, Value:
Key: oncologists in determining tumors with intermediate to high risk and in clinical, Value:
Key: decision making., Value:
Key: FAU - Leitch, Ka'Toria, Value:
Key: AU - Leitch K, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Halicek, Martin, Value:
Key: AU - Halicek M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Shahedi, Maysam, Value:
Key: AU - Shahedi M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Little, James V, Value:
Key: AU - Little JV, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Emory University School of, Value:
Key: Medicine, Atlanta, GA., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Amy Y, Value:
Key: AU - Chen AY, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220404, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9929637, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1872592, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Head, Value:
Key: OT - Hyperspectral Imaging, Value:
Key: OT - Neck Cancer, Value:
Key: OT - Radiomics, Value:
Key: OT - Tissues, Value:
Key: OT - Tumor Aggression, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/02/18 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/02/18 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/02/15, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/02/17 02:10, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/17 02:10 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/18 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/18 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/15 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 1203322 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2611842 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2022 Feb-Mar;12033:1203322. doi: 10.1117/12.2611842., Value:
Key: Epub 2022 Apr 4., Value:
Key: PMID- 36798450, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20231031, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12036, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Feb-Mar, Value:
Key: TI - Automatic Segmentation of Uterine Cavity and Placenta on MR Images Using Deep, Value:
Key: Learning., Value:
Key: LID - 1203611 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2613286 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is useful for the detection of abnormalities, Value:
Key: affecting maternal and fetal health. In this study, we used a fully convolutional, Value:
Key: neural network for simultaneous segmentation of the uterine cavity and placenta, Value:
Key: on MR images. We trained the network with MR images of 181 patients, with 157 for, Value:
Key: training and 24 for validation. The segmentation performance of the algorithm was, Value:
Key: evaluated using MR images of 60 additional patients that were not involved in, Value:
Key: training. The average Dice similarity coefficients achieved for the uterine, Value:
Key: cavity and placenta were 92% and 80%, respectively. The algorithm could estimate, Value:
Key: the volume of the uterine cavity and placenta with average errors of less than, Value:
Key: 1.1% compared to manual estimations. Automated segmentation, when incorporated, Value:
Key: into clinical use, has the potential to quantify, standardize, and improve, Value:
Key: placental assessment, resulting in improved outcomes for mothers and fetuses., Value:
Key: FAU - Shahedi, Maysam, Value:
Key: AU - Shahedi M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, The University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Dormer, James D, Value:
Key: AU - Dormer JD, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, The University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Do, Quyen N, Value:
Key: AU - Do QN, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Xi, Yin, Value:
Key: AU - Xi Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Clinical Science, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical, Value:
Key: Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Lewis, Matthew A, Value:
Key: AU - Lewis MA, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Herrera, Christina L, Value:
Key: AU - Herrera CL, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The University of Texas Southwestern, Value:
Key: Medical Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Spong, Catherine Y, Value:
Key: AU - Spong CY, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The University of Texas Southwestern, Value:
Key: Medical Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Madhuranthakam, Ananth J, Value:
Key: AU - Madhuranthakam AJ, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Twickler, Diane M, Value:
Key: AU - Twickler DM, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The University of Texas Southwestern, Value:
Key: Medical Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, The University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220404, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9929634, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1872587, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Placenta, Value:
Key: OT - deep learning, Value:
Key: OT - image segmentation, Value:
Key: OT - magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Value:
Key: OT - uterine cavity, Value:
Key: OT - uterus, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/02/18 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/02/18 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/02/15, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/02/17 02:07, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/17 02:07 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/18 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/18 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/15 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 1203611 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2613286 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2022 Feb-Mar;12036:1203611. doi: 10.1117/12.2613286., Value:
Key: Epub 2022 Apr 4., Value:
Key: PMID- 36794092, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20231031, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 11954, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Jan-Feb, Value:
Key: TI - LED-based Hyperspectral Endoscopic Imaging., Value:
Key: LID - 1195408 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2609023 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Hyperspectral endoscopy can offer multiple advantages as compared to conventional, Value:
Key: endoscopy. Our goal is to design and develop a real-time hyperspectral endoscopic, Value:
Key: imaging system for the diagnosis of gastrointestinal (GI) tract cancers using a, Value:
Key: micro-LED array as an in-situ illumination source. The wavelengths of the system, Value:
Key: range from ultraviolet to visible and near infrared. To evaluate the use of the, Value:
Key: LED array for hyperspectral imaging, we designed a prototype system and conducted, Value:
Key: ex vivo experiments using normal and cancerous tissues of mice, chicken, and, Value:
Key: sheep. We compared the results of our LED-based approach with our reference, Value:
Key: hyperspectral camera system. The results confirm the similarity between the, Value:
Key: LED-based hyperspectral imaging system and the reference HSI camera. Our, Value:
Key: LED-based hyperspectral imaging system can be used not only as an endoscope but, Value:
Key: also as a laparoscopic or handheld devices for cancer detection and surgery., Value:
Key: FAU - Modir, Naeeme, Value:
Key: AU - Modir N, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, Department of Bioengineering,, Value:
Key: University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Shahedi, Maysam, Value:
Key: AU - Shahedi M, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, Department of Bioengineering,, Value:
Key: University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Dormer, James, Value:
Key: AU - Dormer J, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, Department of Bioengineering,, Value:
Key: University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Ling, Value:
Key: AU - Ma L, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, Department of Bioengineering,, Value:
Key: University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Ghaderi, Mohammadaref, Value:
Key: AU - Ghaderi M, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, Department of Bioengineering,, Value:
Key: University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Sirsi, Shashank, Value:
Key: AU - Sirsi S, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, Department of Bioengineering,, Value:
Key: University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Cheng, Yi-Shing Lisa, Value:
Key: AU - Cheng YL, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Diagnostic Sciences, College of Dentistry, Texas A&M University,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, Department of Bioengineering,, Value:
Key: University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220302, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9928531, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1872578, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - FPGA, Value:
Key: OT - Hyperspectral imaging, Value:
Key: OT - cancer, Value:
Key: OT - endoscopy, Value:
Key: OT - handheld device, Value:
Key: OT - laparoscope, Value:
Key: OT - micro-LED, Value:
Key: OT - surgery, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/02/17 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/02/17 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/02/14, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/02/16 02:26, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/16 02:26 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/17 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/17 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/14 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 1195408 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2609023 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2022 Jan-Feb;11954:1195408. doi: 10.1117/12.2609023., Value:
Key: Epub 2022 Mar 2., Value:
Key: PMID- 36793945, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20231031, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12038, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Feb-Mar, Value:
Key: TI - Identifying Unique Acoustic Signatures from Chemically-Crosslinked Microbubble, Value:
Key: Clusters Using Deep Learning., Value:
Key: LID - 120380K [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2611572 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Ultrasound contrast agents (UCA) are gas encapsulated microspheres that oscillate, Value:
Key: volumetrically when exposed to an ultrasound field producing a backscattered, Value:
Key: signal which can be used for improved ultrasound imaging and drug delivery. UCA's, Value:
Key: are being used widely for contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging, but there is a, Value:
Key: need for improved UCAs to develop faster and more accurate contrast agent, Value:
Key: detection algorithms. Recently, we introduced a new class of lipid based UCAs, Value:
Key: called Chemically Cross-linked Microbubble Clusters (CCMCs). CCMCs are formed by, Value:
Key: the physical tethering of individual lipid microbubbles into a larger aggregate, Value:
Key: cluster. The advantages of these novel CCMCs are their ability to fuse together, Value:
Key: when exposed to low intensity pulsed ultrasound (US), potentially generating, Value:
Key: unique acoustic signatures that can enable better contrast agent detection. In, Value:
Key: this study, our main objective is to demonstrate that the acoustic response of, Value:
Key: CCMCs is unique and distinct when compared to individual UCAs using deep learning, Value:
Key: algorithms. Acoustic characterization of CCMCs and individual bubbles was, Value:
Key: performed using a broadband hydrophone or a clinical transducer attached to a, Value:
Key: Verasonics Vantage 256. A simple artificial neural network (ANN) was trained and, Value:
Key: used to classify raw 1D RF ultrasound data as either from CCMC or non-tethered, Value:
Key: individual bubble populations of UCAs. The ANN was able to classify CCMCs at an, Value:
Key: accuracy of 93.8% for data collected from broadband hydrophone and 90% for data, Value:
Key: collected using Verasonics with a clinical transducer. The results obtained, Value:
Key: suggest the acoustic response of CCMCs is unique and has the potential to be used, Value:
Key: in developing a novel contrast agent detection technique., Value:
Key: FAU - Pathour, Teja, Value:
Key: AU - Pathour T, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Akter, Nasrin, Value:
Key: AU - Akter N, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Dormer, James D, Value:
Key: AU - Dormer JD, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, The University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Chaudhary, Sugandha, Value:
Key: AU - Chaudhary S, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, The University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Sirsi, Shashank, Value:
Key: AU - Sirsi S, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, The University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220404, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9928530, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1872588, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Bubble coalescence, Value:
Key: OT - Contrast-enhanced ultrasound, Value:
Key: OT - Deep Learning, Value:
Key: OT - Microbubble, Value:
Key: OT - Ultrasound contrast agent, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/02/17 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/02/17 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/02/14, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/02/16 02:24, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/16 02:24 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/17 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/17 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/14 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 120380K [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2611572 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2022 Feb-Mar;12038:120380K. doi: 10.1117/12.2611572., Value:
Key: Epub 2022 Apr 4., Value:
Key: PMID- 36793770, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20231031, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12039, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Feb-Mar, Value:
Key: TI - Unsupervised Super Resolution Network for Hyperspectral Histologic Imaging., Value:
Key: LID - 120390P [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2611889 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) has many advantages in microscopic applications,, Value:
Key: including high sensitivity and specificity for cancer detection on histological, Value:
Key: slides. However, acquiring hyperspectral images of a whole slide with a high, Value:
Key: image resolution and a high image quality can take a long scanning time and, Value:
Key: require a very large data storage. One potential solution is to acquire and save, Value:
Key: low-resolution hyperspectral images and reconstruct the high-resolution ones only, Value:
Key: when needed. The purpose of this study is to develop a simple yet effective, Value:
Key: unsupervised super resolution network for hyperspectral histologic imaging with, Value:
Key: the guidance of RGB digital histology images. High-resolution hyperspectral, Value:
Key: images of hemoxylin & eosin (H&E) stained slides were obtained at 10×, Value:
Key: magnification and down-sampled 2×, 4×, and 5× to generate low-resolution, Value:
Key: hyperspectral data. High-resolution digital histologic RGB images of the same, Value:
Key: field of view (FOV) were cropped and registered to the corresponding, Value:
Key: high-resolution hyperspectral images. A neural network based on a modified U-Net, Value:
Key: architecture, which takes the low-resolution hyperspectral images and, Value:
Key: high-resolution RGB images as inputs, was trained with unsupervised methods to, Value:
Key: output high-resolution hyperspectral data. The generated high-resolution, Value:
Key: hyperspectral images have similar spectral signatures and improved image contrast, Value:
Key: than the original high-resolution hyperspectral images, which indicates that the, Value:
Key: super resolution network with RGB guidance can improve the image quality. The, Value:
Key: proposed method can reduce the acquisition time and save storage space taken up, Value:
Key: by hyperspectral images without compromising image quality, which will, Value:
Key: potentially promote the use of hyperspectral imaging technology in digital, Value:
Key: pathology and many other clinical applications., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Ling, Value:
Key: AU - Ma L, Value:
Key: AD - Univ. of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Tianjin Univ., State Key Lab of Precision Measurement Technology and Instrument,, Value:
Key: Tianjin, CN., Value:
Key: FAU - Rathgeb, Armand, Value:
Key: AU - Rathgeb A, Value:
Key: AD - Univ. of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Tran, Minh, Value:
Key: AU - Tran M, Value:
Key: AD - Univ. of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Univ. of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Univ. of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Advanced Imaging Research Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Univ. of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220404, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9928529, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1872584, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Hyperspectral histologic imaging, Value:
Key: OT - RGB guidance, Value:
Key: OT - U-Net, Value:
Key: OT - super resolution, Value:
Key: OT - unsupervised, Value:
Key: COIS- DISCLOSURES The authors have no relevant financial interests in this article and, Value:
Key: no potential conflicts of interest to disclose., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/02/17 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/02/17 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/02/14, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/02/16 02:21, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/16 02:21 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/17 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/17 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/14 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 120390P [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2611889 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2022 Feb-Mar;12039:120390P. doi: 10.1117/12.2611889., Value:
Key: Epub 2022 Apr 4., Value:
Key: PMID- 36793657, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20231031, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12034, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Feb-Mar, Value:
Key: TI - An Augmented Reality-Assisted Visualization System for Potential Applications in, Value:
Key: Prostate Biopsy., Value:
Key: LID - 120342G [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2611590 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Ultrasound-guided biopsy is widely used for disease detection and diagnosis. We, Value:
Key: plan to register preoperative imaging, such as positron emission tomography /, Value:
Key: computed tomography (PET/CT) and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), with, Value:
Key: real-time intraoperative ultrasound imaging for improved localization of, Value:
Key: suspicious lesions that may not be seen on ultrasound but visible on other, Value:
Key: imaging modalities. Once the image registration is completed, we will combine the, Value:
Key: images from two or more imaging modalities and use Microsoft HoloLens 2 augmented, Value:
Key: reality (AR) headset to display three-dimensional (3D) segmented lesions and, Value:
Key: organs from previously acquired images and real-time ultrasound images. In this, Value:
Key: work, we are developing a multi-modal, 3D augmented reality system for the, Value:
Key: potential use in ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy. Preliminary results, Value:
Key: demonstrate the feasibility of combining images from multiple modalities into an, Value:
Key: AR-guided system., Value:
Key: FAU - Bettati, Patric, Value:
Key: AU - Bettati P, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, University of Texas at Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Dormer, James D, Value:
Key: AU - Dormer JD, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, University of Texas at Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Shahedi, Maysam, Value:
Key: AU - Shahedi M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, University of Texas at Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, University of Texas at Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220404, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9928501, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1872590, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Augmented reality (AR), Value:
Key: OT - HoloLens, Value:
Key: OT - PET/CT, Value:
Key: OT - prostate cancer biopsy, Value:
Key: OT - ultrasound imaging, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/02/17 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/02/17 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/02/14, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/02/16 02:19, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/16 02:19 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/17 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/17 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/14 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 120342G [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2611590 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2022 Feb-Mar;12034:120342G. doi: 10.1117/12.2611590., Value:
Key: Epub 2022 Apr 4., Value:
Key: PMID- 36793656, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20231031, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12034, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Feb-Mar, Value:
Key: TI - A low-cost PVC-based dual-modality kidney phantom., Value:
Key: LID - 120342Q [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2611592 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Phantoms are invaluable tools broadly used for research and training purposes, Value:
Key: designed to mimic tissues and structures in the body. In this paper, polyvinyl, Value:
Key: chloride (PVC)-plasticizer and silicone rubbers were explored as economical, Value:
Key: materials to reliably create long-lasting, realistic kidney phantoms with, Value:
Key: contrast under both ultrasound (US) and X-ray imaging. The radiodensity, Value:
Key: properties of varying formulations of soft PVC-based gels were characterized to, Value:
Key: allow adjustable image intensity and contrast. Using this data, a phantom, Value:
Key: creation workflow was established which can be easily adapted to match, Value:
Key: radiodensity values of other organs and soft tissues in the body. Internal kidney, Value:
Key: structures such as the medulla and ureter were created using a two-part molding, Value:
Key: process to allow greater phantom customization. The kidney phantoms were imaged, Value:
Key: under US and X-ray scanners to compare the contrast enhancement of a PVC-based, Value:
Key: medulla versus a silicone-based medulla. Silicone was found to have higher, Value:
Key: attenuation than plastic under X-ray imaging, but poor quality under US imaging., Value:
Key: PVC was found to exhibit good contrast under X-ray imaging and excellent, Value:
Key: performance for US imaging. Finally, the durability and shelf life of our, Value:
Key: PVC-based phantoms were observed to be vastly superior to that of common, Value:
Key: agar-based phantoms. The work presented here allows extended periods of usage and, Value:
Key: storage for each kidney phantom while simultaneously preserving anatomical, Value:
Key: detail, contrast under dual-modality imaging, and low cost of materials., Value:
Key: FAU - Young, Jeff, Value:
Key: AU - Young J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Shahedi, Maysam, Value:
Key: AU - Shahedi M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, The University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Dormer, James D, Value:
Key: AU - Dormer JD, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, The University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Johnson, Brett, Value:
Key: AU - Johnson B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Urology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Gahan, Jeffrey, Value:
Key: AU - Gahan J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Urology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, The University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220404, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9928528, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1872575, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - additive manufacturing, Value:
Key: OT - computed tomography (CT), Value:
Key: OT - kidney phantom, Value:
Key: OT - mold casting, Value:
Key: OT - polyvinyl chloride (PVC), Value:
Key: OT - renal biopsy, Value:
Key: OT - silicone, Value:
Key: OT - ultrasound imaging, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/02/17 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/02/17 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/02/14, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/02/16 02:19, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/16 02:19 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/17 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/17 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/14 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 120342Q [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2611592 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2022 Feb-Mar;12034:120342Q. doi: 10.1117/12.2611592., Value:
Key: Epub 2022 Apr 4., Value:
Key: PMID- 36793655, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20231031, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12034, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Feb-Mar, Value:
Key: TI - Semi-automated three-dimensional segmentation for cardiac CT images using deep, Value:
Key: learning and randomly distributed points., Value:
Key: LID - 120341W [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2611594 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Given the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), the segmentation of the, Value:
Key: heart on cardiac computed tomography (CT) remains of great importance. Manual, Value:
Key: segmentation is time-consuming and intra-and inter-observer variabilities yield, Value:
Key: inconsistent and inaccurate results. Computer-assisted, and in particular, deep, Value:
Key: learning approaches to segmentation continue to potentially offer an accurate,, Value:
Key: efficient alternative to manual segmentation. However, fully automated methods, Value:
Key: for cardiac segmentation have yet to achieve accurate enough results to compete, Value:
Key: with expert segmentation. Thus, we focus on a semi-automated deep learning, Value:
Key: approach to cardiac segmentation that bridges the divide between a higher, Value:
Key: accuracy from manual segmentation and higher efficiency from fully automated, Value:
Key: methods. In this approach, we selected a fixed number of points along the surface, Value:
Key: of the cardiac region to mimic user interaction. Points-distance maps were then, Value:
Key: generated from these points selections, and a three-dimensional (3D) fully, Value:
Key: convolutional neural network (FCNN) was trained using points-distance maps to, Value:
Key: provide a segmentation prediction. Testing our method with different numbers of, Value:
Key: selected points, we achieved a Dice score from 0.742 to 0.917 across the four, Value:
Key: chambers. Specifically. Dice scores averaged 0.846 ± 0.059, 0.857 ± 0.052, 0.826, Value:
Key: ± 0.062, and 0.824 ± 0.062 for the left atrium, left ventricle, right atrium, and, Value:
Key: right ventricle, respectively across all points selections. This point-guided,, Value:
Key: image-independent, deep learning segmentation approach illustrated a promising, Value:
Key: performance for chamber-by-chamber delineation of the heart in CT images., Value:
Key: FAU - Shi, Ted, Value:
Key: AU - Shi T, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Shahedi, Maysam, Value:
Key: AU - Shahedi M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, The University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Caughlin, Kayla, Value:
Key: AU - Caughlin K, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Dormer, James D, Value:
Key: AU - Dormer JD, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, The University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Ling, Value:
Key: AU - Ma L, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, The University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, The University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220404, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9928521, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1872579, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Heart, Value:
Key: OT - cardiovascular diseases, Value:
Key: OT - computed tomography (CT), Value:
Key: OT - deep learning, Value:
Key: OT - image segmentation, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/02/17 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/02/17 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/02/14, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/02/16 02:19, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/16 02:19 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/17 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/17 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/14 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 120341W [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2611594 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2022 Feb-Mar;12034:120341W. doi: 10.1117/12.2611594., Value:
Key: Epub 2022 Apr 4., Value:
Key: PMID- 36793654, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20231208, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12034, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Feb-Mar, Value:
Key: TI - Deep Learning-based Deformable Registration of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR, Value:
Key: Images of the Kidney., Value:
Key: LID - 1203410 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2611768 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Respiratory motion is a major contributor to bias in quantitative analysis of, Value:
Key: magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) acquisitions. Deformable registration of, Value:
Key: three-dimensional (3D) dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI data improves, Value:
Key: estimation of kidney kinetic parameters. In this study, we proposed a deep, Value:
Key: learning approach with two steps: a convolutional neural network (CNN) based, Value:
Key: affine registration network, followed by a U-Net trained for deformable, Value:
Key: registration between two MR images. The proposed registration method was applied, Value:
Key: successively across consecutive dynamic phases of the 3D DCE-MRI dataset to, Value:
Key: reduce motion effects in the different kidney compartments (i.e., cortex,, Value:
Key: medulla). Successful reduction in the motion effects caused by patient, Value:
Key: respiration during image acquisition allows for improved kinetic analysis of the, Value:
Key: kidney. Original and registered images were analyzed and compared using dynamic, Value:
Key: intensity curves of the kidney compartments, target registration error of, Value:
Key: anatomical markers, image subtraction, and simple visual assessment. The proposed, Value:
Key: deep learning-based approach to correct motion effects in abdominal 3D DCE-MRI, Value:
Key: data can be applied to various kidney MR imaging applications., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, James, Value:
Key: AU - Huang J, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Dept of Bioengineering, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Guo, Junyu, Value:
Key: AU - Guo J, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dept of Radiology, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Pedrosa, Ivan, Value:
Key: AU - Pedrosa I, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dept of Radiology, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Dept of Bioengineering, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dept of Radiology, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA154475/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220404, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9928502, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1872580, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - convolutional neural network (CNN), Value:
Key: OT - deep learning, Value:
Key: OT - deformable image registration, Value:
Key: OT - dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) MRI, Value:
Key: OT - kidney, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/02/17 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/02/17 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/02/14, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/02/16 02:19, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/16 02:19 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/17 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/17 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/14 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 1203410 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2611768 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2022 Feb-Mar;12034:1203410. doi: 10.1117/12.2611768., Value:
Key: Epub 2022 Apr 4., Value:
Key: PMID- 36761698, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20230210, Value:
Key: IS - 2329-4302 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 2329-4310 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2329-4302 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 10, Value:
Key: IP - 1, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Jan, Value:
Key: TI - Errata: Brain tumor IDH, 1p/19q, and MGMT molecular classification using, Value:
Key: MRI-based deep learning: an initial study on the effect of motion and motion, Value:
Key: correction., Value:
Key: PG - 019801, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/1.JMI.10.1.019801 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 019801, Value:
Key: AB - [This corrects the article DOI: 10.1117/1.JMI.9.1.016001.]., Value:
Key: CI - © 2023 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)., Value:
Key: FAU - Nalawade, Sahil S, Value:
Key: AU - Nalawade SS, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Advanced Neuroscience Imaging, Value:
Key: Research Lab, Department of Radiology, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Yu, Fang F, Value:
Key: AU - Yu FF, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Advanced Neuroscience Imaging, Value:
Key: Research Lab, Department of Radiology, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Yogananda, Chandan Ganesh Bangalore, Value:
Key: AU - Yogananda CGB, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Advanced Neuroscience Imaging, Value:
Key: Research Lab, Department of Radiology, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Murugesan, Gowtham K, Value:
Key: AU - Murugesan GK, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Advanced Neuroscience Imaging, Value:
Key: Research Lab, Department of Radiology, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Shah, Bhavya R, Value:
Key: AU - Shah BR, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Advanced Neuroscience Imaging, Value:
Key: Research Lab, Department of Radiology, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Pinho, Marco C, Value:
Key: AU - Pinho MC, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Advanced Neuroscience Imaging, Value:
Key: Research Lab, Department of Radiology, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Wagner, Benjamin C, Value:
Key: AU - Wagner BC, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Advanced Neuroscience Imaging, Value:
Key: Research Lab, Department of Radiology, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Xi, Yin, Value:
Key: AU - Xi Y, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Advanced Neuroscience Imaging, Value:
Key: Research Lab, Department of Radiology, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Mickey, Bruce, Value:
Key: AU - Mickey B, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Neurological, Value:
Key: Surgery, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Patel, Toral R, Value:
Key: AU - Patel TR, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Neurological, Value:
Key: Surgery, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, Texas,, Value:
Key: United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Madhuranthakam, Ananth J, Value:
Key: AU - Madhuranthakam AJ, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Advanced Neuroscience Imaging, Value:
Key: Research Lab, Department of Radiology, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Maldjian, Joseph A, Value:
Key: AU - Maldjian JA, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Advanced Neuroscience Imaging, Value:
Key: Research Lab, Department of Radiology, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Published Erratum, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230131, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - J Med Imaging (Bellingham), Value:
Key: JT - Journal of medical imaging (Bellingham, Wash.), Value:
Key: JID - 101643461, Value:
Key: EFR - J Med Imaging (Bellingham). 2022 Jan;9(1):016001. PMID: 35118164, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9888547, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/02/11 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/02/11 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/01/31, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/02/10 03:12, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/10 03:12 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/11 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/11 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/01/31 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 22-1229 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/1.JMI.10.1.019801 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - J Med Imaging (Bellingham). 2023 Jan;10(1):019801. doi:, Value:
Key: 10.1117/1.JMI.10.1.019801. Epub 2023 Jan 31., Value:
Key: PMID- 38577581, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20240407, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12471, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Feb, Value:
Key: TI - A Video Transformer Network for Thyroid Cancer Detection on Hyperspectral, Value:
Key: Histologic Images., Value:
Key: LID - 1247107 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2654851 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Hyperspectral imaging is a label-free and non-invasive imaging modality that, Value:
Key: seeks to capture images in different wavelengths. In this study, we used a vision, Value:
Key: transformer that was pre-trained from video data to detect thyroid cancer on, Value:
Key: hyperspectral images. We built a dataset of 49 whole slide hyperspectral images, Value:
Key: (WS-HSI) of thyroid cancer. To improve training, we introduced 5 new data, Value:
Key: augmentation methods that transform spectra. We achieved an F-1 score of 88.1%, Value:
Key: and an accuracy of 89.64% on our test dataset. The transformer network and the, Value:
Key: whole slide hyperspectral imaging technique can have many applications in digital, Value:
Key: pathology., Value:
Key: FAU - Tran, Minh Ha, Value:
Key: AU - Tran MH, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Gomez, Ofelia, Value:
Key: AU - Gomez O, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230406, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10993530, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1973764, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Hyperspectral imaging, Value:
Key: OT - deep learning, Value:
Key: OT - image classification, Value:
Key: OT - thyroid cancer, Value:
Key: OT - transformer attention-based neural networks, Value:
Key: OT - whole-slide imaging, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/02/01 00:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/02/01 00:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2024/04/04, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2024/04/05 04:12, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/01 00:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/01 00:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/04/05 04:12 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/04/04 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 1247107 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2654851 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2023 Feb;12471:1247107. doi: 10.1117/12.2654851. Epub, Value:
Key: 2023 Apr 6., Value:
Key: PMID- 38560640, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20240404, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12466, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Feb, Value:
Key: TI - An Augmented Reality System with Advanced User Interfaces for Image-Guided, Value:
Key: Intervention Applications., Value:
Key: LID - 124661T [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2653952 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Augmented Reality (AR) is becoming a more common addition to physicians', Value:
Key: repertoire for aiding in resident training and patient interactions. However, the, Value:
Key: use of augmented reality in clinical settings is still beset with many, Value:
Key: complications, including the lack of physician control over the systems, set, Value:
Key: modes of interactions within the system, and physician's lack of familiarity with, Value:
Key: such AR systems. In this paper, we plan to expand on our previous prostate biopsy, Value:
Key: AR system by adding in improved user interface systems within the virtual world, Value:
Key: in order to allow the user to more accurately visualize only parts of the system, Value:
Key: which they consider to be useful at that time. To accomplish this, we have, Value:
Key: incorporated three-dimensional virtual sliders built from the ground up, using, Value:
Key: Unity to afford control over each model's RGB values, as well as their, Value:
Key: transparency. This means that the user would be able to fully edit the color, and, Value:
Key: transparency of each individual model in real time as they see fit quickly and, Value:
Key: easily while still being immersed in the augmented space. This would allow users, Value:
Key: to view internal holograms while not sacrificing the capability to view the, Value:
Key: external structure. Such leeway could be invaluable when visualizing a tumor, Value:
Key: within a prostate and would provide the physician with the capability to view as, Value:
Key: much or as little of the surrounded virtual models as desired, while providing, Value:
Key: the option to reinstate the surrounding models at will. The AR system can provide, Value:
Key: a new approach for potential uses in image-guided interventions including, Value:
Key: targeted biopsy of the prostate., Value:
Key: FAU - Bettati, Patric, Value:
Key: AU - Bettati P, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230403, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10978155, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1973763, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Augmented reality (AR), Value:
Key: OT - image-guided intervention, Value:
Key: OT - medical imaging, Value:
Key: OT - prostate biopsy, Value:
Key: OT - user interface, Value:
Key: OT - virtual reality (VR), Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/02/01 00:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/02/01 00:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2024/03/29, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2024/04/01 17:31, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/01 00:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/01 00:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/04/01 17:31 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/29 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 124661T [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2653952 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2023 Feb;12466:124661T. doi: 10.1117/12.2653952. Epub, Value:
Key: 2023 Apr 3., Value:
Key: PMID- 38524190, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20240327, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12466, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Feb, Value:
Key: TI - A High-Speed Hyperspectral Laparoscopic Imaging System., Value:
Key: LID - 1246608 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2653922 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) has expanded broadly in the field of abdominal, Value:
Key: and pelvic surgery. Laparoscopic and robotic surgery has improved surgeon, Value:
Key: ergonomics, instrument precision, operative time, and postoperative recovery, Value:
Key: across various abdominal procedures. The goal of this study is to establish the, Value:
Key: feasibility of implementing high-speed hyperspectral imaging into a standard, Value:
Key: laparoscopic setup and exploring its benefit to common intracorporeal procedures., Value:
Key: A hyperspectral laparoscopic imaging system was constructed using a customized, Value:
Key: hyperspectral camera alongside a standard rigid laparoscope and was validated for, Value:
Key: both spectral and spatial accuracy. Demosaicing methods were investigated for, Value:
Key: improved full-resolution visualization. Hyperspectral cameras with different, Value:
Key: spectral ranges were considered and compared with one another alongside two, Value:
Key: different light sources to determine the most effective configuration. Finally,, Value:
Key: different porcine tissues were imaged ex-vivo to test the capabilities of the, Value:
Key: system and spectral footprints of the various tissues were extracted. The tissue, Value:
Key: was also imaged in a phantom to simulate the system's use in MIS. The results, Value:
Key: demonstrated a hyperspectral laparoscopic imaging system that could provide, Value:
Key: quantitative, diagnostic information while not disrupting normal workflow nor, Value:
Key: adding excessive weight to the laparoscopic setup. The high-speed hyperspectral, Value:
Key: laparoscopic imaging system can have immediate applications in image-guided, Value:
Key: surgery., Value:
Key: FAU - Pruitt, Kelden, Value:
Key: AU - Pruitt K, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Johnson, Brett, Value:
Key: AU - Johnson B, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Urology, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Gahan, Jeffrey, Value:
Key: AU - Gahan J, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Urology, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Ling, Value:
Key: AU - Ma L, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230403, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10961180, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1973073, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Hyperspectral imaging, Value:
Key: OT - image-guided intervention, Value:
Key: OT - minimally invasive surgery, Value:
Key: OT - robotic surgery, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/02/01 00:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/02/01 00:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2024/03/24, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2024/03/25 04:23, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/01 00:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/01 00:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/25 04:23 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/24 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 1246608 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2653922 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2023 Feb;12466:1246608. doi: 10.1117/12.2653922. Epub, Value:
Key: 2023 Apr 3., Value:
Key: PMID- 38501056, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20240321, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12464, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Feb, Value:
Key: TI - Topography-based feature extraction of the human placenta from prenatal MR, Value:
Key: images., Value:
Key: LID - 1246420 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2653663 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has gained popularity in the field of prenatal, Value:
Key: imaging due to the ability to provide high quality images of soft tissue. In this, Value:
Key: paper, we presented a novel method for extracting different textural and, Value:
Key: morphological features of the placenta from MRI volumes using topographical, Value:
Key: mapping. We proposed polar and planar topographical mapping methods to produce, Value:
Key: common placental features from a unique point of observation. The features, Value:
Key: extracted from the images included the entire placenta surface, as well as the, Value:
Key: thickness, intensity, and entropy maps displayed in a convenient two-dimensional, Value:
Key: format. The topography-based images may be useful for clinical placental, Value:
Key: assessments as well as computer-assisted diagnosis, and prediction of potential, Value:
Key: pregnancy complications., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, James, Value:
Key: AU - Huang J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, The University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Shahedi, Maysam, Value:
Key: AU - Shahedi M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, The University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Do, Quyen N, Value:
Key: AU - Do QN, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Xi, Yin, Value:
Key: AU - Xi Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Population and Data Sciences, The University of Texas Southwestern, Value:
Key: Medical Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Lewis, Matthew A, Value:
Key: AU - Lewis MA, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Herrera, Christina L, Value:
Key: AU - Herrera CL, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The University of Texas Southwestern, Value:
Key: Medical Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Owen, David, Value:
Key: AU - Owen D, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The University of Texas Southwestern, Value:
Key: Medical Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Spong, Catherine Y, Value:
Key: AU - Spong CY, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The University of Texas Southwestern, Value:
Key: Medical Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Madhuranthakam, Ananth J, Value:
Key: AU - Madhuranthakam AJ, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Twickler, Diane M, Value:
Key: AU - Twickler DM, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The University of Texas Southwestern, Value:
Key: Medical Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, The University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230403, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10947417, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1973773, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Placenta, Value:
Key: OT - deformable registration, Value:
Key: OT - feature extraction, Value:
Key: OT - magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Value:
Key: OT - placenta accreta spectrum, Value:
Key: OT - topography, Value:
Key: OT - uterus, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/02/01 00:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/02/01 00:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2024/03/18, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2024/03/19 03:45, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/01 00:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/01 00:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/19 03:45 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/18 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 1246420 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2653663 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2023 Feb;12464:1246420. doi: 10.1117/12.2653663. Epub, Value:
Key: 2023 Apr 3., Value:
Key: PMID- 38500779, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20240321, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12471, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Feb, Value:
Key: TI - Extended Depth of Field Imaging for Mosaic Hyperspectral Images., Value:
Key: LID - 1247109 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2653923 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is an emerging modality for digital pathology. The, Value:
Key: purpose of this study is to develop an extended depth of field (EDOF) method for, Value:
Key: mosaic hyperspectral images acquired with a snapshot camera. EDOF is a technique, Value:
Key: for ensuring that an image is in focus at all points. A stack of mosaicked, Value:
Key: hyperspectral images of hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained histologic slides, Value:
Key: were acquired at different positions along the z-axis and used to output a, Value:
Key: hyperspectral histologic image that was in-focus at every point. Three different, Value:
Key: methods were compared to achieve a fully focused image. We compared conventional, Value:
Key: patch-based methods to our proposed growth-based and band-based methods. The, Value:
Key: Brenner function was used to quantitatively measure the focus quality of each, Value:
Key: image measured. The results show that both of our proposed methods performed, Value:
Key: better qualitatively and quantitatively than the patch-based method, with the, Value:
Key: band-based method performing the best, as it leveraged dividing pixels into their, Value:
Key: proper wavelengths in addition to spatially, giving the algorithm better contrast, Value:
Key: to measure. In terms of speed, the band-based method was the fastest, followed by, Value:
Key: the patch-based method, with the growth-based method being the slowest. Our, Value:
Key: proposed extended depth of field hyperspectral imaging methods can have immediate, Value:
Key: applications in digital pathology, especially whole slide imaging, and other, Value:
Key: microscopic imaging., Value:
Key: FAU - Rathgeb, Armand, Value:
Key: AU - Rathgeb A, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Ling, Value:
Key: AU - Ma L, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Tran, Minh, Value:
Key: AU - Tran M, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230406, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10947262, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1973776, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Hyperspectral image, Value:
Key: OT - digital pathology, Value:
Key: OT - extended depth of field (EDOF), Value:
Key: OT - histology, Value:
Key: OT - mosaic, Value:
Key: OT - snapshot, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/02/01 00:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/02/01 00:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2024/03/18, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2024/03/19 03:41, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/01 00:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/01 00:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/19 03:41 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/18 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 1247109 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2653923 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2023 Feb;12471:1247109. doi: 10.1117/12.2653923. Epub, Value:
Key: 2023 Apr 6., Value:
Key: PMID- 38495871, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20240320, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12471, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Feb, Value:
Key: TI - Conditional Generative Adversarial Network (cGAN) for Synthesis of Digital, Value:
Key: Histologic Images from Hyperspectral Images., Value:
Key: LID - 124711D [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2653715 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) has been demonstrated in various digital pathology, Value:
Key: applications. However, the intrinsic high dimensionality of hyperspectral images, Value:
Key: makes it difficult for pathologists to visualize the information. The aim of this, Value:
Key: study is to develop a method to transform hyperspectral images of hemoxylin &, Value:
Key: eosin (H&E)-stained slides to natural-color RGB histologic images for easy, Value:
Key: visualization. Hyperspectral images were obtained at 40× magnification with an, Value:
Key: automated microscopic imaging system and downsampled by various factors to, Value:
Key: generate data equivalent to different magnifications. High-resolution digital, Value:
Key: histologic RGB images were cropped and registered to the corresponding, Value:
Key: hyperspectral images as the ground truth. A conditional generative adversarial, Value:
Key: network (cGAN) was trained to output natural color RGB images of the histological, Value:
Key: tissue samples. The generated synthetic RGBs have similar color and sharpness to, Value:
Key: real RGBs. Image classification was implemented using the real and synthetic, Value:
Key: RGBs, respectively, with a pretrained network. The classification of tumor and, Value:
Key: normal tissue using the HSI-synthesized RGBs yielded a comparable but slightly, Value:
Key: higher accuracy and AUC than the real RGBs. The proposed method can reduce the, Value:
Key: acquisition time of two imaging modalities while giving pathologists access to, Value:
Key: the high information density of HSI and the quality visualization of RGBs. This, Value:
Key: study demonstrated that HSI may provide a potentially better alternative to, Value:
Key: current RGB-based pathologic imaging and thus make HSI a viable tool for, Value:
Key: histopathological diagnosis., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Ling, Value:
Key: AU - Ma L, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Sherey, Jeremy, Value:
Key: AU - Sherey J, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Palsgrove, Doreen, Value:
Key: AU - Palsgrove D, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Pathology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230406, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10942653, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1973768, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Hyperspectral imaging (HSI), Value:
Key: OT - computational, Value:
Key: OT - conditional generative adversarial network (cGAN), Value:
Key: OT - digital pathology, Value:
Key: OT - histologic image, Value:
Key: OT - natural-color visualization, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/02/01 00:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/02/01 00:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2024/03/15, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2024/03/18 04:29, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/01 00:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/01 00:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/18 04:29 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/15 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 124711D [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2653715 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2023 Feb;12471:124711D. doi: 10.1117/12.2653715. Epub, Value:
Key: 2023 Apr 6., Value:
Key: PMID- 38495411, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20240320, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12470, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Feb, Value:
Key: TI - Hemoglobin Microbubbles and the Prediction of Different Oxygen Levels Using RF, Value:
Key: Data and Deep Learning., Value:
Key: LID - 124700G [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2655121 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Ultrasound contrast agents (UCA) are gas-encapsulated microspheres that oscillate, Value:
Key: volumetrically when exposed to an ultrasound field producing backscattered, Value:
Key: signals efficiently, which can be used for improved ultrasound imaging and drug, Value:
Key: delivery applications. We developed a novel oxygen-sensitive hemoglobin-shell, Value:
Key: microbubble designed to acoustically detect blood oxygen levels. We hypothesize, Value:
Key: that structural change in hemoglobin caused due to varying oxygen levels in the, Value:
Key: body can lead to mechanical changes in the shell of the UCA. This can produce, Value:
Key: detectable changes in the acoustic response that can be used for measuring oxygen, Value:
Key: levels in the body. In this study, we have shown that oxygenated hemoglobin, Value:
Key: microbubbles can be differentiated from deoxygenated hemoglobin microbubbles, Value:
Key: using a 1D convolutional neural network using radiofrequency (RF) data. We were, Value:
Key: able to classify RF data from oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin microbubbles, Value:
Key: into the two classes with a testing accuracy of 90.15%. The results suggest that, Value:
Key: oxygen content in hemoglobin affects the acoustical response and may be used for, Value:
Key: determining oxygen levels and thus could open many applications, including, Value:
Key: evaluating hypoxic regions in tumors and the brain, among other, Value:
Key: blood-oxygen-level-dependent imaging applications., Value:
Key: FAU - Pathour, Teja, Value:
Key: AU - Pathour T, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Chaudhary, Sugandha, Value:
Key: AU - Chaudhary S, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Sirsi, Shashank R, Value:
Key: AU - Sirsi SR, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology. UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230410, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10942652, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1973759, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Ultrasound contrast agents, Value:
Key: OT - blood oxygen level, Value:
Key: OT - classification, Value:
Key: OT - convolutional neural network, Value:
Key: OT - deep learning, Value:
Key: OT - hemoglobin microbubbles, Value:
Key: OT - ultrasound imaging, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/02/01 00:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/02/01 00:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2024/03/15, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2024/03/18 04:20, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/01 00:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/01 00:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/18 04:20 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/15 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 124700G [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2655121 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2023 Feb;12470:124700G. doi: 10.1117/12.2655121. Epub, Value:
Key: 2023 Apr 10., Value:
Key: PMID- 38487347, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20240316, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12466, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Feb, Value:
Key: TI - Lung nodule false positive reduction using a central attention convolutional, Value:
Key: neural network on imbalanced data., Value:
Key: LID - 124661X [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2654216 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Computer-aided detection systems for lung nodules play an important role in the, Value:
Key: early diagnosis and treatment process. False positive reduction is a significant, Value:
Key: component in pulmonary nodule detection. To address the visual similarities, Value:
Key: between nodules and false positives in CT images and the problem of two-class, Value:
Key: imbalanced learning, we propose a central attention convolutional neural network, Value:
Key: on imbalanced data (CACNNID) to distinguish nodules from a large number of false, Value:
Key: positive candidates. To solve the imbalanced data problem, we consider density, Value:
Key: distribution, data augmentation, noise reduction, and balanced sampling for, Value:
Key: making the network well-learned. During the network training, we design the model, Value:
Key: to pay high attention to the central information and minimize the influence of, Value:
Key: irrelevant edge information for extracting the discriminant features. The, Value:
Key: proposed model has been evaluated on the public dataset LUNA16 and achieved a, Value:
Key: mean sensitivity of 92.64%, specificity of 98.71%, accuracy of 98.69%, and AUC of, Value:
Key: 95.67%. The experimental results indicate that our model can achieve satisfactory, Value:
Key: performance in false positive reduction., Value:
Key: FAU - Hao, Kexin, Value:
Key: AU - Hao K, Value:
Key: AD - College of Software, Nankai University., Value:
Key: FAU - Cai, Annan, Value:
Key: AU - Cai A, Value:
Key: AD - College of Software, Nankai University., Value:
Key: FAU - Feng, XingYu, Value:
Key: AU - Feng X, Value:
Key: AD - College of Software, Nankai University., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Ling, Value:
Key: AU - Ma L, Value:
Key: AD - College of Software, Nankai University., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhu, Jingwen, Value:
Key: AU - Zhu J, Value:
Key: AD - College of Software, Nankai University., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Murong, Value:
Key: AU - Wang M, Value:
Key: AD - PVmed Medical Technologies LTD., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Yun, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230403, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10940051, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1973771, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - CT images, Value:
Key: OT - Lung nodule detection, Value:
Key: OT - attention, Value:
Key: OT - false positive reduction, Value:
Key: OT - imbalanced learning, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/02/01 00:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/02/01 00:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2024/03/14, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2024/03/15 04:07, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/01 00:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/01 00:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/15 04:07 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/14 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 124661X [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2654216 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2023 Feb;12466:124661X. doi: 10.1117/12.2654216. Epub, Value:
Key: 2023 Apr 3., Value:
Key: PMID- 38486806, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20240319, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12465, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Feb, Value:
Key: TI - Deep learning based automatic segmentation of the placenta and uterine cavity on, Value:
Key: prenatal MR images., Value:
Key: LID - 124650N [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2653659 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has potential benefits in understanding fetal, Value:
Key: and placental complications in pregnancy. An accurate segmentation of the uterine, Value:
Key: cavity and placenta can help facilitate fast and automated analyses of placenta, Value:
Key: accreta spectrum and other pregnancy complications. In this study, we trained a, Value:
Key: deep neural network for fully automatic segmentation of the uterine cavity and, Value:
Key: placenta from MR images of pregnant women with and without placental, Value:
Key: abnormalities. The two datasets were axial MRI data of 241 pregnant women, among, Value:
Key: whom, 101 patients also had sagittal MRI data. Our trained model was able to, Value:
Key: perform fully automatic 3D segmentation of MR image volumes and achieved an, Value:
Key: average Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) of 92% for uterine cavity and of 82%, Value:
Key: for placenta on the sagittal dataset and an average DSC of 87% for uterine cavity, Value:
Key: and of 82% for placenta on the axial dataset. Use of our automatic segmentation, Value:
Key: method is the first step in designing an analytics tool for to assess the risk of, Value:
Key: pregnant women with placenta accreta spectrum., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, James, Value:
Key: AU - Huang J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, The University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Do, Quyen N, Value:
Key: AU - Do QN, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Shahed, Maysam, Value:
Key: AU - Shahed M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, The University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Xi, Yin, Value:
Key: AU - Xi Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Population and Data Sciences, The University of Texas Southwestern, Value:
Key: Medical Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Lewis, Matthew A, Value:
Key: AU - Lewis MA, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Herrera, Christina L, Value:
Key: AU - Herrera CL, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The University of Texas Southwestern, Value:
Key: Medical Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Owen, David, Value:
Key: AU - Owen D, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The University of Texas Southwestern, Value:
Key: Medical Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Spong, Catherine Y, Value:
Key: AU - Spong CY, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The University of Texas Southwestern, Value:
Key: Medical Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Madhuranthakam, Ananth J, Value:
Key: AU - Madhuranthakam AJ, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Twickler, Diane M, Value:
Key: AU - Twickler DM, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The University of Texas Southwestern, Value:
Key: Medical Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, The University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230407, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10937245, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1973075, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Placenta, Value:
Key: OT - deep learning, Value:
Key: OT - image segmentation, Value:
Key: OT - magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Value:
Key: OT - neural network, Value:
Key: OT - placenta accreta spectrum, Value:
Key: OT - uterus, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/02/01 00:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/02/01 00:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2024/03/14, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2024/03/15 03:57, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/01 00:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/02/01 00:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/15 03:57 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/14 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 124650N [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2653659 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2023 Feb;12465:124650N. doi: 10.1117/12.2653659. Epub, Value:
Key: 2023 Apr 7., Value:
Key: PMID- 36716838, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20230308, Value:
Key: LR - 20230308, Value:
Key: IS - 1879-0003 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0141-8130 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 232, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Mar 31, Value:
Key: TI - Properties enhancement of poly(β-hydroxybutyrate) biocomposites by incorporating, Value:
Key: surface-modified wheat straw flour: Effect of pretreatment methods., Value:
Key: PG - 123456, Value:
Key: LID - S0141-8130(23)00348-3 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.123456 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) biocomposites filled with wheat straw flour (WSF), Value:
Key: were enhanced through modifying WSF surface by pretreatments, i.e., alkali, Value:
Key: solution (NaOH 1-7 wt%) dipping, (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane solution (APTES, Value:
Key: 0.5-2 wt%) soaking, or NaOH+APTES synergistic impregnation. The WSF was, Value:
Key: characterized by microscopy, spectroscopy, diffractometry, thermogravimetry, and, Value:
Key: wetting. Through different levels of surface etching effect or grafting, Value:
Key: functional groups, all the pretreatments removed unstable, amorphous substances, Value:
Key: on WSF, obtaining higher crystallinity by 2-12 %, degradation temperature by, Value:
Key: 57-83 °C, and lower water contact angle by 7-24°. Compression-molded WSF/PHB, Value:
Key: biocomposites were examined by mechanical tests, microscopy (fracture, Value:
Key: morphology), water absorption, calorimetry, and thermogravimetry. Above, Value:
Key: pretreatments boosted mechanical-, moisture-, and heat-resistances of composites,, Value:
Key: owing to stronger interfacial interaction of PHB with surface-modified WSF, and, Value:
Key: the improved physicochemical properties of WSF itself. Alkali treatment worked, Value:
Key: better in raising mechanical, waterproof behaviors, while silane induced higher, Value:
Key: temperature for phase transition, decomposition. Enhancement achieved by, Value:
Key: alkali+silane could surpassed both single treatments. The best outcome occurred, Value:
Key: in 3 wt% NaOH + 0.5 wt% APTES, which increased strength (flexural, tensile, and, Value:
Key: impact), modulus (flexural, tensile) by 22-40 % and 14-23 %, respectively,, Value:
Key: decreased 300 h-water absorption by 18 %, and rose melting, degradation, Value:
Key: temperatures by 2 and 23 °C, respectively, showing new potential for, Value:
Key: construction-related application., Value:
Key: CI - Copyright © 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., Value:
Key: FAU - Song, Wei, Value:
Key: AU - Song W, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, International Centre for Bamboo and, Value:
Key: Rattan, Beijing 100102, China; Beijing Key Laboratory of Wood Science and, Value:
Key: Engineering/MOE Key Laboratory of Wooden Material Science and Application,, Value:
Key: Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China; Research Institute of Wood, Value:
Key: Industry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091, China. Electronic address:, Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: FAU - Yang, Zexun, Value:
Key: AU - Yang Z, Value:
Key: AD - Beijing Key Laboratory of Wood Science and Engineering/MOE Key Laboratory of, Value:
Key: Wooden Material Science and Application, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, Value:
Key: 100083, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Shuangbao, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang S, Value:
Key: AD - Beijing Key Laboratory of Wood Science and Engineering/MOE Key Laboratory of, Value:
Key: Wooden Material Science and Application, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, Value:
Key: 100083, China. Electronic address:, Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Benhua, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, International Centre for Bamboo and, Value:
Key: Rattan, Beijing 100102, China. Electronic address:, Value:
Key: FAU - Zhao, Rongjun, Value:
Key: AU - Zhao R, Value:
Key: AD - Research Institute of Wood Industry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091,, Value:
Key: China. Electronic address:, Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230127, Value:
Key: PL - Netherlands, Value:
Key: TA - Int J Biol Macromol, Value:
Key: JT - International journal of biological macromolecules, Value:
Key: JID - 7909578, Value:
Key: RN - TZP1275679 (3-Hydroxybutyric Acid), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Silanes), Value:
Key: RN - 26063-00-3 (poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate), Value:
Key: RN - 55X04QC32I (Sodium Hydroxide), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Polyesters), Value:
Key: RN - 059QF0KO0R (Water), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - 3-Hydroxybutyric Acid, Value:
Key: MH - *Silanes/chemistry, Value:
Key: MH - *Triticum, Value:
Key: MH - Flour, Value:
Key: MH - Sodium Hydroxide, Value:
Key: MH - Polyesters/chemistry, Value:
Key: MH - Water/chemistry, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Interfacial bonding, Value:
Key: OT - Poly(β-hydroxybutyrate), Value:
Key: OT - Wheat straw flour, Value:
Key: COIS- Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known, Value:
Key: competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared, Value:
Key: to influence the work reported in this paper., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/01/31 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/03/09 06:00, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/01/30 19:24, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/10/18 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/12/22 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/01/24 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/01/31 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/03/09 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/01/30 19:24 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - S0141-8130(23)00348-3 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.123456 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Int J Biol Macromol. 2023 Mar 31;232:123456. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.123456., Value:
Key: Epub 2023 Jan 27., Value:
Key: PMID- 36632567, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20230209, Value:
Key: IS - 2632-2498 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2632-2498 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 5, Value:
Key: IP - 1, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Jan-Dec, Value:
Key: TI - Corrigendum to: A novel fully automated MRI-based deep-learning method for, Value:
Key: classification of 1p/19q co-deletion status in brain gliomas., Value:
Key: PG - vdac187, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1093/noajnl/vdac187 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - vdac187, Value:
Key: AB - [This corrects the article DOI: 10.1093/noajnl/vdaa066.]., Value:
Key: CI - © The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press, the Society for, Value:
Key: Neuro-Oncology and the European Association of Neuro-Oncology., Value:
Key: FAU - Yogananda, Chandan Ganesh Bangalore, Value:
Key: AU - Yogananda CGB, Value:
Key: FAU - Shah, Bhavya R, Value:
Key: AU - Shah BR, Value:
Key: FAU - Yu, Frank F, Value:
Key: AU - Yu FF, Value:
Key: FAU - Pinho, Marco C, Value:
Key: AU - Pinho MC, Value:
Key: FAU - Nalawade, Sahil S, Value:
Key: AU - Nalawade SS, Value:
Key: FAU - Murugesan, Gowtham K, Value:
Key: AU - Murugesan GK, Value:
Key: FAU - Wagner, Benjamin C, Value:
Key: AU - Wagner BC, Value:
Key: FAU - Mickey, Bruce, Value:
Key: AU - Mickey B, Value:
Key: FAU - Patel, Toral R, Value:
Key: AU - Patel TR, Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: FAU - Madhuranthakam, Ananth J, Value:
Key: AU - Madhuranthakam AJ, Value:
Key: FAU - Maldjian, Joseph A, Value:
Key: AU - Maldjian JA, Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA260705/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - U01 CA207091/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Published Erratum, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230110, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - Neurooncol Adv, Value:
Key: JT - Neuro-oncology advances, Value:
Key: JID - 101755003, Value:
Key: EFR - Neurooncol Adv. 2020 Jul 17;2(1):vdaa066. PMID: 32705083, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9830946, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/01/13 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/01/13 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/01/10, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2023/01/12 02:03, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/01/12 02:03 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/01/13 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/01/13 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/01/10 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - vdac187 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1093/noajnl/vdac187 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Neurooncol Adv. 2023 Jan 10;5(1):vdac187. doi: 10.1093/noajnl/vdac187., Value:
Key: eCollection 2023 Jan-Dec., Value:
Key: PMID- 38486823, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20240319, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12382, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Jan-Feb, Value:
Key: TI - Polarized Hyperspectral Microscopic Imaging for White Blood Cells on, Value:
Key: Wright-Stained Blood Smear Slides., Value:
Key: LID - 1238207 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2655708 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - White blood cells, also called leukocytes, are hematopoietic cells of the immune, Value:
Key: system that are involved in protecting the body against both infectious diseases, Value:
Key: and foreign materials. The abnormal development and uncontrolled proliferation of, Value:
Key: these cells can lead to devastating cancers. Their timely recognition in the, Value:
Key: peripheral blood is critical to diagnosis and treatment. In this study, we, Value:
Key: developed a microscopic imaging system for improving the visualization of white, Value:
Key: blood cells on Wright's stained blood smear slides, with two different setups:, Value:
Key: polarized light imaging and polarized hyperspectral imaging. Based on the, Value:
Key: polarized light imaging setup, we collected the RGB images of Stokes vector, Value:
Key: parameters (S0, S1, S2, and S3) of five types of white blood cells (neutrophil,, Value:
Key: eosinophil, basophil, lymphocyte, and monocyte), and calculated the Stokes vector, Value:
Key: derived parameters: the degree of polarization (DOP), the degree of linear, Value:
Key: polarization (DOLP), and the degree of circular polarization (DOCP)). We also, Value:
Key: calculated Stokes vector data based on the polarized hyperspectral imaging setup., Value:
Key: The preliminary results demonstrate that Stokes vector derived parameters (DOP,, Value:
Key: DOLP, and DOCP) could improve the visualization of granules in granulocytes, Value:
Key: (neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils). Furthermore, Stokes vector derived, Value:
Key: parameters (DOP, DOLP, and DOCP) could improve the visualization of surface, Value:
Key: structures (protein patterns) of lymphocytes enabling subclassification of, Value:
Key: lymphocyte subpopulations. Finally, S2, S3, and DOCP could enhance the, Value:
Key: morphologic visualization of monocyte nucleus. We also demonstrated that the, Value:
Key: polarized hyperspectral imaging setup could provide complementary spectral, Value:
Key: information to the spatial information on different Stokes vector parameters of, Value:
Key: white blood cells. This work demonstrates that polarized light imaging &, Value:
Key: polarized hyperspectral imaging has the potential to become a strong imaging tool, Value:
Key: in the diagnosis of disorders arising from white blood cells., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhou, Ximing, Value:
Key: AU - Zhou X, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, The University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Mubarak, Hasan K, Value:
Key: AU - Mubarak HK, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, The University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Ling, Value:
Key: AU - Ma L, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, The University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Palsgrove, Doreen, Value:
Key: AU - Palsgrove D, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Pathology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Ortega, Samuel, Value:
Key: AU - Ortega S, Value:
Key: AD - Institute for Applied Microelectronics, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,, Value:
Key: Canary Islands, Spain., Value:
Key: AD - Norwegian Institute of Food Fisheries and Aquaculture Research, Tromsø, Norway., Value:
Key: FAU - Callicó, Gustavo Marrero, Value:
Key: AU - Callicó GM, Value:
Key: AD - Institute for Applied Microelectronics, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,, Value:
Key: Canary Islands, Spain., Value:
Key: FAU - Medina, Edward A, Value:
Key: AU - Medina EA, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Texas Health, Value:
Key: Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Brimhall, Bradley B, Value:
Key: AU - Brimhall BB, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Texas Health, Value:
Key: Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Whitted, Marisa, Value:
Key: AU - Whitted M, Value:
Key: AD - Norwegian Institute of Food Fisheries and Aquaculture Research, Tromsø, Norway., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, The University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230315, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10938460, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1973072, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Hyperspectral imaging, Value:
Key: OT - Polarized hyperspectral imaging, Value:
Key: OT - Polarized light imaging, Value:
Key: OT - Stokes vector, Value:
Key: OT - White blood cell, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/01/01 00:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/01/01 00:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2024/03/14, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2024/03/15 03:58, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/01/01 00:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/01/01 00:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/15 03:58 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/14 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 1238207 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2655708 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2023 Jan-Feb;12382:1238207. doi: 10.1117/12.2655708., Value:
Key: Epub 2023 Mar 15., Value:
Key: PMID- 38481979, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20240316, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12391, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Jan-Feb, Value:
Key: TI - An automatic whole-slide hyperspectral imaging microscope., Value:
Key: LID - 1239106 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2650815 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Whole slide imaging (WSI) is a common step used in histopathology to quickly, Value:
Key: digitize stained histological slides. Digital whole-slide images not only improve, Value:
Key: the efficiency of labeling but also open the door for computer-aided diagnosis,, Value:
Key: specifically machine learning-based methods. Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is an, Value:
Key: imaging modality that captures data in various wavelengths, some beyond the range, Value:
Key: of visible lights. In this study, we developed and implemented an automated, Value:
Key: microscopy system that can acquire hyperspectral whole slide images (HWSI). The, Value:
Key: system is robust since it consists of parts that can be swapped and bought from, Value:
Key: different manufacturers. We used the automated system and built a database of 49, Value:
Key: HWSI of thyroid cancer. The automatic whole-slide hyperspectral imaging, Value:
Key: microscope can have many potential applications in biological and medical areas., Value:
Key: FAU - Tran, Minh Ha, Value:
Key: AU - Tran MH, Value:
Key: AD - The Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Gomez, Ofelia, Value:
Key: AU - Gomez O, Value:
Key: AD - The Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - The Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230316, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10932749, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1973068, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Hyperspectral imaging, Value:
Key: OT - automation, Value:
Key: OT - database, Value:
Key: OT - deep learning, Value:
Key: OT - whole-slide imaging, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/01/01 00:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/01/01 00:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2024/03/13, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2024/03/14 04:17, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/01/01 00:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/01/01 00:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/14 04:17 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/13 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 1239106 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2650815 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2023 Jan-Feb;12391:1239106. doi: 10.1117/12.2650815., Value:
Key: Epub 2023 Mar 16., Value:
Key: PMID- 38481487, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20240316, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12382, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Jan-Feb, Value:
Key: TI - Polarized hyperspectral microscopic imaging for collagen visualization on, Value:
Key: pathologic slides of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma., Value:
Key: LID - 1238204 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2655831 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - We developed a polarized hyperspectral microscope to collect four types of Stokes, Value:
Key: vector data cubes (S0, S1, S2, and S3) of the pathologic slides with head and, Value:
Key: neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Our system consists of an optical light, Value:
Key: microscope with a movable stage, two polarizers, two liquid crystal variable, Value:
Key: retarders (LCVRs), and a SnapScan hyperspectral camera. The polarizers and LCVRs, Value:
Key: work in tandem with the hyperspectral camera to acquire polarized hyperspectral, Value:
Key: images. Synthetic pseudo-RGB images are generated from the four Stokes vector, Value:
Key: data cubes based on a transformation function similar to the spectral response of, Value:
Key: human eye for the visualization of hyperspectral images. Collagen is the most, Value:
Key: abundant extracellular matrix (ECM) protein in the human body. A major focus of, Value:
Key: studying the ECM in tumor microenvironment is the role of collagen in both normal, Value:
Key: and abnormal function. Collagen tends to accumulate in and around tumors during, Value:
Key: cancer development and growth. In this study, we acquired images from normal, Value:
Key: regions containing normal cells and collagen fibers and from tumor regions, Value:
Key: containing cancerous squamous cells and collagen fibers on HNSCC pathologic, Value:
Key: slides. The preliminary results demonstrated that our customized polarized, Value:
Key: hyperspectral microscope is able to improve the visualization of collagen on, Value:
Key: HNSCC pathologic slides under different situations, including thick fibers of, Value:
Key: normal stroma, thin fibers of normal stroma, fibers of normal muscle cells,, Value:
Key: fibers accumulated in tumors, fibers accumulated around tumors. Our preliminary, Value:
Key: results also demonstrated that the customized polarized hyperspectral microscope, Value:
Key: is capable of extracting the spectral signatures of collagen based on Stokes, Value:
Key: vector parameters and can have various applications in pathology and oncology., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhou, Ximing, Value:
Key: AU - Zhou X, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, The University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Mubarak, Hasan K, Value:
Key: AU - Mubarak HK, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, The University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Ling, Value:
Key: AU - Ma L, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, The University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Palsgrove, Doreen, Value:
Key: AU - Palsgrove D, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Pathology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Sumer, Baran D, Value:
Key: AU - Sumer BD, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, The University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230315, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10932728, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1973070, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Hyperspectral imaging, Value:
Key: OT - Stokes vector, Value:
Key: OT - collagen, Value:
Key: OT - head and neck cancer, Value:
Key: OT - polarized hyperspectral imaging, Value:
Key: OT - polarized light imaging, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/01/01 00:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/01/01 00:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2024/03/13, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2024/03/14 04:03, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/01/01 00:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/01/01 00:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/14 04:03 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/13 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 1238204 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2655831 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2023 Jan-Feb;12382:1238204. doi: 10.1117/12.2655831., Value:
Key: Epub 2023 Mar 15., Value:
Key: PMID- 38476292, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20240315, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12391, Value:
Key: DP - 2023 Jan-Feb, Value:
Key: TI - Automated Polarized Hyperspectral Imaging (PHSI) for ex-vivo and in-vivo Tissue, Value:
Key: Assessment., Value:
Key: LID - 123910F [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2651011 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Polarized light interactions with biological tissues can reveal information, Value:
Key: regarding tissue structure, while spectral characteristics are closely related to, Value:
Key: tissue composition. An integration of both modalities in a compact system could, Value:
Key: better assist tissue assessment. This study aims to develop a polarized, Value:
Key: hyperspectral imaging (PHSI) system that fulfills both linearly and circularly, Value:
Key: polarized hyperspectral imaging for in vivo and ex vivo applications. The system, Value:
Key: is comprised of a white LED, two linear polarizers, two liquid crystal variable, Value:
Key: retarders (LCVRs), and a hyperspectral snapshot camera. The system was calibrated, Value:
Key: to compute the full Stokes polarimetry. For tissue differentiation, fresh ex vivo, Value:
Key: mouse tissue specimens from kidney, liver, spleen, muscle, lung, and salivary, Value:
Key: gland of mice were imaged. The spectra of three features, named degree of, Value:
Key: polarization (DOP), degree of linear polarization (DOLP), and degree of circular, Value:
Key: polarization (DOCP), were generated. A k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) classifier was, Value:
Key: trained with multi-class spectra and 5-fold cross validation. It was found that, Value:
Key: DOP better differentiates tissue with an average accuracy of 0.87. Additionally,, Value:
Key: support vector machine (SVM) classifiers were trained to differentiate between, Value:
Key: each two of the organs, and it was determined that DOLP better identified kidney,, Value:
Key: liver, and spleen, whereas DOCP better identified muscle and lung tissues. Then,, Value:
Key: the setup was employed to image in vivo human fingers with and without a blood, Value:
Key: occlusion to qualitatively estimate oxygen saturation. Preliminary results, Value:
Key: demonstrate that both DOLP and DOCP reveal a distinction of oxygen saturation, Value:
Key: states. These results demonstrate the feasibility of the PHSI system for, Value:
Key: distinguishing between optical properties of tissues, which has the potential to, Value:
Key: reveal disease-related information for diverse medical applications., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Ling, Value:
Key: AU - Ma L, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Srinivas, Akhila, Value:
Key: AU - Srinivas A, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Krishnamurthy, Abirami, Value:
Key: AU - Krishnamurthy A, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhou, Ximing, Value:
Key: AU - Zhou X, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Shah, Nimit Subhashbhai, Value:
Key: AU - Shah NS, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Obaid, Girgis, Value:
Key: AU - Obaid G, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation, University of Texas at Dallas,, Value:
Key: Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20230316, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10932616, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1973065, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Polarized hyperspectral imaging, Value:
Key: OT - classification, Value:
Key: OT - ex vivo, Value:
Key: OT - in vivo, Value:
Key: OT - oxygen saturation, Value:
Key: OT - tissue assessment, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2023/01/01 00:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2023/01/01 00:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2024/03/12, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2024/03/13 03:49, Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/01/01 00:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/01/01 00:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/13 03:49 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2024/03/12 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 123910F [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2651011 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2023 Jan-Feb;12391:123910F. doi: 10.1117/12.2651011., Value:
Key: Epub 2023 Mar 16., Value:
Key: PMID- 36490381, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20221222, Value:
Key: LR - 20221222, Value:
Key: IS - 1944-8252 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1944-8244 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 14, Value:
Key: IP - 50, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Dec 21, Value:
Key: TI - Fabrication of Highly Efficient Flame-Retardant and Fluorine-Free, Value:
Key: Superhydrophobic Cotton Fabric by Constructing Multielement-Containing, Value:
Key: POSS@ZIF-67@PDMS Micro-Nano Hierarchical Coatings., Value:
Key: PG - 56027-56045, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1021/acsami.2c14709 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - The facile construction of a cotton fabric with excellent flame-retardant and, Value:
Key: water-proof abilities is of great interest for multitask requirements. Herein, a, Value:
Key: nonfluorine, highly efficient, and cost-effective multifunctional cotton fabric, Value:
Key: was fabricated via sequentially depositing a novel multielement-containing, Value:
Key: flame-retardant phosphorylated octa-aminopropyl POSS (PPA-POSS) and a, Value:
Key: fluorine-free superhydrophobic coating of zeolitic imidazolate, Value:
Key: framework-67@poly(dimethylsiloxane) (ZIF-67@PDMS). Influences of the PPA-POSS, Value:
Key: concentration and ZIF-67@PDMS formula on the fire retardancy and water repellency, Value:
Key: of treated cotton were systematically investigated. The optimized flame-retardant, Value:
Key: sample CTF3 with 6.2 wt % PPA-POSS exhibited a high limiting oxygen index (LOI), Value:
Key: of 34% and self-extinguishing ability. CTF3 was further modified with a properly, Value:
Key: formulated superhydrophobic ZIF-67@PDMS coating. CTF3-PHB2 displayed enhanced, Value:
Key: thermal stability, flame retardancy, and outstanding superhydrophobicity., Value:
Key: Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) results demonstrated that CTF3-PHB2 presented a, Value:
Key: high char residue of 35.9%, which was 220.5% higher than that of the control, Value:
Key: cotton (11.2%). More importantly, the heat release rate (HRR), total heat release, Value:
Key: (THR), and average effective heat of combustion (av-EHC) values of CTF3-PHB2 were, Value:
Key: significantly reduced by 51.4, 56.2, and 68.4%, respectively, compared with those, Value:
Key: of a pure cotton fabric. Moreover, CTF3-PHB2 showed superhydrophobicity (WCA >, Value:
Key: 159.3°) and good mechanical abrasion resistance. In addition, CTF3-PHB2 also, Value:
Key: showed protective abilities such as antifouling, self-cleaning, and water/oil, Value:
Key: separation performances even for strong acid/alkali mixtures. Thereby, it is, Value:
Key: believed that the PPA-POSS@ZIF-67@PDMS coating is promising for application in, Value:
Key: multifunctional textile materials., Value:
Key: FAU - Liang, Fuwei, Value:
Key: AU - Liang F, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Eco-Textiles, Ministry of Education, College of Textile Science, Value:
Key: and Engineering, Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Avenue, Wuxi, Jiangsu214122,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Xu, Yang, Value:
Key: AU - Xu Y, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Eco-Textiles, Ministry of Education, College of Textile Science, Value:
Key: and Engineering, Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Avenue, Wuxi, Jiangsu214122,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Shun, Value:
Key: AU - Chen S, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Eco-Textiles, Ministry of Education, College of Textile Science, Value:
Key: and Engineering, Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Avenue, Wuxi, Jiangsu214122,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhu, Yalin, Value:
Key: AU - Zhu Y, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Eco-Textiles, Ministry of Education, College of Textile Science, Value:
Key: and Engineering, Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Avenue, Wuxi, Jiangsu214122,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Yaxun, Value:
Key: AU - Huang Y, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Eco-Textiles, Ministry of Education, College of Textile Science, Value:
Key: and Engineering, Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Avenue, Wuxi, Jiangsu214122,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bin, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-4274-1873, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung, Value:
Key: Hom, Hong Kong999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Guo, Wenwen, Value:
Key: AU - Guo W, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-2192-7350, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Eco-Textiles, Ministry of Education, College of Textile Science, Value:
Key: and Engineering, Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Avenue, Wuxi, Jiangsu214122,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung, Value:
Key: Hom, Hong Kong999077, China., Value:
Key: AD - State Key Laboratory of Fire Science, University of Science and Technology of, Value:
Key: China, 96 Jinzhai Road, Hefei, Anhui230026, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20221209, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, Value:
Key: JT - ACS applied materials & interfaces, Value:
Key: JID - 101504991, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - ZIF-67@PDMS, Value:
Key: OT - cotton fabric, Value:
Key: OT - high-efficiency flame retardancy, Value:
Key: OT - nonfluorinated coating, Value:
Key: OT - superhydrophobicity, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/12/10 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/12/10 06:01, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/12/09 15:22, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/12/10 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/12/10 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/12/09 15:22 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1021/acsami.2c14709 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2022 Dec 21;14(50):56027-56045. doi:, Value:
Key: 10.1021/acsami.2c14709. Epub 2022 Dec 9., Value:
Key: PMID- 36376892, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20221120, Value:
Key: LR - 20221221, Value:
Key: IS - 1476-4598 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1476-4598 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 21, Value:
Key: IP - 1, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Nov 14, Value:
Key: TI - Long noncoding RNA DLGAP1-AS2 promotes tumorigenesis and metastasis by regulating, Value:
Key: the Trim21/ELOA/LHPP axis in colorectal cancer., Value:
Key: PG - 210, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1186/s12943-022-01675-w [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 210, Value:
Key: AB - BACKGROUND: Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) have driven research focused on their, Value:
Key: effects as oncogenes or tumor suppressors involved in carcinogenesis. However,, Value:
Key: the functions and mechanisms of most lncRNAs in colorectal cancer (CRC) remain, Value:
Key: unclear. METHODS: The expression of DLGAP1-AS2 was assessed by quantitative, Value:
Key: RT-PCR in multiple CRC cohorts. The impacts of DLGAP1-AS2 on CRC growth and, Value:
Key: metastasis were evaluated by a series of in vitro and in vivo assays., Value:
Key: Furthermore, the underlying mechanism of DLGAP1-AS2 in CRC was revealed by RNA, Value:
Key: pull down, RNA immunoprecipitation, RNA sequencing, luciferase assays, chromatin, Value:
Key: immunoprecipitation, and rescue experiments. RESULTS: We discovered that, Value:
Key: DLGAP1-AS2 promoted CRC tumorigenesis and metastasis by physically interacting, Value:
Key: with Elongin A (ELOA) and inhibiting its protein stability by promoting, Value:
Key: tripartite motif containing 21 (Trim21)-mediated ubiquitination modification and, Value:
Key: degradation of ELOA. In particular, we revealed that DLGAP1-AS2 decreases, Value:
Key: phospholysine phosphohistidine inorganic pyrophosphate phosphatase (LHPP), Value:
Key: expression by inhibiting ELOA-mediated transcriptional activating of LHPP and, Value:
Key: thus blocking LHPP-dependent suppression of the AKT signaling pathway. In, Value:
Key: addition, we also demonstrated that DLGAP1-AS2 was bound and stabilized by, Value:
Key: cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor (CPSF2) and cleavage stimulation, Value:
Key: factor (CSTF3). CONCLUSIONS: The discovery of DLGAP1-AS2, a promising prognostic, Value:
Key: biomarker, reveals a new dimension into the molecular pathogenesis of CRC and, Value:
Key: provides a prospective treatment target for this disease., Value:
Key: CI - © 2022. The Author(s)., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Xue, Value:
Key: AU - Wang X, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Hui He, Value:
Key: Road, Jiangsu, 214062, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: 214122, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cheng, Han, Value:
Key: AU - Cheng H, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Hui He, Value:
Key: Road, Jiangsu, 214062, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: 214122, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhao, Jing, Value:
Key: AU - Zhao J, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Hui He, Value:
Key: Road, Jiangsu, 214062, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: 214122, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Jiuming, Value:
Key: AU - Li J, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Hui He, Value:
Key: Road, Jiangsu, 214062, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: 214122, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Ying, Value:
Key: AU - Chen Y, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Hui He, Value:
Key: Road, Jiangsu, 214062, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: 214122, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cui, Kaisa, Value:
Key: AU - Cui K, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Hui He, Value:
Key: Road, Jiangsu, 214062, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Tian, Lu, Value:
Key: AU - Tian L, Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: 214122, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Jia, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang J, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Hui He, Value:
Key: Road, Jiangsu, 214062, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: 214122, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Chaoqun, Value:
Key: AU - Li C, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Hui He, Value:
Key: Road, Jiangsu, 214062, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: 214122, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Sun, Shengbai, Value:
Key: AU - Sun S, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Hui He, Value:
Key: Road, Jiangsu, 214062, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: 214122, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Feng, Yuyang, Value:
Key: AU - Feng Y, Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: 214122, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yao, Surui, Value:
Key: AU - Yao S, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Hui He, Value:
Key: Road, Jiangsu, 214062, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: 214122, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Bian, Zehua, Value:
Key: AU - Bian Z, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Hui He, Value:
Key: Road, Jiangsu, 214062, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: 214122, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Shenglin, Value:
Key: AU - Huang S, Value:
Key: AD - Institutes of Biomedical Sciences, Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Fudan, Value:
Key: University, 200032, Shanghai, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bojian, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, 214122, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Zhaohui, Value:
Key: AU - Huang Z, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Hui He, Value:
Key: Road, Jiangsu, 214062, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: 214122, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, Value:
Key: DEP - 20221114, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - Mol Cancer, Value:
Key: JT - Molecular cancer, Value:
Key: JID - 101147698, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Cleavage And Polyadenylation Specificity Factor), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (CPSF2 protein, human), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Elongin), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (MicroRNAs), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (RNA, Long Noncoding), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (DLGAP1 protein, human), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - Carcinogenesis/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Line, Tumor, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Movement/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Proliferation, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Transformation, Neoplastic/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - Cleavage And Polyadenylation Specificity Factor/genetics/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - *Colorectal Neoplasms/pathology, Value:
Key: MH - Elongin/genetics/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic, Value:
Key: MH - *MicroRNAs/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - *RNA, Long Noncoding/genetics/metabolism, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9664729, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Colorectal cancer, Value:
Key: OT - DLGAP1-AS2, Value:
Key: OT - ELOA, Value:
Key: OT - LHPP, Value:
Key: OT - Long noncoding RNAs, Value:
Key: OT - Trim21, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/11/16 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/11/18 06:00, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/11/14, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/11/15 00:13, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/01/25 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/10/21 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/11/15 00:13 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/11/16 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/11/18 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/11/14 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1186/s12943-022-01675-w [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 1675 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1186/s12943-022-01675-w [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Mol Cancer. 2022 Nov 14;21(1):210. doi: 10.1186/s12943-022-01675-w., Value:
Key: PMID- 36353673, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20221111, Value:
Key: IS - 2666-6758 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2666-6758 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 3, Value:
Key: IP - 6, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Nov 8, Value:
Key: TI - Bamboo and rattan: Nature-based solutions for sustainable development., Value:
Key: PG - 100337, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1016/j.xinn.2022.100337 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 100337, Value:
Key: FAU - Zhao, Hansheng, Value:
Key: AU - Zhao H, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, International Centre for Bamboo and, Value:
Key: Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Jian, Value:
Key: AU - Wang J, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, International Centre for Bamboo and, Value:
Key: Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Meng, Yufei, Value:
Key: AU - Meng Y, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, International Centre for Bamboo and, Value:
Key: Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Zhiqiang, Value:
Key: AU - Li Z, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, International Centre for Bamboo and, Value:
Key: Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Benhua, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, International Centre for Bamboo and, Value:
Key: Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Das, Malay, Value:
Key: AU - Das M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata 700073, India., Value:
Key: FAU - Jiang, Zehui, Value:
Key: AU - Jiang Z, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, International Centre for Bamboo and, Value:
Key: Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: AD - International Bamboo and Rattan Organization, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - News, Value:
Key: DEP - 20221014, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Innovation (Camb), Value:
Key: JT - Innovation (Cambridge (Mass.)), Value:
Key: JID - 101771342, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9637970, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare no competing interests., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/11/11 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/11/11 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/10/14, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/11/10 02:25, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/10/03 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/10/12 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/11/10 02:25 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/11/11 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/11/11 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/10/14 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - S2666-6758(22)00133-3 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 100337 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1016/j.xinn.2022.100337 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Innovation (Camb). 2022 Oct 14;3(6):100337. doi: 10.1016/j.xinn.2022.100337., Value:
Key: eCollection 2022 Nov 8., Value:
Key: PMID- 36348012, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20221216, Value:
Key: LR - 20221221, Value:
Key: IS - 1476-5594 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0950-9232 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 41, Value:
Key: IP - 50, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Dec, Value:
Key: TI - EXOSC8 promotes colorectal cancer tumorigenesis via regulating ribosome, Value:
Key: biogenesis-related processes., Value:
Key: PG - 5397-5410, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1038/s41388-022-02530-4 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Extensive protein synthesis is necessary for uncontrolled cancer cell, Value:
Key: proliferation, requiring hyperactive ribosome biogenesis. Our previous Pan-cancer, Value:
Key: study has identified EXOSC8 as a potential copy number variation (CNV)-driven, Value:
Key: rRNA metabolism-related oncogene in colorectal cancer (CRC). Herein, we further, Value:
Key: investigated proliferation-prompting functions and mechanisms of EXOSC8 in CRC by, Value:
Key: performing in silico analyses and wet-lab experiments. We uncovered that, Value:
Key: increased EXOSC8 expression and CNV levels are strongly associated with ribosome, Value:
Key: biogenesis-related factor levels in CRC, including ribosome proteins (RPs),, Value:
Key: eukaryotic translation initiation factors and RNA polymerase I/III. EXOSC8, Value:
Key: silence decreases nucleolar protein and proliferation marker levels, as well as, Value:
Key: rRNA/DNA and global protein syntheses. Clinically, EXOSC8 is upregulated across, Value:
Key: human cancers, particularly CNV-driven upregulation in CRC was markedly, Value:
Key: associated with poor clinical outcomes. Mechanistically, EXOSC8 knockdown, Value:
Key: increased p53 levels in CRC, and the oncogenic proliferation phenotypes of EXOSC8, Value:
Key: depended on p53 in vitro and in vivo. We discovered that EXOSC8 knockdown in CRC, Value:
Key: cells triggers ribosomal stress, nucleolar RPL5/11 being released into the, Value:
Key: nucleoplasm and "hijacking" Mdm2 to block its E3 ubiquitin ligase function, thus, Value:
Key: releasing and activating p53. Furthermore, our therapeutic experiments provided, Value:
Key: initial evidence that EXOSC8 might serve as a potential therapeutic target in, Value:
Key: CRC. Our findings revealed, for the first time, that the RNA exosome gene, Value:
Key: (EXOSC8) promotes CRC tumorigenesis by regulating cancer-related ribosome, Value:
Key: biogenesis in CRC. This study further extends our previous Pan-cancer study of, Value:
Key: the rRNA metabolism-related genes. The inhibition of EXOSC8 is a novel, Value:
Key: therapeutic strategy for the RPs-Mdm2-p53 ribosome biogenesis surveillance, Value:
Key: pathway in CRC., Value:
Key: CI - © 2022. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited., Value:
Key: FAU - Cui, Kaisa, Value:
Key: AU - Cui K, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-7255-2689, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: 214062, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Gong, Liang, Value:
Key: AU - Gong L, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Carbohydrate Chemistry & Biotechnology, Ministry of Education,, Value:
Key: School of Biotechnology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214122, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Han, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang H, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: 214062, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Ying, Value:
Key: AU - Chen Y, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: 214062, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Bingxin, Value:
Key: AU - Liu B, Value:
Key: AD - The Key Laboratory of Modern Toxicology of Ministry of Education, Center for, Value:
Key: Global Health, School of Public Health, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, 211166, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Gong, Zhicheng, Value:
Key: AU - Gong Z, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: 214062, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Jiuming, Value:
Key: AU - Li J, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Environment Medicine and Engineering of Ministry of Education,, Value:
Key: Department of Epidemiology and Health Statistics, School of Public Health,, Value:
Key: Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210009, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Yuanben, Value:
Key: AU - Wang Y, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: 214062, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Sun, Shengbai, Value:
Key: AU - Sun S, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: 214062, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Yajun, Value:
Key: AU - Li Y, Value:
Key: AD - State Key Laboratory of Cell Differentiation and Regulation, Henan International, Value:
Key: Joint Laboratory of Pulmonary Fibrosis, Outstanding Overseas Scientists Center, Value:
Key: for Pulmonary Fibrosis of Henan Province, College of Life Science, Institute of, Value:
Key: Biomedical Science, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang, Henan, 453000, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Qiang, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang Q, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Cancer Research Center, School of Medicine,, Value:
Key: Shenzhen Campus of Sun Yat-sen University, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518107, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cao, Yulin, Value:
Key: AU - Cao Y, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: 214062, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Qilin, Value:
Key: AU - Li Q, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-7191-8965, Value:
Key: AD - Computer Vision Lab, Department of Electrical Engineering, California Institute, Value:
Key: of Technology, Pasadena, CA, 91125, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bojian, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Surgical Oncology, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214122, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Zhaohui, Value:
Key: AU - Huang Z, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-0117-9976, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: 214062, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - 82173063/National Natural Science Foundation of China (National Science, Value:
Key: Foundation of China)/, Value:
Key: GR - 82002550/National Natural Science Foundation of China (National Science, Value:
Key: Foundation of China)/, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20221108, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - Oncogene, Value:
Key: JT - Oncogene, Value:
Key: JID - 8711562, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Tumor Suppressor Protein p53), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Ribosomal Proteins), Value:
Key: RN - EC 3.1.- (EXOSC8 protein, human), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (RNA-Binding Proteins), Value:
Key: RN - EC 3.1.- (Exosome Multienzyme Ribonuclease Complex), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - *Tumor Suppressor Protein p53/genetics/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - DNA Copy Number Variations, Value:
Key: MH - Ribosomal Proteins/genetics/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Ribosomes/genetics/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Carcinogenesis/genetics/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Transformation, Neoplastic/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - *Colorectal Neoplasms/genetics/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - RNA-Binding Proteins/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - Exosome Multienzyme Ribonuclease Complex/genetics, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/11/09 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/12/15 06:00, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/11/08 23:31, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/05/24 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/10/26 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/10/23 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/11/09 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/12/15 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/11/08 23:31 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1038/s41388-022-02530-4 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1038/s41388-022-02530-4 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Oncogene. 2022 Dec;41(50):5397-5410. doi: 10.1038/s41388-022-02530-4. Epub 2022, Value:
Key: Nov 8., Value:
Key: PMID- 36310246, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20221101, Value:
Key: LR - 20221205, Value:
Key: IS - 2047-217X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2047-217X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 11, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Oct 30, Value:
Key: TI - The Global Atlas of Bamboo and Rattan (GABR) Phase II: new resources for, Value:
Key: sustainable development., Value:
Key: LID - 10.1093/gigascience/giac113 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - giac113, Value:
Key: AB - Bamboo, the fast-growing grass plant, and rattan, the spiky climbing palm, are, Value:
Key: both essential forest resources that have been closely linked with human lives,, Value:
Key: livelihoods and material culture since ancient times. To promote genetic and, Value:
Key: genomic research in bamboo and rattan, a comprehensive and coordinated, Value:
Key: international project, the Genome Atlas of Bamboo and Rattan (GABR), was launched, Value:
Key: in 2017. GABR achieved great success during Phase I (2017-2022). We will focus on, Value:
Key: investigating and protecting bamboo and rattan germplasm resources in Phase II (, Value:
Key: 2022-2027). Here, we briefly review the achievements of Phase I and introduce the, Value:
Key: goals of Phase II., Value:
Key: CI - © The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press GigaScience., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhao, Hansheng, Value:
Key: AU - Zhao H, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-5405-0375, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, International Centre for Bamboo and, Value:
Key: Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Hou, Yinguang, Value:
Key: AU - Hou Y, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-1412-0703, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, International Centre for Bamboo and, Value:
Key: Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Jian, Value:
Key: AU - Wang J, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, International Centre for Bamboo and, Value:
Key: Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Sun, Lei, Value:
Key: AU - Sun L, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-3365-5268, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, International Centre for Bamboo and, Value:
Key: Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Gan, Junwei, Value:
Key: AU - Gan J, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-6845-8403, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, International Centre for Bamboo and, Value:
Key: Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Meng, Yufei, Value:
Key: AU - Meng Y, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-8016-3365, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, International Centre for Bamboo and, Value:
Key: Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Zhiqiang, Value:
Key: AU - Li Z, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-5586-3530, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, International Centre for Bamboo and, Value:
Key: Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Shanying, Value:
Key: AU - Li S, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-6479-014X, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, International Centre for Bamboo and, Value:
Key: Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fan, Zeyu, Value:
Key: AU - Fan Z, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-2792-0902, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, International Centre for Bamboo and, Value:
Key: Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Yu, Value:
Key: AU - Wang Y, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-5882-6284, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, International Centre for Bamboo and, Value:
Key: Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Benhua, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, International Centre for Bamboo and, Value:
Key: Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Clinical Trial, Phase II, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Gigascience, Value:
Key: JT - GigaScience, Value:
Key: JID - 101596872, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - *Sustainable Development, Value:
Key: MH - *Forests, Value:
Key: MH - Poaceae/genetics, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9618405, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Bamboo, Value:
Key: OT - GABR, Value:
Key: OT - Phase I, Value:
Key: OT - Phase II, Value:
Key: OT - Rattan, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/11/01 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/11/02 06:00, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/10/30, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/10/31 00:29, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/09/22 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/10/16 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/10/24 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/10/31 00:29 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/11/01 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/11/02 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/10/30 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 6780306 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - giac113 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1093/gigascience/giac113 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Gigascience. 2022 Oct 30;11:giac113. doi: 10.1093/gigascience/giac113., Value:
Key: PMID- 36297908, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20221030, Value:
Key: IS - 2073-4360 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2073-4360 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 14, Value:
Key: IP - 20, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Oct 14, Value:
Key: TI - Using Statistical Methods to Comparatively Analyze the Visual Characteristics of, Value:
Key: Flattened Bamboo Boards in Different Bamboo Culms., Value:
Key: LID - 10.3390/polym14204327 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 4327, Value:
Key: AB - Different flattened bamboo boards will produce different visual effects, which, Value:
Key: directly determine consumers' preferences. However, their visual characteristics, Value:
Key: were unknown. To clarify the visual effects of flattened bamboo boards in, Value:
Key: different bamboo culms, the visual, physical, and psychological quantities were, Value:
Key: firstly studied using their quantitative color and glossiness measurements,, Value:
Key: combined with quantitative semantic differential and statistical methods. Key, Value:
Key: results revealed that the values of lightness L* and blue-yellow index b* from, Value:
Key: the base to the top of the bamboo culms tended to decrease gradually, while, Value:
Key: green-red index a* values exhibited an increasing trend, and glossiness G(ZL), Value:
Key: (G(ZT)) showed no significant difference. The L* value of bamboo outer layer, Value:
Key: (30.18) was smaller than that of the outer (61.90) and the inner (68.68), which, Value:
Key: had an increasing trend from the outside to the inside of the bamboo culm, while, Value:
Key: the G(ZL) (G(ZT)) values corresponded to 6.07 (4.66), 4.51 (3.12), and 2.77, Value:
Key: (2.55), showing an opposite trend. The a* and b* values present a rise-fall, Value:
Key: tendency. According to visual psychological assessment, the outer was reflected, Value:
Key: as an "artificial-decorative", "smooth-warm", and "comfort-sophisticated", Value:
Key: feeling; the inner had an "artificial-practical", "smooth-warm", and, Value:
Key: "comfort-sophisticated" sense; the bamboo outer layer had an "nature-practical",, Value:
Key: "rough-cold", and "sick-primitive" sense. Furthermore, predictive models for, Value:
Key: visual psychological quantities were constructed. This work provides a, Value:
Key: theoretical data basis for furniture design and standard materials application of, Value:
Key: flattened bamboo boards., Value:
Key: FAU - Lian, Caiping, Value:
Key: AU - Lian C, Value:
Key: AD - College of Furnishings and Industrial Design, Nanjing Forestry University,, Value:
Key: Nanjing 210037, China., Value:
Key: AD - Jiangsu Co-Innovation Center of Efficient Processing and Utilization of Forest, Value:
Key: Resources, Nanjing 210037, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Xuehua, Value:
Key: AU - Wang X, Value:
Key: AD - College of Furnishings and Industrial Design, Nanjing Forestry University,, Value:
Key: Nanjing 210037, China., Value:
Key: AD - Jiangsu Co-Innovation Center of Efficient Processing and Utilization of Forest, Value:
Key: Resources, Nanjing 210037, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Hong, Value:
Key: AU - Chen H, Value:
Key: AD - College of Furnishings and Industrial Design, Nanjing Forestry University,, Value:
Key: Nanjing 210037, China., Value:
Key: AD - Jiangsu Co-Innovation Center of Efficient Processing and Utilization of Forest, Value:
Key: Resources, Nanjing 210037, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Benhua, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Pang, Xiaoren, Value:
Key: AU - Pang X, Value:
Key: AD - Zhejiang Shenghua Yunfeng Greeneo Co., Ltd., Deqing 313220, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Lian, Jianchang, Value:
Key: AU - Lian J, Value:
Key: AD - Long Bamboo Technology Group Co., Ltd., Nanping 353000, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wu, Zhihui, Value:
Key: AU - Wu Z, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-8207-792X, Value:
Key: AD - College of Furnishings and Industrial Design, Nanjing Forestry University,, Value:
Key: Nanjing 210037, China., Value:
Key: AD - Jiangsu Co-Innovation Center of Efficient Processing and Utilization of Forest, Value:
Key: Resources, Nanjing 210037, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - 2018YFD0600304/13th Five-Year the National key Research and Development Project/, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20221014, Value:
Key: PL - Switzerland, Value:
Key: TA - Polymers (Basel), Value:
Key: JT - Polymers, Value:
Key: JID - 101545357, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9610173, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - comparison analysis, Value:
Key: OT - correlation analysis, Value:
Key: OT - flattened bamboo boards, Value:
Key: OT - multiple linear regression analysis, Value:
Key: OT - visual physical properties, Value:
Key: OT - visual psychological quantities, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare no conflict of interest., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/10/28 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/10/28 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/10/14, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/10/27 01:53, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/08/29 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/10/10 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/10/11 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/10/27 01:53 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/10/28 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/10/28 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/10/14 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - polym14204327 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - polymers-14-04327 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.3390/polym14204327 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Polymers (Basel). 2022 Oct 14;14(20):4327. doi: 10.3390/polym14204327., Value:
Key: PMID- 36235998, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20221019, Value:
Key: IS - 2073-4360 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2073-4360 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 14, Value:
Key: IP - 19, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Sep 27, Value:
Key: TI - Effects of Accelerated Ageing by Humidity and Heat Cycles on the Quality of, Value:
Key: Bamboo., Value:
Key: LID - 10.3390/polym14194052 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 4052, Value:
Key: AB - The effect of humidity and heat environmental conditions on the durability of, Value:
Key: conventional bamboo materials is a pressing issue in the reserving phase of, Value:
Key: biomass materials. In this study, the relationship between the main, Value:
Key: physicochemical, pyrolytic, and mechanical properties of bamboo before and after, Value:
Key: ageing has been investigated. Exposure of engineered bamboo raw materials with, Value:
Key: moisture content up to 10% to alternating humidity and heat cycles (20 °C 98%, Value:
Key: RH-30 °C 64% RH-40 °C 30% RH) of ageing (HHT) causes degradation of the chemical, Value:
Key: polymer matrix. Byk Gardner 6840 color difference meter, X-ray diffraction,, Value:
Key: Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), compression intensity,, Value:
Key: thermogravimetric-infrared spectroscopy (TG-IR), and density changes are used to, Value:
Key: assess the quality of the material before and after ageing. No significant, Value:
Key: changes in the moisture content within the range of 6.12 ± 0.327 after two weeks, Value:
Key: of the engineered bamboo during wet thermal cyclic ageing were determined., Value:
Key: However, there were significant differences in mass loss (7.75-9.93 g), cellulose, Value:
Key: crystallinity, chemical changes, compression strength, and pyrolytic properties., Value:
Key: Differences in specimen colors were observed during 10 weeks of the accelerated, Value:
Key: humidity heat cycling ageing, and TCD variations ranged from 3.75 to 20.08 and, Value:
Key: from 0.25 and 3.24, respectively. Reduced cellulose crystallinity, Value:
Key: (36.459-22.638%), axial compressive strength (63.07-88.09 MPa), and modulus of, Value:
Key: rupture (2409-4286 MPa) were found during aging, whereas deformation and, Value:
Key: ductility properties were improved. Both natural and humidity heat ageing improve, Value:
Key: thermal stability and peak pyrolysis rates (0.739-0.931; 0.731-0.797). Humidity, Value:
Key: heat cyclic ageing will assist in the design and risk assessment of warehousing, Value:
Key: environments for industrial applications., Value:
Key: FAU - Jia, Hao, Value:
Key: AU - Jia H, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-4492-7177, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomaterials, International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing, Value:
Key: 100102, China., Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of NFGA/Beijing for Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology,, Value:
Key: Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Lei, Value:
Key: AU - Chen L, Value:
Key: AD - Hangzhou Xinzhu Cultural & Creativity Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 310018, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Benhua, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomaterials, International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing, Value:
Key: 100102, China., Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of NFGA/Beijing for Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology,, Value:
Key: Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Sun, Fengbo, Value:
Key: AU - Sun F, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-6998-7518, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomaterials, International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing, Value:
Key: 100102, China., Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of NFGA/Beijing for Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology,, Value:
Key: Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fang, Changhua, Value:
Key: AU - Fang C, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-5047-0439, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomaterials, International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing, Value:
Key: 100102, China., Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of NFGA/Beijing for Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology,, Value:
Key: Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - 1632021007/Fundamental Research Funds of International Center for Bamboo and, Value:
Key: Rattan/, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220927, Value:
Key: PL - Switzerland, Value:
Key: TA - Polymers (Basel), Value:
Key: JT - Polymers, Value:
Key: JID - 101545357, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9571358, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - chemical properties, Value:
Key: OT - crystallinity, Value:
Key: OT - extension properties, Value:
Key: OT - heat cycle ageing, Value:
Key: OT - humidity, Value:
Key: OT - natural ageing, Value:
Key: OT - thermal stability, Value:
Key: COIS- There are no conflict of interest to declare., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/10/15 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/10/15 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/09/27, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/10/14 02:33, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/08/27 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/09/20 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/09/21 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/10/14 02:33 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/10/15 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/10/15 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/09/27 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - polym14194052 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - polymers-14-04052 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.3390/polym14194052 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Polymers (Basel). 2022 Sep 27;14(19):4052. doi: 10.3390/polym14194052., Value:
Key: PMID- 36174859, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20221109, Value:
Key: LR - 20240406, Value:
Key: IS - 1879-0003 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0141-8130 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 222, Value:
Key: IP - Pt A, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Dec 1, Value:
Key: TI - In-situ visualizing selective lignin dissolution of tracheids wall in reaction, Value:
Key: wood., Value:
Key: PG - 691-700, Value:
Key: LID - S0141-8130(22)02145-6 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2022.09.206 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - As a renewable biological macromolecule with aromatic structure, lignin can serve, Value:
Key: as matrix substance to maintain cell wall integrity and is regarded as the, Value:
Key: natural biomass recalcitrance. Substantial differences in the cell wall lignin, Value:
Key: topochemistry between opposite (Ow) and compression wood (Cw) trachieds in Pinus, Value:
Key: bungeana Zucc. were visualized during [Emim][OAc] pretreatment at room, Value:
Key: temperature. The ionic liqiuds treatment induced a more obvious wall swelling for, Value:
Key: highly lignified Cw tracheids than that of Ow, while dynamic Raman spectra, Value:
Key: analysis indicated the higher lignin and carbohydrates removal for Ow tracheids., Value:
Key: Raman imaging further revealed that both lignin and carbohydrates were dissolved, Value:
Key: simultaneously within the middle lamella and secondary wall of Ow and, Value:
Key: pretreatment has little effects on Cw tracheids wall. Moreover, it was, Value:
Key: demonstrated that lignin composition was the key factor to affect the composition, Value:
Key: dissolution. In particular, lignin G-units were selectively removed from cell, Value:
Key: corner middle lamella (52.3 %) and secondary wall (62.0 %) of Ow tracheids. When, Value:
Key: cotton fiber, as a reference was treated under the same conditions, lattice, Value:
Key: conversion moving from cellulose I to II occurred. The findings confirmed the, Value:
Key: important role of lignin compostion in the dissolution behavior of carbohydrate, Value:
Key: dominant tracheids wall., Value:
Key: CI - Copyright © 2022. Published by Elsevier B.V., Value:
Key: FAU - Dai, Linxin, Value:
Key: AU - Dai L, Value:
Key: AD - Key Lab of Bamboo and Rattan Science & Technology, International Center for, Value:
Key: Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Jiajun, Value:
Key: AU - Wang J, Value:
Key: AD - Key Lab of Bamboo and Rattan Science & Technology, International Center for, Value:
Key: Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Xing-E, Value:
Key: AU - Liu XE, Value:
Key: AD - Key Lab of Bamboo and Rattan Science & Technology, International Center for, Value:
Key: Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Qianli, Value:
Key: AU - Ma Q, Value:
Key: AD - Key Lab of Bamboo and Rattan Science & Technology, International Center for, Value:
Key: Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Benhua, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Key Lab of Bamboo and Rattan Science & Technology, International Center for, Value:
Key: Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Jianfeng, Value:
Key: AU - Ma J, Value:
Key: AD - Key Lab of Bamboo and Rattan Science & Technology, International Center for, Value:
Key: Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing 100102, China. Electronic address:, Value:
Key: FAU - Jin, Zhi, Value:
Key: AU - Jin Z, Value:
Key: AD - Research Institute of Wood Industry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091,, Value:
Key: China. Electronic address:, Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220926, Value:
Key: PL - Netherlands, Value:
Key: TA - Int J Biol Macromol, Value:
Key: JT - International journal of biological macromolecules, Value:
Key: JID - 7909578, Value:
Key: RN - 9005-53-2 (Lignin), Value:
Key: RN - 9004-34-6 (Cellulose), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: EIN - Int J Biol Macromol. 2024 Apr 5;266(Pt 2):131353. PMID: 38581979, Value:
Key: MH - *Wood/chemistry, Value:
Key: MH - Lignin/chemistry, Value:
Key: MH - Solubility, Value:
Key: MH - *Pinus/chemistry, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Wall/chemistry, Value:
Key: MH - Cellulose/chemistry, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Cell wall dissolution, Value:
Key: OT - Reaction wood, Value:
Key: OT - [Emim][OAc], Value:
Key: COIS- Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known, Value:
Key: competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared, Value:
Key: to influence the work reported in this paper., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/09/30 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/11/10 06:00, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/09/29 19:36, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/07/02 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/09/20 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/09/22 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/09/30 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/11/10 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/09/29 19:36 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - S0141-8130(22)02145-6 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2022.09.206 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Int J Biol Macromol. 2022 Dec 1;222(Pt A):691-700. doi:, Value:
Key: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2022.09.206. Epub 2022 Sep 26., Value:
Key: PMID- 35980757, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20220907, Value:
Key: IS - 1944-8252 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1944-8244 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 14, Value:
Key: IP - 34, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Aug 31, Value:
Key: TI - Lotus Leaf-Inspired Breathable Membrane with Structured Microbeads and, Value:
Key: Nanofibers., Value:
Key: PG - 39610-39621, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1021/acsami.2c11251 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Electrospinning is a feasible technology to fabricate nanomaterials. However, the, Value:
Key: preparation of nanomaterials with controllable structures of microbeads and fine, Value:
Key: nanofibers is still a challenge, which hinders widespread applications of, Value:
Key: electrospun products. Herein, inspired by the micro/nanostructures of lotus, Value:
Key: leaves, we constructed a structured electrospun membrane with excellent, Value:
Key: comprehensive properties. First, micro/nanostructures of membranes with, Value:
Key: adjustable microbeads and nanofibers were fabricated on a large scale and, Value:
Key: quantitatively analyzed based on the controlling preparation, and their, Value:
Key: performances were systematically evaluated. The deformation of diverse polymeric, Value:
Key: solution droplets in the electrospinning process under varying electric fields, Value:
Key: was then simulated by molecular dynamic simulation. Finally, novel fibrous, Value:
Key: membranes with structured sublayers and controllable morphologies were designed,, Value:
Key: prepared, and compared. The achieved structured membranes demonstrate a high, Value:
Key: water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) > 17.5 kg/(m(2) day), a good air, Value:
Key: permeability (AP) > 5 mL/s, a high water contact angle (WCA) up to 151°, and a, Value:
Key: high hydrostatic pressure of 623 mbar. The disclosed science and technology in, Value:
Key: this article can provide a feasible method to not only adjust micro/nanostructure, Value:
Key: fibers but also to design secondary multilayer structures. This research is, Value:
Key: believed to assist in promoting the diversified development of advanced fibrous, Value:
Key: membranes and intelligent protection., Value:
Key: FAU - Shi, Shuo, Value:
Key: AU - Shi S, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Value:
Key: S.A.R 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhi, Chuanwei, Value:
Key: AU - Zhi C, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Value:
Key: S.A.R 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Shuai, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang S, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Value:
Key: S.A.R 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yang, Jieqiong, Value:
Key: AU - Yang J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Value:
Key: S.A.R 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Si, Yifan, Value:
Key: AU - Si Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Value:
Key: S.A.R 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Jiang, Yuanzhang, Value:
Key: AU - Jiang Y, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-2501-9712, Value:
Key: AD - College of Biomass Science and Engineering, Key Laboratory of Leather Chemistry, Value:
Key: and Engineering of Ministry of Education, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ming, Yang, Value:
Key: AU - Ming Y, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong S.A.R 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Lau, Kin-Tak, Value:
Key: AU - Lau KT, Value:
Key: AD - School of Engineering. Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Victoria, Value:
Key: 3122, Australia., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bin, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-4274-1873, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong S.A.R 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Hu, Jinlian, Value:
Key: AU - Hu J, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-8914-5473, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Value:
Key: S.A.R 999077, China., Value:
Key: AD - City University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Research Institute, Shenzhen 518057, P. R., Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220818, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, Value:
Key: JT - ACS applied materials & interfaces, Value:
Key: JID - 101504991, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - biomimetic, Value:
Key: OT - controllable electrospinning, Value:
Key: OT - fibrous membrane, Value:
Key: OT - lotus leaf, Value:
Key: OT - waterproof breathable, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/08/19 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/08/19 06:01, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/08/18 12:13, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/08/19 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/08/19 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/08/18 12:13 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1021/acsami.2c11251 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2022 Aug 31;14(34):39610-39621. doi:, Value:
Key: 10.1021/acsami.2c11251. Epub 2022 Aug 18., Value:
Key: PMID- 35967666, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20220816, Value:
Key: IS - 1664-1078 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1664-1078 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1664-1078 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 13, Value:
Key: DP - 2022, Value:
Key: TI - Status and strategies of college English teaching using adaptive deep learning, Value:
Key: from the perspective of multiculturalism., Value:
Key: PG - 910667, Value:
Key: LID - 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.910667 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 910667, Value:
Key: AB - The aim is to deeply understand the current situation of College English Teaching, Value:
Key: (CET). By consulting the theories of Deep Learning (DL) and Edge Computing (EC),, Value:
Key: this work designs a Questionnaire Survey (QS) to understand the current situation, Value:
Key: of college English learning and teaching. Then, Adaptive Deep Learning (ADL) and, Value:
Key: EC are introduced into CET. Finally, the corresponding conclusions and, Value:
Key: suggestions are drawn. Specifically, the purpose and time of college students', Value:
Key: vocabulary learning are investigated. The results suggest that students' English, Value:
Key: vocabulary learning is shallow. They have not really mastered the meaning and, Value:
Key: usage of vocabulary. Simultaneously, teachers' vocabulary teaching methods are, Value:
Key: analyzed from three aspects: root affixes, vocabulary collocation, or repeated, Value:
Key: reading and memory. The teaching method is excellent from the teacher's, Value:
Key: perspective but far from perfect from the students' perspective. Introducing ADL, Value:
Key: and EC into CET enhances students' class concentration time, homework submission, Value:
Key: efficiency, and academic performance. More than half of the students believe that, Value:
Key: the new teaching method introducing ADL and EC can make them more confident and, Value:
Key: motivated in English learning. Therefore, it has great reference significance for, Value:
Key: applying ADL and EC in CET., Value:
Key: CI - Copyright © 2022 Fei, Cai and Huang., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bi, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Education, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, China., Value:
Key: AD - College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Chengdu University of Technology,, Value:
Key: Chengdu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cai, Xia, Value:
Key: AU - Cai X, Value:
Key: AD - Sports Institute, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Guo, Value:
Key: AU - Huang G, Value:
Key: AD - Sichuan Province University Key Laboratory of Internet Natural Language, Value:
Key: Intelligent Processing, Leshan Normal University, Leshan, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220728, Value:
Key: PL - Switzerland, Value:
Key: TA - Front Psychol, Value:
Key: JT - Frontiers in psychology, Value:
Key: JID - 101550902, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9366170, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - English teaching, Value:
Key: OT - adaptive deep learning, Value:
Key: OT - college English, Value:
Key: OT - edge computing, Value:
Key: OT - strategy research, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any, Value:
Key: commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential, Value:
Key: conflict of interest., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/08/16 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/08/16 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/07/28, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/08/15 04:01, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/04/01 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/07/07 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/08/15 04:01 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/08/16 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/08/16 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/07/28 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.910667 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Front Psychol. 2022 Jul 28;13:910667. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.910667. eCollection, Value:
Key: 2022., Value:
Key: PMID- 35941174, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20221013, Value:
Key: LR - 20230809, Value:
Key: IS - 1532-1827 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0007-0920 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 0007-0920 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 127, Value:
Key: IP - 8, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Nov, Value:
Key: TI - A novel high-risk subpopulation identified by CTSL and ZBTB7B in gastric cancer., Value:
Key: PG - 1450-1460, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1038/s41416-022-01936-x [doi], Value:
Key: AB - BACKGROUND: Gastric cancer (GC) is characterised by a heterogeneous tumour, Value:
Key: microenvironment (TME) that is closely associated with the response to treatment,, Value:
Key: especially immunotherapies. However, most previous GC molecular subtyping systems, Value:
Key: need complex gene signatures and examination methods, restricting their clinical, Value:
Key: applications. Thus, we developed a new TME-based molecular subtype using only two, Value:
Key: genes. METHODS: Nine independent GC cohorts at the tissue- or single-cell level, Value:
Key: with more than 2000 patients were used in this study, including data we examined, Value:
Key: by single-cell sequencing, quantitative RT-PCR and, Value:
Key: immunochemistry/immunofluorescence staining. Nine different methods, five, Value:
Key: existing molecular subtypes and a series of signatures were used to evaluate the, Value:
Key: TME and molecular characteristics of GC. RESULTS: We established a CTSL/ZBTB7B, Value:
Key: subtyping system and uncovered the novel CTSL(High)ZBTB7B(Low) high-risk, Value:
Key: subgroup, but characterised by relative higher immune cell infiltration and lower, Value:
Key: tumour purity. This subgroup demonstrate higher levels of immune checkpoints and, Value:
Key: more enrichment of cancer-related pathways compared with other cases., Value:
Key: CONCLUSIONS: We identified a high-risk subpopulation with unique TME features, Value:
Key: based on expressions of CTSL and ZBTB7B, suggesting a counterbalancing phenotype, Value:
Key: between immunostimulatory and immunosuppressive mechanisms. This subtyping system, Value:
Key: could be used to select treatment and management strategies for GC., Value:
Key: CI - © 2022. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited., Value:
Key: FAU - Cui, Kaisa, Value:
Key: AU - Cui K, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-7255-2689, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 214062, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: 214122, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yao, Surui, Value:
Key: AU - Yao S, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 214062, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Bingxin, Value:
Key: AU - Liu B, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 214062, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: 214122, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Sun, Shengbai, Value:
Key: AU - Sun S, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 214062, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: 214122, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Gong, Liang, Value:
Key: AU - Gong L, Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: 214122, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Carbohydrate Chemistry & Biotechnology, Ministry of Education,, Value:
Key: School of Biotechnology, Jiangnan University, 214122, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Qilin, Value:
Key: AU - Li Q, Value:
Key: AD - Computer Vision Lab, Department of Electrical Engineering, California Institute, Value:
Key: of Technology, Pasadena, CA, 91125, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bojian, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Surgical Oncology, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: 214122, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Zhaohui, Value:
Key: AU - Huang Z, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-0117-9976, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 214062, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: 214122, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220808, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - Br J Cancer, Value:
Key: JT - British journal of cancer, Value:
Key: JID - 0370635, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (DNA-Binding Proteins), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Transcription Factors), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (ZBTB7B protein, human), Value:
Key: RN - EC (CTSL protein, human), Value:
Key: RN - EC (Cathepsin L), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Cathepsin L, Value:
Key: MH - DNA-Binding Proteins/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - Immunotherapy, Value:
Key: MH - Phenotype, Value:
Key: MH - *Stomach Neoplasms/pathology, Value:
Key: MH - Transcription Factors/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - Tumor Microenvironment/genetics, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9553888, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare no competing interests., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/08/09 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/10/14 06:00, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/08/08, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/08/08 23:20, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/02/23 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/07/26 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/07/21 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/08/09 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/10/14 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/08/08 23:20 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/08/08 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1038/s41416-022-01936-x [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 1936 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1038/s41416-022-01936-x [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Br J Cancer. 2022 Nov;127(8):1450-1460. doi: 10.1038/s41416-022-01936-x. Epub, Value:
Key: 2022 Aug 8., Value:
Key: PMID- 35812384, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20220712, Value:
Key: LR - 20220716, Value:
Key: IS - 1664-3224 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1664-3224 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 13, Value:
Key: DP - 2022, Value:
Key: TI - Ferroptosis-Associated Molecular Features to Aid Patient Clinical Prognosis and, Value:
Key: Therapy Across Human Cancers., Value:
Key: PG - 888757, Value:
Key: LID - 10.3389/fimmu.2022.888757 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 888757, Value:
Key: AB - Ferroptosis is a new non-apoptotic form that regulates cell death and is mainly, Value:
Key: dependent on iron-mediated oxidative damage and subsequent cell membrane damage., Value:
Key: Ferroptosis may be a potential therapeutic strategy for immunotherapy,, Value:
Key: chemotherapy, and radiotherapy in human cancers. Numerous studies have analyzed, Value:
Key: ferroptosis-correlated signatures or genes, but a systematic landscape of, Value:
Key: associations among tumor ferroptosis, clinical outcomes, tumor microenvironment,, Value:
Key: and therapies in human cancers is lacking. Here, we developed a relative, Value:
Key: ferroptosis level (RFL) combined with drive/suppress regulators and validated it, Value:
Key: in the Gene Expression Omnibus datasets of ferroptotic drug treatment. Based on, Value:
Key: this effective evaluation method, we classified about 7,000 tumor samples into, Value:
Key: high and low RFL groups in each cancer type and observed that high RFL cases, Value:
Key: demonstrate favorable survival outcomes in nine cancer types from The Cancer, Value:
Key: Genome Atlas. Then, several RFL-correlated candidate genes that have not been, Value:
Key: reported to be ferroptosis-related were selected and experimentally validated in, Value:
Key: five cancer cell lines using Erastin treatment. We further showed that both, Value:
Key: immunostimulatory and immunosuppressive phenotypes were observed in high RFL, Value:
Key: tumors, suggesting that the consideration of ferroptosis could be a potential, Value:
Key: strategy in cancer immunotherapy. Moreover, we found that high RFL cases/cells, Value:
Key: showed responder or sensitivity to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Our study, Value:
Key: provides a comprehensive molecular-level understanding of ferroptosis and may, Value:
Key: have practical implications for clinical cancer therapies, including, Value:
Key: immunotherapy, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy., Value:
Key: CI - Copyright © 2022 Cui, Gong, Wang, Wang, Huang, Liu, Li, Zhang, Fei and Huang., Value:
Key: FAU - Cui, Kaisa, Value:
Key: AU - Cui K, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Gong, Liang, Value:
Key: AU - Gong L, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Carbohydrate Chemistry & Biotechnology, Ministry of Education,, Value:
Key: School of Biotechnology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Kang, Value:
Key: AU - Wang K, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Yuanben, Value:
Key: AU - Wang Y, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Liuying, Value:
Key: AU - Huang L, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Bingxin, Value:
Key: AU - Liu B, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Qilin, Value:
Key: AU - Li Q, Value:
Key: AD - Computer Vision Lab, Department of Electrical Engineering, California Institute, Value:
Key: of Technology, Pasadena, CA, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Qiang, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang Q, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Cancer Research Center, School of Medicine,, Value:
Key: Shenzhen Campus of Sun Yat-sen University, Shenzhen, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bojian, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Surgical Oncology, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Zhaohui, Value:
Key: AU - Huang Z, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220620, Value:
Key: PL - Switzerland, Value:
Key: TA - Front Immunol, Value:
Key: JT - Frontiers in immunology, Value:
Key: JID - 101560960, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - *Ferroptosis/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - *Neoplasms/genetics/therapy, Value:
Key: MH - Oxidative Stress, Value:
Key: MH - Prognosis, Value:
Key: MH - Tumor Microenvironment/genetics, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9266629, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - cancer, Value:
Key: OT - cancer therapy, Value:
Key: OT - ferroptosis, Value:
Key: OT - survival, Value:
Key: OT - tumor microenvironment, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any, Value:
Key: commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential, Value:
Key: conflict of interest., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/07/12 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/07/14 06:00, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/01/01, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/07/11 03:46, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/03/03 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/05/19 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/07/11 03:46 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/07/12 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/07/14 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/01/01 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 10.3389/fimmu.2022.888757 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Front Immunol. 2022 Jun 20;13:888757. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.888757. eCollection, Value:
Key: 2022., Value:
Key: PMID- 35773649, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20220704, Value:
Key: LR - 20220716, Value:
Key: IS - 1471-2377 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1471-2377 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 22, Value:
Key: IP - 1, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Jun 30, Value:
Key: TI - Association between gait features assessed by artificial intelligent system and, Value:
Key: cognitive function decline in patients with silent cerebrovascular disease: study, Value:
Key: protocol of a multicenter prospective cohort study (ACCURATE-2)., Value:
Key: PG - 240, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1186/s12883-022-02767-2 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 240, Value:
Key: AB - BACKGROUND: Gait disturbances may appear prior to cognitive dysfunction in the, Value:
Key: early stage of silent cerebrovascular disease (SCD). Subtle changes in gait, Value:
Key: characteristics may provide an early warning of later cognitive decline. Our team, Value:
Key: has proposed a vision-based artificial intelligent gait analyzer for the rapid, Value:
Key: detection of spatiotemporal parameters and walking pattern based on videos of the, Value:
Key: Timed Up and Go (TUG) test. The primary objective of this study is to investigate, Value:
Key: the relationship between gait features assessed by our artificial intelligent, Value:
Key: gait analyzer and cognitive function changes in patients with SCD. METHODS: This, Value:
Key: will be a multicenter prospective cohort study involving a total of 14 hospitals, Value:
Key: from Shanghai and Guizhou. One thousand and six hundred patients with SCD aged, Value:
Key: 60-85 years will be consecutively recruited. Eligible patients will undergo the, Value:
Key: intelligent gait assessment and neuropsychological evaluation at baseline and at, Value:
Key: 1-year follow-up. The intelligent gait analyzer will divide participant into, Value:
Key: normal gait group and abnormal gait group according to their walking performance, Value:
Key: in the TUG videos at baseline. All participants will be naturally observed during, Value:
Key: 1-year follow-up period. Primary outcome are the changes in Mini-Mental State, Value:
Key: Examination (MMSE) score. Secondary outcomes include the changes in intelligent, Value:
Key: gait spatiotemporal parameters (step length, gait speed, step frequency, step, Value:
Key: width, standing up time, and turning back time), the changes in scores on other, Value:
Key: neuropsychological tests (Montreal Cognitive Assessment, the Stroop Color Word, Value:
Key: Test, and Digit Span Test), falls events, and cerebrovascular events. We, Value:
Key: hypothesize that both groups will show a decline in MMSE score, but the decrease, Value:
Key: of MMSE score in the abnormal gait group will be more significant. CONCLUSION:, Value:
Key: This study will be the first to explore the relationship between gait features, Value:
Key: assessed by an artificial intelligent gait analyzer and cognitive decline in, Value:
Key: patients with SCD. It will demonstrate whether subtle gait abnormalities detected, Value:
Key: by the artificial intelligent gait analyzer can act as a cognitive-related marker, Value:
Key: for patients with SCD. TRIAL REGISTRATION: This trial was registered at, Value:
Key: ( NCT04456348 ; 2 July 2020)., Value:
Key: CI - © 2022. The Author(s)., Value:
Key: FAU - Tang, Yan-Min, Value:
Key: AU - Tang YM, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, 180 Fenglin Road,, Value:
Key: Shanghai, 200032, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bei-Ni, Value:
Key: AU - Fei BN, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, 180 Fenglin Road,, Value:
Key: Shanghai, 200032, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Xin, Value:
Key: AU - Li X, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, 180 Fenglin Road,, Value:
Key: Shanghai, 200032, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhao, Jin, Value:
Key: AU - Zhao J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Health Economics, School of Public Health, Fudan University, 130, Value:
Key: Dongan Road, Shanghai, 200032, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Wei, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang W, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Fudan University, 130, Value:
Key: Dongan Road, Shanghai, 200032, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Qin, Guo-You, Value:
Key: AU - Qin GY, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Fudan University, 130, Value:
Key: Dongan Road, Shanghai, 200032, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Hu, Min, Value:
Key: AU - Hu M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Health Economics, School of Public Health, Fudan University, 130, Value:
Key: Dongan Road, Shanghai, 200032, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ding, Jing, Value:
Key: AU - Ding J, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-5135-4210, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, 180 Fenglin Road,, Value:
Key: Shanghai, 200032, China., Value:
Key: AD - Chinese Academy of Sciences Center for Excellence in Brain Science and, Value:
Key: Intelligence Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 320 Yueyang Road, Shanghai,, Value:
Key: 200031, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Xin, Value:
Key: AU - Wang X, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, 180 Fenglin Road,, Value:
Key: Shanghai, 200032, China., Value:
Key: AD - Chinese Academy of Sciences Center for Excellence in Brain Science and, Value:
Key: Intelligence Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 320 Yueyang Road, Shanghai,, Value:
Key: 200031, China., Value:
Key: AD - Department of The State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology and MOE Frontiers, Value:
Key: Center for Brain Science, Institutes of Brain Science, Fudan University, 131, Value:
Key: Dongan Road, Shanghai, 200032, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: SI -, Value:
Key: GR - 2018YFC1312900/The National Key Research and Development Program of China/, Value:
Key: PT - Clinical Trial Protocol, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220630, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - BMC Neurol, Value:
Key: JT - BMC neurology, Value:
Key: JID - 100968555, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - *Cerebrovascular Disorders/complications/diagnosis, Value:
Key: MH - China, Value:
Key: MH - Cognition, Value:
Key: MH - *Cognitive Dysfunction/diagnosis, Value:
Key: MH - Gait, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - Multicenter Studies as Topic, Value:
Key: MH - Prospective Studies, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9245255, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Artificial intelligence, Value:
Key: OT - Cognition, Value:
Key: OT - Gait features, Value:
Key: OT - Microbleeds, Value:
Key: OT - Silent brain infarcts, Value:
Key: OT - Silent cerebrovascular disease, Value:
Key: OT - White matter hyperintensity, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare that they have no competing interests., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/07/01 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/07/06 06:00, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/06/30, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/06/30 23:44, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/09/23 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/06/22 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/06/30 23:44 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/07/01 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/07/06 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/06/30 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1186/s12883-022-02767-2 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 2767 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1186/s12883-022-02767-2 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - BMC Neurol. 2022 Jun 30;22(1):240. doi: 10.1186/s12883-022-02767-2., Value:
Key: PMID- 35721506, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20220716, Value:
Key: IS - 2296-634X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 2296-634X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2296-634X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 10, Value:
Key: DP - 2022, Value:
Key: TI - Gut Microbiota Signatures in Tumor, Para-Cancerous, Normal Mucosa, and Feces in, Value:
Key: Colorectal Cancer Patients., Value:
Key: PG - 916961, Value:
Key: LID - 10.3389/fcell.2022.916961 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 916961, Value:
Key: AB - Background: Association studies have linked microbiome alterations with, Value:
Key: colorectal cancer (CRC). However, differences in tumor, para-cancerous, normal, Value:
Key: mucosal, and fecal microbiota remain to be strengthened. Methods: We performed a, Value:
Key: study on the ecologically rich and taxonomically diverse of gut microbiota using, Value:
Key: three types of colorectal mucosa (tumor mucosa, para-cancerous mucosa, normal, Value:
Key: mucosa) and feces from 98 CRC patients. Additionally, we profiled the microbiota, Value:
Key: in the fecal occult blood test (FOBT) positive and negative groups at different, Value:
Key: sampling sites. Results: We found striking variations between tumor mucosal, Value:
Key: microbiota and normal mucosal microbiota. However, there was no significant, Value:
Key: difference between tumor and para-cancerous mucosal microbiota, as well as, Value:
Key: between para-cancerous and normal mucosal microbiota, revealing that the, Value:
Key: para-cancerous mucosal microbiota was a transitional state between the tumor and, Value:
Key: normal mucosal microbiota. And the substantial shifts in the fecal microbiota, Value:
Key: compared to mucosal microbiota indicated the risk of using fecal microbiota to, Value:
Key: define mucosal microbiota. A strong correlation between FOBT positive and, Value:
Key: Fusobacterium was discovered, indicating this adherent-invasive genus was closely, Value:
Key: related to intestinal bleeding. Furthermore, we identified six key genera,, Value:
Key: including Fusobacterium, Gemella, Campylobacter, Peptostreptococcus,, Value:
Key: Alloprevotella, and Parvimonas, which appear to be consistently over-represented, Value:
Key: in tumor mucosa compared to normal mucosa and/or in mucosa compared to feces., Value:
Key: Conclusion: Compositional alterations in the microbiota existed in three types of, Value:
Key: colorectal mucosa and feces in CRC patients. Six key genera may contribute to the, Value:
Key: topographic variances in the microbiota of tumor-bearing colorectum., Value:
Key: CI - Copyright © 2022 Li, Cao, Fei, Gao, Yi, Han, Bao, Xu, Zhao and Zhang., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Yanmin, Value:
Key: AU - Li Y, Value:
Key: AD - State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, School of Food Science and, Value:
Key: Technology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cao, Hong, Value:
Key: AU - Cao H, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Nutrition, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bojian, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Gao, Qizhong, Value:
Key: AU - Gao Q, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yi, Wanya, Value:
Key: AU - Yi W, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Nutrition, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Han, Weifeng, Value:
Key: AU - Han W, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Bao, Chuanqing, Value:
Key: AU - Bao C, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Xu, Jianmin, Value:
Key: AU - Xu J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhao, Wei, Value:
Key: AU - Zhao W, Value:
Key: AD - State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, School of Food Science and, Value:
Key: Technology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Feng, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang F, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Nutrition, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Chinese Society of Nutritional Oncology, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220602, Value:
Key: PL - Switzerland, Value:
Key: TA - Front Cell Dev Biol, Value:
Key: JT - Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, Value:
Key: JID - 101630250, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9201480, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - 16S rRNA, Value:
Key: OT - Fusobacterium, Value:
Key: OT - colorectal cancer, Value:
Key: OT - fecal occult blood test, Value:
Key: OT - gut microbiota, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any, Value:
Key: commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential, Value:
Key: conflict of interest., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/06/21 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/06/21 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/01/01, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/06/20 03:56, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/04/10 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/04/25 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/06/20 03:56 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/06/21 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/06/21 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/01/01 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 916961 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.3389/fcell.2022.916961 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Front Cell Dev Biol. 2022 Jun 2;10:916961. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2022.916961., Value:
Key: eCollection 2022., Value:
Key: PMID- 35663334, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20220716, Value:
Key: IS - 1687-6121 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1687-630X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1687-6121 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 2022, Value:
Key: DP - 2022, Value:
Key: TI - A Comparison of Endoscopic Closure and Laparoscopic Repair for Gastric Wall, Value:
Key: Defection., Value:
Key: PG - 9963126, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1155/2022/9963126 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 9963126, Value:
Key: AB - OBJECTIVE: To compare the effectiveness and safety of endoscopic closure and, Value:
Key: laparoscopic repair for gastric wall defection. METHOD: The clinical data of 120, Value:
Key: patients with submucosal tumours enrolled at our hospital between January 2014, Value:
Key: and December 2019 were retrospectively analysed. Patients were divided into two, Value:
Key: groups according to the surgery they underwent: an endoscopic closure group (n =, Value:
Key: 60) and a laparoscopic repair group (n = 60). The clinical characteristics,, Value:
Key: perioperative complications, and postoperative follow-up results of the two, Value:
Key: groups were analysed. RESULTS: The surgery time in the endoscopic closure group, Value:
Key: was 56.20 ± 11.25 minutes, which was significantly lower compared with that in, Value:
Key: the laparoscopic repair group (159.35 ± 23.18 minutes; P < 0.001). In addition,, Value:
Key: the postoperative stay in the endoscopic closure group was shorter than that in, Value:
Key: the laparoscopic repair group, and the intraoperative bleeding volume and, Value:
Key: incidence of enteral nutrition initiation after surgery were significantly lower., Value:
Key: Medical expenses were also significantly lower in the endoscopic closure group, Value:
Key: than in the laparoscopic repair group (P < 0.001). Only one patient developed a, Value:
Key: postoperative fever in the endoscopic closure group; three patients developed a, Value:
Key: postoperative fever and one patient had postoperative bleeding in the, Value:
Key: laparoscopic repair group. However, there were no statistical differences between, Value:
Key: the two groups regarding the incidence of R0 resection, postoperative fever,, Value:
Key: postoperative bleeding, and closure failure (all P > 0.05). There were no local, Value:
Key: recurrences, distant metastases, or deaths in either of the groups during the, Value:
Key: two-year follow-up period. CONCLUSION: Non-laparoscopic-assisted surgery may be, Value:
Key: quicker, safer, and more effective for gastric wall defection., Value:
Key: CI - Copyright © 2022 Qiao Qiao et al., Value:
Key: FAU - Qiao, Qiao, Value:
Key: AU - Qiao Q, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastroenterology, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu 214062, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Tu, Huiming, Value:
Key: AU - Tu H, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-2709-791X, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastroenterology, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu 214062, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bojian, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Laparoscopic Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, Jiangsu 214062, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Xu, Kebin, Value:
Key: AU - Xu K, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastroenterology, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu 214062, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yang, Fan, Value:
Key: AU - Yang F, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastroenterology, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu 214062, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Jie, Value:
Key: AU - Li J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastroenterology, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu 214062, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Gao, Qizhong, Value:
Key: AU - Gao Q, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Laparoscopic Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, Jiangsu 214062, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220525, Value:
Key: PL - Egypt, Value:
Key: TA - Gastroenterol Res Pract, Value:
Key: JT - Gastroenterology research and practice, Value:
Key: JID - 101475557, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9159865, Value:
Key: COIS- All of the authors had no any personal, financial, commercial, or academic, Value:
Key: conflicts of interest separately., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/06/07 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/06/07 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/05/25, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/06/06 13:57, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/03/16 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/03/18 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/05/03 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/06/06 13:57 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/06/07 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/06/07 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/05/25 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1155/2022/9963126 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Gastroenterol Res Pract. 2022 May 25;2022:9963126. doi: 10.1155/2022/9963126., Value:
Key: eCollection 2022., Value:
Key: PMID- 35643935, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20220603, Value:
Key: LR - 20220716, Value:
Key: IS - 1560-2281 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1083-3668 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1083-3668 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 27, Value:
Key: IP - 5, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 May, Value:
Key: TI - Automatic detection of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma on histologic slides, Value:
Key: using hyperspectral microscopic imaging (Erratum)., Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/1.JBO.27.5.059802 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 059802, Value:
Key: AB - The erratum corrects the name of the first author listed in a reference cited., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Ling, Value:
Key: AU - Ma L, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, Texas,, Value:
Key: United States., Value:
Key: AD - Tianjin University, State Key Laboratory of Precision Measurement Technology and, Value:
Key: Instruments, Tianji, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Little, James V, Value:
Key: AU - Little JV, Value:
Key: AD - Emory University School of Medicine, Department of Pathology and Laboratory, Value:
Key: Medicine, Atlanta, Georg, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Amy Y, Value:
Key: AU - Chen AY, Value:
Key: AD - Emory University School of Medicine, Department of Otolaryngology, Atlanta,, Value:
Key: Georgia, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Myers, Larry, Value:
Key: AU - Myers L, Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of, Value:
Key: Otolaryngology, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Sumer, Baran D, Value:
Key: AU - Sumer BD, Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of, Value:
Key: Otolaryngology, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, Texas,, Value:
Key: United States., Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Advanced Imaging Research, Value:
Key: Center, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Radiology,, Value:
Key: Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Published Erratum, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - J Biomed Opt, Value:
Key: JT - Journal of biomedical optics, Value:
Key: JID - 9605853, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: EFR - J Biomed Opt. 2022 Apr;27(4):. PMID: 35484692, Value:
Key: MH - *Head and Neck Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Head and Neck/diagnostic imaging, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9142838, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/06/02 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/06/07 06:00, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/05/28, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/06/01 09:55, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/06/01 09:55 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/06/02 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/06/07 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/05/28 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - JBO-22-0517 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 22-0517 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/1.JBO.27.5.059802 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - J Biomed Opt. 2022 May;27(5):059802. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.27.5.059802., Value:
Key: PMID- 35606899, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20220525, Value:
Key: LR - 20220716, Value:
Key: IS - 1560-2281 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1083-3668 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1083-3668 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 27, Value:
Key: IP - 5, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 May, Value:
Key: TI - Unsupervised super-resolution reconstruction of hyperspectral histology images, Value:
Key: for whole-slide imaging (Errata)., Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/1.JBO.27.5.059801 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 059801, Value:
Key: AB - Corrections to the published article include values in Table 1 and provision of, Value:
Key: an omitted reference., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Ling, Value:
Key: AU - Ma L, Value:
Key: AD - The Univ. of Texas at Dallas, United States., Value:
Key: AD - Tianjin Univ., China., Value:
Key: FAU - Rathgeb, Armand, Value:
Key: AU - Rathgeb A, Value:
Key: AD - The Univ. of Texas at Dallas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Mubarak, Hasan, Value:
Key: AU - Mubarak H, Value:
Key: AD - The Univ. of Texas at Dallas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Tran, Minh, Value:
Key: AU - Tran M, Value:
Key: AD - The Univ. of Texas at Dallas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - The Univ. of Texas at Dallas, United States., Value:
Key: AD - The Univ. of Texas Southwestern Medical Ctr., United States., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Published Erratum, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - J Biomed Opt, Value:
Key: JT - Journal of biomedical optics, Value:
Key: JID - 9605853, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: EFR - J Biomed Opt. 2022 May;27(5):. PMID: 35578386, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9125328, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/05/25 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/05/26 06:00, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/05/23, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/05/24 00:02, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/05/24 00:02 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/05/25 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/05/26 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/05/23 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - JBO-22-0518 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 22-0518 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/1.JBO.27.5.059801 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - J Biomed Opt. 2022 May;27(5):059801. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.27.5.059801., Value:
Key: PMID- 35597801, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20220524, Value:
Key: LR - 20220718, Value:
Key: IS - 2045-2322 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2045-2322 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12, Value:
Key: IP - 1, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 May 21, Value:
Key: TI - Effect of bending on radial distribution density, MFA and MOE of bent bamboo., Value:
Key: PG - 8610, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1038/s41598-022-12675-7 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 8610, Value:
Key: AB - One of the excellent characteristics of bamboo is the deformation stability., Value:
Key: However, the reasons for the good bending stability of bamboo have not been well, Value:
Key: studied. In this study, we examined the pathways that controls bending, Value:
Key: deformation in bamboo. A hand-bent phyllostachys iridescens member was chosen to, Value:
Key: examine continuous density distribution, microfibril angle (MFA) and modulus of, Value:
Key: elasticity (MOE) along radial direction using SilviScan analysis. Our results, Value:
Key: show that in bent bamboo, MFA is lower in tension sample and higher in, Value:
Key: compression sample than neutral sample. There is a strong linear positive, Value:
Key: correlation between density and MOE, while negative linear correlation between, Value:
Key: MOE and MFA and no obvious linear correlation between MFA and density. Increased, Value:
Key: bending was influential in primarily changing the MOE, while also altering the, Value:
Key: density distribution and MFA. Our results demonstrate variation in density, MOE, Value:
Key: and MFA distribution along radial direction of tension, neutral and compression, Value:
Key: samples, which play an important role in maintaining the bending characteristics, Value:
Key: of bamboo., Value:
Key: CI - © 2022. The Author(s)., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Xuehua, Value:
Key: AU - Wang X, Value:
Key: AD - College of Furnishings and Industrial Design, Nanjing Forestry University,, Value:
Key: Nanjing, China., Value:
Key: AD - Jiangsu Co-Innovation Center of Efficient Processing and Utilization of Forest, Value:
Key: Resources, Nanjing, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Jingwen, Value:
Key: AU - Ma J, Value:
Key: AD - College of Furnishings and Industrial Design, Nanjing Forestry University,, Value:
Key: Nanjing, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Xu, Wei, Value:
Key: AU - Xu W, Value:
Key: AD - College of Furnishings and Industrial Design, Nanjing Forestry University,, Value:
Key: Nanjing, China., Value:
Key: AD - Jiangsu Co-Innovation Center of Efficient Processing and Utilization of Forest, Value:
Key: Resources, Nanjing, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Benhua, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Lian, Caiping, Value:
Key: AU - Lian C, Value:
Key: AD - College of Furnishings and Industrial Design, Nanjing Forestry University,, Value:
Key: Nanjing, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Sun, Fengbo, Value:
Key: AU - Sun F, Value:
Key: AD - International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220521, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - Sci Rep, Value:
Key: JT - Scientific reports, Value:
Key: JID - 101563288, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Elastic Modulus, Value:
Key: MH - *Microfibrils, Value:
Key: MH - *Poaceae, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9124210, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare no competing interests., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/05/22 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/05/25 06:00, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/05/21, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/05/21 23:16, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/12/27 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/04/04 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/05/21 23:16 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/05/22 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/05/25 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/05/21 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1038/s41598-022-12675-7 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 12675 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1038/s41598-022-12675-7 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Sci Rep. 2022 May 21;12(1):8610. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-12675-7., Value:
Key: PMID- 35578386, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20220519, Value:
Key: LR - 20221012, Value:
Key: IS - 1560-2281 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1083-3668 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1083-3668 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 27, Value:
Key: IP - 5, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 May, Value:
Key: TI - Unsupervised super-resolution reconstruction of hyperspectral histology images, Value:
Key: for whole-slide imaging., Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/1.JBO.27.5.056502 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 056502, Value:
Key: AB - SIGNIFICANCE: Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) provides rich spectral information for, Value:
Key: improved histopathological cancer detection. However, acquiring high-resolution, Value:
Key: HSI data for whole-slide imaging (WSI) can be time-consuming and requires a huge, Value:
Key: amount of storage space. AIM: WSI using a color camera can be achieved with fast, Value:
Key: speed, high image resolution, and excellent image quality due to the established, Value:
Key: techniques. We aim to develop an RGB-guided unsupervised hyperspectral, Value:
Key: super-resolution reconstruction method that is hypothesized to improve image, Value:
Key: quality while maintaining the spectral characteristics. APPROACH: High-resolution, Value:
Key: hyperspectral images of 32 histologic slides were obtained via automated WSI., Value:
Key: High-resolution RGB histology images were registered to the hyperspectral images, Value:
Key: for RGB guidance. An unsupervised super-resolution network was trained to take, Value:
Key: the downsampled low-resolution hyperspectral patches (LR-HSI) and high-resolution, Value:
Key: RGB patches (HR-RGB) as inputs to reconstruct high-resolution hyperspectral, Value:
Key: patches (HR-HSI). Then, an Inception-based network was trained with the HR-RGB,, Value:
Key: original HR-HSI, and generated HR-HSI, respectively, for whole-slide, Value:
Key: histopathological cancer detection. RESULTS: Our super-resolution reconstruction, Value:
Key: network generated high-resolution hyperspectral images with well-maintained, Value:
Key: spectral characteristics and improved image quality. Image classification using, Value:
Key: the original hyperspectral data outperformed RGB because of the extra spectral, Value:
Key: information. The generated hyperspectral image patches further improved the, Value:
Key: results. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed method potentially reduces image acquisition, Value:
Key: time, saves storage space without compromising image quality, and improves the, Value:
Key: image classification performance., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Ling, Value:
Key: AU - Ma L, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, Texas,, Value:
Key: United States., Value:
Key: AD - Tianjin University, State Key Laboratory of Precision Measurement Technology and, Value:
Key: Instruments, Tianji, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Rathgeb, Armand, Value:
Key: AU - Rathgeb A, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, Texas,, Value:
Key: United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Mubarak, Hasan, Value:
Key: AU - Mubarak H, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, Texas,, Value:
Key: United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Tran, Minh, Value:
Key: AU - Tran M, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, Texas,, Value:
Key: United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, Texas,, Value:
Key: United States., Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation,, Value:
Key: Richardson, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Dallas,, Value:
Key: Texas, United States., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - J Biomed Opt, Value:
Key: JT - Journal of biomedical optics, Value:
Key: JID - 9605853, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: EIN - J Biomed Opt. 2022 May;27(5):. PMID: 35606899, Value:
Key: MH - Histological Techniques, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - *Hyperspectral Imaging, Value:
Key: MH - *Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9110022, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - RGB guidance, Value:
Key: OT - hyperspectral imaging, Value:
Key: OT - image classification, Value:
Key: OT - super-resolution reconstruction, Value:
Key: OT - unsupervised, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/05/18 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/05/20 06:00, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/05/16, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/05/17 00:03, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/02/18 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/04/28 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/05/17 00:03 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/05/18 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/05/20 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/05/16 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - JBO-220039GRR [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 220039GRR [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/1.JBO.27.5.056502 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - J Biomed Opt. 2022 May;27(5):056502. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.27.5.056502., Value:
Key: PMID- 35568824, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20220518, Value:
Key: LR - 20220716, Value:
Key: IS - 1471-2407 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1471-2407 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 22, Value:
Key: IP - 1, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 May 14, Value:
Key: TI - An immune-related lncRNA pairs signature to identify the prognosis and predict, Value:
Key: the immune landscape of laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma., Value:
Key: PG - 545, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1186/s12885-022-09524-1 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 545, Value:
Key: AB - BACKGROUND: Laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC) is the most common squamous, Value:
Key: cell carcinoma. Though significant effort has been focused on molecular, Value:
Key: pathogenesis, development, and recurrence of LSCC, little is known about its, Value:
Key: relationship with the immune-related long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) pairs. METHODS:, Value:
Key: After obtaining the transcriptome profiling data sets and the corresponding, Value:
Key: clinical characteristics of LSCC patients and normal samples from The Cancer, Value:
Key: Genome Atlas (TCGA) database, a series of bioinformatic analysis was conducted to, Value:
Key: select the differently expressed immune-related lncRNAs and build a signature of, Value:
Key: immune-related lncRNA pairs. Then, the effectiveness of the signature was, Value:
Key: validated. RESULTS: A total of 111 LSCC patients and 12 normal samples', Value:
Key: transcriptome profiling data sets were retrieved from TCGA. 301 differently, Value:
Key: expressed immune-related lncRNAs were identified and 35,225 lncRNA pairs were, Value:
Key: established. After univariate Cox analysis, LASSO regression and multivariate Cox, Value:
Key: analysis, 7 lncRNA pairs were eventually selected to construct a signature. The, Value:
Key: riskscore was computed using the following formula:, Value:
Key: Riskscore = 0.95 × (AL133330.1, Value: AC132872.3) + (-1.23)
Key: × (LINC01094, Value: LINC02154) + 0.65 × (LINC02575|AC122685.1) + (-1.15)
Key: × (MIR9-3HG, Value: LINC01748) + 1.45 × (AC092687.3|SNHG12) + (-0.87)
Key: × (AC090204.1, Value: AL158166.1) + 0.64 × (LINC01063|Z82243.1). Patients were classified
Key: into the high-risk group (> 1.366) and the low-risk group (< 1.366) according to, Value:
Key: the cutoff value (1.366), which is based on the 5-year riskscore ROC curve. The, Value:
Key: survival analysis showed that the low-risk group had a better prognosis, Value:
Key: (P < 0.001). The riskscore was better than other clinical characteristics in, Value:
Key: prognostic prediction and the area under the curves (AUCs) for the 1-, 3-, and, Value:
Key: 5-year survivals were 0.796, 0.946, and 0.895, respectively. Combining age,, Value:
Key: gender, grade, stage, and riskscore, a nomograph was developed to predict, Value:
Key: survival probability in LSCC patients. Then, the riskscore was confirmed to be, Value:
Key: related with the content of tumor-infiltration immune cells and the model could, Value:
Key: serve as a potential predictor for chemosensitivity. CONCLUSION: We successfully, Value:
Key: established a more stable signature of 7 immune-related lncRNA pairs, which has, Value:
Key: demonstrated a better prognostic ability for LSCC patients and may assist, Value:
Key: clinicians to precisely prescribe chemo drugs., Value:
Key: CI - © 2022. The Author(s)., Value:
Key: FAU - Qian, Lvsheng, Value:
Key: AU - Qian L, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology, Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University, Nantong,, Value:
Key: 226001, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ni, Tingting, Value:
Key: AU - Ni T, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Oncology, Nantong Tumor Hospital, Nantong, 226001, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bing, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Affiliated Huai'an, Value:
Key: Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University, Huai'an, 223002, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Sun, Hui, Value:
Key: AU - Sun H, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Pathology, Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University, Nantong,, Value:
Key: 226001, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ni, Haosheng, Value:
Key: AU - Ni H, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology, Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University, Nantong,, Value:
Key: 226001, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - No.2020Z136/Postdoctoral Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province/, Value:
Key: GR - No.2020Z136/Postdoctoral Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province/, Value:
Key: GR - No.2020Z136/Postdoctoral Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province/, Value:
Key: GR - No.2020Z136/Postdoctoral Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province/, Value:
Key: GR - No.2020Z136/Postdoctoral Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province/, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220514, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - BMC Cancer, Value:
Key: JT - BMC cancer, Value:
Key: JID - 100967800, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Biomarkers, Tumor), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (RNA, Long Noncoding), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Biomarkers, Tumor/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - Gene Expression Profiling, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - *Laryngeal Neoplasms/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - Prognosis, Value:
Key: MH - *RNA, Long Noncoding/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - *Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Head and Neck/genetics, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9107277, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC), Value:
Key: OT - Long non-coding RNA (lncRNA), Value:
Key: OT - Prognostic signature, Value:
Key: OT - The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), Value:
Key: OT - Tumor-infiltrating immune cell, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare that they have no competing interests., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/05/16 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/05/19 06:00, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/05/14, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/05/15 00:24, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/06/20 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/04/08 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/05/15 00:24 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/05/16 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/05/19 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/05/14 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1186/s12885-022-09524-1 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 9524 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1186/s12885-022-09524-1 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - BMC Cancer. 2022 May 14;22(1):545. doi: 10.1186/s12885-022-09524-1., Value:
Key: PMID- 35484692, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20220502, Value:
Key: LR - 20221011, Value:
Key: IS - 1560-2281 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1083-3668 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1083-3668 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 27, Value:
Key: IP - 4, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Apr, Value:
Key: TI - Automatic detection of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma on histologic slides, Value:
Key: using hyperspectral microscopic imaging., Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/1.JBO.27.4.046501 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 046501, Value:
Key: AB - SIGNIFICANCE: Automatic, fast, and accurate identification of cancer on, Value:
Key: histologic slides has many applications in oncologic pathology. AIM: The purpose, Value:
Key: of this study is to investigate hyperspectral imaging (HSI) for automatic, Value:
Key: detection of head and neck cancer nuclei in histologic slides, as well as cancer, Value:
Key: region identification based on nuclei detection. APPROACH: A customized, Value:
Key: hyperspectral microscopic imaging system was developed and used to scan, Value:
Key: histologic slides from 20 patients with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)., Value:
Key: Hyperspectral images and red, green, and blue (RGB) images of the histologic, Value:
Key: slides with the same field of view were obtained and registered. A principal, Value:
Key: component analysis-based nuclei segmentation method was developed to extract, Value:
Key: nuclei patches from the hyperspectral images and the coregistered RGB images., Value:
Key: Spectra-based support vector machine and patch-based convolutional neural, Value:
Key: networks (CNNs) were implemented for nuclei classification. The CNNs were trained, Value:
Key: with RGB patches (RGB-CNN) and hyperspectral patches (HSI-CNN) of the segmented, Value:
Key: nuclei and the utility of the extra spectral information provided by HSI was, Value:
Key: evaluated. Furthermore, cancer region identification was implemented by, Value:
Key: image-wise classification based on the percentage of cancerous nuclei detected in, Value:
Key: each image. RESULTS: RGB-CNN, which mainly used the spatial information of, Value:
Key: nuclei, resulted in a 0.81 validation accuracy and 0.74 testing accuracy., Value:
Key: HSI-CNN, which utilized the spatial and spectral features of the nuclei, showed, Value:
Key: significant improvement in classification performance and achieved 0.89, Value:
Key: validation accuracy as well as 0.82 testing accuracy. Furthermore, the image-wise, Value:
Key: cancer region identification based on nuclei detection could generally improve, Value:
Key: the cancer detection rate. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrated that the morphological, Value:
Key: and spectral information contribute to SCC nuclei differentiation and that the, Value:
Key: spectral information within hyperspectral images could improve classification, Value:
Key: performance., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Ling, Value:
Key: AU - Ma L, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, Texas,, Value:
Key: United States., Value:
Key: AD - Tianjin University, State Key Laboratory of Precision Measurement Technology and, Value:
Key: Instruments, Tianji, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Little, James V, Value:
Key: AU - Little JV, Value:
Key: AD - Emory University School of Medicine, Department of Pathology and Laboratory, Value:
Key: Medicine, Atlanta, Georg, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Amy Y, Value:
Key: AU - Chen AY, Value:
Key: AD - Emory University School of Medicine, Department of Otolaryngology, Atlanta,, Value:
Key: Georgia, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Myers, Larry, Value:
Key: AU - Myers L, Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of, Value:
Key: Otolaryngology, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Sumer, Baran D, Value:
Key: AU - Sumer BD, Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of, Value:
Key: Otolaryngology, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, Texas,, Value:
Key: United States., Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Advanced Imaging Research, Value:
Key: Center, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Radiology,, Value:
Key: Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - J Biomed Opt, Value:
Key: JT - Journal of biomedical optics, Value:
Key: JID - 9605853, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: EIN - J Biomed Opt. 2022 May;27(5):. PMID: 35643935, Value:
Key: MH - *Head and Neck Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - *Hyperspectral Imaging, Value:
Key: MH - Neural Networks, Computer, Value:
Key: MH - Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Head and Neck/diagnostic imaging, Value:
Key: MH - Support Vector Machine, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9050479, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - classification, Value:
Key: OT - convolutional neural network, Value:
Key: OT - hyperspectral imaging, Value:
Key: OT - nuclei segmentation, Value:
Key: OT - squamous cell carcinoma, Value:
Key: OT - support vector machine, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/04/30 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/05/03 06:00, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/04/29, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/04/29 00:12, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/12/22 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/04/05 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/04/29 00:12 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/04/30 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/05/03 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/04/29 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - JBO-210399GR [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 210399GR [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/1.JBO.27.4.046501 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - J Biomed Opt. 2022 Apr;27(4):046501. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.27.4.046501., Value:
Key: PMID- 35414995, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20220414, Value:
Key: IS - 2156-7085 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 2156-7085 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2156-7085 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 13, Value:
Key: IP - 3, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Mar 1, Value:
Key: TI - Band selection for oxygenation estimation with multispectral/hyperspectral, Value:
Key: imaging., Value:
Key: PG - 1224-1242, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1364/BOE.441214 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Multispectral imaging provides valuable information on tissue composition such as, Value:
Key: hemoglobin oxygen saturation. However, the real-time application of this, Value:
Key: technique in interventional medicine can be challenging due to the long, Value:
Key: acquisition times needed for large amounts of hyperspectral data with hundreds of, Value:
Key: bands. While this challenge can partially be addressed by choosing a, Value:
Key: discriminative subset of bands, the band selection methods proposed to date are, Value:
Key: mainly restricted by the availability of often hard to obtain reference, Value:
Key: measurements. We address this bottleneck with a new approach to band selection, Value:
Key: that leverages highly accurate Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. We hypothesize that, Value:
Key: a so chosen small subset of bands can reproduce or even improve upon the results, Value:
Key: of a quasi continuous spectral measurement. We further investigate whether novel, Value:
Key: domain adaptation techniques can address the inevitable domain shift stemming, Value:
Key: from the use of simulations. Initial results based on in silico and in vivo, Value:
Key: experiments suggest that 10-20 bands are sufficient to closely reproduce results, Value:
Key: from spectral measurements with 101 bands in the 500-700 nm range. The, Value:
Key: investigated domain adaptation technique, which only requires unlabeled in vivo, Value:
Key: measurements, yielded better results than the pure in silico band selection, Value:
Key: method. Overall, our method could guide development of fast multispectral imaging, Value:
Key: systems suited for interventional use without relying on complex hardware setups, Value:
Key: or manually labeled data., Value:
Key: CI - © 2022 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access, Value:
Key: Publishing Agreement., Value:
Key: FAU - Ayala, Leonardo, Value:
Key: AU - Ayala L, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-3574-2085, Value:
Key: AD - Division of Computer Assisted Medical Interventions (CAMI), German Cancer, Value:
Key: Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany., Value:
Key: AD - Medical Faculty, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany., Value:
Key: AD - Authors contributed equally., Value:
Key: AD -, Value:
Key: FAU - Isensee, Fabian, Value:
Key: AU - Isensee F, Value:
Key: AD - Division of Medical Image Computing (MIC), German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ),, Value:
Key: Heidelberg, Germany., Value:
Key: AD - Applied Computer Vision Lab, Helmholtz Imaging, Dallas, Texas 75001, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Authors contributed equally., Value:
Key: FAU - Wirkert, Sebastian J, Value:
Key: AU - Wirkert SJ, Value:
Key: AD - Division of Computer Assisted Medical Interventions (CAMI), German Cancer, Value:
Key: Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany., Value:
Key: FAU - Vemuri, Anant S, Value:
Key: AU - Vemuri AS, Value:
Key: AD - Division of Computer Assisted Medical Interventions (CAMI), German Cancer, Value:
Key: Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany., Value:
Key: FAU - Maier-Hein, Klaus H, Value:
Key: AU - Maier-Hein KH, Value:
Key: AD - Division of Medical Image Computing (MIC), German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ),, Value:
Key: Heidelberg, Germany., Value:
Key: AD - Medical Faculty, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany., Value:
Key: AD - Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg,, Value:
Key: Germany., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-9123-9484, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson,, Value:
Key: Texas 75080-4551, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Advanced Imaging Research Center, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical, Value:
Key: Center, Dallas, Texas 75001, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, Texas 75001, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Maier-Hein, Lena, Value:
Key: AU - Maier-Hein L, Value:
Key: AD - Division of Computer Assisted Medical Interventions (CAMI), German Cancer, Value:
Key: Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany., Value:
Key: AD - Medical Faculty, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany., Value:
Key: AD - Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg,, Value:
Key: Germany., Value:
Key: AD -, Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220203, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Biomed Opt Express, Value:
Key: JT - Biomedical optics express, Value:
Key: JID - 101540630, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC8973188, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare no conflicts of interest., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/04/14 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/04/14 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/03/01, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/04/13 05:35, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/08/25 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/10/25 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/10/25 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/04/13 05:35 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/04/14 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/04/14 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/03/01 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 441214 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1364/BOE.441214 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Biomed Opt Express. 2022 Feb 3;13(3):1224-1242. doi: 10.1364/BOE.441214., Value:
Key: eCollection 2022 Mar 1., Value:
Key: PMID- 35356153, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20220407, Value:
Key: LR - 20231115, Value:
Key: IS - 2198-3844 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2198-3844 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 9, Value:
Key: IP - 9, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Mar, Value:
Key: TI - Colorectal Cancer-Derived Small Extracellular Vesicles Promote Tumor Immune, Value:
Key: Evasion by Upregulating PD-L1 Expression in Tumor-Associated Macrophages., Value:
Key: PG - 2102620, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1002/advs.202102620 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 2102620, Value:
Key: AB - Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) are one of the most abundant cell types in, Value:
Key: colorectal cancer (CRC) tumor microenvironment (TME). Recent studies observed, Value:
Key: complicated "cross-talks" between cancer cells and macrophages in TME. However,, Value:
Key: the underlying mechanisms are still poorly elucidated. Here, PD-L1 levels are, Value:
Key: very low in CRC cells but highly abundant in TAMs, and a specific, Value:
Key: PD-L1(+)CD206(+) macrophage subpopulation are identified, which is induced by, Value:
Key: tumor cells and associated with a poor prognosis. Mechanistic investigations, Value:
Key: reveal that CRC cells can secrete small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) taken up by, Value:
Key: macrophages that induce M2 like polarization and PD-L1 expression, resulting in, Value:
Key: increased PD-L1(+)CD206(+) macrophage abundance and decreased T cell activity in, Value:
Key: CRC TME. sEV-derived miR-21-5p and miR-200a are identified as key signaling, Value:
Key: molecules mediating the regulatory effects of CRC on macrophages. Further studies, Value:
Key: reveal that CRC-derived miR-21-5p and miR-200a synergistically induces macrophage, Value:
Key: M2 like polarization and PD-L1 expression by regulating the PTEN/AKT and, Value:
Key: SCOS1/STAT1 pathways, resulting in decreased CD8(+) T cell activity and increased, Value:
Key: tumor growth. This study suggests that inhibiting the secretion of specific, Value:
Key: sEV-miRNAs from CRC and targeting PD-L1 in TAMs may serve as novel methods for, Value:
Key: CRC treatment as well as a sensitization method for anti-PD-L1 therapy in CRC., Value:
Key: CI - © 2022 The Authors. Advanced Science published by Wiley‐VCH GmbH., Value:
Key: FAU - Yin, Yuan, Value:
Key: AU - Yin Y, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University Wuxi 214062, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics Wuxi School of Medicine Jiangnan University Wuxi, Value:
Key: 214122 China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Bingxin, Value:
Key: AU - Liu B, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University Wuxi 214062, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics Wuxi School of Medicine Jiangnan University Wuxi, Value:
Key: 214122 China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cao, Yulin, Value:
Key: AU - Cao Y, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University Wuxi 214062, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics Wuxi School of Medicine Jiangnan University Wuxi, Value:
Key: 214122 China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yao, Surui, Value:
Key: AU - Yao S, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University Wuxi 214062, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics Wuxi School of Medicine Jiangnan University Wuxi, Value:
Key: 214122 China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Yuhang, Value:
Key: AU - Liu Y, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University Wuxi 214062, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics Wuxi School of Medicine Jiangnan University Wuxi, Value:
Key: 214122 China., Value:
Key: FAU - Jin, Guoying, Value:
Key: AU - Jin G, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University Wuxi 214062, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics Wuxi School of Medicine Jiangnan University Wuxi, Value:
Key: 214122 China., Value:
Key: FAU - Qin, Yan, Value:
Key: AU - Qin Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Pathology Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University Wuxi Jiangsu, Value:
Key: 214062 China., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Ying, Value:
Key: AU - Chen Y, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University Wuxi 214062, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics Wuxi School of Medicine Jiangnan University Wuxi, Value:
Key: 214122 China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cui, Kaisa, Value:
Key: AU - Cui K, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University Wuxi 214062, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics Wuxi School of Medicine Jiangnan University Wuxi, Value:
Key: 214122 China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhou, Leyuan, Value:
Key: AU - Zhou L, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiation Oncology Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University Wuxi, Value:
Key: 214062 China., Value:
Key: FAU - Bian, Zehua, Value:
Key: AU - Bian Z, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University Wuxi 214062, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics Wuxi School of Medicine Jiangnan University Wuxi, Value:
Key: 214122 China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bojian, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Value:
Key: Wuxi 214062 China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Shenglin, Value:
Key: AU - Huang S, Value:
Key: AD - Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center and Institutes of Biomedical Sciences, Value:
Key: Fudan University Shanghai 200032 China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Zhaohui, Value:
Key: AU - Huang Z, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-0117-9976, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University Wuxi 214062, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics Wuxi School of Medicine Jiangnan University Wuxi, Value:
Key: 214122 China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220117, Value:
Key: PL - Germany, Value:
Key: TA - Adv Sci (Weinh), Value:
Key: JT - Advanced science (Weinheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany), Value:
Key: JID - 101664569, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (B7-H1 Antigen), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (CD274 protein, human), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - B7-H1 Antigen/*metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Line, Tumor, Value:
Key: MH - *Colorectal Neoplasms/metabolism/pathology, Value:
Key: MH - *Extracellular Vesicles/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - Tumor Escape, Value:
Key: MH - Tumor Microenvironment, Value:
Key: MH - Tumor-Associated Macrophages, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC8948581, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - MicroRNA, Value:
Key: OT - PD‐L1, Value:
Key: OT - colorectal cancer, Value:
Key: OT - macrophage, Value:
Key: OT - small extracellular vesicles, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare no conflict of interest., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/04/01 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/04/08 06:00, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/01/17, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/03/31 05:27, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/06/21 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/12/19 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/03/31 05:27 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/04/01 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/04/08 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/01/17 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - ADVS3453 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1002/advs.202102620 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Adv Sci (Weinh). 2022 Jan 17;9(9):2102620. doi: 10.1002/advs.202102620., Value:
Key: eCollection 2022 Mar., Value:
Key: PMID- 35339519, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20220603, Value:
Key: LR - 20220603, Value:
Key: IS - 1879-1298 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0045-6535 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 300, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Aug, Value:
Key: TI - Charge-controllable mussel-inspired magnetic nanocomposites for selective dye, Value:
Key: adsorption and separation., Value:
Key: PG - 134404, Value:
Key: LID - S0045-6535(22)00897-9 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.134404 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Magnetic polydopamine (PDA) nanocomposites were prepared with a facile and, Value:
Key: sustainable synthetic method. The as-synthesized polymer-based hybrid composites, Value:
Key: inherited the intrinsic adhesiveness contributed by catechol and amino moieties, Value:
Key: of PDA as well as the magnetic property of Fe(3)O(4). With the unique properties, Value:
Key: of PDA, the surface charges of Fe(3)O(4)@PDA could be easily tuned by pH for, Value:
Key: smart adsorption-desorption behaviors. Four commercially available dyestuffs, Value:
Key: including crystal violet, rhodamine B, direct blue 71 and orange G with different, Value:
Key: structures and surface charges in solution were selected to investigate the, Value:
Key: adsorption ability and universality of Fe(3)O(4)@PDA in wastewater treatment. It, Value:
Key: was found that the nanocomposites could successfully adsorb these cationic and, Value:
Key: anionic dyes under suitable pH conditions. This confirmed the ability of the, Value:
Key: nanoadsorbents for the removal of common textile dyes. The dispersed magnetic, Value:
Key: nanoadsorbents also demonstrated the ease of collection from dye mixtures, and, Value:
Key: the possibility of reusing them for several cycles. Selective dye separation was, Value:
Key: found to be achievable via simple charge control without large consumption of, Value:
Key: organic solvent and energy. These bio-inspired nanocomposite adsorbents have, Value:
Key: shown high potential in wastewater treatment and selective recovery of dye waste,, Value:
Key: especially for wastewater containing ionic dyes., Value:
Key: CI - Copyright © 2022. Published by Elsevier Ltd., Value:
Key: FAU - Lam, Yintung, Value:
Key: AU - Lam Y, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles & Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong, China; Shenzhen Research Institute, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,, Value:
Key: Shenzhen, PR China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fan, Suju, Value:
Key: AU - Fan S, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles & Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong, China; Shenzhen Research Institute, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,, Value:
Key: Shenzhen, PR China., Value:
Key: FAU - He, Liang, Value:
Key: AU - He L, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles & Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong, China; Shenzhen Research Institute, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,, Value:
Key: Shenzhen, PR China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ho, Yanki, Value:
Key: AU - Ho Y, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles & Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong, China; Shenzhen Research Institute, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,, Value:
Key: Shenzhen, PR China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bin, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles & Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong, China; Shenzhen Research Institute, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,, Value:
Key: Shenzhen, PR China., Value:
Key: FAU - Xin, John H, Value:
Key: AU - Xin JH, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles & Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong, China; Shenzhen Research Institute, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,, Value:
Key: Shenzhen, PR China. Electronic address:, Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220323, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - Chemosphere, Value:
Key: JT - Chemosphere, Value:
Key: JID - 0320657, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Coloring Agents), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Water Pollutants, Chemical), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Adsorption, Value:
Key: MH - Coloring Agents/chemistry, Value:
Key: MH - Magnetic Phenomena, Value:
Key: MH - *Nanocomposites/chemistry, Value:
Key: MH - *Water Pollutants, Chemical/chemistry, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Charge control, Value:
Key: OT - Magnetic polydopamine, Value:
Key: OT - Selective dye adsorption, Value:
Key: OT - Wastewater treatment, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/03/28 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/06/07 06:00, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/03/27 20:20, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/12/20 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/03/18 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/03/21 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/03/28 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/06/07 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/03/27 20:20 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - S0045-6535(22)00897-9 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.134404 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Chemosphere. 2022 Aug;300:134404. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.134404. Epub, Value:
Key: 2022 Mar 23., Value:
Key: PMID- 35335580, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20220329, Value:
Key: IS - 2073-4360 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2073-4360 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 14, Value:
Key: IP - 6, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Mar 20, Value:
Key: TI - Tung Oil Thermal Treatment Improves the Visual Effects of Moso Bamboo Materials., Value:
Key: LID - 10.3390/polym14061250 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 1250, Value:
Key: AB - Color is one of the most important characteristics of a material's appearance,, Value:
Key: which affects the additional value of bamboo and psychological feelings of users., Value:
Key: Previous studies have shown that the dimensional stability, mildew resistance and, Value:
Key: durability of bamboo were improved after tung oil thermal treatment. In this, Value:
Key: study, the effects of tung oil thermal treatment on bamboo color at different, Value:
Key: temperatures and durations of time were investigated. The results show that the, Value:
Key: lightness (L*) of bamboo decreased as the tung oil temperature or duration of, Value:
Key: time increased. The red-green coordinates (a*) and color saturation (C*) of, Value:
Key: bamboo were gradually increased as the tung oil temperature rose from 23 °C to, Value:
Key: 160 °C, while the a* and C* were gradually decreased when the temperature, Value:
Key: continued to rise from 160 °C to 200 °C. There was no significant difference in, Value:
Key: the yellow-blue coordinates (b*) of bamboo when the duration was prolonged from, Value:
Key: 0.5 h to 3 h with tung oil thermal treatment at 140 °C. Eye movement data show, Value:
Key: that the popularity of bamboo furniture was significantly improved at 23-100 °C, Value:
Key: and slightly improved at 160-180 °C with tung oil treatment. Therefore, tung oil, Value:
Key: thermal treatment plays a positive role in improving visual effects and, Value:
Key: additional value of bamboo., Value:
Key: FAU - Tang, Tong, Value:
Key: AU - Tang T, Value:
Key: AD - School of Art & Design, Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Academy of, Value:
Key: Sciences), Jinan 250353, China., Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Bamboo and Rattan Science and Technology of the State Forestry, Value:
Key: Administration, Department of Biomaterials, International Center for Bamboo and, Value:
Key: Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Benhua, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Bamboo and Rattan Science and Technology of the State Forestry, Value:
Key: Administration, Department of Biomaterials, International Center for Bamboo and, Value:
Key: Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Song, Wei, Value:
Key: AU - Song W, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Bamboo and Rattan Science and Technology of the State Forestry, Value:
Key: Administration, Department of Biomaterials, International Center for Bamboo and, Value:
Key: Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Su, Na, Value:
Key: AU - Su N, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Bamboo and Rattan Science and Technology of the State Forestry, Value:
Key: Administration, Department of Biomaterials, International Center for Bamboo and, Value:
Key: Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Sun, Fengbo, Value:
Key: AU - Sun F, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Bamboo and Rattan Science and Technology of the State Forestry, Value:
Key: Administration, Department of Biomaterials, International Center for Bamboo and, Value:
Key: Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - ICBR-2020-15/the Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland, Value:
Key: Administration/Beijing for Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology/, Value:
Key: GR - GZMC-ZD20202112/Science & Technology Research and Development Program of, Value:
Key: Guizhou Forestry Administration for Rural Industrial Revolution and, Value:
Key: Characteristic Forestry Industry/, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220320, Value:
Key: PL - Switzerland, Value:
Key: TA - Polymers (Basel), Value:
Key: JT - Polymers, Value:
Key: JID - 101545357, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC8955884, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - bamboo, Value:
Key: OT - color, Value:
Key: OT - thermal treatment, Value:
Key: OT - tung oil, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the, Value:
Key: design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in, Value:
Key: the writing of the manuscript; or in the decision to publish the results., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/03/27 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/03/27 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/03/20, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/03/26 01:03, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/02/26 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/03/14 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/03/17 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/03/26 01:03 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/03/27 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/03/27 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/03/20 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - polym14061250 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - polymers-14-01250 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.3390/polym14061250 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Polymers (Basel). 2022 Mar 20;14(6):1250. doi: 10.3390/polym14061250., Value:
Key: PMID- 35332042, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20220412, Value:
Key: LR - 20220523, Value:
Key: IS - 2044-6055 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2044-6055 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12, Value:
Key: IP - 3, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Mar 24, Value:
Key: TI - Randomised parallel trial on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness in, Value:
Key: screening gait disorder of silent cerebrovascular disease assisted by artificial, Value:
Key: intelligent system versus clinical doctors (ACCURATE-1): study protocol., Value:
Key: PG - e055880, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-055880 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - e055880, Value:
Key: AB - IntroductionSilent cerebrovascular disease (SCD), which is a common disease in, Value:
Key: the elderly, leads to cognitive decline, gait disorders, depression and urination, Value:
Key: dysfunction, and increases the risk of cerebrovascular events. Our study aims to, Value:
Key: compare the accuracy of the diagnosis of SCD-related gait disorders between the, Value:
Key: intelligent system and the clinician. Our team have developed an intelligent, Value:
Key: evaluation system for gait. This study will evaluate whether the intelligent, Value:
Key: system can help doctors make clinical decisions and predictions, which aids the, Value:
Key: early prevention and treatment of SCD. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: This study is a, Value:
Key: multi-centred, prospective, randomised and controlled trial.SCD subjects aged, Value:
Key: 60-85 years in Shanghai and Guizhou will be recruited continuously. All subjects, Value:
Key: will randomly be divided into a doctor with intelligence assistance group or a, Value:
Key: doctor group, at a 1:1 ratio. The doctor and intelligent assistant group will, Value:
Key: accept the intelligent system evaluation. The intelligent system obtains gait, Value:
Key: parameters by an Red-Green-Blue-depth camera and computer vision algorithm. The, Value:
Key: doctor group will accept the clinicians' routine treatment procedures. Meanwhile,, Value:
Key: all subjects will accept the panel's gait assessment and recognition rating scale, Value:
Key: as the gold standard. The primary outcome is the sensitivity of the intelligent, Value:
Key: system and clinicians to screen for gait disorders. The secondary outcomes, Value:
Key: include the healthcare costs and the incremental cost effectiveness ratio of, Value:
Key: intelligent systems and clinicians to screen for gait disorders. ETHICS AND, Value:
Key: DISSEMINATION: Approval was granted by the Ethics Committee of Zhongshan Hospital, Value:
Key: affiliated with Fudan University on 26 November 2019. The approval number is, Value:
Key: B2019-027(2) R. All subjects will sign an informed consent form before enrolment., Value:
Key: Serious adverse events will be reported to the main researchers and ethics, Value:
Key: committees. The subjects' data will be kept strictly confidential. The results, Value:
Key: will be disseminated in peer-reviewed journals. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER:, Value:
Key: NCT04457908., Value:
Key: CI - © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2022. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No, Value:
Key: commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Beini, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology, Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University, Shanghai, Shanghai,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhao, Jin, Value:
Key: AU - Zhao J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Health Economics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Xin, Value:
Key: AU - Li X, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology, Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University, Shanghai, Shanghai,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Tang, Yanmin, Value:
Key: AU - Tang Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology, Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University, Shanghai, Shanghai,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Qin, Guoyou, Value:
Key: AU - Qin G, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biostatistics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Wei, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang W, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biostatistics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ding, Jing, Value:
Key: AU - Ding J, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-5135-4210, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology, Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University, Shanghai, Shanghai,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Hu, Min, Value:
Key: AU - Hu M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Health Economics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Xin, Value:
Key: AU - Wang X, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology, Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University, Shanghai, Shanghai,, Value:
Key: China, Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: SI -, Value:
Key: PT - Clinical Trial Protocol, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220324, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - BMJ Open, Value:
Key: JT - BMJ open, Value:
Key: JID - 101552874, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Aged, Value:
Key: MH - *Cerebrovascular Disorders/diagnosis, Value:
Key: MH - China, Value:
Key: MH - Cost-Benefit Analysis, Value:
Key: MH - *Gait, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - Multicenter Studies as Topic, Value:
Key: MH - Prospective Studies, Value:
Key: MH - Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC8948402, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - adult neurology, Value:
Key: OT - health economics, Value:
Key: OT - stroke, Value:
Key: COIS- Competing interests: None declared., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/03/26 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/04/13 06:00, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/03/23, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/03/25 05:35, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/03/25 05:35 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/03/26 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/04/13 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/03/23 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - bmjopen-2021-055880 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-055880 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - BMJ Open. 2022 Mar 24;12(3):e055880. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-055880., Value:
Key: PMID- 35308983, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20220411, Value:
Key: LR - 20221030, Value:
Key: IS - 1942-597X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1559-4076 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 2021, Value:
Key: DP - 2021, Value:
Key: TI - Cross-Vendor CT Image Data Harmonization Using CVH-CT., Value:
Key: PG - 1099-1108, Value:
Key: AB - While remarkable advances have been made in Computed Tomography (CT), most of the, Value:
Key: existing efforts focus on imaging enhancement while reducing radiation dose. How, Value:
Key: to harmonize CT image data captured using different scanners is vital in, Value:
Key: cross-center large-scale radiomics studies but remains the boundary to explore., Value:
Key: Furthermore, the lack of paired training image problem makes it computationally, Value:
Key: challenging to adopt existing deep learning models. We propose a novel deep, Value:
Key: learning approach called CVH-CT for harmonizing CT images captured using scanners, Value:
Key: from different vendors. The generator of CVH-CT uses a self-attention mechanism, Value:
Key: to learn the scanner-related information. We also propose a VGG feature based, Value:
Key: domain loss to effectively extract texture properties from unpaired image data to, Value:
Key: learn the scanner based texture distributions. The experimental results show that, Value:
Key: CVH-CT is clearly better than the baselines because of the use of the proposed, Value:
Key: domain loss, and CVH-CT can effectively reduce the scanner-related variability in, Value:
Key: terms of radiomic features., Value:
Key: CI - ©2021 AMIA - All rights reserved., Value:
Key: FAU - Selim, Md, Value:
Key: AU - Selim M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Computer Science., Value:
Key: AD - Institute for Biomedical Informatics., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Jie, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Guo-Qiang, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang GQ, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston,, Value:
Key: Houston, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Ge, Gary Yeeming, Value:
Key: AU - Ge GY, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Jin, Value:
Key: AU - Chen J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Computer Science., Value:
Key: AD - Institute for Biomedical Informatics., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Internal Medicine, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220221, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - AMIA Annu Symp Proc, Value:
Key: JT - AMIA ... Annual Symposium proceedings. AMIA Symposium, Value:
Key: JID - 101209213, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - *Image Processing, Computer-Assisted/methods, Value:
Key: MH - Phantoms, Imaging, Value:
Key: MH - *Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC8861670, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/03/22 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/04/12 06:00, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/02/21, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/03/21 08:45, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/03/21 08:45 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/03/22 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/04/12 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/02/21 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 3568439 [pii], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2022 Feb 21;2021:1099-1108. eCollection 2021., Value:
Key: PMID- 35200482, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20220301, Value:
Key: IS - 2310-2861 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2310-2861 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 8, Value:
Key: IP - 2, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Feb 8, Value:
Key: TI - Self-Healable and Super-Tough Double-Network Hydrogel Fibers from Dynamic, Value:
Key: Acylhydrazone Bonding and Supramolecular Interactions., Value:
Key: LID - 10.3390/gels8020101 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 101, Value:
Key: AB - Macroscopic hydrogel fibers are highly desirable for smart textiles, but the, Value:
Key: fabrication of self-healable and super-tough covalent/physical double-network, Value:
Key: hydrogels is rarely reported. Herein, copolymers containing ketone groups were, Value:
Key: synthesized and prepared into a dynamic covalent hydrogel via acylhydrazone, Value:
Key: chemistry. Double-network hydrogels were constructed via the dynamic covalent, Value:
Key: crosslinking of copolymers and the supramolecular interactions of, Value:
Key: iota-carrageenan. Tensile tests on double-network and parental hydrogels revealed, Value:
Key: the successful construction of strong and tough hydrogels. The double-network, Value:
Key: hydrogel precursor was wet spun to obtain macroscopic fibers with controlled, Value:
Key: drawing ratios. The resultant fibers reached a high strength of 1.35 MPa or a, Value:
Key: large toughness of 1.22 MJ/m(3). Highly efficient self-healing performances were, Value:
Key: observed in hydrogel fibers and their bulk specimens. Through the simultaneous, Value:
Key: healing of covalent and supramolecular networks under acidic and heated, Value:
Key: conditions, fibers achieved rapid and near-complete healing with 96% efficiency., Value:
Key: Such self-healable and super-tough hydrogel fibers were applied as shape memory, Value:
Key: fibers for repetitive actuating in response to water, indicating their potential, Value:
Key: in intelligent fabrics., Value:
Key: FAU - Hua, Jiachuan, Value:
Key: AU - Hua J, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Chang, Value:
Key: AU - Liu C, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bin, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Zunfeng, Value:
Key: AU - Liu Z, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Functional Polymer Materials, College of Chemistry, Nankai, Value:
Key: University, Tianjin 300071, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220208, Value:
Key: PL - Switzerland, Value:
Key: TA - Gels, Value:
Key: JT - Gels (Basel, Switzerland), Value:
Key: JID - 101696925, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC8871786, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - double network, Value:
Key: OT - dynamic covalent bond, Value:
Key: OT - hydrogel fiber, Value:
Key: OT - iota carrageenan, Value:
Key: OT - self-healing, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare no conflict of interest., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/02/25 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/02/25 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/02/08, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/02/24 12:20, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/12/31 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/01/27 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/02/01 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/02/24 12:20 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/02/25 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/02/25 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/02/08 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - gels8020101 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - gels-08-00101 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.3390/gels8020101 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Gels. 2022 Feb 8;8(2):101. doi: 10.3390/gels8020101., Value:
Key: PMID- 35177877, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20220223, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 11598, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Feb, Value:
Key: TI - Virtual Reality Assisted Cardiac Catheterization., Value:
Key: LID - 115982D [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2582097 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Cardiac catheterization is a delicate strategy often used during various heart, Value:
Key: procedures. However, the procedure carries a myriad of risks associated with it,, Value:
Key: including damage to the vessel or heart itself, blood clots, and arrhythmias., Value:
Key: Many of these risks increase in probability as the length of the operation, Value:
Key: increases, creating a demand for a more accurate procedure while reducing the, Value:
Key: overall time required. To this end, we developed an adaptable virtual reality, Value:
Key: simulation and visualization method to provide essential information to the, Value:
Key: physician ahead of time with the goal of reducing potential risks, decreasing, Value:
Key: operation time, and improving the accuracy of cardiac catheterization procedures., Value:
Key: We additionally conducted a phantom study to evaluate the impact of using our, Value:
Key: virtual reality system prior to a procedure., Value:
Key: FAU - Bettati, Patric, Value:
Key: AU - Bettati P, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Dormer, James D, Value:
Key: AU - Dormer JD, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Young, Jeff, Value:
Key: AU - Young J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Shahedi, Maysam, Value:
Key: AU - Shahedi M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology and Advanced Imaging Research Center, University of Texas, Value:
Key: Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210215, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC8849600, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1762472, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/02/19 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/02/19 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/02/16, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/02/18 05:45, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/02/18 05:45 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/02/19 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/02/19 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/02/16 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 115982D [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2582097 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2021 Feb;11598:115982D. doi: 10.1117/12.2582097. Epub, Value:
Key: 2021 Feb 15., Value:
Key: PMID- 35118164, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20230210, Value:
Key: IS - 2329-4302 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 2329-4310 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2329-4302 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 9, Value:
Key: IP - 1, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Jan, Value:
Key: TI - Brain tumor IDH, 1p/19q, and MGMT molecular classification using MRI-based deep, Value:
Key: learning: an initial study on the effect of motion and motion correction., Value:
Key: PG - 016001, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/1.JMI.9.1.016001 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 016001, Value:
Key: AB - Purpose: Deep learning has shown promise for predicting the molecular profiles of, Value:
Key: gliomas using MR images. Prior to clinical implementation, ensuring robustness to, Value:
Key: real-world problems, such as patient motion, is crucial. The purpose of this, Value:
Key: study is to perform a preliminary evaluation on the effects of simulated motion, Value:
Key: artifact on glioma marker classifier performance and determine if motion, Value:
Key: correction can restore classification accuracies. Approach: T2w images and, Value:
Key: molecular information were retrieved from the TCIA and TCGA databases. Simulated, Value:
Key: motion was added in the k-space domain along the phase encoding direction., Value:
Key: Classifier performance for IDH mutation, 1p/19q co-deletion, and MGMT methylation, Value:
Key: was assessed over the range of 0% to 100% corrupted k-space lines. Rudimentary, Value:
Key: motion correction networks were trained on the motion-corrupted images. The, Value:
Key: performance of the three glioma marker classifiers was then evaluated on the, Value:
Key: motion-corrected images. Results: Glioma marker classifier performance decreased, Value:
Key: markedly with increasing motion corruption. Applying motion correction, Value:
Key: effectively restored classification accuracy for even the most motion-corrupted, Value:
Key: images. For isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) classification, 99% accuracy was, Value:
Key: achieved, exceeding the original performance of the network and representing a, Value:
Key: new benchmark in non-invasive MRI-based IDH classification. Conclusions: Robust, Value:
Key: motion correction can facilitate highly accurate deep learning MRI-based, Value:
Key: molecular marker classification, rivaling invasive tissue-based characterization, Value:
Key: methods. Motion correction may be able to increase classification accuracy even, Value:
Key: in the absence of a visible artifact, representing a new strategy for boosting, Value:
Key: classifier performance., Value:
Key: CI - © 2022 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)., Value:
Key: FAU - Nalawade, Sahil S, Value:
Key: AU - Nalawade SS, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-5440-8357, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Advanced Neuroscience Imaging, Value:
Key: Research Lab, Department of Radiology, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Yu, Fang F, Value:
Key: AU - Yu FF, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Advanced Neuroscience Imaging, Value:
Key: Research Lab, Department of Radiology, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Bangalore Yogananda, Chandan Ganesh, Value:
Key: AU - Bangalore Yogananda CG, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Advanced Neuroscience Imaging, Value:
Key: Research Lab, Department of Radiology, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Murugesan, Gowtham K, Value:
Key: AU - Murugesan GK, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-2160-6648, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Advanced Neuroscience Imaging, Value:
Key: Research Lab, Department of Radiology, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Shah, Bhavya R, Value:
Key: AU - Shah BR, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Advanced Neuroscience Imaging, Value:
Key: Research Lab, Department of Radiology, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Pinho, Marco C, Value:
Key: AU - Pinho MC, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Advanced Neuroscience Imaging, Value:
Key: Research Lab, Department of Radiology, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Wagner, Benjamin C, Value:
Key: AU - Wagner BC, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-2835-986X, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Advanced Neuroscience Imaging, Value:
Key: Research Lab, Department of Radiology, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Xi, Yin, Value:
Key: AU - Xi Y, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-9743-3010, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Advanced Neuroscience Imaging, Value:
Key: Research Lab, Department of Radiology, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Mickey, Bruce, Value:
Key: AU - Mickey B, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Neurological, Value:
Key: Surgery, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Patel, Toral R, Value:
Key: AU - Patel TR, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-8388-8206, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Neurological, Value:
Key: Surgery, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-9123-9484, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, Texas,, Value:
Key: United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Madhuranthakam, Ananth J, Value:
Key: AU - Madhuranthakam AJ, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-5524-7962, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Advanced Neuroscience Imaging, Value:
Key: Research Lab, Department of Radiology, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Maldjian, Joseph A, Value:
Key: AU - Maldjian JA, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-6384-1072, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Advanced Neuroscience Imaging, Value:
Key: Research Lab, Department of Radiology, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA260705/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - U01 CA207091/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220127, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - J Med Imaging (Bellingham), Value:
Key: JT - Journal of medical imaging (Bellingham, Wash.), Value:
Key: JID - 101643461, Value:
Key: EIN - J Med Imaging (Bellingham). 2023 Jan;10(1):019801. PMID: 36761698, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC8794036, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - deep learning, Value:
Key: OT - isocitrate dehydrogenase, Value:
Key: OT - magnetic resonance imaging, Value:
Key: OT - motion artifact simulation, Value:
Key: OT - motion correction, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/02/05 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/02/05 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/01/27, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/02/04 05:53, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/06/17 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/01/03 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/02/04 05:53 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/02/05 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/02/05 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/01/27 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 21152R [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/1.JMI.9.1.016001 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - J Med Imaging (Bellingham). 2022 Jan;9(1):016001. doi: 10.1117/1.JMI.9.1.016001., Value:
Key: Epub 2022 Jan 27., Value:
Key: PMID- 35073055, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20220307, Value:
Key: LR - 20220307, Value:
Key: IS - 2373-9878 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2373-9878 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 8, Value:
Key: IP - 2, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Feb 14, Value:
Key: TI - Bioinspired Photo-Cross-Linking of Stretched Solid Silks for Enhanced Strength., Value:
Key: PG - 484-492, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.1c01170 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - In this study, solid fibroin fibers (FFs) were directly cross-linked by employing, Value:
Key: a ruthenium-mediated redox pair under visible light at room temperature for the, Value:
Key: first time. The chemical cross-link through dityrosine connection was confirmed, Value:
Key: by Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, fluorescence spectra, and a, Value:
Key: solubility test. The resultant cross-link density of fibers was calculated based, Value:
Key: on their swelling ratio evaluation in LiBr solution. Further applying stretch to, Value:
Key: the fibers during irradiation increased the fiber strength to higher values. The, Value:
Key: break stress and Young's modulus of photo-cross-linked 15% stretch FFs reached a, Value:
Key: 60-90% increase in comparison to the original FFs in dry and wet conditions. This, Value:
Key: approach constitutes an easy and straightforward strategy for strengthening FFs,, Value:
Key: which is scalable industrially to enhance FFs in a wide range of applications., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Chang, Value:
Key: AU - Liu C, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Hua, Jiachuan, Value:
Key: AU - Hua J, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ng, Pui Fai, Value:
Key: AU - Ng PF, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-8208-824X, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Yidi, Value:
Key: AU - Wang Y, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bin, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-4274-1873, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Shao, Zhengzhong, Value:
Key: AU - Shao Z, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-5334-4008, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Macromolecular Science, Fudan University, Shanghai 200437, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220124, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - ACS Biomater Sci Eng, Value:
Key: JT - ACS biomaterials science & engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101654670, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Silk), Value:
Key: RN - 9007-76-5 (Fibroins), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Elastic Modulus, Value:
Key: MH - *Fibroins/chemistry, Value:
Key: MH - *Silk/chemistry, Value:
Key: MH - Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - dityrosine, Value:
Key: OT - molecular orientation, Value:
Key: OT - photo-cross-link, Value:
Key: OT - silk fibroin fiber, Value:
Key: OT - strengthening, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/01/25 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/03/08 06:00, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/01/24 17:13, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/01/25 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/03/08 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/01/24 17:13 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.1c01170 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - ACS Biomater Sci Eng. 2022 Feb 14;8(2):484-492. doi:, Value:
Key: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.1c01170. Epub 2022 Jan 24., Value:
Key: PMID- 35039060, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20220119, Value:
Key: LR - 20240405, Value:
Key: IS - 1423-0127 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1021-7770 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1021-7770 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 29, Value:
Key: IP - 1, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Jan 17, Value:
Key: TI - SLCO4A1-AS1 promotes colorectal tumourigenesis by regulating Cdk2/c-Myc, Value:
Key: signalling., Value:
Key: PG - 4, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1186/s12929-022-00789-z [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 4, Value:
Key: AB - BACKGROUND: SLCO4A1-AS1 was found to be upregulated in several cancer types,, Value:
Key: including colorectal cancer (CRC). However, the detailed roles of SLCO4A1-AS1 in, Value:
Key: CRC remain to be elucidated. Therefore, we investigated the functions, mechanism,, Value:
Key: and clinical significance of SLCO4A1-AS1 in colorectal tumourigenesis. METHODS:, Value:
Key: We measured the expression of SLCO4A1-AS1 in CRC tissues using qRT-PCR and, Value:
Key: determined its correlation with patient prognosis. Promoter methylation analyses, Value:
Key: were used to assess the methylation status of SLCO4A1-AS1. Gain- and, Value:
Key: loss-of-function assays were used to evaluate the effects of SLCO4A1-AS1 on CRC, Value:
Key: growth in vitro and in vivo. RNA pull-down, RNA immunoprecipitation, RNA-seq,, Value:
Key: luciferase reporter and immunohistochemistry assays were performed to identify, Value:
Key: the molecular mechanism of SLCO4A1-AS1 in CRC. RESULTS: SLCO4A1-AS1 was, Value:
Key: frequently upregulated in CRC tissues based on multiple CRC cohorts and was, Value:
Key: associated with poor prognoses. Aberrant overexpression of SLCO4A1-AS1 in CRC is, Value:
Key: partly attributed to the DNA hypomethylation of its promoter. Ectopic SLCO4A1-AS1, Value:
Key: expression promoted CRC cell growth, whereas SLCO4A1-AS1 knockdown repressed CRC, Value:
Key: proliferation both in vitro and in vivo. Mechanistic investigations revealed that, Value:
Key: SLCO4A1-AS1 functions as a molecular scaffold to strengthen the interaction, Value:
Key: between Hsp90 and Cdk2, promoting the protein stability of Cdk2. The, Value:
Key: SLCO4A1-AS1-induced increase in Cdk2 levels activates the c-Myc signalling, Value:
Key: pathway by promoting the phosphorylation of c-Myc at Ser62, resulting in, Value:
Key: increased tumour growth. CONCLUSIONS: Our data demonstrate that SLCO4A1-AS1 acts, Value:
Key: as an oncogene in CRC by regulating the Hsp90/Cdk2/c-Myc axis, supporting, Value:
Key: SLCO4A1-AS1 as a potential therapeutic target and prognostic factor for CRC., Value:
Key: CI - © 2022. The Author(s)., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Jia, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang J, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Hui He, Value:
Key: Road, Wuxi, 214062, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cui, Kaisa, Value:
Key: AU - Cui K, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Hui He, Value:
Key: Road, Wuxi, 214062, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Liuying, Value:
Key: AU - Huang L, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Hui He, Value:
Key: Road, Wuxi, 214062, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yang, Fan, Value:
Key: AU - Yang F, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Hui He, Value:
Key: Road, Wuxi, 214062, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Sun, Shengbai, Value:
Key: AU - Sun S, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Hui He, Value:
Key: Road, Wuxi, 214062, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Bian, Zehua, Value:
Key: AU - Bian Z, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Hui He, Value:
Key: Road, Wuxi, 214062, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Xue, Value:
Key: AU - Wang X, Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Chaoqun, Value:
Key: AU - Li C, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Hui He, Value:
Key: Road, Wuxi, 214062, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yin, Yuan, Value:
Key: AU - Yin Y, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Hui He, Value:
Key: Road, Wuxi, 214062, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Shengling, Value:
Key: AU - Huang S, Value:
Key: AD - Institutes of Biomedical Sciences and Shanghai Cancer Center, Shanghai Medical, Value:
Key: College, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200032, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhou, Leyuan, Value:
Key: AU - Zhou L, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiation Oncology, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bojian, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Surgical Oncology, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Zhaohui, Value:
Key: AU - Huang Z, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Hui He, Value:
Key: Road, Wuxi, 214062, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - 81972220/National Natural Science Foundation of China/, Value:
Key: GR - 81802469/National Natural Science Foundation of China/, Value:
Key: GR - 2020M681493/China Postdoctoral Science Foundation/, Value:
Key: GR - 2020Z050/Postdoctoral Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province/, Value:
Key: GR - ZDRCB2016017/Medical Key Professionals Program of Jiangsu Province/, Value:
Key: GR - LGY2019017/Wuxi Taihu Lake Talent Plan, Project of Jiangsu Health Committee/, Value:
Key: GR - BJ2020058/Top Talent Support Program for young and middle-aged people of Wuxi, Value:
Key: Health Committee/, Value:
Key: GR - HB2020044/Top Talent Support Program for young and middle-aged people of Wuxi, Value:
Key: Health Committee/, Value:
Key: GR - BJ2020053/Top Talent Support Program for young and middle-aged people of Wuxi, Value:
Key: Health Committee/, Value:
Key: GR - Z202005/Project of Wuxi Health Committee/, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220117, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - J Biomed Sci, Value:
Key: JT - Journal of biomedical science, Value:
Key: JID - 9421567, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (MYC protein, human), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (MicroRNAs), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-myc), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (RNA, Antisense), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (RNA, Long Noncoding), Value:
Key: RN - EC (CDK2 protein, human), Value:
Key: RN - EC (Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 2), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Carcinogenesis/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Line, Tumor, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Movement, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Proliferation/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - *Colorectal Neoplasms/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 2, Value:
Key: MH - Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - *MicroRNAs, Value:
Key: MH - Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-myc, Value:
Key: MH - RNA, Antisense, Value:
Key: MH - *RNA, Long Noncoding, Value:
Key: MH - Signal Transduction/genetics, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC8762969, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Cdk2, Value:
Key: OT - Colorectal cancer, Value:
Key: OT - Long non-coding RNA, Value:
Key: OT - SLCO4A1-AS1, Value:
Key: OT - c-Myc, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare no conflict of interests., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/01/19 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/01/20 06:00, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/01/17, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/01/18 05:37, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/09/06 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/12/26 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/01/18 05:37 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/01/19 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/01/20 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/01/17 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1186/s12929-022-00789-z [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 789 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1186/s12929-022-00789-z [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - J Biomed Sci. 2022 Jan 17;29(1):4. doi: 10.1186/s12929-022-00789-z., Value:
Key: PMID- 34997887, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20220419, Value:
Key: LR - 20220419, Value:
Key: IS - 1437-7799 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1342-1751 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 26, Value:
Key: IP - 5, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 May, Value:
Key: TI - KCNQ1OT1 inhibition alleviates high glucose-induced podocyte injury by adsorbing, Value:
Key: miR-23b-3p and regulating Sema3A., Value:
Key: PG - 385-397, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1007/s10157-021-02173-x [doi], Value:
Key: AB - BACKGROUND: Diabetic nephropathy (DN), a diabetic complication, is the leading, Value:
Key: cause of end-stage renal disease. KCNQ1 opposite strand/antisense transcript 1, Value:
Key: (KCNQ1OT1), a long non-coding RNA, has been unmasked to participate in the, Value:
Key: pathogenesis of DN. However, the specific mechanism by which KCNQ1OT1 regulates, Value:
Key: podocyte injury remains unclear. METHODS: Relative expression of KCNQ1OT1 was, Value:
Key: measured with quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). The, Value:
Key: levels of inflammatory cytokines were analyzed by enzyme linked immunosorbent, Value:
Key: assay (ELISA). The viability, proliferation, and apoptosis of high glucose, Value:
Key: (HG)-treated podocyte were analyzed by, Value:
Key: 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT),, Value:
Key: 5-ethynyl-2'-deoxyuridine (EdU), and flow cytometry assays. Protein levels were, Value:
Key: analyzed by western blotting. The regulatory mechanism of KCNQ1OT1 was surveyed, Value:
Key: by bioinformatics analysis, dual-luciferase reporter, and RNA immunoprecipitation, Value:
Key: (RIP) assays. RESULTS: We observed an apparent upregulation in KCNQ1OT1, Value:
Key: expression in serums of DN patients and HG-treated podocytes. Furthermore,, Value:
Key: KCNQ1OT1 downregulation alleviated HG-induced inflammation, proliferation, Value:
Key: repression, and apoptosis in podocytes. Notably, KCNQ1OT1 was identified as a, Value:
Key: miR-23b-3p sponge, and miR-23b-3p directly targeted Semaphorin-3A (Sema3A)., Value:
Key: Moreover, miR-23b-3p silencing reversed KCNQ1OT1 knockdown-mediated effects on, Value:
Key: inflammation, proliferation, and apoptosis of HG-induced podocytes. Also, Sema3A, Value:
Key: overexpression reversed the effects of miR-23b-3p mimic on inflammation,, Value:
Key: proliferation, and apoptosis of HG-induced podocytes. Importantly, KCNQ1OT1, Value:
Key: regulated Sema3A expression by sponging miR-23b-3p. CONCLUSIONS: HG-induced, Value:
Key: KCNQ1OT1 promoted inflammation, proliferation repression, and apoptosis of, Value:
Key: podocytes via increasing Sema3A expression through sponging miR-23b-3p. This, Value:
Key: study provided evidence to support the involvement of KCNQ1OT1 in the, Value:
Key: pathogenesis of DN., Value:
Key: CI - © 2022. Japanese Society of Nephrology., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bingru, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Nephrology, The Affiliated Huaian No. 1 People's Hospital of, Value:
Key: Nanjing Medical University, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhou, Hui, Value:
Key: AU - Zhou H, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Nephrology, The Affiliated Huaian No. 1 People's Hospital of, Value:
Key: Nanjing Medical University, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, China., Value:
Key: FAU - He, Zengjiao, Value:
Key: AU - He Z, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Nephrology, The Affiliated Huaian No. 1 People's Hospital of, Value:
Key: Nanjing Medical University, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Suyu, Value:
Key: AU - Wang S, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Nephrology, The Affiliated Huaian No. 1 People's Hospital of, Value:
Key: Nanjing Medical University, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, China., Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - 81900664/Youth Fund Project of Natural Science Foundation of China/, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220108, Value:
Key: PL - Japan, Value:
Key: TA - Clin Exp Nephrol, Value:
Key: JT - Clinical and experimental nephrology, Value:
Key: JID - 9709923, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (MicroRNAs), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (SEMA3A protein, human), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Semaphorin-3A), Value:
Key: RN - IY9XDZ35W2 (Glucose), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Apoptosis, Value:
Key: MH - *Diabetic Nephropathies/pathology, Value:
Key: MH - Female, Value:
Key: MH - Glucose/metabolism/toxicity, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - Inflammation, Value:
Key: MH - Male, Value:
Key: MH - *MicroRNAs/genetics/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - *Podocytes/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Semaphorin-3A/genetics/metabolism/pharmacology, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - DN, Value:
Key: OT - KCNQ1OT1, Value:
Key: OT - Podocytes, Value:
Key: OT - Sema3A, Value:
Key: OT - miR-23b-3p, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2022/01/09 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/04/20 06:00, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/01/08 12:06, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/03/20 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/12/10 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/01/09 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/04/20 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/01/08 12:06 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1007/s10157-021-02173-x [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1007/s10157-021-02173-x [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Clin Exp Nephrol. 2022 May;26(5):385-397. doi: 10.1007/s10157-021-02173-x. Epub, Value:
Key: 2022 Jan 8., Value:
Key: PMID- 34969155, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20220428, Value:
Key: LR - 20220428, Value:
Key: IS - 1521-4095 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0935-9648 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 34, Value:
Key: IP - 17, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Apr, Value:
Key: TI - Recent Progress in Protective Membranes Fabricated via Electrospinning: Advanced, Value:
Key: Materials, Biomimetic Structures, and Functional Applications., Value:
Key: PG - e2107938, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1002/adma.202107938 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Electrospinning is a significant micro/nanofiber processing technology and has, Value:
Key: been rapidly developing in the past 2 decades. It has several applications,, Value:
Key: including advanced sensing, intelligent manufacturing, and high-efficiency, Value:
Key: catalysis. Here, multifunctional protective membranes fabricated via, Value:
Key: electrospinning in terms of novel material design, construction of novel, Value:
Key: structures, and various protection requirements in different environments are, Value:
Key: reviewed. To achieve excellent comprehensive properties, such as, high water, Value:
Key: vapor transmission, high hydrostatic pressure, optimal mechanical property, and, Value:
Key: air permeability, combinations of novel materials containing, Value:
Key: nondegradable/degradable materials and functional structures inspired by nature, Value:
Key: have been investigated for decades. Currently, research is mainly focused on, Value:
Key: conventional protective membranes with multifunctional properties, such as,, Value:
Key: anti-UV, antibacterial, and electromagnetic-shielding functions. However,, Value:
Key: important aspects, such as, the properties of electrospun monofilaments,, Value:
Key: development of "green electrospinning solutions" with high solid content, and, Value:
Key: approaches for enhancing adhesion between hydrophilic and hydrophobic layers are, Value:
Key: not considered. Based on this systematic review, the development of, Value:
Key: electrospinning for protective membranes is discussed, the existing gaps in, Value:
Key: research are discussed, and solutions for the development of technology are, Value:
Key: proposed. This review will assist in promoting the diversified development of, Value:
Key: protective membranes and is of great significance for fabricating advanced, Value:
Key: materials for intelligent protection., Value:
Key: CI - © 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH., Value:
Key: FAU - Shi, Shuo, Value:
Key: AU - Shi S, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong SAR, 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Si, Yifan, Value:
Key: AU - Si Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong SAR, 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Han, Yanting, Value:
Key: AU - Han Y, Value:
Key: AD - West China School of Nursing/West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu,, Value:
Key: 610065, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wu, Ting, Value:
Key: AU - Wu T, Value:
Key: AD - School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Huazhong University of Science &, Value:
Key: Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, 430074, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Iqbal, Mohammad Irfan, Value:
Key: AU - Iqbal MI, Value:
Key: AD - School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong SAR, 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bin, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,, Value:
Key: Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Robert K Y, Value:
Key: AU - Li RKY, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Materials Science and Engineering, City University of Hong Kong,, Value:
Key: Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Hu, Jinlian, Value:
Key: AU - Hu J, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-8914-5473, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong SAR, 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Qu, Jinping, Value:
Key: AU - Qu J, Value:
Key: AD - School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Huazhong University of Science &, Value:
Key: Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, 430074, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - 9231419/Contract Research/, Value:
Key: GR - 51673162/National Natural Science Foundation of China/, Value:
Key: GR - 52073241/National Natural Science Foundation of China/, Value:
Key: GR - 9380116/CityU/, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Review, Value:
Key: PT - Systematic Review, Value:
Key: DEP - 20220311, Value:
Key: PL - Germany, Value:
Key: TA - Adv Mater, Value:
Key: JT - Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.), Value:
Key: JID - 9885358, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Anti-Bacterial Agents), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Membranes, Artificial), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Anti-Bacterial Agents, Value:
Key: MH - Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Interactions, Value:
Key: MH - Membranes, Artificial, Value:
Key: MH - *Nanofibers/chemistry, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - breathability, Value:
Key: OT - electrospinning, Value:
Key: OT - protective membranes, Value:
Key: OT - unidirectional transmission, Value:
Key: OT - waterproofing, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/12/31 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/04/29 06:00, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/12/30 20:34, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/12/17 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/10/04 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/12/31 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/04/29 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/12/30 20:34 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1002/adma.202107938 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Adv Mater. 2022 Apr;34(17):e2107938. doi: 10.1002/adma.202107938. Epub 2022 Mar, Value:
Key: 11., Value:
Key: PMID- 34957102, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20211228, Value:
Key: IS - 2296-634X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 2296-634X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2296-634X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 9, Value:
Key: DP - 2021, Value:
Key: TI - Hsa_circ_0062682 Promotes Serine Metabolism and Tumor Growth in Colorectal Cancer, Value:
Key: by Regulating the miR-940/PHGDH Axis., Value:
Key: PG - 770006, Value:
Key: LID - 10.3389/fcell.2021.770006 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 770006, Value:
Key: AB - Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common malignancies globally., Value:
Key: Increasing evidence indicates that circular RNAs (circRNAs) play a pivotal role, Value:
Key: in various cancers. The present study focused on exploring the role of a, Value:
Key: functionally unknown circRNA, hsa_circ_0062682 (circ_0062682), in CRC. By online, Value:
Key: analyses and experimental validations, we showed that circ_0062682 expression was, Value:
Key: aberrantly increased in CRC tissues compared with paired normal tissues., Value:
Key: Increased expression of circ_0062682 in CRC notably correlated with a poor, Value:
Key: prognosis and advanced tumor stage. Functional experiments showed that, Value:
Key: circ_0062682 knockdown reduced CRC growth both in vitro and in vivo., Value:
Key: Mechanistically, we revealed that circ_0062682 could sponge miR-940 and, Value:
Key: identified D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (PHGDH), a key oxidoreductase, Value:
Key: involved in serine biosynthesis, as a novel target of miR-940. Silencing miR-940, Value:
Key: expression could mimic the inhibitory effect of circ_0062682 knockdown on CRC, Value:
Key: proliferation. The expression of PHGDH was downregulated in circ_0062682-depleted, Value:
Key: or miR-940 overexpressing CRC cells at both the mRNA and protein levels., Value:
Key: Circ_0062682 knockdown suppressed CRC growth by decreasing PHGDH expression and, Value:
Key: serine production via miR-940. Taken together, these data demonstrate, for the, Value:
Key: first time, that circ_0062682 promotes serine metabolism and tumor growth in CRC, Value:
Key: by regulating the miR-940/PHGDH axis, suggesting circ_0062682 as a potential, Value:
Key: novel therapeutic target for CRC., Value:
Key: CI - Copyright © 2021 Sun, Li, Cui, Liu, Zhou, Cao, Zhang, Bian, Fei and Huang., Value:
Key: FAU - Sun, Shengbai, Value:
Key: AU - Sun S, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Chaoqun, Value:
Key: AU - Li C, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cui, Kaisa, Value:
Key: AU - Cui K, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Bingxin, Value:
Key: AU - Liu B, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhou, Mingyue, Value:
Key: AU - Zhou M, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cao, Yulin, Value:
Key: AU - Cao Y, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Jia, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang J, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Bian, Zehua, Value:
Key: AU - Bian Z, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bojian, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Zhaohui, Value:
Key: AU - Huang Z, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20211208, Value:
Key: PL - Switzerland, Value:
Key: TA - Front Cell Dev Biol, Value:
Key: JT - Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, Value:
Key: JID - 101630250, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC8692793, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - PHGDH, Value:
Key: OT - circular RNA, Value:
Key: OT - colorectal cancer, Value:
Key: OT - miR-940, Value:
Key: OT - serine metabolism, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any, Value:
Key: commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential, Value:
Key: conflict of interest., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/12/28 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/12/28 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2021/01/01, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/12/27 06:33, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/09/03 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/11/15 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/12/27 06:33 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/12/28 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/12/28 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/01/01 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 770006 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.3389/fcell.2021.770006 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021 Dec 8;9:770006. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.770006., Value:
Key: eCollection 2021., Value:
Key: PMID- 34955584, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20231108, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 11603, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Feb, Value:
Key: TI - Automatic detection of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma on pathologic slides, Value:
Key: using polarized hyperspectral imaging and machine learning., Value:
Key: LID - 116030Q [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2582330 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - The aim of this study is to incorporate polarized hyperspectral imaging (PHSI), Value:
Key: with machine learning for automatic detection of head and neck squamous cell, Value:
Key: carcinoma (SCC) on hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained tissue slides. A polarized, Value:
Key: hyperspectral imaging microscope had been developed in our group. In this paper,, Value:
Key: we imaged 20 H&E stained tissue slides from 10 patients with SCC of the larynx by, Value:
Key: the PHSI microscope. Several machine learning algorithms, including support, Value:
Key: vector machine (SVM), random forest, Gaussian naive Bayes, and logistic, Value:
Key: regression, were applied to the collected image data for the automatic detection, Value:
Key: of SCC on the H&E stained tissue slides. The performance of these methods was, Value:
Key: compared among the collected PHSI data, the pseudo-RGB images generated from the, Value:
Key: PHSI data, and the PHSI data after applying the principal component analysis, Value:
Key: (PCA) transformation. The results suggest that SVM is a superior classifier for, Value:
Key: the classification task based on the PHSI data cubes compared to the other three, Value:
Key: classifiers. The incorporate of four Stokes vector parameters improved the, Value:
Key: classification accuracy. Finally, the PCA transformed image data did not improve, Value:
Key: the accuracy as it might lose some important information from the original PHSI, Value:
Key: data. The preliminary results show that polarized hyperspectral imaging can have, Value:
Key: many potential applications in digital pathology., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhou, Ximing, Value:
Key: AU - Zhou X, Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering and Center for, Value:
Key: Imaging and Surgical Innovation, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Ling, Value:
Key: AU - Ma L, Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering and Center for, Value:
Key: Imaging and Surgical Innovation, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Brown, William, Value:
Key: AU - Brown W, Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering and Center for, Value:
Key: Imaging and Surgical Innovation, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Little, James V, Value:
Key: AU - Little JV, Value:
Key: AD - Emory University, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Atlanta, GA., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Amy Y, Value:
Key: AU - Chen AY, Value:
Key: AD - Emory University, Department of Otolaryngology, Atlanta, GA., Value:
Key: FAU - Myers, Larry L, Value:
Key: AU - Myers LL, Value:
Key: AD - Univ. of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dept. of Otolaryngology, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Sumer, Baran D, Value:
Key: AU - Sumer BD, Value:
Key: AD - Univ. of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dept. of Otolaryngology, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering and Center for, Value:
Key: Imaging and Surgical Innovation, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Univ. of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Advanced Imaging Research Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Univ. of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dept. of Radiology, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210215, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC8699168, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1762461, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Polarized hyperspectral imaging, Value:
Key: OT - Stokes vector, Value:
Key: OT - digital pathology, Value:
Key: OT - head and neck cancer, Value:
Key: OT - histologic slides, Value:
Key: OT - machine learning, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/12/28 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/12/28 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2021/12/23, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/12/27 06:18, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/12/27 06:18 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/12/28 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/12/28 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/12/23 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 116030Q [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2582330 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2021 Feb;11603:116030Q. doi: 10.1117/12.2582330. Epub, Value:
Key: 2021 Feb 15., Value:
Key: PMID- 34902166, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20220211, Value:
Key: LR - 20230317, Value:
Key: IS - 2473-4209 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0094-2405 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 0094-2405 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 49, Value:
Key: IP - 2, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Feb, Value:
Key: TI - Technical note: The effect of image annotation with minimal manual interaction, Value:
Key: for semiautomatic prostate segmentation in CT images using fully convolutional, Value:
Key: neural networks., Value:
Key: PG - 1153-1160, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1002/mp.15404 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - PURPOSE: The goal is to study the performance improvement of a deep learning, Value:
Key: algorithm in three-dimensional (3D) image segmentation through incorporating, Value:
Key: minimal user interaction into a fully convolutional neural network (CNN)., Value:
Key: METHODS: A U-Net CNN was trained and tested for 3D prostate segmentation in, Value:
Key: computed tomography (CT) images. To improve the segmentation accuracy, the CNN's, Value:
Key: input images were annotated with a set of border landmarks to supervise the, Value:
Key: network for segmenting the prostate. The network was trained and tested again, Value:
Key: with annotated images after 5, 10, 15, 20, or 30 landmark points were used., Value:
Key: RESULTS: Compared to fully automatic segmentation, the Dice similarity, Value:
Key: coefficient increased up to 9% when 5-30 sparse landmark points were involved,, Value:
Key: with the segmentation accuracy improving as more border landmarks were used., Value:
Key: CONCLUSIONS: When a limited number of sparse border landmarks are used on the, Value:
Key: input image, the CNN performance approaches the interexpert observer difference, Value:
Key: observed in manual segmentation., Value:
Key: CI - © 2021 American Association of Physicists in Medicine., Value:
Key: FAU - Shahedi, Maysam, Value:
Key: AU - Shahedi M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson,, Value:
Key: Texas, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Dormer, James D, Value:
Key: AU - Dormer JD, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson,, Value:
Key: Texas, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Halicek, Martin, Value:
Key: AU - Halicek M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson,, Value:
Key: Texas, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson,, Value:
Key: Texas, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Advanced Imaging Research Center, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas,, Value:
Key: USA., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: Texas, USA., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - RP190588/the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas/, Value:
Key: GR - R01HL140325/U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH)/, Value:
Key: GR - R21CA231911/U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH)/, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01CA204254/U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH)/, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01CA156775/U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH)/, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20211222, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Med Phys, Value:
Key: JT - Medical physics, Value:
Key: JID - 0425746, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Data Curation, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - *Image Processing, Computer-Assisted, Value:
Key: MH - Male, Value:
Key: MH - Neural Networks, Computer, Value:
Key: MH - *Prostate/diagnostic imaging, Value:
Key: MH - Tomography, X-Ray Computed, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC10014149, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1872625, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - computed tomography, Value:
Key: OT - deep learning, Value:
Key: OT - prostate, Value:
Key: OT - segmentation, Value:
Key: OT - user interactions, Value:
Key: COIS- CONFLICT OF INTEREST The authors declare no conflict of interest., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/12/14 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/02/12 06:00, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/03/14, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/12/13 18:29, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/11/19 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/09/12 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/11/20 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/12/14 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/02/12 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/12/13 18:29 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/03/14 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1002/mp.15404 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Med Phys. 2022 Feb;49(2):1153-1160. doi: 10.1002/mp.15404. Epub 2021 Dec 22., Value:
Key: PMID- 34878307, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20220328, Value:
Key: LR - 20220328, Value:
Key: IS - 1744-8301 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1479-6694 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 18, Value:
Key: IP - 6, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Feb, Value:
Key: TI - Retrospective study of total neoadjuvant therapy for locally advanced rectal, Value:
Key: cancer., Value:
Key: PG - 691-700, Value:
Key: LID - 10.2217/fon-2021-0644 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Aim: To compare treatment outcomes of total neoadjuvant therapy (TNT) and the, Value:
Key: standard treatment for locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC). Materials &, Value:
Key: methods: Patients with LARC (cT2-4 and/or cN1-2) who were treated with, Value:
Key: preoperative chemoradiotherapy plus induction and consolidation chemotherapy, Value:
Key: followed by surgery or the standard treatment were recruited. Pathologic complete, Value:
Key: response (pCR) rate, overall survival, disease-free survival and the sphincter, Value:
Key: preservation rate as well as safety were evaluated. Results: 49 cases, Value:
Key: were treated with TNT and 71 cases received the standard treatment. Multivariate, Value:
Key: analysis demonstrated that TNT and tumor size were independent risk factors for, Value:
Key: pCR. Grade 3 chemoradiotherapy toxicity and postoperative complications were, Value:
Key: similar between the two groups. Conclusion: TNT improved the pCR rate for, Value:
Key: patients with LARC, with tolerable toxicities., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhao, Yutian, Value:
Key: AU - Zhao Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiotherapy & Oncology, The Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214000, PR China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhu, Jiahao, Value:
Key: AU - Zhu J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiotherapy & Oncology, The Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214000, PR China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yang, Bo, Value:
Key: AU - Yang B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiotherapy & Oncology, The Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214000, PR China., Value:
Key: FAU - Gao, Qizhong, Value:
Key: AU - Gao Q, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, The Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214000, PR China., Value:
Key: FAU - Xu, Yu, Value:
Key: AU - Xu Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiotherapy & Oncology, The Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214000, PR China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wei, Xianding, Value:
Key: AU - Wei X, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiotherapy & Oncology, The Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214000, PR China., Value:
Key: FAU - Kong, Dong, Value:
Key: AU - Kong D, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiotherapy & Oncology, The Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214000, PR China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ji, Shengjun, Value:
Key: AU - Ji S, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-8862-6256, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiotherapy & Oncology, The Affiliated Suzhou Hospital of Nanjing, Value:
Key: Medical University, Gusu School, Nanjing Medical University, Suzhou, Jiangsu, Value:
Key: 215000, PR China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bojian, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, The Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214000, PR China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - GSWS2020067/Gusu Health Talent Program/, Value:
Key: GR - SYS2018083/Suzhou Science and Technology Project/, Value:
Key: GR - FZXK 004/Wuxi science and education project/, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20211208, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - Future Oncol, Value:
Key: JT - Future oncology (London, England), Value:
Key: JID - 101256629, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Adult, Value:
Key: MH - Aged, Value:
Key: MH - Female, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - Male, Value:
Key: MH - Middle Aged, Value:
Key: MH - *Neoadjuvant Therapy/adverse effects, Value:
Key: MH - Neoplasm Staging, Value:
Key: MH - Postoperative Complications, Value:
Key: MH - Proctectomy, Value:
Key: MH - Rectal Neoplasms/pathology/surgery/*therapy, Value:
Key: MH - Retrospective Studies, Value:
Key: MH - Survival Analysis, Value:
Key: OAB - Plain language summary Outcomes of two treatment schemes were compared for, Value:
Key: locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC), including the new preoperative treatment, Value:
Key: strategy and conventional standard preoperative chemoradiotherapy. The new, Value:
Key: preoperative treatment strategy includes the addition of four cycles of, Value:
Key: preoperative chemotherapy to the standard treatment. A total of 49 cases were, Value:
Key: treated with the new preoperative treatment strategy and 71 cases received the, Value:
Key: standard treatment. Patients treated with the new preoperative treatment, Value:
Key: demonstrated higher rates of tumor regression and organ preservation., Value:
Key: Additionally, chemoradiotherapy-related toxicity and postoperative complications, Value:
Key: were similar between the two treatment schemes. However, neither treatment, Value:
Key: strategy prolonged the survival of patients with LARC. This new preoperative, Value:
Key: treatment strategy should be recommended first for LARC., Value:
Key: OABL- eng, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - chemoradiation therapy, Value:
Key: OT - pathological response, Value:
Key: OT - rectal cancer, Value:
Key: OT - total neoadjuvant therapy, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/12/09 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/03/29 06:00, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/12/08 12:14, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/12/09 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/03/29 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/12/08 12:14 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - 10.2217/fon-2021-0644 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Future Oncol. 2022 Feb;18(6):691-700. doi: 10.2217/fon-2021-0644. Epub 2021 Dec, Value:
Key: 8., Value:
Key: PMID- 34805171, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20211123, Value:
Key: IS - 2296-634X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 2296-634X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2296-634X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 9, Value:
Key: DP - 2021, Value:
Key: TI - Identification of New Tumor-Related Gene Mutations in Chinese Gastrointestinal, Value:
Key: Stromal Tumors., Value:
Key: PG - 764275, Value:
Key: LID - 10.3389/fcell.2021.764275 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 764275, Value:
Key: AB - Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are the most common mesenchymal tumors of, Value:
Key: the gastrointestinal tract. As the main GIST drivers, gain-of-function mutations, Value:
Key: in KIT or PDGFRA are closely associated with not only tumor development and, Value:
Key: progression but also therapeutic response. In addition to the status of KIT and, Value:
Key: PDGFRA, little is known about other potential GIST-related genes. In this study,, Value:
Key: we identified the mutation profiles in 49 KIT-mutated GIST tumors using the whole, Value:
Key: exome sequencing (WES) method. Furthermore, some representative mutations were, Value:
Key: further validated in an independent GIST cohort using the SNaPshot SNP assay. We, Value:
Key: identified extensive and diverse mutations of KIT in GIST, including many, Value:
Key: undescribed variants. In addition, we revealed some new tumor-related gene, Value:
Key: mutations with unknown pathogenicity. By enrichment analyses of gene function and, Value:
Key: protein-protein interaction network construction, we showed that these genes were, Value:
Key: enriched in several important cancer- or metabolism-related signaling pathways,, Value:
Key: including PI3K-AKT,RTK-RAS, Notch, Wnt, Hippo, mTOR, AMPK, and insulin signaling., Value:
Key: In particular, DNA repair-related genes, including MLH1, MSH6, BRCA1, BRCA2, and, Value:
Key: POLE, are frequently mutated in GISTs, suggesting that immune checkpoint blockade, Value:
Key: may have promising clinical applications for these GIST subpopulations. In, Value:
Key: conclusion, in addition to extensive and diverse mutations of KIT, some genes, Value:
Key: related to DNA-repair and cell metabolism may play important roles in the, Value:
Key: development, progression and therapeutic response of GIST., Value:
Key: CI - Copyright © 2021 Feng, Yao, Pu, Cheng, Fei, Zou and Huang., Value:
Key: FAU - Feng, Yuyang, Value:
Key: AU - Feng Y, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yao, Surui, Value:
Key: AU - Yao S, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Pu, Zhening, Value:
Key: AU - Pu Z, Value:
Key: AD - Center of Clinical Research, The Affiliated Wuxi People's Hospital of Nanjing, Value:
Key: Medical University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cheng, Han, Value:
Key: AU - Cheng H, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bojian, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zou, Jian, Value:
Key: AU - Zou J, Value:
Key: AD - Center of Clinical Research, The Affiliated Wuxi People's Hospital of Nanjing, Value:
Key: Medical University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Zhaohui, Value:
Key: AU - Huang Z, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20211103, Value:
Key: PL - Switzerland, Value:
Key: TA - Front Cell Dev Biol, Value:
Key: JT - Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, Value:
Key: JID - 101630250, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC8595335, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - DNA repair, Value:
Key: OT - KIT, Value:
Key: OT - PDGFRA, Value:
Key: OT - gastrointestinal stromal tumors, Value:
Key: OT - metabolism, Value:
Key: OT - mutation, Value:
Key: OT - whole exome sequencing, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any, Value:
Key: commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential, Value:
Key: conflict of interest., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/11/23 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/11/23 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2021/01/01, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/11/22 06:53, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/08/25 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/10/20 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/11/22 06:53 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/11/23 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/11/23 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/01/01 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 764275 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.3389/fcell.2021.764275 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021 Nov 3;9:764275. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.764275., Value:
Key: eCollection 2021., Value:
Key: PMID- 34782005, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20220225, Value:
Key: LR - 20220225, Value:
Key: IS - 1756-9966 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0392-9078 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 0392-9078 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 40, Value:
Key: IP - 1, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Nov 15, Value:
Key: TI - SNHG17 promotes colorectal tumorigenesis and metastasis via regulating, Value:
Key: Trim23-PES1 axis and miR-339-5p-FOSL2-SNHG17 positive feedback loop., Value:
Key: PG - 360, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1186/s13046-021-02162-8 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 360, Value:
Key: AB - BACKGROUND: Small nucleolar RNA host gene (SNHG) long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs), Value:
Key: are frequently dysregulated in human cancers and involved in tumorigenesis and, Value:
Key: progression. SNHG17 has been reported as a candidate oncogene in several cancer, Value:
Key: types, however, its regulatory role in colorectal cancer (CRC) is unclear., Value:
Key: METHODS: SNHG17 expression in multiple CRC cohorts was assessed by RT-qPCR or, Value:
Key: bioinformatic analyses. Cell viability was evaluated using Cell Counting Kit-8, Value:
Key: (CCK-8) and colony formation assays. Cell mobility and invasiveness were assessed, Value:
Key: by Transwell assays. Tumor xenograft and metastasis models were applied to, Value:
Key: confirm the effects of SNHG17 on CRC tumorigenesis and metastasis in vivo., Value:
Key: Immunohistochemistry staining was used to measure protein expression in cancer, Value:
Key: tissues. RNA pull-down, RNA immunoprecipitation, chromatin immunoprecipitation,, Value:
Key: and dual luciferase assays were used to investigate the molecular mechanism of, Value:
Key: SNHG17 in CRC. RESULTS: Using multiple cohorts, we confirmed that SNHG17 is, Value:
Key: aberrantly upregulated in CRC and correlated with poor survival. In vitro and in, Value:
Key: vivo functional assays indicated that SNHG17 facilitates CRC proliferation and, Value:
Key: metastasis. SNHG17 impedes PES1 degradation by inhibiting Trim23-mediated, Value:
Key: ubiquitination of PES1. SNHG17 upregulates FOSL2 by sponging miR-339-5p, and, Value:
Key: FOSL2 transcription activates SNHG17 expression, uncovering a, Value:
Key: SNHG17-miR-339-5p-FOSL2-SNHG17 positive feedback loop. CONCLUSIONS: We identified, Value:
Key: SNHG17 as an oncogenic lncRNA in CRC and identified abnormal upregulation of, Value:
Key: SNHG17 as a prognostic risk factor for CRC. Our mechanistic investigations, Value:
Key: demonstrated, for the first time, that SNHG17 promotes tumor growth and, Value:
Key: metastasis through two different regulatory mechanisms, SNHG17-Trim23-PES1 axis, Value:
Key: and SNHG17-miR-339-5p-FOSL2-SNHG17 positive feedback loop, which may be exploited, Value:
Key: for CRC therapy., Value:
Key: CI - © 2021. The Author(s)., Value:
Key: FAU - Bian, Zehua, Value:
Key: AU - Bian Z, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhou, Mingyue, Value:
Key: AU - Zhou M, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cui, Kaisa, Value:
Key: AU - Cui K, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yang, Fan, Value:
Key: AU - Yang F, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cao, Yulin, Value:
Key: AU - Cao Y, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Sun, Shengbai, Value:
Key: AU - Sun S, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Bingxin, Value:
Key: AU - Liu B, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Gong, Liang, Value:
Key: AU - Gong L, Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Jiuming, Value:
Key: AU - Li J, Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Xue, Value:
Key: AU - Wang X, Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Chaoqun, Value:
Key: AU - Li C, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yao, Surui, Value:
Key: AU - Yao S, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yin, Yuan, Value:
Key: AU - Yin Y, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Shenglin, Value:
Key: AU - Huang S, Value:
Key: AD - Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center and Institutes of Biomedical Sciences,, Value:
Key: Fudan University, Shanghai, 200032, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bojian, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Surgical Oncology, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200, Value:
Key: Hui He Road, Wuxi, 214062, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Zhaohui, Value:
Key: AU - Huang Z, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-0117-9976, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214062,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214122, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - 81802469/National Natural Science Foundation of China/, Value:
Key: GR - 81972220/National Natural Science Foundation of China/, Value:
Key: GR - 82173063/National Natural Science Foundation of China/, Value:
Key: GR - HB2020044/Top talent support program for young and middle-aged people of wuxi, Value:
Key: health committee/, Value:
Key: GR - Z201806/Project of wuxi health committe/, Value:
Key: GR - Z202005/Project of wuxi health committe/, Value:
Key: GR - BE2019632/Social development project of jiangsu province/, Value:
Key: GR - AF052141/Medical key professionals program of jiangsu province/, Value:
Key: GR - LGY2019017/Medical key professionals program of jiangsu province/, Value:
Key: GR - CXTP003/Wuxi medical innovation team/, Value:
Key: GR - 2020M681493/China Postdoctoral Science Foundation/, Value:
Key: GR - 2020Z050/Postdoctoral Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province/, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20211115, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - J Exp Clin Cancer Res, Value:
Key: JT - Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research : CR, Value:
Key: JID - 8308647, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Biomarkers, Tumor), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (MIRN-339 microRNA, mouse), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (MicroRNAs), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (RNA, Long Noncoding), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (TRIM23 protein, human), Value:
Key: RN - EC 3.6.1.- (GTP-Binding Proteins), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Animals, Value:
Key: MH - Biomarkers, Tumor/*metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Carcinogenesis, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Line, Tumor, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Proliferation, Value:
Key: MH - Colorectal Neoplasms/*genetics/mortality/pathology, Value:
Key: MH - Disease Models, Animal, Value:
Key: MH - Disease Progression, Value:
Key: MH - GTP-Binding Proteins/*metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - Male, Value:
Key: MH - Mice, Value:
Key: MH - Mice, Nude, Value:
Key: MH - MicroRNAs/*metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Neoplasm Metastasis, Value:
Key: MH - Prognosis, Value:
Key: MH - RNA, Long Noncoding/*genetics, Value:
Key: MH - Survival Analysis, Value:
Key: MH - Transfection, Value:
Key: MH - Xenograft Model Antitumor Assays, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC8591805, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - CRC, Value:
Key: OT - FOSL2, Value:
Key: OT - PES1, Value:
Key: OT - SNHG17, Value:
Key: OT - lncRNA, Value:
Key: OT - miR-339-5p, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare that they have no competing interests., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/11/17 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/02/26 06:00, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2021/11/15, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/11/16 05:43, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/07/05 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/10/30 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/11/16 05:43 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/11/17 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/02/26 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/11/15 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1186/s13046-021-02162-8 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 2162 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1186/s13046-021-02162-8 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2021 Nov 15;40(1):360. doi: 10.1186/s13046-021-02162-8., Value:
Key: PMID- 34749482, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20211110, Value:
Key: LR - 20211110, Value:
Key: IS - 0253-9624 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 0253-9624 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 55, Value:
Key: IP - 11, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Nov 6, Value:
Key: TI - [Research progress on virulence factors of hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae]., Value:
Key: PG - 1357-1363, Value:
Key: LID - 10.3760/cma.j.cn112150-20210730-00732 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae, short for hvKP, is a hypervirulent variant, Value:
Key: of classical Klebsiella pneumoniae, which accounts for serious infection in, Value:
Key: healthy people, exhibits strong pathogenicity, high mortality and poor prognosis., Value:
Key: At present, hvkp is of high prevalence all over the world, and the infection rate, Value:
Key: shows a continuous upward trend, which brings great challenges to public health, Value:
Key: security and clinical treatment. This paper summarized the research progress on, Value:
Key: virulence factors of hvkp, such as capsular polysaccharides, siderophore,, Value:
Key: lipopolysaccharide, adhesins and recently discovered Type Ⅵ secreting system, and, Value:
Key: aimed to deepen the understanding and recognition of hvKP., Value:
Key: FAU - Guo, M Y, Value:
Key: AU - Guo MY, Value:
Key: AD - The Second Clinical Medical Faculty of Henan University of Chinese, Value:
Key: Medicine,Zhengzhou 450002,China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Y, Value:
Key: AU - Liu Y, Value:
Key: AD - The Second Clinical Medical Faculty of Henan University of Chinese, Value:
Key: Medicine,Zhengzhou 450002,China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, B, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - The Second Clinical Medical Faculty of Henan University of Chinese, Value:
Key: Medicine,Zhengzhou 450002,China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ren, Y Y, Value:
Key: AU - Ren YY, Value:
Key: AD - The Second Clinical Medical Faculty of Henan University of Chinese, Value:
Key: Medicine,Zhengzhou 450002,China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, X W, Value:
Key: AU - Liu XW, Value:
Key: AD - The Second Clinical Medical Faculty of Henan University of Chinese, Value:
Key: Medicine,Zhengzhou 450002,China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhao, Z J, Value:
Key: AU - Zhao ZJ, Value:
Key: AD - The Second Clinical Medical Faculty of Henan University of Chinese, Value:
Key: Medicine,Zhengzhou 450002,China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Y W, Value:
Key: AU - Li YW, Value:
Key: AD - The Second Clinical Medical Faculty of Henan University of Chinese, Value:
Key: Medicine,Zhengzhou 450002,China., Value:
Key: LA - chi, Value:
Key: GR - 2019ZY1017/The Dedicated Funds of Traditional Chinese Medicine Scientific, Value:
Key: Research of Henan Province/, Value:
Key: GR - MP2020-9/the Nursery Scientific Research Project of Henan University of Chinese, Value:
Key: Medicine/, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PL - China, Value:
Key: TA - Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi, Value:
Key: JT - Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine], Value:
Key: JID - 7904962, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Virulence Factors), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - *Klebsiella Infections, Value:
Key: MH - *Klebsiella pneumoniae, Value:
Key: MH - Virulence, Value:
Key: MH - Virulence Factors, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/11/10 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/11/11 06:00, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/11/09 01:18, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/11/09 01:18 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/11/10 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/11/11 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: AID - 10.3760/cma.j.cn112150-20210730-00732 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2021 Nov 6;55(11):1357-1363. doi:, Value:
Key: 10.3760/cma.j.cn112150-20210730-00732., Value:
Key: PMID- 34685258, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20211026, Value:
Key: IS - 2073-4360 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2073-4360 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 13, Value:
Key: IP - 20, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Oct 12, Value:
Key: TI - Effect of Rosin Modification on the Visual Characteristics of Round Bamboo Culm., Value:
Key: LID - 10.3390/polym13203500 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 3500, Value:
Key: AB - Rosin was used to treat round bamboo culm using the impregnation method. The, Value:
Key: quantitative color and gloss measurements combined with a qualitative eye, Value:
Key: tracking experiment were used to evaluate the effect of rosin treatment under, Value:
Key: different temperatures on the visual characteristics of the bamboo surface., Value:
Key: Surface morphology analysis was also used to explore the mechanism of, Value:
Key: modification. The results showed that proper heating of the modified system was, Value:
Key: conducive to the formation of a continuous rosin film, which increased the gloss, Value:
Key: value. The maximum gloss value of 19.6 achieved at 50 °C was 122.7% higher than, Value:
Key: the gloss value of the control group. Heating decreased the brightness of the, Value:
Key: bamboo culm and changed the color from the green and yellow tones to red and, Value:
Key: blue. Additionally, at temperatures higher than 60 °C, the bamboo epidermal layer, Value:
Key: was damaged or shed, and stripes formed on the culm surface. The density of these, Value:
Key: stripes increased with an increase in treatment temperature. Eye movement, Value:
Key: experiment and subjective evaluation showed that high gloss would produce, Value:
Key: dazzling feeling, such as at 50 °C, while low gloss will appear dim, such as at, Value:
Key: 80 °C, while the gloss at 40 °C and 60 °C were appropriate. Additionally, the, Value:
Key: solid color surface below 60 °C had a large audience of about 73%, and the, Value:
Key: striped surface above 60 °C was preferred by 27% of the subjects., Value:
Key: FAU - Su, Na, Value:
Key: AU - Su N, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomaterials, International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing, Value:
Key: 100102, China., Value:
Key: AD - SFA and Beijing Co-Built Key Laboratory of Bamboo and Rattan Science &, Value:
Key: Technology, State Forestry Administration, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fang, Changhua, Value:
Key: AU - Fang C, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-5047-0439, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomaterials, International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing, Value:
Key: 100102, China., Value:
Key: AD - SFA and Beijing Co-Built Key Laboratory of Bamboo and Rattan Science &, Value:
Key: Technology, State Forestry Administration, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhou, Hui, Value:
Key: AU - Zhou H, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomaterials, International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing, Value:
Key: 100102, China., Value:
Key: AD - SFA and Beijing Co-Built Key Laboratory of Bamboo and Rattan Science &, Value:
Key: Technology, State Forestry Administration, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Tang, Tong, Value:
Key: AU - Tang T, Value:
Key: AD - Environmental Design, Institute of Art & Design, Qilu University of Technology,, Value:
Key: Jinan 250353, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Shuqin, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang S, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomaterials, International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing, Value:
Key: 100102, China., Value:
Key: AD - SFA and Beijing Co-Built Key Laboratory of Bamboo and Rattan Science &, Value:
Key: Technology, State Forestry Administration, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Xiaohuan, Value:
Key: AU - Wang X, Value:
Key: AD - Beijing Forestry Machinery Institute of National Forestry and Grassland, Value:
Key: Administration, Beijing 100013, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Benhua, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomaterials, International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing, Value:
Key: 100102, China., Value:
Key: AD - SFA and Beijing Co-Built Key Laboratory of Bamboo and Rattan Science &, Value:
Key: Technology, State Forestry Administration, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - 1632020002/Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China/, Value:
Key: GR - 2020133150/Ministry of Finance of the People' s Republic of China/, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20211012, Value:
Key: PL - Switzerland, Value:
Key: TA - Polymers (Basel), Value:
Key: JT - Polymers, Value:
Key: JID - 101545357, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC8541177, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - eye tracking, Value:
Key: OT - rosin modification, Value:
Key: OT - round bamboo culm, Value:
Key: OT - visual characteristics, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare no conflict of interest., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/10/24 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/10/24 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2021/10/12, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/10/23 01:21, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/09/14 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/09/30 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/10/07 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/10/23 01:21 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/10/24 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/10/24 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/10/12 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - polym13203500 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - polymers-13-03500 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.3390/polym13203500 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Polymers (Basel). 2021 Oct 12;13(20):3500. doi: 10.3390/polym13203500., Value:
Key: PMID- 34608869, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20211223, Value:
Key: LR - 20220531, Value:
Key: IS - 1748-3190 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1748-3182 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 16, Value:
Key: IP - 6, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Oct 4, Value:
Key: TI - Bamboo's tissue structure facilitates large bending deflections., Value:
Key: LID - 10.1088/1748-3190/ac253b [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Bamboo is becoming increasingly popular as an engineering material and source of, Value:
Key: bio-inspiration for instance in architecture and for the manufacture of a variety, Value:
Key: of woven products. Besides the properties of bamboo products for construction, Value:
Key: purposes, the bending deformability of thin bamboo slivers is of interest, as it, Value:
Key: appears that extraordinary large deflection can be achieved. To unravel the, Value:
Key: underlying mechanisms that may contribute to the high deformability at the tissue, Value:
Key: and cell level, bending deflection tests and additionalin situexperiments were, Value:
Key: performed to record the deflection of bamboo slivers in dependence of the tissue, Value:
Key: composition and the deformations of individual cells. For the latter, a simple, Value:
Key: bending deflection setup was used employing micro-CT measurements to analyze the, Value:
Key: deformation of individual parenchyma cells (PCs), fiber bundles and vessel, Value:
Key: elements at different stages of bending deformation of the bamboo slivers. The, Value:
Key: results showed that the degree of displacement and the characteristic fracture, Value:
Key: behavior strongly depend on the volume fractions of PCs and fibres determined by, Value:
Key: the position in the bamboo culm. For slivers with a sufficiently high fibre, Value:
Key: volume content, the very high bending deformability could be facilitated by the, Value:
Key: deformation of PCs, which are squeezed between the fibre bundles during, Value:
Key: increasing bending deflection., Value:
Key: CI - © 2021 IOP Publishing Ltd., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Qi, Value:
Key: AU - Chen Q, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Bamboo and Rattan Science and Technology of the State Forestry, Value:
Key: Administration, Department of Bio-Materials, International Centre for Bamboo and, Value:
Key: Rattan, Beijing 100102, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key: AD - Wood Materials Science, Institute for Building Materials, ETH Zürich, CH-8093,, Value:
Key: Zurich, Switzerland., Value:
Key: FAU - Razi, Hajar, Value:
Key: AU - Razi H, Value:
Key: AD - Wood Materials Science, Institute for Building Materials, ETH Zürich, CH-8093,, Value:
Key: Zurich, Switzerland., Value:
Key: AD - WoodTec Group, Cellulose & Wood Materials Laboratory, Empa, CH-8600, Dübendorf,, Value:
Key: Switzerland., Value:
Key: FAU - Schlepütz, Christian M, Value:
Key: AU - Schlepütz CM, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-0485-2708, Value:
Key: AD - Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institute, CH-5232 Villigen, Switzerland., Value:
Key: FAU - Fang, Changhua, Value:
Key: AU - Fang C, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Bamboo and Rattan Science and Technology of the State Forestry, Value:
Key: Administration, Department of Bio-Materials, International Centre for Bamboo and, Value:
Key: Rattan, Beijing 100102, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Xinxin, Value:
Key: AU - Ma X, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Bamboo and Rattan Science and Technology of the State Forestry, Value:
Key: Administration, Department of Bio-Materials, International Centre for Bamboo and, Value:
Key: Rattan, Beijing 100102, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Benhua, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Bamboo and Rattan Science and Technology of the State Forestry, Value:
Key: Administration, Department of Bio-Materials, International Centre for Bamboo and, Value:
Key: Rattan, Beijing 100102, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key: FAU - Burgert, Ingo, Value:
Key: AU - Burgert I, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-0028-072X, Value:
Key: AD - Wood Materials Science, Institute for Building Materials, ETH Zürich, CH-8093,, Value:
Key: Zurich, Switzerland., Value:
Key: AD - WoodTec Group, Cellulose & Wood Materials Laboratory, Empa, CH-8600, Dübendorf,, Value:
Key: Switzerland., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, Value:
Key: DEP - 20211004, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - Bioinspir Biomim, Value:
Key: JT - Bioinspiration & biomimetics, Value:
Key: JID - 101292902, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - *Engineering, Value:
Key: MH - *Sasa, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - bamboo, Value:
Key: OT - bending deflection, Value:
Key: OT - in situ experiments, Value:
Key: OT - parenchyma cell deformation, Value:
Key: OT - tomographic microscopy, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/10/06 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/12/24 06:00, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/10/05 08:43, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/06/30 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/09/09 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/10/05 08:43 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/10/06 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/12/24 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1088/1748-3190/ac253b [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Bioinspir Biomim. 2021 Oct 4;16(6). doi: 10.1088/1748-3190/ac253b., Value:
Key: PMID- 34589556, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20220928, Value:
Key: IS - 2329-4302 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 2329-4310 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2329-4302 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 8, Value:
Key: IP - 5, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Sep, Value:
Key: TI - Deep learning-based segmentation of the placenta and uterus on MR images., Value:
Key: PG - 054001, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/1.JMI.8.5.054001 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 054001, Value:
Key: AB - Purpose: Magnetic resonance imaging has been recently used to examine the, Value:
Key: abnormalities of the placenta during pregnancy. Segmentation of the placenta and, Value:
Key: uterine cavity allows quantitative measures and further analyses of the organs., Value:
Key: The objective of this study is to develop a segmentation method with minimal user, Value:
Key: interaction. Approach: We developed a fully convolutional neural network (CNN), Value:
Key: for simultaneous segmentation of the uterine cavity and placenta in three, Value:
Key: dimensions (3D) while a minimal operator interaction was incorporated for, Value:
Key: training and testing of the network. The user interaction guided the network to, Value:
Key: localize the placenta more accurately. In the experiments, we trained two CNNs,, Value:
Key: one using 70 normal training cases and the other using 129 training cases, Value:
Key: including normal cases as well as cases with suspected placenta accreta spectrum, Value:
Key: (PAS). We evaluated the performance of the segmentation algorithms on two test, Value:
Key: sets: one with 20 normal cases and the other with 50 images from both normal, Value:
Key: women and women with suspected PAS. Results: For the normal test data, the, Value:
Key: average Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) was 92% and 82% for the uterine cavity, Value:
Key: and placenta, respectively. For the combination of normal and abnormal cases, the, Value:
Key: DSC was 88% and 83% for the uterine cavity and placenta, respectively. The 3D, Value:
Key: segmentation algorithm estimated the volume of the normal and abnormal uterine, Value:
Key: cavity and placenta with average volume estimation errors of 4% and 9%,, Value:
Key: respectively. Conclusions: The deep learning-based segmentation method provides a, Value:
Key: useful tool for volume estimation and analysis of the placenta and uterus cavity, Value:
Key: in human placental imaging., Value:
Key: CI - © 2021 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)., Value:
Key: FAU - Shahedi, Maysam, Value:
Key: AU - Shahedi M, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-9108-2010, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Dallas, Texas,, Value:
Key: United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Spong, Catherine Y, Value:
Key: AU - Spong CY, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Obstetrics and, Value:
Key: Gynecology, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Dormer, James D, Value:
Key: AU - Dormer JD, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-0719-6697, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Dallas, Texas,, Value:
Key: United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Do, Quyen N, Value:
Key: AU - Do QN, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-9511-7866, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Dallas,, Value:
Key: Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Xi, Yin, Value:
Key: AU - Xi Y, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-9743-3010, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Dallas,, Value:
Key: Texas, United States., Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Clinical Science,, Value:
Key: Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Lewis, Matthew A, Value:
Key: AU - Lewis MA, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Dallas,, Value:
Key: Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Herrera, Christina, Value:
Key: AU - Herrera C, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-6484-9850, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Obstetrics and, Value:
Key: Gynecology, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Madhuranthakam, Ananth J, Value:
Key: AU - Madhuranthakam AJ, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-5524-7962, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Dallas,, Value:
Key: Texas, United States., Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Advanced Imaging Research, Value:
Key: Center, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Twickler, Diane M, Value:
Key: AU - Twickler DM, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-5192-9782, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Dallas,, Value:
Key: Texas, United States., Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Obstetrics and, Value:
Key: Gynecology, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-9123-9484, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Dallas, Texas,, Value:
Key: United States., Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Clinical Science,, Value:
Key: Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Advanced Imaging Research, Value:
Key: Center, Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210925, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - J Med Imaging (Bellingham), Value:
Key: JT - Journal of medical imaging (Bellingham, Wash.), Value:
Key: JID - 101643461, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC8463933, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - convolutional neural network, Value:
Key: OT - deep learning, Value:
Key: OT - image segmentation, Value:
Key: OT - magnetic resonance imaging, Value:
Key: OT - placenta, Value:
Key: OT - uterus, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/10/01 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/10/01 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/09/25, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/09/30 07:18, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/03/31 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/09/02 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/09/30 07:18 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/10/01 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/10/01 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/09/25 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 21065R [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/1.JMI.8.5.054001 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - J Med Imaging (Bellingham). 2021 Sep;8(5):054001. doi: 10.1117/1.JMI.8.5.054001., Value:
Key: Epub 2021 Sep 25., Value:
Key: PMID- 34540974, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20210921, Value:
Key: IS - 2307-8960 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 2307-8960 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2307-8960 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 9, Value:
Key: IP - 24, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Aug 26, Value:
Key: TI - Idiopathic basal ganglia calcification associated with new MYORG mutation site: A, Value:
Key: case report., Value:
Key: PG - 7169-7174, Value:
Key: LID - 10.12998/wjcc.v9.i24.7169 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - BACKGROUND: Idiopathic basal ganglia calcification (IBGC) is a neurodegenerative, Value:
Key: disease characterized by symmetrical calcification of basal ganglia and other, Value:
Key: brain region, also known as Fahr's disease. It can be sporadic or familial, and, Value:
Key: there is no definite etiology at present. With the development of neuroimaging,, Value:
Key: the number of reports of IBGC has increased in recent years. However, due to its, Value:
Key: hidden onset, diverse clinical manifestations, and low incidence, it is likely to, Value:
Key: be misdiagnosed or ignored by potential patients and their family. CASE SUMMARY:, Value:
Key: We report a case of a 61-year-old man who presented with symptoms of dysphagia, Value:
Key: and alalia. His computed tomography scan of the brain revealed bilateral, Value:
Key: symmetric calcifications of basal ganglia, cerebellum, thalamus, and, Value:
Key: periventricular area. The genetic test showed a new mutation sites of MYORG,, Value:
Key: c.1438T>G mutation and c.1271_1272 TGGTGCGC insertion mutation. He was finally, Value:
Key: diagnosed with IBGC. CONCLUSION: It is important to detect MYORG mutation when, Value:
Key: IBGC is suspected, especially in those without an obvious family history, for, Value:
Key: better understanding of the underlying mechanism and identifying potential, Value:
Key: treatments., Value:
Key: CI - ©The Author(s) 2021. Published by Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights, Value:
Key: reserved., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bei-Ni, Value:
Key: AU - Fei BN, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Su, Hui-Zhen, Value:
Key: AU - Su HZ, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology and Institute of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital,, Value:
Key: Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou 350108, Fujian Province, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yao, Xiang-Ping, Value:
Key: AU - Yao XP, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology and Institute of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital,, Value:
Key: Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou 350108, Fujian Province, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ding, Jing, Value:
Key: AU - Ding J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Xin, Value:
Key: AU - Wang X, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurology, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Case Reports, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - World J Clin Cases, Value:
Key: JT - World journal of clinical cases, Value:
Key: JID - 101618806, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC8409195, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Case report, Value:
Key: OT - Fahr’s disease, Value:
Key: OT - Gene, Value:
Key: OT - Idiopathic basal ganglia calcification, Value:
Key: OT - Inheritance, Value:
Key: OT - Point mutation, Value:
Key: COIS- Conflict-of-interest statement: We declare that we have no competing interests., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/09/21 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/09/21 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2021/08/26, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/09/20 06:15, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/01/11 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/05/01 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/07/05 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/09/20 06:15 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/09/21 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/09/21 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/08/26 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 10.12998/wjcc.v9.i24.7169 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - World J Clin Cases. 2021 Aug 26;9(24):7169-7174. doi: 10.12998/wjcc.v9.i24.7169., Value:
Key: PMID- 34526499, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20211018, Value:
Key: LR - 20230206, Value:
Key: IS - 2041-1723 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2041-1723 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12, Value:
Key: IP - 1, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Sep 15, Value:
Key: TI - Analysis of 427 genomes reveals moso bamboo population structure and genetic, Value:
Key: basis of property traits., Value:
Key: PG - 5466, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1038/s41467-021-25795-x [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 5466, Value:
Key: AB - Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) is an economically and ecologically important, Value:
Key: nontimber forestry species. Further development of this species as a sustainable, Value:
Key: bamboo resource has been hindered by a lack of population genome information., Value:
Key: Here, we report a moso bamboo genomic variation atlas of 5.45 million, Value:
Key: single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from whole-genome resequencing of 427, Value:
Key: individuals covering 15 representative geographic areas. We uncover low genetic, Value:
Key: diversity, high genotype heterozygosity, and genes under balancing selection, Value:
Key: underlying moso bamboo population adaptation. We infer its demographic history, Value:
Key: with one bottleneck and its recently small population without a rebound. We, Value:
Key: define five phylogenetic groups and infer that one group probably originated by a, Value:
Key: single-origin event from East China. Finally, we conduct genome-wide association, Value:
Key: analysis of nine important property-related traits to identify candidate genes,, Value:
Key: many of which are involved in cell wall, carbohydrate metabolism, and, Value:
Key: environmental adaptation. These results provide a foundation and resources for, Value:
Key: understanding moso bamboo evolution and the genetic mechanisms of agriculturally, Value:
Key: important traits., Value:
Key: CI - © 2021. The Author(s)., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhao, Hansheng, Value:
Key: AU - Zhao H, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-5405-0375, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Gene Science and Industrialization for Bamboo and Rattan Resources,, Value:
Key: International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Sun, Shuai, Value:
Key: AU - Sun S, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-1092-3186, Value:
Key: AD - BGI-Qingdao, BGI-Shenzhen, 266555, Qingdao, China., Value:
Key: AD - China National GeneBank, BGI-Shenzhen, 518120, Shenzhen, China., Value:
Key: AD - College of Life Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100049,, Value:
Key: Beijing, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ding, Yulong, Value:
Key: AU - Ding Y, Value:
Key: AD - Bamboo Research Institute, Nanjing Forestry University, 210037, Nanjing, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Yue, Value:
Key: AU - Wang Y, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-2103-4237, Value:
Key: AD - BGI-Qingdao, BGI-Shenzhen, 266555, Qingdao, China., Value:
Key: AD - China National GeneBank, BGI-Shenzhen, 518120, Shenzhen, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yue, Xianghua, Value:
Key: AU - Yue X, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Gene Science and Industrialization for Bamboo and Rattan Resources,, Value:
Key: International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Du, Xiao, Value:
Key: AU - Du X, Value:
Key: AD - BGI-Qingdao, BGI-Shenzhen, 266555, Qingdao, China., Value:
Key: AD - China National GeneBank, BGI-Shenzhen, 518120, Shenzhen, China., Value:
Key: AD - BGI-Shenzhen, 518083, Shenzhen, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wei, Qiang, Value:
Key: AU - Wei Q, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-5180-2087, Value:
Key: AD - Bamboo Research Institute, Nanjing Forestry University, 210037, Nanjing, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fan, Guangyi, Value:
Key: AU - Fan G, Value:
Key: AD - BGI-Qingdao, BGI-Shenzhen, 266555, Qingdao, China., Value:
Key: AD - China National GeneBank, BGI-Shenzhen, 518120, Shenzhen, China., Value:
Key: AD - BGI-Shenzhen, 518083, Shenzhen, China., Value:
Key: AD - State Key Laboratory of Agricultural Genomics, BGI-Shenzhen, 518083, Shenzhen,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Sun, Huayu, Value:
Key: AU - Sun H, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-6532-7018, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Gene Science and Industrialization for Bamboo and Rattan Resources,, Value:
Key: International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Lou, Yongfeng, Value:
Key: AU - Lou Y, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Gene Science and Industrialization for Bamboo and Rattan Resources,, Value:
Key: International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yang, Huanming, Value:
Key: AU - Yang H, Value:
Key: AD - BGI-Shenzhen, 518083, Shenzhen, China., Value:
Key: AD - Guangdong Provincial Academician Workstation of BGI Synthetic Genomics,, Value:
Key: BGI-Shenzhen, 518120, Shenzhen, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Jian, Value:
Key: AU - Wang J, Value:
Key: AD - BGI-Shenzhen, 518083, Shenzhen, China., Value:
Key: AD - James D. Watson Institute of Genome Science, 310008, Hangzhou, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Xu, Xun, Value:
Key: AU - Xu X, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-5338-5173, Value:
Key: AD - BGI-Shenzhen, 518083, Shenzhen, China., Value:
Key: AD - Guangdong Provincial Academician Workstation of BGI Synthetic Genomics,, Value:
Key: BGI-Shenzhen, 518120, Shenzhen, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Lichao, Value:
Key: AU - Li L, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-7879-7596, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Gene Science and Industrialization for Bamboo and Rattan Resources,, Value:
Key: International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yang, Kebin, Value:
Key: AU - Yang K, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Gene Science and Industrialization for Bamboo and Rattan Resources,, Value:
Key: International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Xu, Hao, Value:
Key: AU - Xu H, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Gene Science and Industrialization for Bamboo and Rattan Resources,, Value:
Key: International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Jiongliang, Value:
Key: AU - Wang J, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Gene Science and Industrialization for Bamboo and Rattan Resources,, Value:
Key: International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhu, Chenglei, Value:
Key: AU - Zhu C, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-5787-9402, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Gene Science and Industrialization for Bamboo and Rattan Resources,, Value:
Key: International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Sining, Value:
Key: AU - Wang S, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Gene Science and Industrialization for Bamboo and Rattan Resources,, Value:
Key: International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Shan, Xuemeng, Value:
Key: AU - Shan X, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-1197-0961, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Gene Science and Industrialization for Bamboo and Rattan Resources,, Value:
Key: International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Hou, Yinguang, Value:
Key: AU - Hou Y, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-1412-0703, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Gene Science and Industrialization for Bamboo and Rattan Resources,, Value:
Key: International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Yu, Value:
Key: AU - Wang Y, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-2393-8902, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Gene Science and Industrialization for Bamboo and Rattan Resources,, Value:
Key: International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Benhua, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Gene Science and Industrialization for Bamboo and Rattan Resources,, Value:
Key: International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Xin, Value:
Key: AU - Liu X, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-3256-2940, Value:
Key: AD - BGI-Shenzhen, 518083, Shenzhen, China., Value:
Key: AD - State Key Laboratory of Agricultural Genomics, BGI-Shenzhen, 518083, Shenzhen,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - BGI-Beijing, BGI-Shenzhen, 100101, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: AD - BGI-Fuyang, BGI-Shenzhen, 236009, Fuyang, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Jiang, Zehui, Value:
Key: AU - Jiang Z, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-3635-0235, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Gene Science and Industrialization for Bamboo and Rattan Resources,, Value:
Key: International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: FAU - Gao, Zhimin, Value:
Key: AU - Gao Z, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-4464-7159, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Gene Science and Industrialization for Bamboo and Rattan Resources,, Value:
Key: International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration/Beijing for, Value:
Key: Bamboo & Rattan Science and Technology, 100102, Beijing, China., Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210915, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - Nat Commun, Value:
Key: JT - Nature communications, Value:
Key: JID - 101528555, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Plant Proteins), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Adaptation, Physiological/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - China, Value:
Key: MH - Evolution, Molecular, Value:
Key: MH - Gene Expression Regulation, Plant, Value:
Key: MH - Genetic Variation, Value:
Key: MH - Genetics, Population/methods, Value:
Key: MH - Genome, Plant/*genetics, Value:
Key: MH - Genome-Wide Association Study/*methods, Value:
Key: MH - Genomics/methods, Value:
Key: MH - Geography, Value:
Key: MH - Phylogeny, Value:
Key: MH - Plant Proteins/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - Poaceae/classification/*genetics/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide, Value:
Key: MH - *Transcriptome, Value:
Key: MH - Exome Sequencing/methods, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC8443721, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare no competing interest., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/09/17 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/10/21 06:00, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2021/09/15, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/09/16 06:11, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/01/30 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/08/24 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/09/16 06:11 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/09/17 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/10/21 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/09/15 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1038/s41467-021-25795-x [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 25795 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1038/s41467-021-25795-x [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Nat Commun. 2021 Sep 15;12(1):5466. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-25795-x., Value:
Key: PMID- 34250248, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20220424, Value:
Key: IS - 2391-5412 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2391-5412 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 16, Value:
Key: IP - 1, Value:
Key: DP - 2021, Value:
Key: TI - Glucocorticoids protect HEI-OC1 cells from tunicamycin-induced cell damage via, Value:
Key: inhibiting endoplasmic reticulum stress., Value:
Key: PG - 695-702, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1515/biol-2021-0057 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - BACKGROUND: To analyze mechanisms of action of glucocorticoid treatment for, Value:
Key: endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERS) in sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL), we aimed, Value:
Key: to evaluate the expression and activation status of the protein kinase RNA-like, Value:
Key: ER kinase (PERK)-C/EBP homologous protein (CHOP) pathway, which is the major, Value:
Key: pathway in the ERS. METHODS: In the present study, we established an in vitro ERS, Value:
Key: model using tunicamycin-treated hair-cell-like HEI-OC1 cells. The effect of, Value:
Key: dexamethasone on proliferation inhibition, apoptosis, and ATF4-CHOP pathway in, Value:
Key: HEI-OC1 cells was examined by CCK-8 assay, flow cytometry, western blotting, and, Value:
Key: reverse transcription PCR, respectively. RESULTS: In HEI-OC1 cells, dexamethasone, Value:
Key: was shown to significantly reduce the tunicamycin-induced expression of ATF4 and, Value:
Key: CHOP in the context of sustained viability and proliferation, a therapeutic, Value:
Key: effect that was reversible by co-treatment with a glucocorticoid antagonist., Value:
Key: CONCLUSION: Dexamethasone can protect hair-cell-like HEI-OC1 cells from ERS, Value:
Key: damage, which may be one of the mechanisms of action for GCs in SNHL treatment., Value:
Key: CI - © 2021 Zhibiao Liu et al., published by De Gruyter., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Zhibiao, Value:
Key: AU - Liu Z, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Value:
Key: Clinical College of Nanjing Medical University, 321 Zhongshan Road, Nanjing, Value:
Key: 210008, China., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, The Affiliated Huaian, Value:
Key: No. 1 People's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Huaian, Nanjing, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bing, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Affiliated Huai'an Hospital, Value:
Key: of Xuzhou Medical University, 62 South Huaihai Road, Huai'an 223002, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Xie, Lisheng, Value:
Key: AU - Xie L, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Value:
Key: Clinical College of Nanjing Medical University, 321 Zhongshan Road, Nanjing, Value:
Key: 210008, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Jin, Value:
Key: AU - Liu J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Value:
Key: Clinical College of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Nanjing University, Value:
Key: of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210000, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Xiaorui, Value:
Key: AU - Chen X, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Value:
Key: Clinical College of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Nanjing University, Value:
Key: of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210000, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhu, Wenyan, Value:
Key: AU - Zhu W, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Value:
Key: Clinical College of Nanjing Medical University, 321 Zhongshan Road, Nanjing, Value:
Key: 210008, China., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, The Affiliated Huaian, Value:
Key: No. 1 People's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Huaian, Nanjing, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Lv, Lingyun, Value:
Key: AU - Lv L, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Value:
Key: Clinical College of Nanjing Medical University, 321 Zhongshan Road, Nanjing, Value:
Key: 210008, China., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, The Affiliated Huaian, Value:
Key: No. 1 People's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Huaian, Nanjing, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Wei, Value:
Key: AU - Ma W, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Value:
Key: Clinical College of Nanjing Medical University, 321 Zhongshan Road, Nanjing, Value:
Key: 210008, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Gao, Ziwen, Value:
Key: AU - Gao Z, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Value:
Key: Clinical College of Nanjing Medical University, 321 Zhongshan Road, Nanjing, Value:
Key: 210008, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Hou, Jie, Value:
Key: AU - Hou J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Value:
Key: Clinical College of Nanjing Medical University, 321 Zhongshan Road, Nanjing, Value:
Key: 210008, China., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital,, Value:
Key: The Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School, Jiangsu Provincial, Value:
Key: Key Medical Discipline, Nanjing, China., Value:
Key: FAU - She, Wandong, Value:
Key: AU - She W, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Value:
Key: Clinical College of Nanjing Medical University, 321 Zhongshan Road, Nanjing, Value:
Key: 210008, China., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Value:
Key: Clinical College of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Nanjing University, Value:
Key: of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210000, China., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital,, Value:
Key: The Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School, Jiangsu Provincial, Value:
Key: Key Medical Discipline, Nanjing, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210701, Value:
Key: PL - Poland, Value:
Key: TA - Open Life Sci, Value:
Key: JT - Open life sciences, Value:
Key: JID - 101669614, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC8253451, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - PERK–CHOP pathway, Value:
Key: OT - dexamethasone, Value:
Key: OT - endoplasmic reticulum stress, Value:
Key: OT - mifepristone, Value:
Key: COIS- Conflict of interest: The authors state no conflict of interest., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/07/13 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/07/13 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2021/07/01, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/07/12 05:59, Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/07/10 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/20 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/03/24 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/07/12 05:59 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/07/13 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/07/13 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/07/01 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - biol-2021-0057 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1515/biol-2021-0057 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Open Life Sci. 2021 Jul 1;16(1):695-702. doi: 10.1515/biol-2021-0057. eCollection, Value:
Key: 2021., Value:
Key: PMID- 34238842, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20220815, Value:
Key: LR - 20230102, Value:
Key: IS - 1550-5049 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0889-4655 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 0889-4655 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 37, Value:
Key: IP - 5, Value:
Key: DP - 2022 Sep-Oct 01, Value:
Key: TI - The Contribution of Thoracic Radiation Dose Volumes to Subsequent Development of, Value:
Key: Cardiovascular Disease in Cancer Survivors., Value:
Key: PG - E129-E138, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1097/JCN.0000000000000834 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - BACKGROUND: Although radiation therapy (RT) has been recognized for contributing, Value:
Key: to cardiovascular disease (CVD), it is unknown whether specific doses received by, Value:
Key: cardiovascular tissues influence development. OBJECTIVE: In this pilot study, we, Value:
Key: examined the contribution of RT dose distribution on the development of CVD, Value:
Key: events in patients with cancer within 5 years of RT. METHODS: A retrospective, Value:
Key: case-controlled design was used matching 28 cases receiving thoracic RT who, Value:
Key: subsequently developed an adverse CVD event with 28 controls based upon age,, Value:
Key: gender, and cancer type. Dose volume histograms of nongated computed tomography, Value:
Key: scans received during RT characterized the dose delivered to the heart. Heart, Value:
Key: chambers were segmented using an atlas approach, and radiomics features for the, Value:
Key: segmentation as well as planning dose in each chamber were tabulated for, Value:
Key: analysis. RESULT: No significant differences were observed in the RT dose, Value:
Key: statistics between groups, preexisting CVD, nor significant differences of RT, Value:
Key: doses delivered to distinct chambers of the heart. Cases were found to have, Value:
Key: greater CVD risk factors at the time of cancer diagnosis. Morphological, Value:
Key: significant differences for perimeter on border ( P = .043), equivalent spherical, Value:
Key: radius ( P = .050), and elongation ( P = .038) were observed, with preexisting, Value:
Key: CVD having the highest values (ie, larger hearts). CONCLUSION: Traditional CVD, Value:
Key: risk factors were more prevalent in the cases who developed CVD. No differences, Value:
Key: were observed in doses of RT. Of note, we observed significant differences in, Value:
Key: heart morphology and mass in known diseased hearts on the pretreatment scans., Value:
Key: These new metrics may have implications for the measurement and quantification of, Value:
Key: CVD., Value:
Key: CI - Copyright © 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved., Value:
Key: FAU - Reilly, Carolyn Miller, Value:
Key: AU - Reilly CM, Value:
Key: FAU - Higgins, Melinda, Value:
Key: AU - Higgins M, Value:
Key: FAU - Butler, Javed, Value:
Key: AU - Butler J, Value:
Key: FAU - Esiashvili, Natia, Value:
Key: AU - Esiashvili N, Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: FAU - Flynn, Tommy, Value:
Key: AU - Flynn T, Value:
Key: FAU - Dormer, James D, Value:
Key: AU - Dormer JD, Value:
Key: FAU - Schreibmann, Eduard, Value:
Key: AU - Schreibmann E, Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - UG1 CA189867/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - J Cardiovasc Nurs, Value:
Key: JT - The Journal of cardiovascular nursing, Value:
Key: JID - 8703516, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - *Cancer Survivors, Value:
Key: MH - *Cardiovascular Diseases/epidemiology/etiology, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - *Neoplasms/complications/radiotherapy, Value:
Key: MH - Pilot Projects, Value:
Key: MH - Radiation Dosage, Value:
Key: MH - Retrospective Studies, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC8733046, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1704525, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/07/10 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/08/16 06:00, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2023/01/01, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/07/09 06:11, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/07/10 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/08/16 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/07/09 06:11 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2023/01/01 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 00005082-900000000-99174 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1097/JCN.0000000000000834 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - J Cardiovasc Nurs. 2022 Sep-Oct 01;37(5):E129-E138. doi:, Value:
Key: 10.1097/JCN.0000000000000834., Value:
Key: PMID- 34219279, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20220119, Value:
Key: LR - 20220119, Value:
Key: IS - 1521-4095 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0935-9648 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 33, Value:
Key: IP - 32, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Aug, Value:
Key: TI - An Innovative Solvent-Responsive Coiling-Expanding Stent., Value:
Key: PG - e2101005, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1002/adma.202101005 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Coronary artery disease is the "first killer" in the world, while the classical, Value:
Key: treatment for this disease is to implant stent. An ideal vascular stent should be, Value:
Key: nontoxic with self-expanding characteristics, quick expanding speed, and, Value:
Key: appropriate mechanical supporting property. However, no existing vascular stent, Value:
Key: covers all properties. Herein, a two-way shape-memory cellulose vascular stent,, Value:
Key: which can realize shape adjustments by mild solutions such as water and alcohol,, Value:
Key: is constructed. The shape-memory characteristics, mechanical properties, cell, Value:
Key: toxicity, and biocompatibility, are systemically investigated by ex vivo, Value:
Key: experiment as well as molecule simulation and theoretical modeling, revealing, Value:
Key: that the achieved bilayer two-way shape-memory films (BSMFs) can be used as an, Value:
Key: artificial vascular stent. In particular, this vascular stent made from BSMFs, Value:
Key: shows superb biocompatibility according to live/dead cell viability assays. Ex, Value:
Key: vivo experiments reveal that the novel vascular stent can support arteria, Value:
Key: coronaria sinistra, or the left main coronary artery, at the opening state while, Value:
Key: the cross-section of the vessel becomes two times larger than that of the initial, Value:
Key: state after implantation. Thus, it is believed that effective and scalable BSMFs, Value:
Key: can make meritorious fundamental contributions to biomaterials science and, Value:
Key: practical applications such as vascular stents., Value:
Key: CI - © 2021 Wiley-VCH GmbH., Value:
Key: FAU - Shi, Shuo, Value:
Key: AU - Shi S, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Value:
Key: S.A.R, 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cui, Miao, Value:
Key: AU - Cui M, Value:
Key: AD - Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, Shenzhen, 518132, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Sun, Fengxin, Value:
Key: AU - Sun F, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Eco-textiles, Ministry of Education, Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: 214122, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhu, Kunkun, Value:
Key: AU - Zhu K, Value:
Key: AD - State Key Laboratory of New Textile Materials and Advanced Processing, Value:
Key: Technologies, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan, 430200, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Iqbal, Mohammad Irfan, Value:
Key: AU - Iqbal MI, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong S.A.R, 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Xiaoyu, Value:
Key: AU - Chen X, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,, Value:
Key: Cambridge, MA, 02139, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bin, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong S.A.R, 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Robert K Y, Value:
Key: AU - Li RKY, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Materials Science and Engineering, City University of Hong Kong,, Value:
Key: Hong Kong S.A.R, 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Xia, Qingyou, Value:
Key: AU - Xia Q, Value:
Key: AD - State Key Laboratory of Silkworm Genome Biology, Southwest University, Chongqing,, Value:
Key: 400715, China., Value:
Key: AD - Biological Science Research Center, Southwest University, Chongqing, 400715,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Hu, Jinlian, Value:
Key: AU - Hu J, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-8914-5473, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Value:
Key: S.A.R, 999077, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - 51673162/National Natural Science Foundation of China/, Value:
Key: GR - 9380116/Laboratory of Wearable Materials for Healthcare/, Value:
Key: GR - sklsgb-2019KF01/Open Foundation of State Key Laboratory of Silkworm Genome, Value:
Key: Biology/, Value:
Key: GR - 2019A1515111207/Guangdong Fundamental and Applied Fundamental Research Fund, Value:
Key: Shenzhen Joint/, Value:
Key: GR - 11802104/Natural Science Fundation of China/, Value:
Key: GR - BK20180589/Natural Science Fundation of China/, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210704, Value:
Key: PL - Germany, Value:
Key: TA - Adv Mater, Value:
Key: JT - Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.), Value:
Key: JID - 9885358, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Biocompatible Materials), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Solvents), Value:
Key: RN - 9004-34-6 (Cellulose), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Animals, Value:
Key: MH - Biocompatible Materials/*chemistry/pharmacology, Value:
Key: MH - Body Temperature, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Survival/drug effects, Value:
Key: MH - Cellulose/chemistry, Value:
Key: MH - Elastic Modulus, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - Mesenchymal Stem Cells/cytology/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Pulmonary Artery/pathology, Value:
Key: MH - Solvents/*chemistry, Value:
Key: MH - *Stents, Value:
Key: MH - Swine, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - actuators, Value:
Key: OT - cellulose, Value:
Key: OT - shape memory, Value:
Key: OT - smart materials, Value:
Key: OT - stents, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/07/06 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/01/20 06:00, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/07/05 05:42, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/04/03 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/05 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/07/06 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/01/20 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/07/05 05:42 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1002/adma.202101005 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Adv Mater. 2021 Aug;33(32):e2101005. doi: 10.1002/adma.202101005. Epub 2021 Jul, Value:
Key: 4., Value:
Key: PMID- 34195913, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20220831, Value:
Key: IS - 2150-5551 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2311-6706 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 2150-5551 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 13, Value:
Key: IP - 1, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Jun 30, Value:
Key: TI - Porous Carbon Architecture Assembled by Cross-Linked Carbon Leaves with Implanted, Value:
Key: Atomic Cobalt for High-Performance Li-S Batteries., Value:
Key: PG - 151, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1007/s40820-021-00676-6 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 151, Value:
Key: AB - The practical application of lithium-sulfur batteries is severely hampered by the, Value:
Key: poor conductivity, polysulfide shuttle effect and sluggish reaction kinetics of, Value:
Key: sulfur cathodes. Herein, a hierarchically porous three-dimension (3D) carbon, Value:
Key: architecture assembled by cross-linked carbon leaves with implanted atomic, Value:
Key: Co-N(4) has been delicately developed as an advanced sulfur host through a, Value:
Key: SiO(2)-mediated zeolitic imidazolate framework-L (ZIF-L) strategy. The unique 3D, Value:
Key: architectures not only provide a highly conductive network for fast electron, Value:
Key: transfer and buffer the volume change upon lithiation-delithiation process but, Value:
Key: also endow rich interface with full exposure of Co-N(4) active sites to boost the, Value:
Key: lithium polysulfides adsorption and conversion. Owing to the accelerated kinetics, Value:
Key: and suppressed shuttle effect, the as-prepared sulfur cathode exhibits a superior, Value:
Key: electrochemical performance with a high reversible specific capacity of, Value:
Key: 695 mAh g(-1) at 5 C and a low capacity fading rate of 0.053% per cycle over 500, Value:
Key: cycles at 1 C. This work may provide a promising solution for the design of an, Value:
Key: advanced sulfur-based cathode toward high-performance Li-S batteries., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Ruirui, Value:
Key: AU - Wang R, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Materials Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, People's, Value:
Key: Republic of China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wu, Renbing, Value:
Key: AU - Wu R, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Materials Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, People's, Value:
Key: Republic of China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ding, Chaofan, Value:
Key: AU - Ding C, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Materials Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, People's, Value:
Key: Republic of China., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Ziliang, Value:
Key: AU - Chen Z, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Materials Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, People's, Value:
Key: Republic of China., Value:
Key: FAU - Xu, Hongbin, Value:
Key: AU - Xu H, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Materials Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, People's, Value:
Key: Republic of China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Yongfeng, Value:
Key: AU - Liu Y, Value:
Key: AD - State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials and School of Materials Science and, Value:
Key: Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310027, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Jichao, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang J, Value:
Key: AD - Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Zhangjiang Laboratory, Shanghai Advanced, Value:
Key: Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, 201204, People's, Value:
Key: Republic of China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ha, Yuan, Value:
Key: AU - Ha Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Materials Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, People's, Value:
Key: Republic of China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Ben, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Materials Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, People's, Value:
Key: Republic of China., Value:
Key: FAU - Pan, Hongge, Value:
Key: AU - Pan H, Value:
Key: AD - State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials and School of Materials Science and, Value:
Key: Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310027, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Science and Technology for New Energy, Xi'an Technological, Value:
Key: University, Xi'an, 710021, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210630, Value:
Key: PL - Germany, Value:
Key: TA - Nanomicro Lett, Value:
Key: JT - Nano-micro letters, Value:
Key: JID - 101727940, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC8245650, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - 3D porous carbon architecture, Value:
Key: OT - Cathode, Value:
Key: OT - Lithium–sulfur battery, Value:
Key: OT - Single-atom Co, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/07/02 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/07/02 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2021/06/30, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/07/01 07:18, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/04/12 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/06/07 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/07/01 07:18 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/07/02 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/07/02 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/06/30 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1007/s40820-021-00676-6 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 676 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1007/s40820-021-00676-6 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Nanomicro Lett. 2021 Jun 30;13(1):151. doi: 10.1007/s40820-021-00676-6., Value:
Key: PMID- 34165274, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20210708, Value:
Key: IS - 1944-8252 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1944-8244 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 13, Value:
Key: IP - 26, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Jul 7, Value:
Key: TI - Single-Ion Conducting Double-Network Hydrogel Electrolytes for Long Cycling, Value:
Key: Zinc-Ion Batteries., Value:
Key: PG - 30594-30602, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1021/acsami.1c05941 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - As one of the promising alternatives of lithium-ion batteries, zinc-ion batteries, Value:
Key: (ZIBs) have received growing interest from researchers due to their good safety,, Value:
Key: eco-friendliness, and low cost. Nevertheless, aqueous ZIBs are still a step away, Value:
Key: from practical applications due to the nonuniform deposition of Zn and parasitic, Value:
Key: side reactions, which cause capacity fading and even short circuit. To tackle, Value:
Key: these problems, here we introduce a single-Zn-ion conducting hydrogel electrolyte, Value:
Key: (SIHE), P(ICZn-AAm), synthesized with iota carrageenan (IC) and acrylamide (AAm)., Value:
Key: The SIHE manifests single Zn(2+) conductivity via the abundant sulfates fixed on, Value:
Key: the IC polymer backbone, delivering a high Zn(2+) transference number of 0.93. It, Value:
Key: also exhibits outstanding ionic conductivity of 2.15 × 10(-3) S cm(-1) at room, Value:
Key: temperature. The enhanced compatibility at the electrode-electrolyte interface, Value:
Key: was verified by the stable Zn striping/plating performance along with a, Value:
Key: homogenous and smooth Zn deposition layer. It is also found that the passivation, Value:
Key: of the Zn anode can be effectively prohibited due to the lack of free anions in, Value:
Key: the electrolyte. The practical performance of the SIHE is further investigated, Value:
Key: with Zn-V(2)O(5) batteries, which showed a stable capacity of 271.6 mA h g(-1), Value:
Key: over 150 cycles at 2 C and 127.5 mA h g(-1) over 500 cycles at 5 C., Value:
Key: FAU - Chan, Cheuk Ying, Value:
Key: AU - Chan CY, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-1988-8826, Value:
Key: AD - Nano Center, Institute of Textiles & Clothing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University,, Value:
Key: Hong Kong, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Ziqi, Value:
Key: AU - Wang Z, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Chemistry and, Value:
Key: Materials Science, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, P. R. China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Yangling, Value:
Key: AU - Li Y, Value:
Key: AD - Guangdong-Hong Kong Joint Laboratory for New Textile Materials, School of Textile, Value:
Key: Materials and Engineering, Wuyi University, Jiangmen 529020, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yu, Hui, Value:
Key: AU - Yu H, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-9333-5966, Value:
Key: AD - Guangdong-Hong Kong Joint Laboratory for New Textile Materials, School of Textile, Value:
Key: Materials and Engineering, Wuyi University, Jiangmen 529020, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bin, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-4274-1873, Value:
Key: AD - Nano Center, Institute of Textiles & Clothing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University,, Value:
Key: Hong Kong, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Xin, John H, Value:
Key: AU - Xin JH, Value:
Key: AD - Nano Center, Institute of Textiles & Clothing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University,, Value:
Key: Hong Kong, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210624, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, Value:
Key: JT - ACS applied materials & interfaces, Value:
Key: JID - 101504991, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - gel-polymer electrolytes, Value:
Key: OT - hydrogels, Value:
Key: OT - single-ion conductors, Value:
Key: OT - zinc dendrites, Value:
Key: OT - zinc-ion batteries, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/06/25 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/06/25 06:01, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/06/24 12:12, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/06/25 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/06/25 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/06/24 12:12 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1021/acsami.1c05941 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2021 Jul 7;13(26):30594-30602. doi:, Value:
Key: 10.1021/acsami.1c05941. Epub 2021 Jun 24., Value:
Key: PMID- 34138302, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20220831, Value:
Key: IS - 2150-5551 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2311-6706 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 2150-5551 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 13, Value:
Key: IP - 1, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Feb 15, Value:
Key: TI - Simultaneously Regulating Uniform Zn(2+) Flux and Electron Conduction by MOF/rGO, Value:
Key: Interlayers for High-Performance Zn Anodes., Value:
Key: PG - 73, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1007/s40820-021-00594-7 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 73, Value:
Key: AB - Owing to the merits of low cost, high safety and environmental benignity,, Value:
Key: rechargeable aqueous Zn-based batteries (ZBs) have gained tremendous attention in, Value:
Key: recent years. Nevertheless, the poor reversibility of Zn anodes that originates, Value:
Key: from dendrite growth, surface passivation and corrosion, severely hinders the, Value:
Key: further development of ZBs. To tackle these issues, here we report a Janus, Value:
Key: separator based on a Zn-ion conductive metal-organic framework (MOF) and reduced, Value:
Key: graphene oxide (rGO), which is able to regulate uniform Zn(2+) flux and electron, Value:
Key: conduction simultaneously during battery operation. Facilitated by the MOF/rGO, Value:
Key: bifunctional interlayers, the Zn anodes demonstrate stable plating/stripping, Value:
Key: behavior (over 500 h at 1 mA cm(-2)), high Coulombic efficiency (99.2% at, Value:
Key: 2 mA cm(-2) after 100 cycles) and reduced redox barrier. Moreover, it is also, Value:
Key: found that the Zn corrosion can be effectively retarded through diminishing the, Value:
Key: potential discrepancy on Zn surface. Such a separator engineering also saliently, Value:
Key: promotes the overall performance of Zn, Value: MnO(2) full cells, which deliver nearly
Key: 100% capacity retention after 2000 cycles at 4 A g(-1) and high power density, Value:
Key: over 10 kW kg(-1). This work provides a feasible route to the high-performance Zn, Value:
Key: anodes for ZBs., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Ziqi, Value:
Key: AU - Wang Z, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Chemistry and, Value:
Key: Materials Science, Jinan University, Guangzhou, 510632, People's Republic of, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Dong, Liubing, Value:
Key: AU - Dong L, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Chemistry and, Value:
Key: Materials Science, Jinan University, Guangzhou, 510632, People's Republic of, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Weiyuan, Value:
Key: AU - Huang W, Value:
Key: AD - School of Advanced Materials, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School,, Value:
Key: Shenzhen, 518055, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key: FAU - Jia, Hao, Value:
Key: AU - Jia H, Value:
Key: AD - Nano Center, Institute of Textiles and Clothing, Hong Kong Polytechnic, Value:
Key: University, Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, 999077, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhao, Qinghe, Value:
Key: AU - Zhao Q, Value:
Key: AD - School of Advanced Materials, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School,, Value:
Key: Shenzhen, 518055, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Yidi, Value:
Key: AU - Wang Y, Value:
Key: AD - Nano Center, Institute of Textiles and Clothing, Hong Kong Polytechnic, Value:
Key: University, Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, 999077, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bin, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Nano Center, Institute of Textiles and Clothing, Hong Kong Polytechnic, Value:
Key: University, Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, 999077, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: FAU - Pan, Feng, Value:
Key: AU - Pan F, Value:
Key: AD - School of Advanced Materials, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School,, Value:
Key: Shenzhen, 518055, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210215, Value:
Key: PL - Germany, Value:
Key: TA - Nanomicro Lett, Value:
Key: JT - Nano-micro letters, Value:
Key: JID - 101727940, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC8187534, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Janus separator, Value:
Key: OT - Metal–organic framework, Value:
Key: OT - Reduced graphene oxide, Value:
Key: OT - Zn anode, Value:
Key: OT - Zn-based battery, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/06/18 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/06/18 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2021/02/15, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/06/17 12:52, Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/11/08 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/12/29 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/06/17 12:52 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/06/18 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/06/18 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/15 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1007/s40820-021-00594-7 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 594 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1007/s40820-021-00594-7 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Nanomicro Lett. 2021 Feb 15;13(1):73. doi: 10.1007/s40820-021-00594-7., Value:
Key: PMID- 34135403, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20211029, Value:
Key: LR - 20211029, Value:
Key: IS - 2045-2322 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2045-2322 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 11, Value:
Key: IP - 1, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Jun 16, Value:
Key: TI - Water vapor sorption behavior of bamboo pertaining to its hierarchical structure., Value:
Key: PG - 12714, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1038/s41598-021-92103-4 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 12714, Value:
Key: AB - Bamboo is an anisotropic, hierarchical, and hygroscopic material. Moisture, Value:
Key: transport in bamboo is one of the most fundamental properties affecting almost, Value:
Key: all other physical and mechanical properties of the material. This study, Value:
Key: investigated the water vapor sorption behaviors of bamboo at various structural, Value:
Key: levels: cell walls, cells (with pits) and bamboo blocks. The specimens with two, Value:
Key: sorption directions, longitudinal (L) and transverse (T), were measured by, Value:
Key: saturated salt solution method and dynamic vapor sorption. The parallel, Value:
Key: exponential kinetics model was used to analyze the sorption kinetics. The results, Value:
Key: showed that at the cell wall level, the sorption rate and equilibrium moisture, Value:
Key: content (EMC) of cell wall in the L specimens were larger than those in the T, Value:
Key: specimens. The differences were probably caused by the looser cell wall layers in, Value:
Key: the L specimens. At the cellular scale, pits in the cell wall resulted in an, Value:
Key: enhanced sorption rate and EMC of the T specimens compared with the L specimens, Value:
Key: where the pits in the parenchyma cells were only distributed in the lateral walls, Value:
Key: but not in end walls. At the macro scale, the sorption rate and moisture content, Value:
Key: of bamboo blocks were largely controlled by the vessel cells. As a, Value:
Key: hierarchically-structured plant, bamboo performs the biological function of, Value:
Key: moisture transport at all these scales. This work helps improve the understanding, Value:
Key: of water transport behavior in bamboo, which may lead to better bamboo drying and, Value:
Key: impregnation processes., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Qi, Value:
Key: AU - Chen Q, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomaterials, International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan, No. 8,, Value:
Key: Futong East Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key: AD - SFA and Beijing Co-built Key Laboratory of Bamboo and Rattan Science and, Value:
Key: Technology, State Forestry Administration, Beijing, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Wood Science, Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia,, Value:
Key: Vancouver, V6T1Z4, Canada., Value:
Key: FAU - Fang, Changhua, Value:
Key: AU - Fang C, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomaterials, International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan, No. 8,, Value:
Key: Futong East Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key: AD - SFA and Beijing Co-built Key Laboratory of Bamboo and Rattan Science and, Value:
Key: Technology, State Forestry Administration, Beijing, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Ge, Value:
Key: AU - Wang G, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomaterials, International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan, No. 8,, Value:
Key: Futong East Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key: AD - SFA and Beijing Co-built Key Laboratory of Bamboo and Rattan Science and, Value:
Key: Technology, State Forestry Administration, Beijing, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Xinxin, Value:
Key: AU - Ma X, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomaterials, International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan, No. 8,, Value:
Key: Futong East Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key: AD - SFA and Beijing Co-built Key Laboratory of Bamboo and Rattan Science and, Value:
Key: Technology, State Forestry Administration, Beijing, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key: FAU - Luo, Junji, Value:
Key: AU - Luo J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomaterials, International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan, No. 8,, Value:
Key: Futong East Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key: AD - SFA and Beijing Co-built Key Laboratory of Bamboo and Rattan Science and, Value:
Key: Technology, State Forestry Administration, Beijing, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Meiling, Value:
Key: AU - Chen M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomaterials, International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan, No. 8,, Value:
Key: Futong East Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key: AD - SFA and Beijing Co-built Key Laboratory of Bamboo and Rattan Science and, Value:
Key: Technology, State Forestry Administration, Beijing, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Wood Science, Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia,, Value:
Key: Vancouver, V6T1Z4, Canada., Value:
Key: FAU - Dai, Chunping, Value:
Key: AU - Dai C, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Wood Science, Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia,, Value:
Key: Vancouver, V6T1Z4, Canada., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Benhua, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomaterials, International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan, No. 8,, Value:
Key: Futong East Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: AD - SFA and Beijing Co-built Key Laboratory of Bamboo and Rattan Science and, Value:
Key: Technology, State Forestry Administration, Beijing, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210616, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - Sci Rep, Value:
Key: JT - Scientific reports, Value:
Key: JID - 101563288, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Steam), Value:
Key: RN - 059QF0KO0R (Water), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Adsorption, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Wall/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Diffusion, Value:
Key: MH - Kinetics, Value:
Key: MH - Poaceae/*cytology/*metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - *Steam, Value:
Key: MH - Water/metabolism, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC8209057, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare no competing interests., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/06/18 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/10/30 06:00, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2021/06/16, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/06/17 06:17, Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/11/22 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/05/24 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/06/17 06:17 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/06/18 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/10/30 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/06/16 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1038/s41598-021-92103-4 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 92103 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1038/s41598-021-92103-4 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Sci Rep. 2021 Jun 16;11(1):12714. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-92103-4., Value:
Key: PMID- 34049506, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20210609, Value:
Key: LR - 20210609, Value:
Key: IS - 1471-2334 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1471-2334 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 21, Value:
Key: IP - 1, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 May 28, Value:
Key: TI - Application value of tissue tuberculosis antigen combined with Xpert MTB/RIF, Value:
Key: detection in differential diagnoses of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's, Value:
Key: disease., Value:
Key: PG - 498, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1186/s12879-021-06210-8 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 498, Value:
Key: AB - BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to examine the value of Xpert MTB/RIF, Value:
Key: assay and detection of additional Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC), Value:
Key: species antigens from intestinal tissue samples in differentiating intestinal, Value:
Key: tuberculosis (ITB) from Crohn's disease (CD). METHODS: Several clinical specimens, Value:
Key: of intestinal tissue obtained by either endoscopic biopsy or surgical excision, Value:
Key: were used for mycobacteriologic solid cultures,Xpert MTB/RIF assays,, Value:
Key: immunohistochemistry, and histological examinations. Four antigens (38KDa,, Value:
Key: ESAT-6, MPT64, and Ag85 complex) of MTBC in the intestinal tissue were detected, Value:
Key: by immunohistochemical analysis. RESULTS: The study included 42 patients with ITB, Value:
Key: and 46 with CD. Perianal lesions and longitudinal ulcers were more common in, Value:
Key: patients with CD, while caseating granuloma and annular ulcers were more common, Value:
Key: in patients with ITB. The positive rate of MTBC detected by Xpert MTB/RIF in, Value:
Key: intestinal tissues of patients with ITB was 33.33%, which was significantly, Value:
Key: higher than that in patients with CD and that detected using acid-fast staining, Value:
Key: smears. It was also higher than that detected by tissue MTBC culture, but the, Value:
Key: difference was not statistically significant. The positive MPT64 expression rate, Value:
Key: in patients with ITB was 40.48%, which was significantly higher than that, Value:
Key: observed in patients with CD. The sensitivity of parallelly combined detection of, Value:
Key: tuberculosis protein MPT64 and Xpert MTB/RIF in diagnosing ITB was 50.0%., Value:
Key: CONCLUSIONS: The detection of Xpert MTB/RIF in intestinal tissue is a rapid and, Value:
Key: useful method for establishing an early diagnosis of ITB. The detection of MTBC, Value:
Key: using Xpert MTB/RIF and MPT64 antigen in intestinal tissues has a definitive, Value:
Key: value in the differential diagnosis ofITB and CD. The combination of these two, Value:
Key: methods can improve the detection sensitivity., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baoying, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastroenterology, Tongde Hospital of Zhejiang Province, 234 Gucui, Value:
Key: Road, Hangzhou, 310012, Zhejiang, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhou, Lin, Value:
Key: AU - Zhou L, Value:
Key: AD - Departments of Minimally Invasive Surgery, Tuberculous Experimental Center,, Value:
Key: Hangzhou Red Cross Hospital, Hangzhou, 310003, Zhejiang, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Yu, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastroenterology, Zhejiang Province People's Hospital, Hangzhou,, Value:
Key: 310014, Zhejiang, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Luo, Linhe, Value:
Key: AU - Luo L, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastroenterology, Tongde Hospital of Zhejiang Province, 234 Gucui, Value:
Key: Road, Hangzhou, 310012, Zhejiang, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Yuanyuan, Value:
Key: AU - Chen Y, Value:
Key: AD - Tuberculosis Diagnosis and Treatment Center, Hangzhou Red Cross Hospital,, Value:
Key: Hangzhou, 310003, Zhejiang, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - 2016C33112/public projects of science technology department of zhejiang province/, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210528, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - BMC Infect Dis, Value:
Key: JT - BMC infectious diseases, Value:
Key: JID - 100968551, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Antigens, Bacterial), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (DNA, Bacterial), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Adolescent, Value:
Key: MH - Adult, Value:
Key: MH - Antigens, Bacterial/*immunology, Value:
Key: MH - Biological Assay, Value:
Key: MH - Crohn Disease/*diagnosis/microbiology, Value:
Key: MH - DNA, Bacterial, Value:
Key: MH - Diagnosis, Differential, Value:
Key: MH - Diagnostic Tests, Routine, Value:
Key: MH - Female, Value:
Key: MH - Histological Techniques, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - Male, Value:
Key: MH - Middle Aged, Value:
Key: MH - Molecular Diagnostic Techniques, Value:
Key: MH - Mycobacterium tuberculosis/isolation & purification, Value:
Key: MH - Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques, Value:
Key: MH - Sensitivity and Specificity, Value:
Key: MH - Staining and Labeling, Value:
Key: MH - Tuberculosis, Gastrointestinal/*diagnosis/microbiology, Value:
Key: MH - Young Adult, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC8161674, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Antigen, Value:
Key: OT - Crohn’s disease, Value:
Key: OT - Diagnosis, Value:
Key: OT - Intestinal tuberculosis, Value:
Key: OT - Xpert MTB/RIF, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declared that they have no conflicts of interest to this work. We, Value:
Key: declare that we do not have any commercial or associative interest that, Value:
Key: represents a conflict of interest in connection with the work submitted., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/05/30 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/06/10 06:00, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2021/05/28, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/05/29 05:25, Value:
Key: PHST- 2019/05/30 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/05/19 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/05/29 05:25 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/05/30 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/06/10 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/05/28 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1186/s12879-021-06210-8 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 6210 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1186/s12879-021-06210-8 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - BMC Infect Dis. 2021 May 28;21(1):498. doi: 10.1186/s12879-021-06210-8., Value:
Key: PMID- 34024807, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20220331, Value:
Key: LR - 20220401, Value:
Key: IS - 1095-9114 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0895-3996 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 29, Value:
Key: IP - 4, Value:
Key: DP - 2021, Value:
Key: TI - Prognostic value of CT radiomics in evaluating lymphovascular invasion in rectal, Value:
Key: cancer: Diagnostic performance based on different volumes of interest., Value:
Key: PG - 663-674, Value:
Key: LID - 10.3233/XST-210877 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - OBJECTIVES: This study aims to evaluate diagnostic performance of radiomic, Value:
Key: analysis using computed tomography (CT) to identify lymphovascular invasion (LVI), Value:
Key: in patients diagnosed with rectal cancer and assess diagnostic performance of, Value:
Key: different lesion segmentations. METHODS: The study is applied to 169, Value:
Key: pre-treatment CT images and the clinical features of patients with rectal cancer., Value:
Key: Radiomic features are extracted from two different volumes of interest (VOIs), Value:
Key: namely, gross tumor volume and peri-tumor tissue volume. The maximum relevance, Value:
Key: and the minimum redundancy, and the least absolute shrinkage selection operator, Value:
Key: based logistic regression analyses are performed to select the optimal feature, Value:
Key: subset on the training cohort. Then, Rad and Rad-clinical combined models for LVI, Value:
Key: prediction are built and compared. Finally, the models are externally validated., Value:
Key: RESULTS: Eighty-three patients had positive LVI on pathology, while 86 had, Value:
Key: negative LVI. An optimal multi-mode radiology nomogram for LVI estimation is, Value:
Key: established. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curves of the, Value:
Key: Rad and Rad-clinical combined model in the peri-tumor VOI group are significantly, Value:
Key: higher than those in the tumor VOI group (Rad: peri-tumor vs. tumor: 0.85 vs., Value:
Key: 0.68; Rad-clinical: peri-tumor vs. tumor: 0.90 vs 0.82) in the validation cohort., Value:
Key: Decision curve analysis shows that the peri-tumor-based Rad-clinical combined, Value:
Key: model has the best performance in identifying LVI than other models. CONCLUSIONS:, Value:
Key: CT radiomics model based on peri-tumor volumes improves prediction performance of, Value:
Key: LVI in rectal cancer compared with the model based on tumor volumes., Value:
Key: FAU - Ge, Yu-Xi, Value:
Key: AU - Ge YX, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Xu, Wen-Bo, Value:
Key: AU - Xu WB, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Research Institute, Fudan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Zi, Value:
Key: AU - Wang Z, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Jun-Qin, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang JQ, Value:
Key: AD - Department of radiology, The First People's Hospital of Yuhang District,, Value:
Key: Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhou, Xin-Yi, Value:
Key: AU - Zhou XY, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Pathology, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, 200 Huihe, Value:
Key: Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Duan, Shao-Feng, Value:
Key: AU - Duan SF, Value:
Key: AD - GE Healthcare, Shanghai, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Hu, Shu-Dong, Value:
Key: AU - Hu SD, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bo-Jian, Value:
Key: AU - Fei BJ, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, Value:
Key: PL - Netherlands, Value:
Key: TA - J Xray Sci Technol, Value:
Key: JT - Journal of X-ray science and technology, Value:
Key: JID - 9000080, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - Nomograms, Value:
Key: MH - Prognosis, Value:
Key: MH - *Rectal Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging, Value:
Key: MH - Retrospective Studies, Value:
Key: MH - Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Lymphovascular invasion, Value:
Key: OT - computed tomography, Value:
Key: OT - radiomics, Value:
Key: OT - rectal cancer, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/05/25 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2022/04/01 06:00, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/05/24 07:54, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/05/25 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/04/01 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/05/24 07:54 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - XST210877 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.3233/XST-210877 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - J Xray Sci Technol. 2021;29(4):663-674. doi: 10.3233/XST-210877., Value:
Key: PMID- 33984964, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20210514, Value:
Key: IS - 1094-4087 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1094-4087 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 29, Value:
Key: IP - 8, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Apr 12, Value:
Key: TI - Chip-level Ce:GdYAG ceramic phosphors with excellent chromaticity parameters for, Value:
Key: high-brightness white LED device., Value:
Key: PG - 11938-11946, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1364/OE.416486 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Development of ceramic phosphors (CPs) featuring small volume and high efficacy, Value:
Key: is crucial for miniaturization of white LEDs and their integration in solid state, Value:
Key: lighting. In this study, the chip-level 2.5×2.5 mm Ce:GdYAG CPs with different, Value:
Key: thicknesses were packaged to the blue chips, and their luminous characteristics, Value:
Key: were analyzed under the different radiant flux. Notably, when thickness of the, Value:
Key: CPs was 1.4 mm, a luminous flux of 2000 lm, a correlated color temperature (CCT), Value:
Key: of 6266 K and a color rendering index (CRI) of 70 were obtained under 11.0 W blue, Value:
Key: power (1.76 W/mm(2)) excitation. Phenomenon of colorimetric drift was explained, Value:
Key: simultaneously. These results indicate that Ce:GdYAG CPs is a promising candidate, Value:
Key: for automotive lighting and high-speed rail lighting., Value:
Key: FAU - Xi, Xiaoqian, Value:
Key: AU - Xi X, Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Le, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang L, Value:
Key: FAU - Kang, Jian, Value:
Key: AU - Kang J, Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Yanbin, Value:
Key: AU - Li Y, Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Zhongying, Value:
Key: AU - Wang Z, Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bin, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: FAU - Cheng, Xin, Value:
Key: AU - Cheng X, Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Guocan, Value:
Key: AU - Huang G, Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Ming, Value:
Key: AU - Li M, Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Hao, Value:
Key: AU - Chen H, Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Opt Express, Value:
Key: JT - Optics express, Value:
Key: JID - 101137103, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/05/15 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/05/15 06:01, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/05/14 01:01, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/05/14 01:01 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/05/15 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/05/15 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: AID - 449835 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1364/OE.416486 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Opt Express. 2021 Apr 12;29(8):11938-11946. doi: 10.1364/OE.416486., Value:
Key: PMID- 33973425, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20210923, Value:
Key: LR - 20210923, Value:
Key: IS - 1560-2281 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1083-3668 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1083-3668 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 26, Value:
Key: IP - 5, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 May, Value:
Key: TI - Special Series Guest Editorial: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in, Value:
Key: Biomedical Optics., Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/1.JBO.26.5.052901 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 052901, Value:
Key: AB - Guest editors Behrouz Shabestri, Mark Anastasio, Baowei Fei, and Frédéric Leblond, Value:
Key: provide an overview of the JBO Special Series on Artificial Intelligence Machine, Value:
Key: Learning in Biomedical Optics., Value:
Key: FAU - Shabestri, Behrouz, Value:
Key: AU - Shabestri B, Value:
Key: AD - National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, Maryland, United, Value:
Key: States., Value:
Key: FAU - Anastasio, Mark A, Value:
Key: AU - Anastasio MA, Value:
Key: AD - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - University of Texas at Dallas, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: AD - UT Southwestern Medical Center, Texas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Leblond, Frédéric, Value:
Key: AU - Leblond F, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Engineering Physics, Polytechnique Montréal, Montreal, Quebec,, Value:
Key: Canada., Value:
Key: AD - Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal, Montreal,, Value:
Key: Quebec, Canada., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Editorial, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - J Biomed Opt, Value:
Key: JT - Journal of biomedical optics, Value:
Key: JID - 9605853, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - *Artificial Intelligence, Value:
Key: MH - *Machine Learning, Value:
Key: MH - Optics and Photonics, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC8109026, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/05/12 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/09/24 06:00, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2021/05/10, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/05/11 06:59, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/01/01 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/01/01 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/05/11 06:59 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/05/12 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/09/24 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/05/10 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - JBO-21-0414 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 21-0414 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/1.JBO.26.5.052901 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - J Biomed Opt. 2021 May;26(5):052901. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.26.5.052901., Value:
Key: PMID- 33971712, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20210520, Value:
Key: IS - 1944-8252 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1944-8244 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 13, Value:
Key: IP - 19, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 May 19, Value:
Key: TI - Engineering Hierarchical Co@N-Doped Carbon Nanotubes/α-Ni(OH)(2) Heterostructures, Value:
Key: on Carbon Cloth Enabling High-Performance Aqueous Nickel-Zinc Batteries., Value:
Key: PG - 22304-22313, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1021/acsami.1c01711 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Searching for high-performance Ni-based cathodes plays an important role in, Value:
Key: developing better aqueous nickel-zinc (Ni-Zn) batteries. For this purpose,, Value:
Key: herein, we demonstrate the design and synthesis of ultrathin α-Ni(OH)(2), Value:
Key: nanosheets branched onto metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)-derived 3D cross-linked, Value:
Key: N-doped carbon nanotubes encapsulated with tiny Co nanoparticles (denoted as, Value:
Key: Co@NCNTs/α-Ni(OH)(2)), which are directly supported on a flexible carbon cloth, Value:
Key: (CC). An aqueous Ni-Zn battery employing the hierarchical CC/Co@NCNTs/α-Ni(OH)(2), Value:
Key: as the binder-free cathode and a commercial Zn plate as the anode is fabricated,, Value:
Key: which displays an ultrahigh capacity (316 mAh g(-1)) and energy density (540.4 Wh, Value:
Key: kg(-1)) at 1 A g(-1) as well as excellent rate capability (238 mAh g(-1) at 10 A, Value:
Key: g(-1)) and superior cycling performance (about 84% capacity retention after 2000, Value:
Key: cycles at 10 A g(-1)). The impressive electrochemical performance might benefit, Value:
Key: from the rich active sites, rapid electron transfer, cushy electrolyte access,, Value:
Key: rapid ion transport, and robust structural stability. In addition, the, Value:
Key: quasi-solid-state CC/Co@NCNTs/α-Ni(OH)(2)//Zn batteries are also successfully, Value:
Key: assembled with polymer electrolyte, indicating the great potential for portable, Value:
Key: and wearable electronics. This work might provide important guidance for, Value:
Key: constructing carbon-based hybrid materials directly supported on conductive, Value:
Key: substrates as high-performance electrodes for energy-related devices., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhu, Longzhen, Value:
Key: AU - Zhu L, Value:
Key: AD - College of Materials Science and Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108,, Value:
Key: P. R. China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Ban, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-9309-6202, Value:
Key: AD - College of Materials Science and Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108,, Value:
Key: P. R. China., Value:
Key: FAU - Xie, Yulan, Value:
Key: AU - Xie Y, Value:
Key: AD - College of Materials Science and Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108,, Value:
Key: P. R. China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cai, Daoping, Value:
Key: AU - Cai D, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-6920-1228, Value:
Key: AD - College of Materials Science and Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108,, Value:
Key: P. R. China., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Qidi, Value:
Key: AU - Chen Q, Value:
Key: AD - College of Materials Science and Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108,, Value:
Key: P. R. China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhan, Hongbing, Value:
Key: AU - Zhan H, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-8748-6642, Value:
Key: AD - College of Materials Science and Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108,, Value:
Key: P. R. China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210511, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, Value:
Key: JT - ACS applied materials & interfaces, Value:
Key: JID - 101504991, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - N-doped carbon nanotubes, Value:
Key: OT - Ni(OH)2, Value:
Key: OT - aqueous Ni−Zn battery, Value:
Key: OT - binder free, Value:
Key: OT - metal−organic frameworks, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/05/12 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/05/12 06:01, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/05/11 05:29, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/05/12 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/05/12 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/05/11 05:29 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1021/acsami.1c01711 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2021 May 19;13(19):22304-22313. doi:, Value:
Key: 10.1021/acsami.1c01711. Epub 2021 May 11., Value:
Key: PMID- 33939405, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20210513, Value:
Key: IS - 1944-8252 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1944-8244 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 13, Value:
Key: IP - 18, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 May 12, Value:
Key: TI - DOPO-Decorated Two-Dimensional MXene Nanosheets for Flame-Retardant,, Value:
Key: Ultraviolet-Protective, and Reinforced Polylactide Composites., Value:
Key: PG - 21876-21887, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1021/acsami.1c05587 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - This study presents a novel and facile strategy for fabricating fire-resistant,, Value:
Key: ultraviolet (UV)-shielding, and tensile-enhanced polylactide (PLA) composites, Value:
Key: using two-dimensional (2D) MXene (Ti(3)C(2)) flakes chemically modified with, Value:
Key: 9,10-dihydro-9-oxa-10-phosphaphenanthrene-10-oxide (DOPO). The thermal and, Value:
Key: burning performances of PLA composites were demonstrated by the limiting oxygen, Value:
Key: index, UL-94 test, and cone calorimetry. The UV-shielding and tensile, Value:
Key: performances were also examined. The results revealed that PLA/Ti(3)C(2)-DOPO (3, Value:
Key: wt %) displayed a V-0 rating in the UL-94 test. The enhancement against fire, Value:
Key: hazard was reflected by the significant reduction in the peak heat release rate, Value:
Key: (33.7%), total heat release (47%), peak CO production (58.8%), and total smoke, Value:
Key: production (41.7%). The improved fire-safety performance of the composites is, Value:
Key: attributed to the interplay of catalytic, barrier, and condensed effects of the, Value:
Key: Ti(3)C(2)-DOPO nanosheets in the PLA matrix. PLA/Ti(3)C(2)-DOPO also showed an, Value:
Key: increase (∼9%) in tensile strength and an "Excellent" level (UPF 50+) in the, Value:
Key: UV-protection assessment. In all, this study introduces a novel chemical, Value:
Key: modification strategy for 2D MXene flakes to fabricate multifunctional PLA, Value:
Key: composites, which are promising candidates for next-generation sustainable and, Value:
Key: protective plastic products., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhou, Yuyang, Value:
Key: AU - Zhou Y, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-3808-5778, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong 999077, China., Value:
Key: AD - Centre of Micro/Nano Manufacturing Technology (MNMT-Dublin), School of Mechanical, Value:
Key: & Materials Engineering, University College Dublin, Dublin D04 KW52, Ireland., Value:
Key: FAU - Lin, Yichao, Value:
Key: AU - Lin Y, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong 999077, China., Value:
Key: AD - School of Safety Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, Value:
Key: 221116, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Tawiah, Benjamin, Value:
Key: AU - Tawiah B, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong 999077, China., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Industrial Art (Textiles), Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and, Value:
Key: Technology, Kumasi 00000, Ghana., Value:
Key: FAU - Sun, Jun, Value:
Key: AU - Sun J, Value:
Key: AD - Beijing Key Laboratory of Advanced Functional Polymer Composites, Beijing, Value:
Key: University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yuen, Richard K K, Value:
Key: AU - Yuen RKK, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, City University of Hong Kong,, Value:
Key: Hong Kong 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bin, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-4274-1873, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong 999077, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210503, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, Value:
Key: JT - ACS applied materials & interfaces, Value:
Key: JID - 101504991, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - DOPO, Value:
Key: OT - MXene, Value:
Key: OT - PLA, Value:
Key: OT - chemical modification, Value:
Key: OT - flame retardancy, Value:
Key: OT - reinforcement, Value:
Key: OT - ultraviolet protection, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/05/04 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/05/04 06:01, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/05/03 17:15, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/05/04 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/05/04 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/05/03 17:15 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1021/acsami.1c05587 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2021 May 12;13(18):21876-21887. doi:, Value:
Key: 10.1021/acsami.1c05587. Epub 2021 May 3., Value:
Key: PMID- 33936486, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20210621, Value:
Key: LR - 20240401, Value:
Key: IS - 1942-597X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1559-4076 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 2020, Value:
Key: DP - 2020, Value:
Key: TI - STAN-CT: Standardizing CT Image using Generative Adversarial Networks., Value:
Key: PG - 1100-1109, Value:
Key: AB - Computed Tomography (CT) plays an important role in lung malignancy diagnostics,, Value:
Key: therapy assessment, and facilitating precision medicine delivery. However, the, Value:
Key: use of personalized imaging protocols poses a challenge in large-scale, Value:
Key: cross-center CT image radiomic studies. We present an end-to-end solution called, Value:
Key: STAN-CT for CT image standardization and normalization, which effectively reduces, Value:
Key: discrepancies in image features caused by using different imaging protocols or, Value:
Key: using different CT scanners with the same imaging protocol. STAN-CT consists, Value:
Key: oftwo components: 1)a Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) model where a, Value:
Key: latent-feature-based loss function is adopted to learn the data distribution of, Value:
Key: standard images within a few rounds of generator training, and 2) an automatic, Value:
Key: DICOM reconstruction pipeline with systematic image quality control that ensures, Value:
Key: the generation ofhigh-quality standard DICOM images. Experimental results, Value:
Key: indicate that the training efficiency and model performance of STAN-CT have been, Value:
Key: significantly improved compared to the state-of-the-art CT image standardization, Value:
Key: and normalization algorithms., Value:
Key: CI - ©2020 AMIA - All rights reserved., Value:
Key: FAU - Selim, Md, Value:
Key: AU - Selim M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Computer Science, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY., Value:
Key: AD - Institute for Biomedical Informatics, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Jie, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Guo-Qiang, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang GQ, Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Jin, Value:
Key: AU - Chen J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Computer Science, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY., Value:
Key: AD - Institute for Biomedical Informatics, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Internal Medicine, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210125, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - AMIA Annu Symp Proc, Value:
Key: JT - AMIA ... Annual Symposium proceedings. AMIA Symposium, Value:
Key: JID - 101209213, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Algorithms, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - Image Processing, Computer-Assisted/methods/*standards, Value:
Key: MH - Lung/*diagnostic imaging, Value:
Key: MH - Reference Standards, Value:
Key: MH - Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods/*standards, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC8075475, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/05/04 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/06/22 06:00, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2021/01/25, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/05/03 06:15, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/05/03 06:15 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/05/04 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/06/22 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/01/25 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 146_3413937 [pii], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2021 Jan 25;2020:1100-1109. eCollection 2020., Value:
Key: PMID- 33809198, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20210408, Value:
Key: IS - 2073-4360 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2073-4360 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 13, Value:
Key: IP - 6, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Mar 12, Value:
Key: TI - Incorporation of In Situ Synthesized Nano-Copper Modified Phenol-Formaldehyde, Value:
Key: Resin to Improve the Mechanical Properties of Chinese Fir: A Preliminary Study., Value:
Key: LID - 10.3390/polym13060876 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 876, Value:
Key: AB - Phenol-formaldehyde (PF) resin, modified using nano-copper with varying contents, Value:
Key: (0 wt%, 1 wt%, 3 wt%), was manufactured to improve the mechanical properties of, Value:
Key: Chinese fir. The morphology, chemical, micromechanical and micromechanical, Value:
Key: properties of the samples were determined by transmission electron microscopy, Value:
Key: (TEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), environmental scanning electron microscopy, Value:
Key: (ESEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), nanoindentation (NI) and, Value:
Key: traditional mechanical testing. The TEM and AFM results indicated that the in, Value:
Key: situ synthesized nano-copper particles were well-dispersed, and spherical, with a, Value:
Key: diameter of about 70 nm in PF resin. From the FTIR chemical changes detected by, Value:
Key: FTIR inferred that the nano-copper modified PF resin penetrated into the Chinese, Value:
Key: fir cell walls and interacted with the acetyl groups of hemicellulose by forming, Value:
Key: a crosslinked structure. Accordingly, the micro-mechanical properties of the, Value:
Key: Chinese fir cell walls were enhanced after treatment with nano-copper modified PF, Value:
Key: resin. The filling of the PF-1-Cu resin (1 wt% nano-copper) in the wood resulted, Value:
Key: in 13.7% and 22.2% increases in the elastic modulus (MOE) and hardness,, Value:
Key: respectively, of the cell walls. Besides, the impact toughness and compressive, Value:
Key: strength of the Chinese fir impregnated with PF-1-Cu resin were 21.8% and 8.2%, Value:
Key: higher than that of the PF-0-Cu resin. Therefore, in situ synthesized, Value:
Key: nano-copper-modified PF resin is a powerful treatment method for Chinese fir due, Value:
Key: to improved diffusive properties and reinforcement of the mechanical properties., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Fan, Value:
Key: AU - Li F, Value:
Key: AD - College of Materials Science and Technology, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, Value:
Key: 100083, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ye, Cuiyin, Value:
Key: AU - Ye C, Value:
Key: AD - College of Materials Science and Technology, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, Value:
Key: 100083, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Yanhui, Value:
Key: AU - Huang Y, Value:
Key: AD - College of Materials Science and Technology, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, Value:
Key: 100083, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Xianmiao, Value:
Key: AU - Liu X, Value:
Key: AD - International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Benhua, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing 100102, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - 31770599/National Natural Science Foundation of China/, Value:
Key: GR - 31500472/National Natural Science Foundation of China/, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210312, Value:
Key: PL - Switzerland, Value:
Key: TA - Polymers (Basel), Value:
Key: JT - Polymers, Value:
Key: JID - 101545357, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC8002211, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - PF resin, Value:
Key: OT - cell walls, Value:
Key: OT - macromechanical properties, Value:
Key: OT - micromechanical properties, Value:
Key: OT - modification, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/04/04 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/04/04 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2021/03/12, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/04/03 01:32, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/01/22 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/03/05 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/03/08 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/04/03 01:32 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/04/04 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/04/04 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/03/12 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - polym13060876 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - polymers-13-00876 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.3390/polym13060876 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Polymers (Basel). 2021 Mar 12;13(6):876. doi: 10.3390/polym13060876., Value:
Key: PMID- 33799550, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20210408, Value:
Key: IS - 2072-6694 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 2072-6694 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2072-6694 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 13, Value:
Key: IP - 6, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Mar 11, Value:
Key: TI - Liposome-Imipramine Blue Inhibits Sonic Hedgehog Medulloblastoma In Vivo., Value:
Key: LID - 10.3390/cancers13061220 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 1220, Value:
Key: AB - Sonic hedgehog subtype of medulloblastoma (SHH MB) with metastasis or specific, Value:
Key: clinical or molecular alteration shas a poor prognosis and current therapy, Value:
Key: results in long-term cognitive impairment in the majority of survivors. Thus, a, Value:
Key: great need exists for new targeted therapeutic approaches to more effectively, Value:
Key: treat SHH MB in children. Imipramine blue (IB), a novel molecule with anti-tumor, Value:
Key: properties, inhibits the NADPH oxidase (NOX) family of enzymes, which are, Value:
Key: critical for SHH MB survival and treatment resistance. In this study, IB was, Value:
Key: encapsulated within a liposome to form a liposomal nanoparticle, Liposome-IB, Value:
Key: (Lipo-IB). This complex has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and be, Value:
Key: preferentially taken up by tumor cells within the brain. We demonstrated in vitro, Value:
Key: that Lipo-IB treatment caused a dose-dependent decrease in SHH MB cell viability, Value:
Key: and migration. Short-term administration of single agent Lipo-IB treatment of SHH, Value:
Key: MB in vivo significantly inhibited tumor growth, reduced the tumor volume,, Value:
Key: including a complete tumor response, and improved survival compared to control, Value:
Key: treated mice, without any observable toxicity. We conclude that Lipo-IB is a, Value:
Key: potential novel nanoparticle-based therapeutic for the treatment of SHH MB that, Value:
Key: warrants further preclinical safety and efficacy testing for development towards, Value:
Key: clinical investigation., Value:
Key: FAU - MacDonald, Tobey J, Value:
Key: AU - MacDonald TJ, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-4918-1300, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Pediatrics, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA 30329,, Value:
Key: USA., Value:
Key: AD - Aflac Cancer & Blood Disorders Center, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta,, Value:
Key: GA 30329, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Jingbo, Value:
Key: AU - Liu J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Pediatrics, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA 30329,, Value:
Key: USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Yu, Bing, Value:
Key: AU - Yu B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Pediatrics, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA 30329,, Value:
Key: USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Malhotra, Anshu, Value:
Key: AU - Malhotra A, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Pediatrics, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA 30329,, Value:
Key: USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Munson, Jenny, Value:
Key: AU - Munson J, Value:
Key: AD - Fralin Biomedical Research Institute, Room 1210, 4 Riverside Circle, Roanoke, VA, Value:
Key: 24016, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Park, Jaekeun C, Value:
Key: AU - Park JC, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, Emory University School of Medicine, Center for Systems, Value:
Key: Imaging, Wesley Woods Health Center, 1841 Clifton Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30329,, Value:
Key: USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Kenty, Value:
Key: AU - Wang K, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences, Emory University School of, Value:
Key: Medicine, 1841 Clifton Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30329, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences, Emory University School of, Value:
Key: Medicine, 1841 Clifton Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30329, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Bellamkonda, Ravi, Value:
Key: AU - Bellamkonda R, Value:
Key: AD - Ravi V Bellamkonda Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC, Value:
Key: 27708, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Arbiser, Jack, Value:
Key: AU - Arbiser J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Dermatology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA,, Value:
Key: 30322, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Decatur, GA 30322, USA., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210311, Value:
Key: PL - Switzerland, Value:
Key: TA - Cancers (Basel), Value:
Key: JT - Cancers, Value:
Key: JID - 101526829, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC8001973, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Nox4, Value:
Key: OT - medulloblastoma, Value:
Key: OT - reactive oxygen, Value:
Key: OT - sonic hedghog, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare no conflict of interest., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/04/04 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/04/04 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2021/03/11, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/04/03 01:03, Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/12/31 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/21 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/26 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/04/03 01:03 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/04/04 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/04/04 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/03/11 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - cancers13061220 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - cancers-13-01220 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.3390/cancers13061220 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Cancers (Basel). 2021 Mar 11;13(6):1220. doi: 10.3390/cancers13061220., Value:
Key: PMID- 33769793, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20210428, Value:
Key: IS - 1936-086X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1936-0851 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 15, Value:
Key: IP - 4, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Apr 27, Value:
Key: TI - Hierarchical Nanoreactor with Multiple Adsorption and Catalytic Sites for Robust, Value:
Key: Lithium-Sulfur Batteries., Value:
Key: PG - 6849-6860, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1021/acsnano.0c10603 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Developing high-performance cathode host materials is fundamental to solve the, Value:
Key: low utilization of sulfur, the sluggish redox kinetics, and the lithium, Value:
Key: polysulfide (LiPS) shuttle effect in lithium-sulfur batteries (LSBs). Here, a, Value:
Key: multifunctional Ag/VN@Co/NCNT nanocomposite with multiple adsorption and, Value:
Key: catalytic sites within hierarchical nanoreactors is reported as a robust sulfur, Value:
Key: host for LSB cathodes. In this hierarchical nanoreactor, heterostructured Ag/VN, Value:
Key: nanorods serve as a highly conductive backbone structure and provide internal, Value:
Key: catalytic and adsorption sites for LiPS conversion. Interconnected nitrogen-doped, Value:
Key: carbon nanotubes (NCNTs), in situ grown from the Ag/VN surface, greatly improve, Value:
Key: the overall specific surface area for sulfur dispersion and accommodate volume, Value:
Key: changes in the reaction process. Owing to their high LiPS adsorption ability,, Value:
Key: outer Co nanoparticles at the top of the NCNTs catch escaped LiPS, thus, Value:
Key: effectively suppressing the shuttle effect and enhancing kinetics. Benefiting, Value:
Key: from the multiple adsorption and catalytic sites of the developed hierarchical, Value:
Key: nanoreactors, Ag/VN@Co/NCNTs@S cathodes display outstanding electrochemical, Value:
Key: performances, including a superior rate performance of 609.7 mAh g(-1) at 4 C and, Value:
Key: a good stability with a capacity decay of 0.018% per cycle after 2000 cycles at 2, Value:
Key: C. These properties demonstrate the exceptional potential of Ag/VN@Co/NCNTs@S, Value:
Key: nanocomposites and approach LSBs closer to their real-world application., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Ban, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-9309-6202, Value:
Key: AD - College of Materials Science and Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fujian 350108,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Chaoqi, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang C, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-0357-235X, Value:
Key: AD - Catalonia Institute for Energy Research-IREC, 08930 Sant Adrià de Besòs,, Value:
Key: Barcelona, Spain., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Electronic and Biomedical Engineering, Universitat de Barcelona,, Value:
Key: 08028 Barcelona, Spain., Value:
Key: FAU - Cai, Daoping, Value:
Key: AU - Cai D, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-6920-1228, Value:
Key: AD - College of Materials Science and Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fujian 350108,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zheng, Jingying, Value:
Key: AU - Zheng J, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-7790-4775, Value:
Key: AD - College of Materials Science and Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fujian 350108,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Qidi, Value:
Key: AU - Chen Q, Value:
Key: AD - College of Materials Science and Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fujian 350108,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Xie, Yulan, Value:
Key: AU - Xie Y, Value:
Key: AD - College of Materials Science and Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fujian 350108,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhu, Longzhen, Value:
Key: AU - Zhu L, Value:
Key: AD - College of Materials Science and Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fujian 350108,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cabot, Andreu, Value:
Key: AU - Cabot A, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-7533-3251, Value:
Key: AD - Catalonia Institute for Energy Research-IREC, 08930 Sant Adrià de Besòs,, Value:
Key: Barcelona, Spain., Value:
Key: AD - ICREA, Pg. Lluís Companys 23, 08010 Barcelona, Spain., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhan, Hongbing, Value:
Key: AU - Zhan H, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-8748-6642, Value:
Key: AD - College of Materials Science and Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fujian 350108,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210326, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - ACS Nano, Value:
Key: JT - ACS nano, Value:
Key: JID - 101313589, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - absorption sites, Value:
Key: OT - catalytic sites, Value:
Key: OT - hierarchical, Value:
Key: OT - lithium−sulfur batteries, Value:
Key: OT - nanoreactors, Value:
Key: OT - synergistic effect, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/03/27 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/03/27 06:01, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/03/26 17:11, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/03/27 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/03/27 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/03/26 17:11 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1021/acsnano.0c10603 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - ACS Nano. 2021 Apr 27;15(4):6849-6860. doi: 10.1021/acsnano.0c10603. Epub 2021, Value:
Key: Mar 26., Value:
Key: PMID- 33765148, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20211123, Value:
Key: LR - 20211123, Value:
Key: IS - 1756-591X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1756-5901 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 13, Value:
Key: IP - 4, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Apr 24, Value:
Key: TI - Copper(II) and iron(III) complexes of chiral dehydroabietic acid derived from, Value:
Key: natural rosin: metal effect on structure and cytotoxicity., Value:
Key: LID - mfab014 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1093/mtomcs/mfab014 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - A novel optically pure dinuclear copper(II) complex of a rosin derivative, Value:
Key: dehydroabietic acid (DHA, HL) was synthesized and fully characterized. The in, Value:
Key: vitro antitumor activities of the copper(II) complex Cu2(µ2-O)(L)4(DMF)2 (1) were, Value:
Key: explored and compared with those of a trinuclear iron(III) complex, Value:
Key: [Fe3(µ3-O)(L)6(CH3OH)2(CH3O)]·H2O (2). 1 was more cytotoxic than 2, and the in, Value:
Key: vitro cytotoxicity of 1 was comparable to that of cisplatin and oxaliplatin. The, Value:
Key: metal coordination improved the cytotoxicity of DHA. 1 could arrest cycle in G1, Value:
Key: phase and induce apoptosis in MCF-7 cell. 1 increased reactive oxygen species, Value:
Key: level, GSSG/GSH ratio, and Ca2+ production, and caused the loss of mitochondrial, Value:
Key: membrane potential (Δψm) in MCF-7 cells. The up-regulated Bax and down-regulated, Value:
Key: Bcl-2 expression levels, caspase-9/caspase-3 activation, and the release of Cyt c, Value:
Key: demonstrate that 1 triggered mitochondria-mediated intrinsic apoptosis in MCF-7, Value:
Key: cells. Caspase-8/caspase-4 activation and up-regulated Fas expression indicate, Value:
Key: that death receptor-mediated extrinsic apoptosis was included. Comet assay and, Value:
Key: up-regulated γ-H2AX and p53 expressions confirmed that 1 caused DNA damage in, Value:
Key: MCF-7 cells. Moreover, 1 led to enhancement of the biomarker of lipid, Value:
Key: peroxidation and the indicator of protein carbonylation in MCF-7 cells. All the, Value:
Key: results suggest that 1 could kill MCF-7 cells by generating oxidative stress,, Value:
Key: impairing DNA, promoting lipid peroxidation and protein carbonylation, and, Value:
Key: inducing apoptosis and autophagy. Furthermore, 1 also displayed antimetastatic, Value:
Key: activities with inhibition of cell invasion and migration, together with, Value:
Key: antiangiogenesis properties. On the whole, copper complex based on rosin, Value:
Key: derivatives is worth developing as metal-based antitumor drugs., Value:
Key: CI - © The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bao-Li, Value:
Key: AU - Fei BL, Value:
Key: AD - Jiangsu Key Lab of Biomass-Based Green Fuels and Chemicals, College of Chemical, Value:
Key: Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China., Value:
Key: AD - Jiangsu Co-Innovation Center of Efficient Processing and Utilization of Forest, Value:
Key: Resources, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China., Value:
Key: AD - State Key Laboratory for Chemistry and Molecular Engineering of Medicinal, Value:
Key: Resources, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541004, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Hui, Chun-Nuan, Value:
Key: AU - Hui CN, Value:
Key: AD - Jiangsu Key Lab of Biomass-Based Green Fuels and Chemicals, College of Chemical, Value:
Key: Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China., Value:
Key: AD - Jiangsu Co-Innovation Center of Efficient Processing and Utilization of Forest, Value:
Key: Resources, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wei, Zuzhuang, Value:
Key: AU - Wei Z, Value:
Key: AD - State Key Laboratory for Chemistry and Molecular Engineering of Medicinal, Value:
Key: Resources, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541004, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Kong, Ling-Yan, Value:
Key: AU - Kong LY, Value:
Key: AD - College of Food Science and Engineering, Nanjing University of Finance and, Value:
Key: Economics, Nanjing 210023, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Long, Jian-Ying, Value:
Key: AU - Long JY, Value:
Key: AD - College of Science, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Qiao, Chunhua, Value:
Key: AU - Qiao C, Value:
Key: AD - College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Soochow University, Suzhou 215123, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Zhen-Feng, Value:
Key: AU - Chen ZF, Value:
Key: AD - State Key Laboratory for Chemistry and Molecular Engineering of Medicinal, Value:
Key: Resources, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541004, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - Metallomics, Value:
Key: JT - Metallomics : integrated biometal science, Value:
Key: JID - 101478346, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Abietanes), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Antineoplastic Agents), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Coordination Complexes), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Reactive Oxygen Species), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Resins, Plant), Value:
Key: RN - 0S5XP6S3AU (dehydroabietic acid), Value:
Key: RN - 789U1901C5 (Copper), Value:
Key: RN - 88S87KL877 (rosin), Value:
Key: RN - E1UOL152H7 (Iron), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Abietanes/*chemistry, Value:
Key: MH - Antineoplastic Agents/chemistry/*pharmacology, Value:
Key: MH - Apoptosis, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Cycle, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Movement, Value:
Key: MH - Coordination Complexes/chemistry/*pharmacology, Value:
Key: MH - Copper/*chemistry, Value:
Key: MH - DNA Damage, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - Iron/*chemistry, Value:
Key: MH - Lipid Peroxidation, Value:
Key: MH - Membrane Potential, Mitochondrial, Value:
Key: MH - Mitochondria/drug effects/metabolism/pathology, Value:
Key: MH - Neoplasms/drug therapy/metabolism/*pathology, Value:
Key: MH - Oxidative Stress, Value:
Key: MH - Protein Carbonylation, Value:
Key: MH - Reactive Oxygen Species/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Resins, Plant/*chemistry, Value:
Key: MH - Tumor Cells, Cultured, Value:
Key: MH - Wound Healing, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - ROS, Value:
Key: OT - antitumor, Value:
Key: OT - chiral, Value:
Key: OT - copper, Value:
Key: OT - iron, Value:
Key: OT - rosin, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/03/26 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/11/24 06:00, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/03/25 17:31, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/03/16 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/12/29 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/23 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/03/26 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/11/24 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/03/25 17:31 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - 6188400 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1093/mtomcs/mfab014 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Metallomics. 2021 Apr 24;13(4):mfab014. doi: 10.1093/mtomcs/mfab014., Value:
Key: PMID- 33686713, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20210719, Value:
Key: LR - 20210719, Value:
Key: IS - 2045-7634 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2045-7634 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 10, Value:
Key: IP - 7, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Apr, Value:
Key: TI - Long noncoding RNA MCM3AP-AS1 enhances cell proliferation and metastasis in, Value:
Key: colorectal cancer by regulating miR-193a-5p/SENP1., Value:
Key: PG - 2470-2481, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1002/cam4.3830 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - BACKGROUND: Accumulating evidences have shown that long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs), Value:
Key: play key roles in many diseases, including cancer. Several studies reported that, Value:
Key: MCM3AP antisense RNA 1 (MCM3AP-AS1) was associated with the tumorigenesis and, Value:
Key: progression. However, the specific function and mechanism of MCM3AP-AS1 in, Value:
Key: colorectal cancer (CRC) have not been fully understood. METHODS: The expression, Value:
Key: of MCM3AP-AS1 was detected by quantitative reverse transcription PCR (RT-qPCR) in, Value:
Key: CRC tissues and matched noncancerous tissues (NCTs). CCK-8 assay, colony, Value:
Key: formation assay, transwell assay, xenograft and lung metastasis mouse models were, Value:
Key: used to examine the tumor-promoting function of MCM3AP-AS1 in vitro and in vivo., Value:
Key: The binding relationship between MCM3AP-AS1, miR-193a-5p and sentrin-specific, Value:
Key: peptidase 1 (SENP1) were screened and identified by databases, RT-qPCR, dual, Value:
Key: luciferase reporter assay and western blot. RESULTS: In the present study, we got, Value:
Key: that the expression of MCM3AP-AS1 was higher in CRC tissues than in paired NCTs,, Value:
Key: and increased MCM3AP-AS1 expression was associated with adverse outcomes in CRC, Value:
Key: patients. Functional experiments in vitro revealed that silencing of MCM3AP-AS1, Value:
Key: could inhibit the proliferation, colony formation, migratory, and invasive, Value:
Key: abilities of CRC cells. The mouse models of xenograft and lung metastasis further, Value:
Key: confirmed that in vivo silencing MCM3AP-AS1 could significantly inhibit the, Value:
Key: growth and metastasis of CRC. Further mechanism studies indicated that MCM3AP-AS1, Value:
Key: could sponge miR-193a-5p and inhibit the activity of it. What is more, SENP1 was, Value:
Key: proved to be a novel target of miR-193a-5p and could be upregulated by, Value:
Key: MCM3AP-AS1. At last, we observed that SENP1 overexpression in CRC tissues was, Value:
Key: closely related to unfavorable prognosis. CONCLUSION: Taken together, we, Value:
Key: identified in CRC the MCM3AP-AS1/miR-193a-5p/SENP1 regulatory axis, which affords, Value:
Key: a therapeutic possibility for CRC., Value:
Key: CI - © 2021 The Authors. Cancer Medicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhou, Mingyue, Value:
Key: AU - Zhou M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Cancer Epigenetics Program, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Bian, Zehua, Value:
Key: AU - Bian Z, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Cancer Epigenetics Program, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Bingxin, Value:
Key: AU - Liu B, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Cancer Epigenetics Program, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Yi, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Colorectal Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing, Value:
Key: Medical University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cao, Yulin, Value:
Key: AU - Cao Y, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Cancer Epigenetics Program, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cui, Kaisa, Value:
Key: AU - Cui K, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-7255-2689, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Cancer Epigenetics Program, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Sun, Shengbai, Value:
Key: AU - Sun S, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Cancer Epigenetics Program, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Jiuming, Value:
Key: AU - Li J, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Cancer Epigenetics Program, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Jia, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang J, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Cancer Epigenetics Program, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Xue, Value:
Key: AU - Wang X, Value:
Key: AD - Cancer Epigenetics Program, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Chaoqun, Value:
Key: AU - Li C, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Cancer Epigenetics Program, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yao, Surui, Value:
Key: AU - Yao S, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Cancer Epigenetics Program, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yin, Yuan, Value:
Key: AU - Yin Y, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Cancer Epigenetics Program, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bojian, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan, Value:
Key: University, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Zhaohui, Value:
Key: AU - Huang Z, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-0117-9976, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Cancer Epigenetics Program, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210308, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Cancer Med, Value:
Key: JT - Cancer medicine, Value:
Key: JID - 101595310, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Intracellular Signaling Peptides and Proteins), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (MIRN193 microRNA, human), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (MicroRNAs), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (RNA, Antisense), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (RNA, Long Noncoding), Value:
Key: RN - EC 2.3.1.- (Acetyltransferases), Value:
Key: RN - EC 2.3.1.- (MCM3AP protein, human), Value:
Key: RN - EC 3.4.- (SENP1 protein, human), Value:
Key: RN - EC 3.4.22.- (Cysteine Endopeptidases), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Acetyltransferases/genetics/*metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Animals, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Proliferation/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - Colorectal Neoplasms/genetics/*metabolism/mortality/pathology, Value:
Key: MH - Cysteine Endopeptidases/*metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Gene Silencing, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - Intracellular Signaling Peptides and Proteins/genetics/*metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Lung Neoplasms/secondary, Value:
Key: MH - Male, Value:
Key: MH - Mice, Value:
Key: MH - Mice, Inbred BALB C, Value:
Key: MH - Mice, Nude, Value:
Key: MH - MicroRNAs/*metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Neoplasm Invasiveness, Value:
Key: MH - Neoplasm Metastasis/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - Neoplasm Transplantation, Value:
Key: MH - Prognosis, Value:
Key: MH - RNA, Antisense/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - RNA, Long Noncoding/*metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction, Value:
Key: MH - Tumor Stem Cell Assay, Value:
Key: MH - Up-Regulation, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC7982620, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - MCM3AP antisense RNA 1, Value:
Key: OT - SENP1, Value:
Key: OT - colorectal cancer, Value:
Key: OT - long noncoding RNAs, Value:
Key: OT - microRNAs, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/03/10 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/07/20 06:00, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2021/03/08, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/03/09 06:17, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/01 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/11/08 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/05 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/03/10 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/07/20 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/03/09 06:17 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/03/08 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - CAM43830 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1002/cam4.3830 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Cancer Med. 2021 Apr;10(7):2470-2481. doi: 10.1002/cam4.3830. Epub 2021 Mar 8., Value:
Key: PMID- 33673998, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20210414, Value:
Key: LR - 20210414, Value:
Key: IS - 1879-1344 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0144-8617 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 259, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 May 1, Value:
Key: TI - Bacterial cellulose reinforced double-network hydrogels for shape memory strand., Value:
Key: PG - 117737, Value:
Key: LID - S0144-8617(21)00124-7 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1016/j.carbpol.2021.117737 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Tough hydrogels with shape memory property are highly desirable for actuators and, Value:
Key: smart engineering materials. Herein, super-tough polyacrylamide/iota-carrageenan, Value:
Key: double-network hydrogels were synthesized via a one-pot radical polymerization, Value:
Key: and strengthened by incorporating bacterial cellulose microclusters, through the, Value:
Key: intermolecular hydrogen bonds and topological interlock between microclusters and, Value:
Key: polymer network. Such hydrogels were able to withstand over 200 kPa of tensile, Value:
Key: stress, or be stretched over 27 times of initial length, and reached a high, Value:
Key: toughness of ∼2000 kJ/m(3). By tension-drying and post-annealing treatments on, Value:
Key: the strongest hydrogel, dry strands were fabricated to withstand over 100 MPa of, Value:
Key: tensile stress. Moreover, these strands presented water-stimulated shape memory, Value:
Key: by a recovery ratio of 84.3 % in 4 min. Based on these characteristics, this, Value:
Key: super-tough hydrogel may serve as smart textile or actuator for a variety of, Value:
Key: applications., Value:
Key: CI - Copyright © 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved., Value:
Key: FAU - Hua, Jiachuan, Value:
Key: AU - Hua J, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Chang, Value:
Key: AU - Liu C, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ng, Pui Fai, Value:
Key: AU - Ng PF, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bin, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong, China. Electronic address:, Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210209, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - Carbohydr Polym, Value:
Key: JT - Carbohydrate polymers, Value:
Key: JID - 8307156, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Acrylic Resins), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Hydrogels), Value:
Key: RN - 9000-07-1 (Carrageenan), Value:
Key: RN - 9003-05-8 (polyacrylamide), Value:
Key: RN - 9004-34-6 (Cellulose), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Acrylic Resins/chemistry, Value:
Key: MH - Carrageenan/chemistry, Value:
Key: MH - Cellulose/*chemistry, Value:
Key: MH - Hydrogels/*chemistry, Value:
Key: MH - Porosity, Value:
Key: MH - Tensile Strength, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Bacterial cellulose, Value:
Key: OT - Double-network hydrogel, Value:
Key: OT - Shape memory, Value:
Key: OT - Strengthening, Value:
Key: OT - Topological interlock, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/03/07 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/04/15 06:00, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/03/06 05:30, Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/06/16 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/01/20 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/01/25 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/03/07 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/04/15 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/03/06 05:30 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - S0144-8617(21)00124-7 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1016/j.carbpol.2021.117737 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Carbohydr Polym. 2021 May 1;259:117737. doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2021.117737. Epub, Value:
Key: 2021 Feb 9., Value:
Key: PMID- 33664111, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20210716, Value:
Key: LR - 20240214, Value:
Key: IS - 1936-959X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0195-6108 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 0195-6108 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 42, Value:
Key: IP - 5, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 May, Value:
Key: TI - MRI-Based Deep-Learning Method for Determining Glioma MGMT Promoter Methylation, Value:
Key: Status., Value:
Key: PG - 845-852, Value:
Key: LID - 10.3174/ajnr.A7029 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: O(6)-Methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) promoter, Value:
Key: methylation confers an improved prognosis and treatment response in gliomas. We, Value:
Key: developed a deep learning network for determining MGMT promoter methylation, Value:
Key: status using T2 weighted Images (T2WI) only. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Brain MR, Value:
Key: imaging and corresponding genomic information were obtained for 247 subjects from, Value:
Key: The Cancer Imaging Archive and The Cancer Genome Atlas. One hundred sixty-three, Value:
Key: subjects had a methylated MGMT promoter. A T2WI-only network (MGMT-net) was, Value:
Key: developed to determine MGMT promoter methylation status and simultaneous, Value:
Key: single-label tumor segmentation. The network was trained using 3D-dense-UNets., Value:
Key: Three-fold cross-validation was performed to generalize the performance of the, Value:
Key: networks. Dice scores were computed to determine tumor-segmentation accuracy., Value:
Key: RESULTS: The MGMT-net demonstrated a mean cross-validation accuracy of 94.73%, Value:
Key: across the 3 folds (95.12%, 93.98%, and 95.12%, [SD, 0.66%]) in predicting MGMT, Value:
Key: methylation status with a sensitivity and specificity of 96.31% [SD, 0.04%] and, Value:
Key: 91.66% [SD, 2.06%], respectively, and a mean area under the curve of 0.93 [SD,, Value:
Key: 0.01]. The whole tumor-segmentation mean Dice score was 0.82 [SD, 0.008]., Value:
Key: CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate high classification accuracy in predicting MGMT, Value:
Key: promoter methylation status using only T2WI. Our network surpasses the, Value:
Key: sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of histologic and molecular methods. This, Value:
Key: result represents an important milestone toward using MR imaging to predict, Value:
Key: prognosis and treatment response., Value:
Key: CI - © 2021 by American Journal of Neuroradiology., Value:
Key: FAU - Yogananda, C G B, Value:
Key: AU - Yogananda CGB, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-8853-3036, Value:
Key: AD - From the Advanced Neuroscience Imaging Research Lab (C.G.B.Y., B.R.S., S.S.N.,, Value:
Key: G.K.M., F.F.Y., M.C.P., B.C.W., A.J.M., J.A.M.), Department of Radiology,, Value:
Key: University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas., Value:
Key: FAU - Shah, B R, Value:
Key: AU - Shah BR, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-0058-6174, Value:
Key: AD - From the Advanced Neuroscience Imaging Research Lab (C.G.B.Y., B.R.S., S.S.N.,, Value:
Key: G.K.M., F.F.Y., M.C.P., B.C.W., A.J.M., J.A.M.), Department of Radiology,, Value:
Key: University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas., Value:
Key: FAU - Nalawade, S S, Value:
Key: AU - Nalawade SS, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-5440-8357, Value:
Key: AD - From the Advanced Neuroscience Imaging Research Lab (C.G.B.Y., B.R.S., S.S.N.,, Value:
Key: G.K.M., F.F.Y., M.C.P., B.C.W., A.J.M., J.A.M.), Department of Radiology,, Value:
Key: University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas., Value:
Key: FAU - Murugesan, G K, Value:
Key: AU - Murugesan GK, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-2160-6648, Value:
Key: AD - From the Advanced Neuroscience Imaging Research Lab (C.G.B.Y., B.R.S., S.S.N.,, Value:
Key: G.K.M., F.F.Y., M.C.P., B.C.W., A.J.M., J.A.M.), Department of Radiology,, Value:
Key: University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas., Value:
Key: FAU - Yu, F F, Value:
Key: AU - Yu FF, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-9913-1331, Value:
Key: AD - From the Advanced Neuroscience Imaging Research Lab (C.G.B.Y., B.R.S., S.S.N.,, Value:
Key: G.K.M., F.F.Y., M.C.P., B.C.W., A.J.M., J.A.M.), Department of Radiology,, Value:
Key: University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas., Value:
Key: FAU - Pinho, M C, Value:
Key: AU - Pinho MC, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-4645-1638, Value:
Key: AD - From the Advanced Neuroscience Imaging Research Lab (C.G.B.Y., B.R.S., S.S.N.,, Value:
Key: G.K.M., F.F.Y., M.C.P., B.C.W., A.J.M., J.A.M.), Department of Radiology,, Value:
Key: University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas., Value:
Key: FAU - Wagner, B C, Value:
Key: AU - Wagner BC, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-2835-986X, Value:
Key: AD - From the Advanced Neuroscience Imaging Research Lab (C.G.B.Y., B.R.S., S.S.N.,, Value:
Key: G.K.M., F.F.Y., M.C.P., B.C.W., A.J.M., J.A.M.), Department of Radiology,, Value:
Key: University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas., Value:
Key: FAU - Mickey, B, Value:
Key: AU - Mickey B, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-8695-9447, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurological Surgery (B.M., T.R.P.), University of Texas, Value:
Key: Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas., Value:
Key: FAU - Patel, T R, Value:
Key: AU - Patel TR, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-8388-8206, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Neurological Surgery (B.M., T.R.P.), University of Texas, Value:
Key: Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, B, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-9123-9484, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering (B.F.), University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson,, Value:
Key: Texas., Value:
Key: FAU - Madhuranthakam, A J, Value:
Key: AU - Madhuranthakam AJ, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-5524-7962, Value:
Key: AD - From the Advanced Neuroscience Imaging Research Lab (C.G.B.Y., B.R.S., S.S.N.,, Value:
Key: G.K.M., F.F.Y., M.C.P., B.C.W., A.J.M., J.A.M.), Department of Radiology,, Value:
Key: University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas., Value:
Key: FAU - Maldjian, J A, Value:
Key: AU - Maldjian JA, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-6384-1072, Value:
Key: AD - From the Advanced Neuroscience Imaging Research Lab (C.G.B.Y., B.R.S., S.S.N.,, Value:
Key: G.K.M., F.F.Y., M.C.P., B.C.W., A.J.M., J.A.M.), Department of Radiology,, Value:
Key: University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA260705/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - U01 CA207091/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210304, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, Value:
Key: JT - AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology, Value:
Key: JID - 8003708, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Tumor Suppressor Proteins), Value:
Key: RN - EC 2.1.1.- (DNA Modification Methylases), Value:
Key: RN - EC (MGMT protein, human), Value:
Key: RN - EC 6.5.1.- (DNA Repair Enzymes), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: ECI - AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2022 Nov;43(11):E45-45. PMID: 36344219, Value:
Key: EIN - AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2023 Jan;44(1):E1. PMID: 36423950, Value:
Key: MH - Adult, Value:
Key: MH - Aged, Value:
Key: MH - Area Under Curve, Value:
Key: MH - Brain Neoplasms/*diagnostic imaging/*genetics, Value:
Key: MH - DNA Methylation, Value:
Key: MH - DNA Modification Methylases/*genetics, Value:
Key: MH - DNA Repair Enzymes/*genetics, Value:
Key: MH - *Deep Learning, Value:
Key: MH - Glioma/*diagnostic imaging/*genetics, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - Magnetic Resonance Imaging/*methods, Value:
Key: MH - Male, Value:
Key: MH - Middle Aged, Value:
Key: MH - Neural Networks, Computer, Value:
Key: MH - Promoter Regions, Genetic, Value:
Key: MH - Reproducibility of Results, Value:
Key: MH - Sensitivity and Specificity, Value:
Key: MH - Tumor Suppressor Proteins/*genetics, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC8115363, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/03/06 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/07/17 06:00, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/05/01, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/03/05 05:56, Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/06/24 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/11/21 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/03/06 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/07/17 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/03/05 05:56 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/05/01 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - ajnr.A7029 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 20-00944 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.3174/ajnr.A7029 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2021 May;42(5):845-852. doi: 10.3174/ajnr.A7029. Epub 2021, Value:
Key: Mar 4., Value:
Key: PMID- 35784009, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20240214, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 11654, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Mar, Value:
Key: TI - Development of a real-time spectral imaging system using in-site micro-LED-based, Value:
Key: illumination and high-speed micro-camera for endoscopic applications., Value:
Key: LID - 1165417 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2579097 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - We designed a compact, real-time LED-based endoscopic imaging system for the, Value:
Key: detection of various diseases including cancer. In gastrointestinal applications,, Value:
Key: conventional endoscopy cannot reliably differentiate tumor from normal tissue., Value:
Key: Current hyperspectral imaging systems are too slow to be used for real-time, Value:
Key: endoscopic applications. We are investigating real-time spectral imaging for, Value:
Key: different tissue types. Our objective is to develop a catheter for real-time, Value:
Key: hyperspectral gastrointestinal endoscopy. The endoscope uses multiple wavelengths, Value:
Key: within UV, visible, and IR light spectra generated by a micro-LED array. We, Value:
Key: capture images with a monochrome micro camera, which is cost-effective and, Value:
Key: smaller than the current hyperspectral imagers. A wireless transceiver sends the, Value:
Key: captured images to a workstation for further processing, such as tumor detection., Value:
Key: The spatial resolution of the system is defined by camera resolution and the, Value:
Key: distance to the object, while the number of LEDs in the multi-wavelength light, Value:
Key: source determines the spectral resolution. To investigate the properties and the, Value:
Key: limitations of our high-speed spectral imaging approach, we designed a prototype, Value:
Key: system. We conducted two experiments to measure the optimal forward voltages and, Value:
Key: lighting duration of the LEDs. These factors affect the maximum feasible imaging, Value:
Key: rate and resolution. The lighting duration of each LED can be shorter than 10 ms, Value:
Key: while producing an image with a high signal-to-noise ratio and no illumination, Value:
Key: interference. These results support the idea of using a high-speed camera and an, Value:
Key: LED-array for real-time hyperspectral endoscopic imaging., Value:
Key: FAU - Modir, Naeeme, Value:
Key: AU - Modir N, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation and Department of Bioengineering,, Value:
Key: University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75080, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Shahedi, Maysam, Value:
Key: AU - Shahedi M, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation and Department of Bioengineering,, Value:
Key: University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75080, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Dormer, James, Value:
Key: AU - Dormer J, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation and Department of Bioengineering,, Value:
Key: University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75080, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation and Department of Bioengineering,, Value:
Key: University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75080, USA., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX 75235, USA., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210305, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9248909, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1762465, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - FPGA, Value:
Key: OT - Hyperspectral imaging (HSI), Value:
Key: OT - LED array, Value:
Key: OT - Multispectral imaging (MSI), Value:
Key: OT - cancer, Value:
Key: OT - gastrointestinal endoscope, Value:
Key: OT - monochrome camera, Value:
Key: OT - wireless transceiver, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/03/01 00:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/03/01 00:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/07/01, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/07/05 10:18, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/07/05 10:18 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/03/01 00:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/03/01 00:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/07/01 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 1165417 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2579097 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2021 Mar;11654:1165417. doi: 10.1117/12.2579097. Epub, Value:
Key: 2021 Mar 5., Value:
Key: PMID- 33636623, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20210330, Value:
Key: LR - 20210330, Value:
Key: IS - 1095-8630 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0301-4797 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 286, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 May 15, Value:
Key: TI - Bamboo grid versus polyvinyl chloride as packing material in cooling tower:, Value:
Key: Energy efficiency and environmental impact assessment., Value:
Key: PG - 112190, Value:
Key: LID - S0301-4797(21)00252-8 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.112190 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - As an abundant and fast-growing biomass, bamboo can be used as construction, Value:
Key: materials owing to its desirable physical and mechanical properties,, Value:
Key: environmentally friendly features, and alternative to replace toxic and hazardous, Value:
Key: wastes in industrial processing. In this study, grid material made from bamboo, Value:
Key: (termed 'bamboo grid') was developed and compared to commercially used polyvinyl, Value:
Key: chloride (PVC) as packing material in cooling towers; PVC packing has drawbacks, Value:
Key: such as fouling, deposit buildup, low durability, and is harmful to environments., Value:
Key: The cooling capacity, energy efficiency and environmental impact of bamboo grid, Value:
Key: packing were evaluated via life cycle assessment (LCA), particularly the, Value:
Key: cumulative energy demand (CED) and the Building for Environmental and Economic, Value:
Key: Sustainability (BEES). Although the thermal performance of the PVC packing was, Value:
Key: found higher than that of the bamboo grid packing, the bamboo grid packing showed, Value:
Key: improved resistance characteristic, recording a total saving of 529.2 tons of, Value:
Key: standard coal during a six-month field test in a real thermal power generation, Value:
Key: plant. LCA results revealed that the utilization of bamboo-grid packing to, Value:
Key: replace PVC packing in cooling towers reduced total CED from 3420 MJ to 561 MJ, Value:
Key: per functional unit, achieving 6 times reduction. A desirable reduction ranging, Value:
Key: from 1.5 to 10.5 times was also recorded for the BEES indices. This LCA, Value:
Key: comparison analysis confirmed the improvement of energy efficiency and reduction, Value:
Key: of environmental impact by using the bamboo grid to replace PVC as packing, Value:
Key: material in cooling towers. The major environmental impact (BEES) indices (e.g.,, Value:
Key: the total Global warming potential, Acidification, Eutrophication and Smog) were, Value:
Key: reduced by 1.5-10.5 times via the use of bamboo grid. The results demonstrate, Value:
Key: that bamboo grid packing is a good alternative to replace existing grid packing, Value:
Key: materials such as concrete and PVC that are harmful to human health and, Value:
Key: environments., Value:
Key: CI - Copyright © 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Xinxin, Value:
Key: AU - Ma X, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomaterials, International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, No. 8, Value:
Key: Futong Eastern Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100102, China; SFA and Beijing, Value:
Key: Co-Built Key Laboratory of Bamboo and Rattan Science & Technology, State Forestry, Value:
Key: Administration, Beijing, 100102, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cai, Liping, Value:
Key: AU - Cai L, Value:
Key: AD - Co-Innovation Center of Efficient Processing and Utilization of Forestry, Value:
Key: Resources, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanjing Forestry, Value:
Key: University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210037, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Lisheng, Value:
Key: AU - Chen L, Value:
Key: AD - College of Materials Science and Engineering, Guizhou Minzu University, Guiyang,, Value:
Key: Yunan, 550025, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Benhua, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomaterials, International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, No. 8, Value:
Key: Futong Eastern Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100102, China; SFA and Beijing, Value:
Key: Co-Built Key Laboratory of Bamboo and Rattan Science & Technology, State Forestry, Value:
Key: Administration, Beijing, 100102, China. Electronic address:, Value:
Key: FAU - Lu, Jiping, Value:
Key: AU - Lu J, Value:
Key: AD - Hengda Bamboo Filler Limited Company, Yixing, Jiangsu, 214200, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Xia, Changlei, Value:
Key: AU - Xia C, Value:
Key: AD - SFA and Beijing Co-Built Key Laboratory of Bamboo and Rattan Science &, Value:
Key: Technology, State Forestry Administration, Beijing, 100102, China; Co-Innovation, Value:
Key: Center of Efficient Processing and Utilization of Forestry Resources, College of, Value:
Key: Materials Science and Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: 210037, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Lam, Su Shiung, Value:
Key: AU - Lam SS, Value:
Key: AD - Co-Innovation Center of Efficient Processing and Utilization of Forestry, Value:
Key: Resources, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanjing Forestry, Value:
Key: University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210037, China; Higher Institution Centre of, Value:
Key: Excellence (HICoE), Institute of Tropical Aquaculture and Fisheries (AKUATROP),, Value:
Key: Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030, Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia., Value:
Key: Electronic address:, Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210223, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - J Environ Manage, Value:
Key: JT - Journal of environmental management, Value:
Key: JID - 0401664, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Coal), Value:
Key: RN - 9002-86-2 (Polyvinyl Chloride), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Coal, Value:
Key: MH - *Conservation of Energy Resources, Value:
Key: MH - Environment, Value:
Key: MH - *Polyvinyl Chloride, Value:
Key: MH - Power Plants, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Bamboo packing, Value:
Key: OT - Cooling capacity, Value:
Key: OT - Cooling tower, Value:
Key: OT - Cumulative energy demands, Value:
Key: OT - Environmental impact indices, Value:
Key: OT - Polyvinyl chloride filler, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/02/27 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/03/31 06:00, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/02/26 20:17, Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/12/13 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/01/12 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/11 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/27 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/03/31 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/26 20:17 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - S0301-4797(21)00252-8 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.112190 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - J Environ Manage. 2021 May 15;286:112190. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.112190., Value:
Key: Epub 2021 Feb 23., Value:
Key: PMID- 33627780, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20211014, Value:
Key: LR - 20230129, Value:
Key: IS - 1476-5594 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0950-9232 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 40, Value:
Key: IP - 11, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Mar, Value:
Key: TI - Identification of an immune overdrive high-risk subpopulation with aberrant, Value:
Key: expression of FOXP3 and CTLA4 in colorectal cancer., Value:
Key: PG - 2130-2145, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1038/s41388-021-01677-w [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Colorectal cancer (CRC) is characterized by a heterogeneous tumor, Value:
Key: microenvironment (TME) that regulates cancer progression and therapeutic, Value:
Key: response. Overexpression of FOXP3 and CTLA4 is associated with immunosuppressive, Value:
Key: TME and poor prognosis in many cancer types. However, opposite results were, Value:
Key: reported in CRC. Thus, we performed comprehensive analyses to evaluate the exact, Value:
Key: prognostic value of FOXP3 and CTLA4 in CRC. Here, the expression levels of FOXP3, Value:
Key: and CTLA4 were used to construct a subtyping system based on >1200 CRC patients, Value:
Key: from multiple independent public datasets. We revealed that, in CRC patients with, Value:
Key: relatively high expression of FOXP3, there exist two different subpopulations, Value:
Key: with opposite survival patterns according to CLTA4 expression. We further, Value:
Key: established a method for evaluating all cohorts and identified a novel, Value:
Key: FOXP3(High)CTLA4(High*) CRC risk subpopulation that accounts for 5-10% of CRC, Value:
Key: patients. Moreover, different methods of functional enrichment and immune, Value:
Key: evaluation were used to analyze the TME characteristics of different FOXP3/CTLA4, Value:
Key: subtypes. The FOXP3(High)CTLA4(High*) CRC risk subpopulation was characterized by, Value:
Key: an immune overdrive TME phenotype, including high immune cell infiltration, low, Value:
Key: tumor purity, high immune checkpoint levels, and TGF-β activation. Finally, the, Value:
Key: constructed FOXP3/CTLA4 subtyping system was further validated by quantitative, Value:
Key: RT-PCR, immunochemistry staining, and multicolor immunofluorescence in an, Value:
Key: independent CRC cohort we collected. This high-risk subpopulation was also, Value:
Key: observed in kidney cancers and low-grade glioma patients by a Pan-cancer, Value:
Key: analysis. Together, our study revealed that the established FOXP3/CTLA4 molecular, Value:
Key: subtyping system could be used to select treatment and management strategies for, Value:
Key: CRC and other cancers., Value:
Key: FAU - Cui, Kaisa, Value:
Key: AU - Cui K, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-7255-2689, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yao, Surui, Value:
Key: AU - Yao S, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Han, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang H, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhou, Mingyue, Value:
Key: AU - Zhou M, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Bingxin, Value:
Key: AU - Liu B, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Cao, Yulin, Value:
Key: AU - Cao Y, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bojian, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Shenglin, Value:
Key: AU - Huang S, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-1279-0794, Value:
Key: AD - Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center and Institutes of Biomedical Sciences,, Value:
Key: Fudan University, Shanghai, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Zhaohui, Value:
Key: AU - Huang Z, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-0117-9976, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Cancer Institute, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, Jiangsu, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210224, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - Oncogene, Value:
Key: JT - Oncogene, Value:
Key: JID - 8711562, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (CTLA-4 Antigen), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (CTLA4 protein, human), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (FOXP3 protein, human), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Forkhead Transcription Factors), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Transforming Growth Factor beta), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - CTLA-4 Antigen/*genetics, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Line, Tumor, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Lineage/genetics/immunology, Value:
Key: MH - Colorectal Neoplasms/*genetics/immunology/pathology, Value:
Key: MH - Female, Value:
Key: MH - Forkhead Transcription Factors/*genetics, Value:
Key: MH - Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic/genetics/immunology, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - Male, Value:
Key: MH - Phenotype, Value:
Key: MH - Risk Factors, Value:
Key: MH - Transforming Growth Factor beta/*genetics, Value:
Key: MH - Tumor Microenvironment/genetics/immunology, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/02/26 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/10/15 06:00, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/02/25 05:40, Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/09/02 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/01/22 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/01/17 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/26 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/10/15 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/25 05:40 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1038/s41388-021-01677-w [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1038/s41388-021-01677-w [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Oncogene. 2021 Mar;40(11):2130-2145. doi: 10.1038/s41388-021-01677-w. Epub 2021, Value:
Key: Feb 24., Value:
Key: PMID- 33614251, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20210223, Value:
Key: IS - 2162-2531 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 2162-2531 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2162-2531 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 23, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Mar 5, Value:
Key: TI - Elucidation of the Hdac2/Sp1/miR-204-5p/Bcl-2 axis as a modulator of cochlear, Value:
Key: apoptosis via in vivo/in vitro models of acute hearing loss., Value:
Key: PG - 1093-1109, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1016/j.omtn.2021.01.017 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - We previously reported that dysregulation of histone deacetylase 2 (Hdac2) was, Value:
Key: associated with the prognosis of sudden sensorineural hearing loss. However, the, Value:
Key: underlying molecular mechanisms are poorly understood. In the present study, we, Value:
Key: developed an acute hearing loss animal model in guinea pigs by infusing, Value:
Key: lipopolysaccharides (LPS) into the cochlea and measured the expression of Hdac2, Value:
Key: in the sensory epithelium. We observed that the level of Hdac2 was significantly, Value:
Key: decreased in the LPS-infused cochleae. The levels of apoptosis-inhibition genes, Value:
Key: Bcl-2 and Bcl-xl were also decreased in the cochlea and correlated positively, Value:
Key: with the levels of Hdac2. Caspase3 or TUNEL-positive spiral ganglion neurons,, Value:
Key: hair cells, and supporting cells were observed in the LPS-infused cochleae. These, Value:
Key: in vivo observations were recapitulated in cell culture experiments. Based on, Value:
Key: bioinformatics analysis, we found miR-204-5p was engaged in the regulation of, Value:
Key: Hdac2 on Bcl-2. Molecular mechanism experiments displayed that miR-204-5p could, Value:
Key: be regulated by Hdac2 through interacting with transcription factor Sp1. Taken, Value:
Key: together, these results indicated that the Hdac2/Sp1/miR-204-5p/Bcl-2 regulatory, Value:
Key: axis mediated apoptosis in the cochlea, providing potential insights into the, Value:
Key: progression of acute hearing loss. To our knowledge, the study describes a, Value:
Key: miRNA-related mechanism for Hdac2-mediated regulation in the cochlea for the, Value:
Key: first time., Value:
Key: CI - © 2021 The Authors., Value:
Key: FAU - Xie, Lisheng, Value:
Key: AU - Xie L, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital,, Value:
Key: Clinical College of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210008, China., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology, Children's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,, Value:
Key: Nanjing 210008, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhou, Qiongqiong, Value:
Key: AU - Zhou Q, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology, Children's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,, Value:
Key: Nanjing 210008, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Xiaorui, Value:
Key: AU - Chen X, Value:
Key: AD - Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing, Value:
Key: 210008, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Du, Xiaoping, Value:
Key: AU - Du X, Value:
Key: AD - Hough Ear Institute, Oklahoma City, OK 73112, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Zhibiao, Value:
Key: AU - Liu Z, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital,, Value:
Key: Clinical College of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210008, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bing, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital,, Value:
Key: Clinical College of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210008, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Hou, Jie, Value:
Key: AU - Hou J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital,, Value:
Key: Clinical College of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210008, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Dai, Yanhong, Value:
Key: AU - Dai Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital,, Value:
Key: Clinical College of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210008, China., Value:
Key: FAU - She, Wandong, Value:
Key: AU - She W, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital,, Value:
Key: Clinical College of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210008, China., Value:
Key: AD - Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing, Value:
Key: 210008, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210120, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Mol Ther Nucleic Acids, Value:
Key: JT - Molecular therapy. Nucleic acids, Value:
Key: JID - 101581621, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC7875768, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Hdac2, Value:
Key: OT - acute hearing loss, Value:
Key: OT - apoptosis, Value:
Key: OT - transcriptional regulation, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare no competing interests., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/02/23 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/02/23 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2021/01/20, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/02/22 05:56, Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/03/19 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/01/14 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/22 05:56 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/23 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/23 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/01/20 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - S2162-2531(21)00017-2 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1016/j.omtn.2021.01.017 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. 2021 Jan 20;23:1093-1109. doi:, Value:
Key: 10.1016/j.omtn.2021.01.017. eCollection 2021 Mar 5., Value:
Key: PMID- 33596588, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20210625, Value:
Key: LR - 20231213, Value:
Key: IS - 1423-002X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0378-7346 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 86, Value:
Key: IP - 1-2, Value:
Key: DP - 2021, Value:
Key: TI - MicroRNA-301a Promotes Cell Proliferation and Resistance to Apoptosis through, Value:
Key: PTEN/PI3K/Akt Signaling Pathway in Human Ovarian Cancer., Value:
Key: PG - 108-116, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1159/000513070 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - BACKGROUND: MicroRNAs are endogenous small noncoding RNAs, which play a critical, Value:
Key: role in regulating various biological and pathologic processes. Furthermore,, Value:
Key: miR-301a has been detected to be overly expressed in tumorigenic progression of, Value:
Key: ovarian cancer. However, the effects of miR-301a on ovarian cancer are still, Value:
Key: unclear. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to investigate the molecular, Value:
Key: mechanisms of miR-301a in epithelial ovarian cancer cells. METHODS: The miR-301a, Value:
Key: expression in ovarian cancer cells was detected. Then, cell proliferation, cell, Value:
Key: cycle, and apoptosis of the miR-301a-mimic-transfected ovarian cancer cells were, Value:
Key: determined, as well as the effects of the miR-301a mimic on the, Value:
Key: PTEN/phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) signaling pathway were explored. RESULTS:, Value:
Key: We found that the miR-301a expression levels were markedly upregulated in ovarian, Value:
Key: cancer tissues and cells, and upregulation of miR-301a-promoted cell viability, Value:
Key: and proliferation. Our results also showed that the miR-301a-mimic accelerated, Value:
Key: cell cycle progression of ovarian cancer cells by targeting the CDK4/Cyclin-D1, Value:
Key: pathway but not the CDK2/Cyclin-E pathway. Moreover, transfection of the miR-301a, Value:
Key: mimic into ovarian cancer cells could decrease the PTEN expression while, Value:
Key: increasing the PI3K and Akt phosphorylation, as compared with the miR-301a, Value:
Key: inhibitor group and the negative control group. CONCLUSION: Therefore, miR-301a, Value:
Key: should be an oncogene in ovarian cancer, and overexpression of miR-301a promoted, Value:
Key: proliferation of ovarian cancer cells by modulating the PTEN/PI3K/Akt signaling, Value:
Key: pathway., Value:
Key: CI - © 2021 S. Karger AG, Basel., Value:
Key: FAU - Ni, Jie, Value:
Key: AU - Ni J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Second Affiliated Hospital of, Value:
Key: Soochow University, Suzhou, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Ying, Value:
Key: AU - Chen Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Second Affiliated Hospital of, Value:
Key: Soochow University, Suzhou, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Beibei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Second Affiliated Hospital of, Value:
Key: Soochow University, Suzhou, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhu, Yan, Value:
Key: AU - Zhu Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Second Affiliated Hospital of, Value:
Key: Soochow University, Suzhou, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Du, Yibei, Value:
Key: AU - Du Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Second Affiliated Hospital of, Value:
Key: Soochow University, Suzhou, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Lifen, Value:
Key: AU - Liu L, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Second Affiliated Hospital of, Value:
Key: Soochow University, Suzhou, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Guo, Liangsheng, Value:
Key: AU - Guo L, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Second Affiliated Hospital of, Value:
Key: Soochow University, Suzhou, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhu, Weipei, Value:
Key: AU - Zhu W, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Second Affiliated Hospital of, Value:
Key: Soochow University, Suzhou, China,, Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210217, Value:
Key: PL - Switzerland, Value:
Key: TA - Gynecol Obstet Invest, Value:
Key: JT - Gynecologic and obstetric investigation, Value:
Key: JID - 7900587, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (MIRN301A microRNA, human), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (MicroRNAs), Value:
Key: RN - EC (Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-akt), Value:
Key: RN - EC (PTEN Phosphohydrolase), Value:
Key: RN - EC (PTEN protein, human), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Apoptosis/*physiology, Value:
Key: MH - Carcinoma, Ovarian Epithelial, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Line, Tumor, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Proliferation/*physiology, Value:
Key: MH - Female, Value:
Key: MH - Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - MicroRNAs/genetics/metabolism/*physiology, Value:
Key: MH - Ovarian Neoplasms/genetics/*pathology, Value:
Key: MH - PTEN Phosphohydrolase/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinases/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Phosphorylation, Value:
Key: MH - Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-akt/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Signal Transduction/*physiology, Value:
Key: MH - Transfection, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Cell cycle, Value:
Key: OT - Ovarian cancer, Value:
Key: OT - PTEN/PI3K/Akt signaling pathway, Value:
Key: OT - miR-301, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/02/18 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/06/29 06:00, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/02/17 20:07, Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/02/10 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/08/23 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/18 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/06/29 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/17 20:07 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - 000513070 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1159/000513070 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Gynecol Obstet Invest. 2021;86(1-2):108-116. doi: 10.1159/000513070. Epub 2021, Value:
Key: Feb 17., Value:
Key: PMID- 33559815, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20210813, Value:
Key: IS - 1674-8018 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1674-800X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1674-800X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12, Value:
Key: IP - 8, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Aug, Value:
Key: TI - Correction to: MiR-139-5p inhibits migration and invasion of colorectal cancer by, Value:
Key: downregulating AMFR and NOTCH1., Value:
Key: PG - 668-670, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1007/s13238-021-00826-x [doi], Value:
Key: FAU - Song, Mingxu, Value:
Key: AU - Song M, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Oncology Institute, the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: 214062, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yin, Yuan, Value:
Key: AU - Yin Y, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Oncology Institute, the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: 214062, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Jiwei, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang J, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Oncology Institute, the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: 214062, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Binbin, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang B, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Oncology Institute, the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: 214062, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Bian, Zehua, Value:
Key: AU - Bian Z, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Oncology Institute, the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: 214062, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Quan, Chao, Value:
Key: AU - Quan C, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Oncology Institute, the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: 214062, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhou, Leyuan, Value:
Key: AU - Zhou L, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiation Oncology, the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214062, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Hu, Yaling, Value:
Key: AU - Hu Y, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Oncology Institute, the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: 214062, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Qifeng, Value:
Key: AU - Wang Q, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Pathology, Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Shanghai,, Value:
Key: 200032, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ni, Shujuan, Value:
Key: AU - Ni S, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Pathology, Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Shanghai,, Value:
Key: 200032, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bojian, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Surgical Oncology, the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214062, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Weili, Value:
Key: AU - Wang W, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Surgical Oncology, the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University,, Value:
Key: Wuxi, 214062, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Du, Xiang, Value:
Key: AU - Du X, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Pathology, Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Shanghai,, Value:
Key: 200032, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Hua, Dong, Value:
Key: AU - Hua D, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Oncology Institute, the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: 214062, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Zhaohui, Value:
Key: AU - Huang Z, Value:
Key: AD - Wuxi Oncology Institute, the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi,, Value:
Key: 214062, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Published Erratum, Value:
Key: PL - Germany, Value:
Key: TA - Protein Cell, Value:
Key: JT - Protein & cell, Value:
Key: JID - 101532368, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: EFR - Protein Cell. 2014 Nov;5(11):851-61. PMID: 25149074, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC8310544, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/02/10 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/02/10 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2021/02/09, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/02/09 08:48, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/10 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/10 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/09 08:48 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/09 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1007/s13238-021-00826-x [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 826 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1007/s13238-021-00826-x [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Protein Cell. 2021 Aug;12(8):668-670. doi: 10.1007/s13238-021-00826-x., Value:
Key: PMID- 33547310, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20240330, Value:
Key: IS - 2041-1723 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2041-1723 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12, Value:
Key: IP - 1, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Feb 5, Value:
Key: TI - A flexible electromagnetic wave-electricity harvester., Value:
Key: PG - 834, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1038/s41467-021-21103-9 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 834, Value:
Key: AB - Developing an ultimate electromagnetic (EM)-absorbing material that can not only, Value:
Key: dissipate EM energy but also convert the generated heat into electricity is, Value:
Key: highly desired but remains a significant challenge. Here, we report a hybrid Sn@C, Value:
Key: composite with a biological cell-like splitting ability to address this, Value:
Key: challenge. The composite consisting of Sn nanoparticles embedded within porous, Value:
Key: carbon would split under a cycled annealing treatment, leading to more dispersed, Value:
Key: nanoparticles with an ultrasmall size. Benefiting from an electron-transmitting, Value:
Key: but a phonon-blocking structure created by the splitting behavior, an EM, Value:
Key: wave-electricity device constructed by the optimum Sn@C composite could achieve, Value:
Key: an efficiency of EM to heat at widely used frequency region and a maximum, Value:
Key: thermoelectric figure of merit of 0.62 at 473 K, as well as a constant output, Value:
Key: voltage and power under the condition of microwave radiation. This work provides, Value:
Key: a promising solution for solving EM interference with self-powered EM devices., Value:
Key: FAU - Lv, Hualiang, Value:
Key: AU - Lv H, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Materials Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yang, Zhihong, Value:
Key: AU - Yang Z, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-7841-4594, Value:
Key: AD - College of Materials Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics, Value:
Key: and Astronautics, Nanjing, 210016, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Bo, Value:
Key: AU - Liu B, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-1761-8782, Value:
Key: AD - College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha,, Value:
Key: 410082, Hunan, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wu, Guanglei, Value:
Key: AU - Wu G, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Materials for Energy and Environment, State Key Laboratory of, Value:
Key: Bio-fibers and Eco-textiles, College of Materials Science and Engineering,, Value:
Key: Qingdao University, Qingdao, 266071, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Lou, Zhichao, Value:
Key: AU - Lou Z, Value:
Key: AD - College of Materials Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University,, Value:
Key: Nanjing, 210037, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Ben, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-3219-9996, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Materials Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wu, Renbing, Value:
Key: AU - Wu R, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-2815-2797, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Materials Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, China., Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210205, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - Nat Commun, Value:
Key: JT - Nature communications, Value:
Key: JID - 101528555, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC7864982, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare no competing interests., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/02/07 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/02/07 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2021/02/05, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/02/06 05:39, Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/01/19 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/01/06 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/06 05:39 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/07 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/07 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/05 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1038/s41467-021-21103-9 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 21103 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1038/s41467-021-21103-9 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Nat Commun. 2021 Feb 5;12(1):834. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-21103-9., Value:
Key: PMID- 35784397, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20220716, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 11597, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Feb, Value:
Key: TI - Assessing reproducibility in Magnetic Resonance (MR) Radiomics features between, Value:
Key: Deep-Learning segmented and Expert Manual segmented data and evaluating their, Value:
Key: diagnostic performance in Pregnant Women with suspected Placenta Accreta Spectrum, Value:
Key: (PAS)., Value:
Key: LID - 115972P [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2581467 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - A Deep-Learning (DL) based segmentation tool was applied to a new magnetic, Value:
Key: resonance imaging dataset of pregnant women with suspected Placenta Accreta, Value:
Key: Spectrum (PAS). Radiomic features from DL segmentation were compared to those, Value:
Key: from expert manual segmentation via intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) to, Value:
Key: assess reproducibility. An additional imaging marker quantifying the placental, Value:
Key: location within the uterus (PLU) was included. Features with an ICC > 0.7 were, Value:
Key: used to build logistic regression models to predict hysterectomy. Of 2059, Value:
Key: features, 781 (37.9%) had ICC >0.7. AUC was 0.69 (95% CI 0.63-0.74) for manually, Value:
Key: segmented data and 0.78 (95% CI 0.73-0.83) for DL segmented data., Value:
Key: FAU - Xi, Yin, Value:
Key: AU - Xi Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center., Value:
Key: FAU - Shahedi, Maysam, Value:
Key: AU - Shahedi M, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation and Department of Bioengineering,, Value:
Key: University of Texas at Dallas., Value:
Key: FAU - Do, Quyen N, Value:
Key: AU - Do QN, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center., Value:
Key: FAU - Dormer, James, Value:
Key: AU - Dormer J, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation and Department of Bioengineering,, Value:
Key: University of Texas at Dallas., Value:
Key: FAU - Lewis, Matthew A, Value:
Key: AU - Lewis MA, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center., Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation and Department of Bioengineering,, Value:
Key: University of Texas at Dallas., Value:
Key: FAU - Spong, Catherine Y, Value:
Key: AU - Spong CY, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical, Value:
Key: Center., Value:
Key: FAU - Madhuranthakam, Ananth J, Value:
Key: AU - Madhuranthakam AJ, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center., Value:
Key: FAU - Twickler, Diane M, Value:
Key: AU - Twickler DM, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210215, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9248910, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1762463, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/02/01 00:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/02/01 00:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/07/01, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/07/05 10:24, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/07/05 10:24 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/01 00:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/01 00:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/07/01 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 115972P [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2581467 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2021 Feb;11597:115972P. doi: 10.1117/12.2581467. Epub, Value:
Key: 2021 Feb 15., Value:
Key: PMID- 35783088, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20240214, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 11603, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Feb, Value:
Key: TI - Hyperspectral Microscopic Imaging for the Detection of Head and Neck Squamous, Value:
Key: Cell Carcinoma on Histologic Slides., Value:
Key: LID - 116030P [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2581970 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - The purpose of this study is to investigate hyperspectral microscopic imaging and, Value:
Key: deep learning methods for automatic detection of head and neck squamous cell, Value:
Key: carcinoma (SCC) on histologic slides. Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) cubes were, Value:
Key: acquired from pathologic slides of 18 patients with SCC of the larynx,, Value:
Key: hypopharynx, and buccal mucosa. An Inception-based two-dimensional convolutional, Value:
Key: neural network (CNN) was trained and validated for the HSI data. The automatic, Value:
Key: deep learning method was tested with independent data of human patients. This, Value:
Key: study demonstrated the feasibility of using hyperspectral microscopic imaging and, Value:
Key: deep learning classification to aid pathologists in detecting SCC on histologic, Value:
Key: slides., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Ling, Value:
Key: AU - Ma L, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation and Department of Bioengineering,, Value:
Key: University of Texas at Dallas., Value:
Key: AD - State Key Laboratory of Precision Measurement Technology and Instrument, Tianjin, Value:
Key: University., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhou, Ximing, Value:
Key: AU - Zhou X, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation and Department of Bioengineering,, Value:
Key: University of Texas at Dallas., Value:
Key: FAU - Little, James V, Value:
Key: AU - Little JV, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Emory University., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Amy Y, Value:
Key: AU - Chen AY, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology, Emory University., Value:
Key: FAU - Myers, Larry L, Value:
Key: AU - Myers LL, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center., Value:
Key: FAU - Sumer, Baran D, Value:
Key: AU - Sumer BD, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Center for Imaging and Surgical Innovation and Department of Bioengineering,, Value:
Key: University of Texas at Dallas., Value:
Key: AD - Advanced Imaging Research Center, University of Texas Southwestern Medical, Value:
Key: Center., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210215, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9248908, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1762468, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Hyperspectral microscopic imaging, Value:
Key: OT - classification, Value:
Key: OT - convolutional neural network, Value:
Key: OT - deep learning, Value:
Key: OT - digital pathology, Value:
Key: OT - head and neck cancer, Value:
Key: OT - histology, Value:
Key: COIS- DISCLOSURES The authors have no relevant financial interests in this article and, Value:
Key: no potential conflicts of interest to disclose. Informed consent was obtained, Value:
Key: from all patients in accordance with Emory Institutional Review Board policies, Value:
Key: under the Head and Neck Satellite Tissue Bank (HNSB, IRB00003208) protocol., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/02/01 00:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/02/01 00:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/07/01, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/07/05 10:02, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/07/05 10:02 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/01 00:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/01 00:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/07/01 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 116030P [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2581970 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2021 Feb;11603:116030P. doi: 10.1117/12.2581970. Epub, Value:
Key: 2021 Feb 15., Value:
Key: PMID- 35781919, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20220716, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 11598, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Feb, Value:
Key: TI - Computer-aided Classification of Lung Nodules on CT Images with Expert Knowledge., Value:
Key: LID - 115982K [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2581888 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Accurate classification of pulmonary nodules in the CT images is critical for, Value:
Key: early detection of lung cancer as well as the assessment of the effect from, Value:
Key: COVID-19. In this paper, we propose a computer-aided classification method for, Value:
Key: lung nodules using expert knowledge. We use a decoupling metric learning model to, Value:
Key: describe the deep characteristics of the nodules and then calculate the, Value:
Key: similarity between the current nodule and the nodules in the database. By, Value:
Key: analyzing the returned nodules with the diagnosis information, we obtain the, Value:
Key: expert knowledge of similar nodules, based on which we make the decision of the, Value:
Key: current nodule. The proposed method has been evaluated on the benchmark LIDC-IDRI, Value:
Key: dataset and achieved an accuracy of 95.7% and AUC of 0.9901. The proposed, Value:
Key: classification method can have a variety of applications in lung cancer, Value:
Key: detection, diagnosis and therapy., Value:
Key: FAU - Wan, Chuangye, Value:
Key: AU - Wan C, Value:
Key: AD - College of Software, Nankai University, Tianjin, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Ling, Value:
Key: AU - Ma L, Value:
Key: AD - College of Software, Nankai University, Tianjin, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Xiabi, Value:
Key: AU - Liu X, Value:
Key: AD - School of Computer Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, Dallas, Texas,, Value:
Key: USA., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, USA., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210215, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9248895, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1762469, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - CT, Value:
Key: OT - Lung nodule, Value:
Key: OT - classification, Value:
Key: OT - convolutional neural networks (CNN), Value:
Key: OT - expert knowledge, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/02/01 00:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/02/01 00:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/07/01, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/07/05 09:42, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/07/05 09:42 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/01 00:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/01 00:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/07/01 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 115982K [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2581888 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2021 Feb;11598:115982K. doi: 10.1117/12.2581888. Epub, Value:
Key: 2021 Feb 15., Value:
Key: PMID- 35756897, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20220716, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 11597, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Feb, Value:
Key: TI - Multiparametric Radiomics for Predicting the Aggressiveness of Papillary Thyroid, Value:
Key: Carcinoma Using Hyperspectral Images., Value:
Key: LID - 1159728 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2582147 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is primarily treated by surgical resection., Value:
Key: During surgery, surgeons often need intraoperative frozen analysis and pathologic, Value:
Key: consultation in order to detect PTC. In some cases pathologists cannot determine, Value:
Key: if the tumor is aggressive until the operation has been completed. In this work,, Value:
Key: we have taken tumor classification a step further by determining the tumor, Value:
Key: aggressiveness of fresh surgical specimens. We employed hyperspectral imaging, Value:
Key: (HSI) in combination with multiparametric radiomic features to complete this, Value:
Key: task. The study cohort includes 72 ex-vivo tissue specimens from 44 patients with, Value:
Key: pathology-confirmed PTC. A total of 67 features were extracted from this data., Value:
Key: Using machine learning classification methods, we were able to achieve an AUC of, Value:
Key: 0.85. Our study shows that hyperspectral imaging and multiparametric radiomic, Value:
Key: features could aid in the pathological detection of tumor aggressiveness using, Value:
Key: fresh surgical spemens obtained during surgery., Value:
Key: FAU - Edwards, Ka'Toria, Value:
Key: AU - Edwards K, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Halicek, Martin, Value:
Key: AU - Halicek M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Little, James V, Value:
Key: AU - Little JV, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Emory University School of, Value:
Key: Medicine, Atlanta, GA., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Amy Y, Value:
Key: AU - Chen AY, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210215, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9232190, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1762470, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Cancer, Value:
Key: OT - Head, Value:
Key: OT - Hyperspectral Imaging, Value:
Key: OT - Neck, Value:
Key: OT - Radiomics, Value:
Key: OT - Tissues, Value:
Key: OT - Tumor Aggression, Value:
Key: COIS- Disclosures The authors have no relevant financial interests in this article and, Value:
Key: no potential conflicts of interest to disclose. Informed consent was obtained, Value:
Key: from all patients in accordance with Emory Institutional Review Board policies, Value:
Key: under the Head and Neck Satellite Tissue Bank (HNSB, IRB00003208) protocol., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/02/01 00:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/02/01 00:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/06/24, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/06/27 04:13, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/06/27 04:13 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/01 00:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/01 00:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/06/24 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 1159728 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2582147 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2021 Feb;11597:1159728. doi: 10.1117/12.2582147. Epub, Value:
Key: 2021 Feb 15., Value:
Key: PMID- 35756345, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20220716, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 11602, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Feb, Value:
Key: TI - GPU-Based Simulation of Echocardiography Volumes Using Quantitative, Value:
Key: Fiber-Angle-to-Backscatter Measurements., Value:
Key: LID - 116020U [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2581962 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - The intensity of backscattered ultrasound signal from heart muscle is known to be, Value:
Key: related to the angle between cardiac fibers and the insonification direction. In, Value:
Key: this work, a GPU-based method of simulating three-dimensional (3D), Value:
Key: echocardiographic images from an empirically derived angle-to-backscatter, Value:
Key: relationship is developed and validated. Images of a rotating fiber phantom are, Value:
Key: simulated, and it is validated that the angle-to-backscatter relationship is, Value:
Key: accurately reflected by the simulated envelope data. In a second experiment,, Value:
Key: echocardiography images are simulated from a diffusion tensor magnetic resonance, Value:
Key: imaging (DT-MRI) volume of a canine heart to demonstrate that the method produces, Value:
Key: view-dependent speckle. 3D volumes of a parametrically generated ideal left, Value:
Key: ventricle phantom are also simulated and processed into fiber orientation maps, Value:
Key: using the underlying quantitative parameters. Images are simulated based on the, Value:
Key: characteristics of a 35-by-32 two-dimensional (2D) matrix array probe and a, Value:
Key: clinical one-dimensional (1D) phased array probe. The processed fiber volumes, Value:
Key: exhibit good agreement with the virtual phantom's ground truth, having an average, Value:
Key: acute angle error (AAE) of less than 10 degrees for both probes. The simulation, Value:
Key: method is fast and opens a new approach for ultrasound fiber imaging., Value:
Key: FAU - Yociss, Megan, Value:
Key: AU - Yociss M, Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Radiology,, Value:
Key: Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210224, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9232193, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1762462, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Echocardiography, Value:
Key: OT - GPU, Value:
Key: OT - backscatter, Value:
Key: OT - cardiac fiber orientation, Value:
Key: OT - matrix array, Value:
Key: OT - myocardia, Value:
Key: OT - quantification, Value:
Key: OT - ultrasound probe, Value:
Key: OT - ultrasound simulation, Value:
Key: OT - volumetric ultrasound imaging, Value:
Key: COIS- DISCLOSURES The authors have no relevant financial interests in this article and, Value:
Key: no potential conflicts of interest to disclose., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/02/01 00:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/02/01 00:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/06/24, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/06/27 04:04, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/06/27 04:04 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/01 00:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/01 00:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/06/24 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 116020U [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2581962 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2021 Feb;11602:116020U. doi: 10.1117/12.2581962. Epub, Value:
Key: 2021 Feb 24., Value:
Key: PMID- 35755405, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20220716, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 11598, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Feb, Value:
Key: TI - Three-dimensional prostate CT segmentation through fine-tuning of a pre-trained, Value:
Key: neural network using no reference labeling., Value:
Key: LID - 115980L [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2581963 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Accurate segmentation of the prostate on computed tomography (CT) has many, Value:
Key: diagnostic and therapeutic applications. However, manual segmentation is, Value:
Key: time-consuming and suffers from high inter- and intra-observer variability., Value:
Key: Computer-assisted approaches are useful to speed up the process and increase the, Value:
Key: reproducibility of the segmentation. Deep learning-based segmentation methods, Value:
Key: have shown potential for quick and accurate segmentation of the prostate on CT, Value:
Key: images. However, difficulties in obtaining manual, expert segmentations on a, Value:
Key: large quantity of images limit further progress. Thus, we proposed an approach to, Value:
Key: train a base model on a small, manually-labeled dataset and fine-tuned the model, Value:
Key: using unannotated images from a large dataset without any manual segmentation., Value:
Key: The datasets used for pre-training and fine-tuning the base model have been, Value:
Key: acquired in different centers with different CT scanners and imaging parameters., Value:
Key: Our fine-tuning method increased the validation and testing Dice scores. A, Value:
Key: paired, two-tailed t-test shows a significant change in test score (p = 0.017), Value:
Key: demonstrating that unannotated images can be used to increase the performance of, Value:
Key: automated segmentation models., Value:
Key: FAU - Caughlin, Kayla, Value:
Key: AU - Caughlin K, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Shahedi, Maysam, Value:
Key: AU - Shahedi M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: FAU - Shoag, Jonathan E, Value:
Key: AU - Shoag JE, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Urology, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Urology, University Hospitals Medical Center, Case Western Reserve, Value:
Key: University, Cleveland, Ohio., Value:
Key: FAU - Barbieri, Christopher, Value:
Key: AU - Barbieri C, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Urology, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY., Value:
Key: FAU - Margolis, Daniel, Value:
Key: AU - Margolis D, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Advanced Imaging Research Center, University of Texas Southwestern Medical, Value:
Key: Center, Dallas, TX., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,, Value:
Key: TX., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210215, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9232188, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1762471, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Image segmentation, Value:
Key: OT - computed tomography (CT), Value:
Key: OT - deep learning, Value:
Key: OT - fine tuning, Value:
Key: OT - pre-trained neural networks, Value:
Key: OT - prostate, Value:
Key: COIS- DISCLOSURE The authors have no relevant financial interests in this article and, Value:
Key: no potential conflicts of interest to disclose., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/02/01 00:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/02/01 00:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/06/24, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/06/27 03:50, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/06/27 03:50 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/01 00:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/01 00:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/06/24 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 115980L [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2581963 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2021 Feb;11598:115980L. doi: 10.1117/12.2581963. Epub, Value:
Key: 2021 Feb 15., Value:
Key: PMID- 35755404, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20220716, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 11598, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Feb, Value:
Key: TI - Automatic Segmentation of the Prostate on MR Images based on Anatomy and Deep, Value:
Key: Learning., Value:
Key: LID - 115981N [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2581893 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Accurate segmentation of the prostate has many applications in the detection,, Value:
Key: diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer. Automatic segmentation can be a, Value:
Key: challenging task because of the inhomogeneous intensity distributions on MR, Value:
Key: images. In this paper, we propose an automatic segmentation method for the, Value:
Key: prostate on MR images based on anatomy. We use the 3D U-Net guided by anatomy, Value:
Key: knowledge, including the location and shape prior knowledge of the prostate on MR, Value:
Key: images, to constrain the segmentation of the gland. The proposed method has been, Value:
Key: evaluated on the public dataset PROMISE2012. Experimental results show that the, Value:
Key: proposed method achieves a mean Dice similarity coefficient of 91.6% as compared, Value:
Key: to the manual segmentation. The experimental results indicate that the proposed, Value:
Key: method based on anatomy knowledge can achieve satisfactory segmentation, Value:
Key: performance for prostate MRI., Value:
Key: FAU - Tao, Lei, Value:
Key: AU - Tao L, Value:
Key: AD - College of Software, Nankai University, Tianjin, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Ling, Value:
Key: AU - Ma L, Value:
Key: AD - College of Software, Nankai University, Tianjin, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Xie, Maoqiang, Value:
Key: AU - Xie M, Value:
Key: AD - College of Software, Nankai University, Tianjin, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Xiabi, Value:
Key: AU - Liu X, Value:
Key: AD - School of Computer Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Tian, Zhiqiang, Value:
Key: AU - Tian Z, Value:
Key: AD - School of Software Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, The University of Texas at Dallas., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210215, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9232192, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1762464, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - MRI, Value:
Key: OT - Prostate, Value:
Key: OT - anatomy, Value:
Key: OT - deep learning, Value:
Key: OT - image segmentation, Value:
Key: OT - location constraint, Value:
Key: OT - shape prior knowledge, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/02/01 00:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/02/01 00:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/06/24, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/06/27 03:50, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/06/27 03:50 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/01 00:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/01 00:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/06/24 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 115981N [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2581893 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2021 Feb;11598:115981N. doi: 10.1117/12.2581893. Epub, Value:
Key: 2021 Feb 15., Value:
Key: PMID- 35755403, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20220716, Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1996-756X (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0277-786X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 11598, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Feb, Value:
Key: TI - Pixel-level Tumor Margin Assessment of Surgical Specimen with Hyperspectral, Value:
Key: Imaging and Deep Learning Classification., Value:
Key: LID - 1159811 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/12.2581046 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Surgery is a major treatment method for squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). During, Value:
Key: surgery, insufficient tumor margin may lead to local recurrence of cancer., Value:
Key: Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is a promising optical imaging technique for in vivo, Value:
Key: cancer detection and tumor margin assessment. In this study, a fully, Value:
Key: convolutional network (FCN) was implemented for tumor classification and margin, Value:
Key: assessment on hyperspectral images of SCC. The FCN was trained and validated with, Value:
Key: hyperspectral images of 25 ex vivo SCC surgical specimens from 20 different, Value:
Key: patients. The network was evaluated per patient and achieved pixel-level tissue, Value:
Key: classification with an average area under the curve (AUC) of 0.88, as well as, Value:
Key: 0.83 accuracy, 0.84 sensitivity, and 0.70 specificity across all the 20 patients., Value:
Key: The 95% Hausdorff distance of assessed tumor margin in 17 patients was less than, Value:
Key: 2 mm, and the classification time of each tissue specimen took less than 10, Value:
Key: seconds. The proposed methods can potentially facilitate intraoperative tumor, Value:
Key: margin assessment and improve surgical outcomes., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Ling, Value:
Key: AU - Ma L, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas., Value:
Key: AD - State Key Laboratory of Precision Measurement Technology and Instrument, Tianjin, Value:
Key: University., Value:
Key: FAU - Shahedi, Maysam, Value:
Key: AU - Shahedi M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas., Value:
Key: FAU - Shi, Ted, Value:
Key: AU - Shi T, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas., Value:
Key: FAU - Halicek, Martin, Value:
Key: AU - Halicek M, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas., Value:
Key: FAU - Little, James V, Value:
Key: AU - Little JV, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Emory University., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Amy Y, Value:
Key: AU - Chen AY, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology, Emory University., Value:
Key: FAU - Myers, Larry L, Value:
Key: AU - Myers LL, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center., Value:
Key: FAU - Sumer, Baran D, Value:
Key: AU - Sumer BD, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas., Value:
Key: AD - Advanced Imaging Research Center, University of Texas Southwestern Medical, Value:
Key: Center., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210215, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, Value:
Key: JT - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Value:
Key: JID - 101524122, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC9232191, Value:
Key: MID - NIHMS1762466, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Hyperspectral imaging, Value:
Key: OT - U-Net, Value:
Key: OT - classification, Value:
Key: OT - squamous cell carcinoma, Value:
Key: OT - tumor margin assessment, Value:
Key: COIS- DISCLOSURES The authors have no relevant financial interests in this article and, Value:
Key: no potential conflicts of interest to disclose., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/02/01 00:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/02/01 00:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2022/06/24, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/06/27 03:50, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/06/27 03:50 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/01 00:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/02/01 00:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/06/24 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 1159811 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/12.2581046 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2021 Feb;11598:1159811. doi: 10.1117/12.2581046. Epub, Value:
Key: 2021 Feb 15., Value:
Key: PMID- 33502157, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20210304, Value:
Key: LR - 20210304, Value:
Key: IS - 1944-8252 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1944-8244 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 13, Value:
Key: IP - 5, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Feb 10, Value:
Key: TI - Knit Architecture for Water-Actuating Woolen Knitwear and Its Personalized, Value:
Key: Thermal Management., Value:
Key: PG - 6298-6308, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1021/acsami.0c20868 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Personalized thermal management using water-actuated woolen knitwear has great, Value:
Key: potential for smart textile production. However, woolen knitwear exists in a wide, Value:
Key: range of forms with different derivatives. Manufacturing of smart woolen, Value:
Key: structures with excellent cooling properties is linked to certain parameters such, Value:
Key: as changes in loop formation, loop shape, and yarn arrangement upon stimulation, Value:
Key: of body fluids. To address this issue, textile knit structures with different, Value:
Key: physical and mechanical properties have been prepared using water-responsive, Value:
Key: descaled wool fibers and their smart heat and moisture regulation behavior have, Value:
Key: been investigated and compared to detect the fabric architectural effect on water, Value:
Key: actuation and cooling performance of woolen garments. The evidence suggests that, Value:
Key: the technical structure of the fabrics plays a crucial role in pore actuation and, Value:
Key: fabric cooling performance. The water actuation and thermal management abilities, Value:
Key: of single jersey were greatly enhanced because of unbalanced structures with, Value:
Key: lower mechanical stress among the loops and yarns. The experimental data is also, Value:
Key: in line with the theoretical analysis. Hence, the unbalanced structures control, Value:
Key: fast heat and mass transfer from the human body, which may offer a promising, Value:
Key: year-round clothing material to the wearer. This material can have a similar, Value:
Key: response upon contact with body sweat and humid environments and hence can act as, Value:
Key: a skinlike fabric. Their possible applications can lie in different fields, such, Value:
Key: as thermoregulation, functional clothing, sportswear, and medical care., Value:
Key: FAU - Iqbal, Mohammad Irfan, Value:
Key: AU - Iqbal MI, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-5455-4293, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong, SAR 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Sun, Fengxin, Value:
Key: AU - Sun F, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Eco-Textiles, Ministry of Education, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Value:
Key: 214122, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bin, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-4274-1873, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong, Value:
Key: Kong, SAR 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Xia, Qingyou, Value:
Key: AU - Xia Q, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-9263-2886, Value:
Key: AD - State Key Laboratory of Silkworm Genome Biology, Biological Science Research, Value:
Key: Center, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Xin, Value:
Key: AU - Wang X, Value:
Key: AD - State Key Laboratory of Silkworm Genome Biology, Biological Science Research, Value:
Key: Center, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Hu, Jinlian, Value:
Key: AU - Hu J, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-8914-5473, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,, Value:
Key: SAR 999077, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20210127, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, Value:
Key: JT - ACS applied materials & interfaces, Value:
Key: JID - 101504991, Value:
Key: RN - 059QF0KO0R (Water), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - *Hot Temperature, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - Particle Size, Value:
Key: MH - Surface Properties, Value:
Key: MH - *Thermosensing, Value:
Key: MH - Water/chemistry, Value:
Key: MH - *Wool Fiber, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - comfort, Value:
Key: OT - knit architecture, Value:
Key: OT - shape memory, Value:
Key: OT - thermal management, Value:
Key: OT - woolen fabric, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/01/28 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/03/05 06:00, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/01/27 12:12, Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/01/28 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/03/05 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/01/27 12:12 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1021/acsami.0c20868 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2021 Feb 10;13(5):6298-6308. doi:, Value:
Key: 10.1021/acsami.0c20868. Epub 2021 Jan 27., Value:
Key: PMID- 33398948, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20210924, Value:
Key: LR - 20240330, Value:
Key: IS - 1560-2281 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1083-3668 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1083-3668 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 26, Value:
Key: IP - 1, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Jan, Value:
Key: TI - Comprehensive review of surgical microscopes: technology development and medical, Value:
Key: applications., Value:
Key: LID - 10.1117/1.JBO.26.1.010901 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 010901, Value:
Key: AB - SIGNIFICANCE: Surgical microscopes provide adjustable magnification, bright, Value:
Key: illumination, and clear visualization of the surgical field and have been, Value:
Key: increasingly used in operating rooms. State-of-the-art surgical microscopes are, Value:
Key: integrated with various imaging modalities, such as optical coherence tomography, Value:
Key: (OCT), fluorescence imaging, and augmented reality (AR) for image-guided surgery., Value:
Key: AIM: This comprehensive review is based on the literature of over 500 papers that, Value:
Key: cover the technology development and applications of surgical microscopy over the, Value:
Key: past century. The aim of this review is threefold: (i) providing a comprehensive, Value:
Key: technical overview of surgical microscopes, (ii) providing critical references, Value:
Key: for microscope selection and system development, and (iii) providing an overview, Value:
Key: of various medical applications. APPROACH: More than 500 references were, Value:
Key: collected and reviewed. A timeline of important milestones during the evolution, Value:
Key: of surgical microscope is provided in this study. An in-depth technical overview, Value:
Key: of the optical system, mechanical system, illumination, visualization, and, Value:
Key: integration with advanced imaging modalities is provided. Various medical, Value:
Key: applications of surgical microscopes in neurosurgery and spine surgery,, Value:
Key: ophthalmic surgery, ear-nose-throat (ENT) surgery, endodontics, and plastic and, Value:
Key: reconstructive surgery are described. RESULTS: Surgical microscopy has been, Value:
Key: significantly advanced in the technical aspects of high-end optics, bright and, Value:
Key: shadow-free illumination, stable and flexible mechanical design, and versatile, Value:
Key: visualization. New imaging modalities, such as hyperspectral imaging, OCT,, Value:
Key: fluorescence imaging, photoacoustic microscopy, and laser speckle contrast, Value:
Key: imaging, are being integrated with surgical microscopes. Advanced visualization, Value:
Key: and AR are being added to surgical microscopes as new features that are changing, Value:
Key: clinical practices in the operating room. CONCLUSIONS: The combination of new, Value:
Key: imaging technologies and surgical microscopy will enable surgeons to perform, Value:
Key: challenging procedures and improve surgical outcomes. With advanced visualization, Value:
Key: and improved ergonomics, the surgical microscope has become a powerful tool in, Value:
Key: neurosurgery, spinal, ENT, ophthalmic, plastic and reconstructive surgeries., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Ling, Value:
Key: AU - Ma L, Value:
Key: AD - The Univ. of Texas at Dallas, United States., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baowei, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - The Univ. of Texas at Dallas, United States., Value:
Key: AD - The Univ. of Texas Southwestern Medical Ctr. at Dallas, United States., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA156775/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 CA204254/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R01 HL140325/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: GR - R21 CA231911/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural, Value:
Key: PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, Value:
Key: PT - Review, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - J Biomed Opt, Value:
Key: JT - Journal of biomedical optics, Value:
Key: JID - 9605853, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Industrial Development, Value:
Key: MH - *Microscopy, Value:
Key: MH - Neurosurgical Procedures, Value:
Key: MH - *Surgery, Computer-Assisted, Value:
Key: MH - Tomography, Optical Coherence, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC7780882, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - augmented reality, Value:
Key: OT - fluorescence imaging, Value:
Key: OT - illumination, Value:
Key: OT - image-guided surgery, Value:
Key: OT - mechanical, Value:
Key: OT - optics, Value:
Key: OT - surgical microscope, Value:
Key: OT - visualization, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/01/06 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/09/25 06:00, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2021/01/04, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/01/05 06:36, Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/09/10 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/12/04 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/01/05 06:36 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/01/06 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/09/25 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/01/04 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - JBO-200292VRR [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 200292VRR [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1117/1.JBO.26.1.010901 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - J Biomed Opt. 2021 Jan;26(1):010901. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.26.1.010901., Value:
Key: PMID- 33395895, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20210111, Value:
Key: IS - 2210-2612 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 2210-2612 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2210-2612 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 77, Value:
Key: DP - 2020, Value:
Key: TI - Complex anal fistula: A case report., Value:
Key: PG - 782-786, Value:
Key: LID - S2210-2612(20)31079-8 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1016/j.ijscr.2020.11.056 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - BACKGROUND: Anal fistula is a common benign disease, but the complex type is a, Value:
Key: difficulty in clinical work. This case featured by its long-term medical course, Value:
Key: of history and complex clinical appearance. CASE PRESENTATION: Owning to the, Value:
Key: disease's long-term developing,its appearance is complex and rare. Via medical, Value:
Key: imaging examinations, we made precise diagnosis as anal fistula, then performed, Value:
Key: fistulectomy to treat. The patient recovered well in post-operation time., Value:
Key: CONCLUSIONS: Complex anal fistula's treatment is the key point while sticking, Value:
Key: point. Operation is the mainly method to treat presently and enhancing prognosis, Value:
Key: and reducing complication keep increased. Stem cells are safe and useful for, Value:
Key: treating anal fistula., Value:
Key: CI - Copyright © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved., Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Hui, Value:
Key: AU - Wang H, Value:
Key: AD - Department of General Surgery, China-Japan Union Hospital of Jilin University,, Value:
Key: 829 Xin'min Road, Chaoyang District, Changchun 130012, China. Electronic address:, Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, BingYuan, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of General Surgery, China-Japan Union Hospital of Jilin University,, Value:
Key: 829 Xin'min Road, Chaoyang District, Changchun 130012, China. Electronic address:, Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: FAU - Jin, HongYong, Value:
Key: AU - Jin H, Value:
Key: AD - Department of General Surgery, China-Japan Union Hospital of Jilin University,, Value:
Key: 829 Xin'min Road, Chaoyang District, Changchun 130012, China. Electronic address:, Value:
Key:, Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Case Reports, Value:
Key: DEP - 20201127, Value:
Key: PL - Netherlands, Value:
Key: TA - Int J Surg Case Rep, Value:
Key: JT - International journal of surgery case reports, Value:
Key: JID - 101529872, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC7718313, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Case report, Value:
Key: OT - Complex anal fistula, Value:
Key: OT - Treatment, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2021/01/06 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/01/06 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2020/11/27, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2021/01/05 01:06, Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/09/05 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/11/09 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/11/10 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/01/05 01:06 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/01/06 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/01/06 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/11/27 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - S2210-2612(20)31079-8 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1016/j.ijscr.2020.11.056 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Int J Surg Case Rep. 2020;77:782-786. doi: 10.1016/j.ijscr.2020.11.056. Epub 2020, Value:
Key: Nov 27., Value:
Key: PMID- 33218029, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20201201, Value:
Key: IS - 2073-4360 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2073-4360 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 12, Value:
Key: IP - 11, Value:
Key: DP - 2020 Nov 18, Value:
Key: TI - Mechanistic Study of Synergistic Antimicrobial Effects between Poly, Value:
Key: (3-hydroxybutyrate) Oligomer and Polyethylene Glycol., Value:
Key: LID - 10.3390/polym12112735 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 2735, Value:
Key: AB - Extended from our previous finding that poly (3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) oligomer, Value:
Key: is an effective antimicrobial agent against gram-positive bacteria, gram-negative, Value:
Key: bacteria, fungi and multi-drug resistant bacteria, this work investigates the, Value:
Key: effect of polyethylene glycol (PEG) on the antimicrobial effect of PHB oligomer., Value:
Key: To investigate and explain this promoting phenomenon, three hypothetic mechanisms, Value:
Key: were proposed, that is, generation of new antimicrobial components, degradation, Value:
Key: of PHB macromolecules and dissolution/dispersion of PHB oligomer by PEG. With a, Value:
Key: series of systematic experiments and characterizations of high-performance liquid, Value:
Key: chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS), it was deducted that PEG promotes the, Value:
Key: antimicrobial effect of PHB oligomer synergistically through, Value:
Key: dissolution/dispersion, owing to its amphipathy, which improves the, Value:
Key: hydrophilicity of PHB oligomer., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhang, Ziheng, Value:
Key: AU - Zhang Z, Value:
Key: AD - Research Center for Smart Wearable Technology, Institute of Textiles and, Value:
Key: Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Jun, Value:
Key: AU - Li J, Value:
Key: AD - Research Center for Smart Wearable Technology, Institute of Textiles and, Value:
Key: Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Ma, Linlin, Value:
Key: AU - Ma L, Value:
Key: AD - Research Center for Smart Wearable Technology, Institute of Textiles and, Value:
Key: Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Yang, Xingxing, Value:
Key: AU - Yang X, Value:
Key: AD - Research Center for Smart Wearable Technology, Institute of Textiles and, Value:
Key: Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bin, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Research Center for Smart Wearable Technology, Institute of Textiles and, Value:
Key: Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Leung, Polly H M, Value:
Key: AU - Leung PHM, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-2406-4773, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Health Technology and Informatics, Hong Kong Polytechnic, Value:
Key: University, Hong Kong 999077, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Tao, Xiaoming, Value:
Key: AU - Tao X, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-2406-0695, Value:
Key: AD - Research Center for Smart Wearable Technology, Institute of Textiles and, Value:
Key: Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong 999077, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20201118, Value:
Key: PL - Switzerland, Value:
Key: TA - Polymers (Basel), Value:
Key: JT - Polymers, Value:
Key: JID - 101545357, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC7698724, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - antimicrobial agent, Value:
Key: OT - oligomer, Value:
Key: OT - poly (3-hydroxybutyric acid), Value:
Key: OT - polyethylene glycol, Value:
Key: OT - synergistic antimicrobial effect, Value:
Key: COIS- The authors declare no conflict of interest., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2020/11/22 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2020/11/22 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2020/11/18, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2020/11/21 01:01, Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/11/02 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/11/16 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/11/16 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/11/21 01:01 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/11/22 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/11/22 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/11/18 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - polym12112735 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - polymers-12-02735 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.3390/polym12112735 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Polymers (Basel). 2020 Nov 18;12(11):2735. doi: 10.3390/polym12112735., Value:
Key: PMID- 33170831, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20210521, Value:
Key: LR - 20210521, Value:
Key: IS - 1643-3750 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1234-1010 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1234-1010 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 26, Value:
Key: DP - 2020 Nov 10, Value:
Key: TI - Differential Levels of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Peripheral Blood, Value:
Key: Mononuclear Cells from Patients with Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss., Value:
Key: PG - e927328, Value:
Key: LID - 10.12659/MSM.927328 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - BACKGROUND Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) is currently treated with a, Value:
Key: combination of drugs, predominantly with glucocorticoids (GCs). However, the, Value:
Key: mechanisms of action of GCs in SSNHL are unknown. This study aimed to analyze the, Value:
Key: role of endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERS) in SSNHL pathogenesis and prognosis., Value:
Key: MATERIAL AND METHODS In this study, we evaluated the expression and activation, Value:
Key: status of the protein kinase RNA-like endoplasmic reticulum kinase (PERK)-C/EBP, Value:
Key: homologous protein (CHOP) pathway in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), Value:
Key: from patients with SSNHL and compared them with those in healthy controls. We, Value:
Key: also compared differences in expression of activating transcription factor 4, Value:
Key: (ATF4) and CHOP before and after glucocorticoid treatment in patients with, Value:
Key: improved and unimproved SSNHL. RESULTS Treatment with GCs significantly improved, Value:
Key: hearing in 55% of patients with SSNHL. Levels of phosphorylated PERK (p-PERK) and, Value:
Key: phosphorylated eukaryotic initiation factor 2alpha were increased in PBMCs from, Value:
Key: patients with SSNHL compared with healthy controls. ATF4 and CHOP expression were, Value:
Key: also significantly elevated. After treatment, the amount of ATF4 and CHOP, Value:
Key: proteins in PBMCs in the patients whose SSNHL improved was significantly reduced, Value:
Key: compared with the levels measured before treatment in all patients with SSNHL., Value:
Key: The expression of the ATF4 and CHOP proteins in PBMCs in the unimproved group,, Value:
Key: however, was not significantly changed relative to pretreatment levels., Value:
Key: CONCLUSIONS ERS may play a significant role in the pathogenesis of SSNHL, and the, Value:
Key: responsiveness of the condition to GC-mediated mitigation of ERS may be one of, Value:
Key: the key factors that affect patient prognosis., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Zhibiao, Value:
Key: AU - Liu Z, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Value:
Key: Clinical College of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, Value:
Key: (mainland)., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, The Affiliated Huaian No. 1, Value:
Key: People's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Huaian, Jiangsu, China, Value:
Key: (mainland)., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bing, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Value:
Key: Clinical College of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, Value:
Key: (mainland)., Value:
Key: FAU - Du, Xiaoping, Value:
Key: AU - Du X, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Research, Hough Ear Institute, Oklahoma City, OK, USA., Value:
Key: FAU - Dai, Yanhong, Value:
Key: AU - Dai Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Value:
Key: Clinical College of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, Value:
Key: (mainland)., Value:
Key: AD - Otorhinolaryngology Research Institute of Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Nanjing,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China (mainland)., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower, Value:
Key: Hospital, The Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School, Jiangsu, Value:
Key: Provincial Key Medical Discipline, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China (mainland)., Value:
Key: FAU - She, Wandong, Value:
Key: AU - She W, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Value:
Key: Clinical College of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, Value:
Key: (mainland)., Value:
Key: AD - Otorhinolaryngology Research Institute of Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Nanjing,, Value:
Key: Jiangsu, China (mainland)., Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower, Value:
Key: Hospital, The Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School, Jiangsu, Value:
Key: Provincial Key Medical Discipline, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China (mainland)., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20201110, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Med Sci Monit, Value:
Key: JT - Medical science monitor : international medical journal of experimental and, Value:
Key: clinical research, Value:
Key: JID - 9609063, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Eukaryotic Initiation Factor-2), Value:
Key: RN - 145891-90-3 (Activating Transcription Factor 4), Value:
Key: RN - 147336-12-7 (Transcription Factor CHOP), Value:
Key: RN - EC (PERK kinase), Value:
Key: RN - EC (eIF-2 Kinase), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Activating Transcription Factor 4/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Adult, Value:
Key: MH - Down-Regulation/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - *Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - Eukaryotic Initiation Factor-2/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Female, Value:
Key: MH - Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/*blood/*pathology, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - Leukocytes, Mononuclear/*pathology, Value:
Key: MH - Male, Value:
Key: MH - Transcription Factor CHOP/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Up-Regulation/genetics, Value:
Key: MH - eIF-2 Kinase/metabolism, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC7667955, Value:
Key: COIS- Conflict of interest None., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2020/11/11 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/05/22 06:00, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2020/11/10, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2020/11/10 17:11, Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/11/10 17:11 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/11/11 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/05/22 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/11/10 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 927328 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.12659/MSM.927328 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Med Sci Monit. 2020 Nov 10;26:e927328. doi: 10.12659/MSM.927328., Value:
Key: PMID- 33082506, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20201023, Value:
Key: IS - 2045-2322 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2045-2322 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 10, Value:
Key: IP - 1, Value:
Key: DP - 2020 Oct 20, Value:
Key: TI - Author Correction: Effect of Hygrothermal Treatment on the Porous Structure and, Value:
Key: Nanomechanics of Moso Bamboo., Value:
Key: PG - 18184, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1038/s41598-020-75066-w [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 18184, Value:
Key: AB - An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at, Value:
Key: the top of the paper., Value:
Key: FAU - Ye, Cuiyin, Value:
Key: AU - Ye C, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Wooden Material Science and Application, Ministry of Education,, Value:
Key: Beijing Forestry University, Haidian, Beijing, 100083, People's Republic of, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Yanhui, Value:
Key: AU - Huang Y, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Wooden Material Science and Application, Ministry of Education,, Value:
Key: Beijing Forestry University, Haidian, Beijing, 100083, People's Republic of, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Feng, Qiming, Value:
Key: AU - Feng Q, Value:
Key: AD - Key Laboratory of Wooden Material Science and Application, Ministry of Education,, Value:
Key: Beijing Forestry University, Haidian, Beijing, 100083, People's Republic of, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Benhua, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing, 100102, People's Republic of, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Published Erratum, Value:
Key: DEP - 20201020, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - Sci Rep, Value:
Key: JT - Scientific reports, Value:
Key: JID - 101563288, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: EFR - Sci Rep. 2020 Apr 16;10(1):6553. PMID: 32300203, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC7576169, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2020/10/22 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2020/10/22 06:01, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2020/10/20, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2020/10/21 05:58, Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/10/21 05:58 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/10/22 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/10/22 06:01 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/10/20 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1038/s41598-020-75066-w [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 75066 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1038/s41598-020-75066-w [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Sci Rep. 2020 Oct 20;10(1):18184. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-75066-w., Value:
Key: PMID- 35019368, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- PubMed-not-MEDLINE, Value:
Key: LR - 20220210, Value:
Key: IS - 2576-6422 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2576-6422 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 3, Value:
Key: IP - 10, Value:
Key: DP - 2020 Oct 19, Value:
Key: TI - Quantitative Visualization of Weak Layers in Bamboo at the Cellular and, Value:
Key: Subcellular Levels., Value:
Key: PG - 7087-7094, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1021/acsabm.0c00921 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Weak layers in bamboo, which are prone to the generation of cracks or are the, Value:
Key: preferred routes for crack growth, govern the machining processes and, Value:
Key: applications of bamboo. Weak layers are avoided during storing but are utilized, Value:
Key: during splitting and slicing. Gaining an understanding of the weak layers is a, Value:
Key: priority that will allow for the determination of whether to avoid or utilize, Value:
Key: them. In this study, scanning electron microscopy was used to observe the weak, Value:
Key: layers at the cellular and subcellular levels. A nanoindentation instrument and a, Value:
Key: Raman microscope were used to quantitatively characterize the mechanical, Value:
Key: properties and chemical components of these weak layers. The results show that, Value:
Key: among the three types of bamboo cells, vessel cells were the most vulnerable to, Value:
Key: damage, while fiber cells were the least susceptible to damage. The weak layers, Value:
Key: at the subcellular level were compound middle lamella (CML), thin layers of cell, Value:
Key: walls, and pits. The average storage modulus values were as follows: 13.7 GPa for, Value:
Key: CML, 17.0 GPa for pits, 20.6 GPa for thin layers, and 25.3 GPa for thick layers., Value:
Key: Compared with the thick layers, the maximum decrement of cellulose content was, Value:
Key: 51% in CML and 41% in thin layers. With the lowest cellulose content, CML was the, Value:
Key: likeliest subcellular structure in which cracks propagated. The hardness of the, Value:
Key: pits was lower than that of the adjacent non-pit areas. The mechanical properties, Value:
Key: of bamboo increased by targeted modification of the weak layers. This work, Value:
Key: demonstrates a comprehensive investigation into weak layers of bamboo and, Value:
Key: quantitatively visualizes their mechanical and chemical properties., Value:
Key: FAU - Chen, Qi, Value:
Key: AU - Chen Q, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomaterials, International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan, No. 8,, Value:
Key: Futong East Street, Chaoyang District, 100102 Beijing, People's Republic of, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - SFA and Beijing Co-Built Key Laboratory of Bamboo and Rattan Science and, Value:
Key: Technology, State Forestry Administration, 100102 Beijing, People's Republic of, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Wei, Penglian, Value:
Key: AU - Wei P, Value:
Key: AD - Forestry College, Guangxi University, 530004 Nanning, Guangxi, People's Republic, Value:
Key: of China., Value:
Key: FAU - Tang, Tong, Value:
Key: AU - Tang T, Value:
Key: AD - Institute of Art and Design, Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Academy of, Value:
Key: Sciences), 250103 Jinan, People's Republic of China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fang, Changhua, Value:
Key: AU - Fang C, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomaterials, International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan, No. 8,, Value:
Key: Futong East Street, Chaoyang District, 100102 Beijing, People's Republic of, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - SFA and Beijing Co-Built Key Laboratory of Bamboo and Rattan Science and, Value:
Key: Technology, State Forestry Administration, 100102 Beijing, People's Republic of, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Benhua, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-8336-6627, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Biomaterials, International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan, No. 8,, Value:
Key: Futong East Street, Chaoyang District, 100102 Beijing, People's Republic of, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: AD - SFA and Beijing Co-Built Key Laboratory of Bamboo and Rattan Science and, Value:
Key: Technology, State Forestry Administration, 100102 Beijing, People's Republic of, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20201005, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - ACS Appl Bio Mater, Value:
Key: JT - ACS applied bio materials, Value:
Key: JID - 101729147, Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - bamboo, Value:
Key: OT - chemical distribution, Value:
Key: OT - compound middle lamella, Value:
Key: OT - mechanical properties, Value:
Key: OT - pits, Value:
Key: OT - thin layers, Value:
Key: OT - weak layers, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2020/10/19 00:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2020/10/19 00:01, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2022/01/12 12:17, Value:
Key: PHST- 2022/01/12 12:17 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/10/19 00:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/10/19 00:01 [medline], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1021/acsabm.0c00921 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - ACS Appl Bio Mater. 2020 Oct 19;3(10):7087-7094. doi: 10.1021/acsabm.0c00921., Value:
Key: Epub 2020 Oct 5., Value:
Key: PMID- 33069834, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20210412, Value:
Key: LR - 20210412, Value:
Key: IS - 1873-6971 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 0367-326X (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 147, Value:
Key: DP - 2020 Nov, Value:
Key: TI - Nature-derived anticancer steroids outside cardica glycosides., Value:
Key: PG - 104757, Value:
Key: LID - S0367-326X(20)30339-7 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1016/j.fitote.2020.104757 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Steriods which are ubiquitous in natural resources are important components of, Value:
Key: cell membranes and involved in several physiological functions. Steriods not only, Value:
Key: exerted the anticancer activity through inhibition of various enzymes and, Value:
Key: receptors in cancer cells, inclusive of aromatase, sulfatase, 5α-reductase,, Value:
Key: hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and CYP 17, but also exhibited potential activity, Value:
Key: against various cancer forms including multidrug-resistant cancer with low, Value:
Key: cytotoxicity, and high bioavailability. Accordingly, steroids are useful, Value:
Key: scaffolds for the discovery of novel anticancer agents. This review aims to, Value:
Key: outline the advances of nature-derived steroids outside cardica glycosides with, Value:
Key: anticancer potential, covering the articles published between Jan. 2015 and Aug., Value:
Key: 2020., Value:
Key: CI - Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., Value:
Key: FAU - Xiao, Jiaqi, Value:
Key: AU - Xiao J, Value:
Key: AD - State Key Laboratory of Biobased Material and Green Papermaking (LBMP), Qilu, Value:
Key: University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences), Jinan, PR China., Value:
Key: Electronic address:, Value:
Key: FAU - Gao, Meixiang, Value:
Key: AU - Gao M, Value:
Key: AD - State Key Laboratory of Biobased Material and Green Papermaking (LBMP), Qilu, Value:
Key: University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences), Jinan, PR China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bo, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Shanghai Key Laboratory of Molecular Imaging, Shanghai University of Medicine and, Value:
Key: Health Sciences, Shanghai, PR China., Value:
Key: FAU - Huang, Gang, Value:
Key: AU - Huang G, Value:
Key: AD - Shanghai Key Laboratory of Molecular Imaging, Shanghai University of Medicine and, Value:
Key: Health Sciences, Shanghai, PR China. Electronic address:, Value:
Key: FAU - Diao, Qiang, Value:
Key: AU - Diao Q, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Medical Imaging, Jinling Hospital, Medical School of Nanjing, Value:
Key: University, Nanjing, PR China. Electronic address:, Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: PT - Review, Value:
Key: DEP - 20201016, Value:
Key: PL - Netherlands, Value:
Key: TA - Fitoterapia, Value:
Key: JT - Fitoterapia, Value:
Key: JID - 16930290R, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Antineoplastic Agents), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Aromatase Inhibitors), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Biological Products), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Cardiac Glycosides), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Steroids), Value:
Key: RN - EC 1.- (Oxidoreductases), Value:
Key: RN - EC 1.1.- (Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenases), Value:
Key: RN - EC (Aromatase), Value:
Key: RN - EC (CYP19A1 protein, human), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Animals, Value:
Key: MH - Antineoplastic Agents/*pharmacology, Value:
Key: MH - Aromatase, Value:
Key: MH - Aromatase Inhibitors, Value:
Key: MH - Biological Products/*pharmacology, Value:
Key: MH - Cardiac Glycosides, Value:
Key: MH - Drug Resistance, Multiple, Value:
Key: MH - Drug Resistance, Neoplasm, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenases/antagonists & inhibitors, Value:
Key: MH - Molecular Structure, Value:
Key: MH - Oxidoreductases/antagonists & inhibitors, Value:
Key: MH - Steroids/*pharmacology, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Anticancer, Value:
Key: OT - Drug resistance, Value:
Key: OT - Natural resources, Value:
Key: OT - Steroids, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2020/10/19 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/04/13 06:00, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2020/10/18 20:25, Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/09/04 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/10/10 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/10/12 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/10/19 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/04/13 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/10/18 20:25 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - S0367-326X(20)30339-7 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1016/j.fitote.2020.104757 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Fitoterapia. 2020 Nov;147:104757. doi: 10.1016/j.fitote.2020.104757. Epub 2020, Value:
Key: Oct 16., Value:
Key: PMID- 33007643, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20210514, Value:
Key: LR - 20210514, Value:
Key: IS - 1873-3557 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1386-1425 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 246, Value:
Key: DP - 2021 Feb 5, Value:
Key: TI - Discovery of novel dehydroabietic acid derivatives as DNA/BSA binding and, Value:
Key: anticancer agents., Value:
Key: PG - 118944, Value:
Key: LID - S1386-1425(20)30923-9 [pii], Value:
Key: LID - 10.1016/j.saa.2020.118944 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - To explore the biological properties of rosin derivatives, two dehydroabietic, Value:
Key: acid derivatives N-(5-dehydroabietyl-1,3,4-thiadiazole)-yl-pyridine-2-carboxamide, Value:
Key: (DTPC) and di-N-(5-dehydroabietyl-1,3,4-thiadiazole)-yl-pyridine-2,6-carboxamide, Value:
Key: (DDTPC) with 1,3,4-thiadiazole, pyridine and amide moieties were designed and, Value:
Key: synthesized according to superposition principle of activity group. They interact, Value:
Key: with calf thymus DNA (CT DNA) via intercalation based on the results of circular, Value:
Key: dichroism (CD) and fluorescence spectroscopy, DNA denaturation and viscosity, Value:
Key: studies. Fluorescence and CD spectral experiments indicate that they might be, Value:
Key: transported and stored by protein like bovine serum albumin (BSA). MTT assay was, Value:
Key: further carried out to examine their cytotoxicity, they both showed selective, Value:
Key: cytotoxicity and DTPC exhibited better cytotoxicity. The antiproliferative effect, Value:
Key: of DTPC toward A431 cell line was stronger than that of clinically used cisplatin, Value:
Key: and oxaliplatin. In addition, the cytotoxicity of DTPC and DDTPC was closely, Value:
Key: related with their DNA binding ability., Value:
Key: CI - Copyright © 2020. Published by Elsevier B.V., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Lin-Ying, Value:
Key: AU - Li LY, Value:
Key: AD - Jiangsu Key Lab of Biomass-based Green Fuels and Chemicals, College of Chemical, Value:
Key: Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China; Jiangsu, Value:
Key: Co-Innovation Center of Efficient Processing and Utilization of Forest Resources,, Value:
Key: Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bao-Li, Value:
Key: AU - Fei BL, Value:
Key: AD - Jiangsu Key Lab of Biomass-based Green Fuels and Chemicals, College of Chemical, Value:
Key: Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China; Jiangsu, Value:
Key: Co-Innovation Center of Efficient Processing and Utilization of Forest Resources,, Value:
Key: Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China; State Key Laboratory for, Value:
Key: Chemistry and Molecular Engineering of Medicinal Resources, Guangxi Normal, Value:
Key: University, Guilin 541004, China. Electronic address:, Value:
Key: FAU - Wang, Pingping, Value:
Key: AU - Wang P, Value:
Key: AD - Jiangsu Key Lab of Biomass-based Green Fuels and Chemicals, College of Chemical, Value:
Key: Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Kong, Ling-Yan, Value:
Key: AU - Kong LY, Value:
Key: AD - College of Food Science and Engineering, Nanjing University of Finance and, Value:
Key: Economics, Nanjing 210023, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Long, Jian-Ying, Value:
Key: AU - Long JY, Value:
Key: AD - College of Science, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20200915, Value:
Key: PL - England, Value:
Key: TA - Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc, Value:
Key: JT - Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy, Value:
Key: JID - 9602533, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Abietanes), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Antineoplastic Agents), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Coordination Complexes), Value:
Key: RN - 0S5XP6S3AU (dehydroabietic acid), Value:
Key: RN - 27432CM55Q (Serum Albumin, Bovine), Value:
Key: RN - 9007-49-2 (DNA), Value:
Key: RN - Q20Q21Q62J (Cisplatin), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Abietanes, Value:
Key: MH - Animals, Value:
Key: MH - *Antineoplastic Agents/pharmacology, Value:
Key: MH - Cattle, Value:
Key: MH - Cisplatin, Value:
Key: MH - *Coordination Complexes, Value:
Key: MH - DNA/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Protein Binding, Value:
Key: MH - Serum Albumin, Bovine/metabolism, Value:
Key: OTO - NOTNLM, Value:
Key: OT - Amide, Value:
Key: OT - Anticancer, Value:
Key: OT - BSA, Value:
Key: OT - DNA, Value:
Key: OT - Rosin derivative, Value:
Key: COIS- Declaration of competing interest There is no conflict of interest for this, Value:
Key: paper., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2020/10/03 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/05/15 06:00, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2020/10/02 20:14, Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/07/12 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/08/27 00:00 [revised], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/09/03 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/10/03 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/05/15 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/10/02 20:14 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - S1386-1425(20)30923-9 [pii], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1016/j.saa.2020.118944 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc. 2021 Feb 5;246:118944. doi:, Value:
Key: 10.1016/j.saa.2020.118944. Epub 2020 Sep 15., Value:
Key: PMID- 32964029, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20210426, Value:
Key: LR - 20210426, Value:
Key: IS - 2314-6141 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 2314-6133 (Print), Value:
Key: VI - 2020, Value:
Key: DP - 2020, Value:
Key: TI - Systematic Elucidation of the Mechanism of Quercetin against Gastric Cancer via, Value:
Key: Network Pharmacology Approach., Value:
Key: PG - 3860213, Value:
Key: LID - 10.1155/2020/3860213 [doi], Value:
Key: LID - 3860213, Value:
Key: AB - This study was aimed at elucidating the potential mechanisms of quercetin in the, Value:
Key: treatment of gastric cancer (GC). A network pharmacology approach was used to, Value:
Key: analyze the targets and pathways of quercetin in treating GC. The predicted, Value:
Key: targets of quercetin against GC were obtained through database mining, and the, Value:
Key: correlation of these targets with GC was analyzed by Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto, Value:
Key: Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway enrichment analyses. Next, the, Value:
Key: protein-protein interaction (PPI) network was constructed, and overall survival, Value:
Key: (OS) analysis of hub targets was performed using the Kaplan-Meier Plotter online, Value:
Key: tool. Finally, the mechanism was further analyzed via molecular docking of, Value:
Key: quercetin with the hub targets. Thirty-six quercetin-related genes were, Value:
Key: identified, 15 of which overlapped with GC-related targets. These targets were, Value:
Key: further mapped to 319 GO biological process terms and 10 remarkable pathways. In, Value:
Key: the PPI network analysis, six hub targets were identified, including AKT1, EGFR,, Value:
Key: SRC, IGF1R, PTK2, and KDR. The high expression of these targets was related to, Value:
Key: poor OS in GC patients. Molecular docking analysis confirmed that quercetin can, Value:
Key: bind to these hub targets. In conclusion, this study provided a novel approach to, Value:
Key: reveal the therapeutic mechanisms of quercetin on GC, which will ease the future, Value:
Key: clinical application of quercetin in the treatment of GC., Value:
Key: CI - Copyright © 2020 Liangjun Yang et al., Value:
Key: FAU - Yang, Liangjun, Value:
Key: AU - Yang L, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-0343-7828, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastroenterology, Tongde Hospital of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou, Value:
Key: 310012, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Hu, Zhipeng, Value:
Key: AU - Hu Z, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-1524-6452, Value:
Key: AD - Hospital of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu 610075,, Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhu, Jiajie, Value:
Key: AU - Zhu J, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-0900-3502, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastroenterology, Tongde Hospital of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou, Value:
Key: 310012, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liang, Qiting, Value:
Key: AU - Liang Q, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-2196-0126, Value:
Key: AD - Science and Technology Innovation Center, Guangzhou University of Chinese, Value:
Key: Medicine, Guangzhou 510405, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhou, Hengli, Value:
Key: AU - Zhou H, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-6955-8294, Value:
Key: AD - Science and Technology Innovation Center, Guangzhou University of Chinese, Value:
Key: Medicine, Guangzhou 510405, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Li, Jiali, Value:
Key: AU - Li J, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-8734-0494, Value:
Key: AD - Science and Technology Innovation Center, Guangzhou University of Chinese, Value:
Key: Medicine, Guangzhou 510405, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fan, Xiangzhen, Value:
Key: AU - Fan X, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0001-9631-3033, Value:
Key: AD - Science and Technology Innovation Center, Guangzhou University of Chinese, Value:
Key: Medicine, Guangzhou 510405, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhao, Ziming, Value:
Key: AU - Zhao Z, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-4710-1971, Value:
Key: AD - Guangdong Province Engineering Technology Research Institute of T.C.M., Guangzhou, Value:
Key: 510095, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Pan, Huafeng, Value:
Key: AU - Pan H, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-0369-5963, Value:
Key: AD - Science and Technology Innovation Center, Guangzhou University of Chinese, Value:
Key: Medicine, Guangzhou 510405, China., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Baoying, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-8438-881X, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Gastroenterology, Tongde Hospital of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou, Value:
Key: 310012, China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20200903, Value:
Key: PL - United States, Value:
Key: TA - Biomed Res Int, Value:
Key: JT - BioMed research international, Value:
Key: JID - 101600173, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Proteins), Value:
Key: RN - 9IKM0I5T1E (Quercetin), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Gene Expression Profiling/methods, Value:
Key: MH - Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic/drug effects, Value:
Key: MH - Gene Ontology, Value:
Key: MH - Humans, Value:
Key: MH - Molecular Docking Simulation/methods, Value:
Key: MH - Protein Interaction Maps/*drug effects, Value:
Key: MH - Proteins/*metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Quercetin/*therapeutic use, Value:
Key: MH - Stomach Neoplasms/*drug therapy/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Survival Analysis, Value:
Key: PMC - PMC7486643, Value:
Key: COIS- There are no conflicts of interest to declare., Value:
Key: EDAT- 2020/09/24 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/04/27 06:00, Value:
Key: PMCR- 2020/09/03, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2020/09/23 06:36, Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/04/06 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/06/25 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/09/23 06:36 [entrez], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/09/24 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/04/27 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/09/03 00:00 [pmc-release], Value:
Key: AID - 10.1155/2020/3860213 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - epublish, Value:
Key: SO - Biomed Res Int. 2020 Sep 3;2020:3860213. doi: 10.1155/2020/3860213. eCollection, Value:
Key: 2020., Value:
Key: PMID- 32945421, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20210430, Value:
Key: LR - 20210430, Value:
Key: IS - 1791-3004 (Electronic), Value:
Key: IS - 1791-2997 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 22, Value:
Key: IP - 4, Value:
Key: DP - 2020 Oct, Value:
Key: TI - Panax notoginseng Saponins protect auditory cells against cisplatin‑induced, Value:
Key: ototoxicity by inducing the AKT/Nrf2 signaling‑mediated redox pathway., Value:
Key: PG - 3533-3540, Value:
Key: LID - 10.3892/mmr.2020.11390 [doi], Value:
Key: AB - Cisplatin‑induced cytotoxicity, such as nephrotoxicity, neurotoxicity and, Value:
Key: ototoxicity, restricts the clinical application of this compound., Value:
Key: Panax notoginseng Saponins (PNS) exhibit potent free radical scavenging and, Value:
Key: antioxidant activity. PNS have been demonstrated to reduce cisplatin‑induced, Value:
Key: nephrotoxicity and neurotoxicity. The present study investigated the ability of, Value:
Key: PNS to protect the auditory HEI‑OC1 cell line against ototoxicity induced by, Value:
Key: cisplatin. PNS induced activation of the AKT/nuclear factor erythroid 2‑related, Value:
Key: factor 2 (Nrf2) signaling pathway. Following pretreatment with PNS, HEI‑OC1 cells, Value:
Key: were treated with cisplatin and cultured for 24 h. The viability of HEI‑OC1 cells, Value:
Key: was examined using a Cell Counting Kit‑8 assay. Double staining analysis was used, Value:
Key: to measure cell apoptosis. The ability of PNS to reduce reactive oxygen species, Value:
Key: (ROS) levels was assessed by flow cytometry. The levels of phosphorylated, Value:
Key: (p)‑AKT, heme oxygenase 1 (HO‑1), NAD(P)H quinone dehydrogenase 1 (NQO1),, Value:
Key: glutamate‑cysteine ligase catalytic (GCLC) and Nrf2 were measured by western, Value:
Key: blotting. HEI‑OC1 cells that were pretreated with PNS exhibited significantly, Value:
Key: increased cell viability compared with that noted in cells treated only with, Value:
Key: cisplatin. In addition, PNS suppressed the induction of apoptosis and ROS, Value:
Key: production following cisplatin treatment. The upregulation of NQO1, HO‑1 and GCLC, Value:
Key: expression in PNS‑pretreated cells was associated with p‑AKT levels and the, Value:
Key: activation of Nrf2. These findings suggested that PNS protected auditory cells, Value:
Key: against ototoxicity induced by cisplatin by activating AKT/Nrf2 signaling. PNS, Value:
Key: may serve as a potential candidate in regulating cisplatin‑induced cytotoxicity., Value:
Key: FAU - Fei, Bing, Value:
Key: AU - Fei B, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology‑Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Value:
Key: Clinical College of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210008, P.R., Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Zhibiao, Value:
Key: AU - Liu Z, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology‑Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Value:
Key: Clinical College of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210008, P.R., Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Xie, Lisheng, Value:
Key: AU - Xie L, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology‑Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Value:
Key: Clinical College of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210008, P.R., Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Lv, Lingyun, Value:
Key: AU - Lv L, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology‑Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Value:
Key: Clinical College of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210008, P.R., Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Zhu, Wenyan, Value:
Key: AU - Zhu W, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology‑Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Value:
Key: Clinical College of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210008, P.R., Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: FAU - Liu, Jing, Value:
Key: AU - Liu J, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology‑Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital,, Value:
Key: The Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School, Jiangsu Provincial, Value:
Key: Key Medical Discipline, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210008, P.R. China., Value:
Key: FAU - Dai, Yanhong, Value:
Key: AU - Dai Y, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology‑Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital,, Value:
Key: The Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School, Jiangsu Provincial, Value:
Key: Key Medical Discipline, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210008, P.R. China., Value:
Key: FAU - She, Wandong, Value:
Key: AU - She W, Value:
Key: AD - Department of Otolaryngology‑Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Value:
Key: Clinical College of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210008, P.R., Value:
Key: China., Value:
Key: LA - eng, Value:
Key: PT - Journal Article, Value:
Key: DEP - 20200730, Value:
Key: PL - Greece, Value:
Key: TA - Mol Med Rep, Value:
Key: JT - Molecular medicine reports, Value:
Key: JID - 101475259, Value:
Key: RN - 0 (NF-E2-Related Factor 2), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Nfe2l2 protein, mouse), Value:
Key: RN - 0 (Saponins), Value:
Key: RN - EC (Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-akt), Value:
Key: RN - Q20Q21Q62J (Cisplatin), Value:
Key: SB - IM, Value:
Key: MH - Animals, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Line, Value:
Key: MH - Cell Survival/drug effects, Value:
Key: MH - Cisplatin/*toxicity, Value:
Key: MH - Gene Expression Regulation/drug effects, Value:
Key: MH - Hair Cells, Auditory/*cytology/drug effects/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Male, Value:
Key: MH - Mice, Value:
Key: MH - Models, Biological, Value:
Key: MH - NF-E2-Related Factor 2/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Ototoxicity/drug therapy/*metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Oxidative Stress/drug effects, Value:
Key: MH - Panax notoginseng/*chemistry, Value:
Key: MH - Phosphorylation/drug effects, Value:
Key: MH - Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-akt/metabolism, Value:
Key: MH - Saponins/*pharmacology, Value:
Key: MH - Signal Transduction/*drug effects, Value:
Key: EDAT- 2020/09/19 06:00, Value:
Key: MHDA- 2021/05/01 06:00, Value:
Key: CRDT- 2020/09/18 08:43, Value:
Key: PHST- 2019/10/16 00:00 [received], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/06/15 00:00 [accepted], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/09/19 06:00 [pubmed], Value:
Key: PHST- 2021/05/01 06:00 [medline], Value:
Key: PHST- 2020/09/18 08:43 [entrez], Value:
Key: AID - 10.3892/mmr.2020.11390 [doi], Value:
Key: PST - ppublish, Value:
Key: SO - Mol Med Rep. 2020 Oct;22(4):3533-3540. doi: 10.3892/mmr.2020.11390. Epub 2020 Jul, Value:
Key: 30., Value:
Key: PMID- 32933623, Value:
Key: OWN - NLM, Value:
Key: STAT- MEDLINE, Value:
Key: DCOM- 20200921, Value:
Key: LR - 20200921, Value:
Key: IS - 1008-8830 (Print), Value:
Key: IS - 1008-8830 (Linking), Value:
Key: VI - 22, Value:
Key: IP - 9, Value:
Key: DP - 2020 Sep, Value:
Key: TI - [A clinical epidemiological investigation of neonatal acute respiratory distress, Value:
Key: syndrome in southwest Hubei, China]., Value:
Key: PG - 942-947, Value:
Key: AB - OBJECTIVE: To investigate the clinical features and outcome of neonatal acute, Value:
Key: respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in southwest Hubei, China. METHODS:, Value:
Key: According to the Montreux definition of neonatal ARDS, a retrospective clinical, Value:
Key: epidemiological investigation was performed on the medical data of neonates with, Value:
Key: ARDS who were admitted to Department of Neonatology/Pediatrics in 17 level 2 or, Value:
Key: level 3 hospitals in southwest Hubei from January to December, 2017. RESULTS: A, Value:
Key: total of 7 150 neonates were admitted to the 17 hospitals in southwest Hubei, Value:
Key: during 2017 and 66 (0.92%) were diagnosed with ARDS. Among the 66 neonates with, Value:
Key: ARDS, 23 (35%) had mild ARDS, 28 (42%) had moderate ARDS, and 15