Workshop and Launch of the Integrative Cancer Imaging Research Program (iCIRP)
The Integrative Cancer Imaging Research Program (iCIRP) is a joint program between Emory University School of Medicine Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences, Georgia Tech/Emory Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, and Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University. This program will build on and synergize unique strengths inherent in Emory units and centers that foster multidisciplinary collaborations within and among the disciplines of imaging science, cancer biology, nanotechnology, biomarker development, computation, and clinical cancer research. The overarching goal of the iCIRP program is to advance cancer detection, diagnosis, prognosis, image-guided therapy, prediction of efficacy, and monitoring of treatment.
Dr. Baowei Fei’s talk on the introduction of the Program: PDF File
For more information about this program, please visit: