Robert F. Wagner All Conferences Best Student Paper Award
Martin Halicek, a PhD student from Dr. Baowei Fei’s Lab, received the Robert F. Wagner All Conference Best Student Paper Award – Runner-Up at the International Conferences of SPIE Medical Imaging in Houston, Texas in February 12, 2018. The title of his paper is “Tumor margin classification of head and neck cancer using hyperspectral imaging and convolutional neural networks.” The Robert F. Wagner All Conference Best Student Paper Award (established 2014) is an acknowledgement of his many important contributions to the Medical Imaging meeting and his many important advances in the field of medical imaging and is co-sponsored The Medical Imaging Perception Society and SPIE. A first-place winner and runner-up were recognized with a cash prize ($1,000 and $500 respectively) and a certificate during the Plenary Session at the conference.